The 2 Sides of the Stimulus Bill

With e-verify ending will the multitudes of illegals who get jobs in the U.S. be included in Obama's '3-4 million jobs created and/or saved'? Don't bother answering.

If Obama is confident that this time around spending our way out of recession will work, why is he still on the campaign trail? Oh yes, that's his forte.

In my opinion here are the ways the recession is going to end:
(1) The mortgage crisis runs its full course! The subprimes are all run through! These people either have been foreclosed on, sold their home or have made it to a lower rate and are able to afford their home. Either way the subprimers are gone. Now we are stepping into the stated conventional loan applicants (good credit) whose income was artificially inflated and the good credit people who have 5 yr Arms. With rates down and banks being more liberal than ever with short sales and loan modification, this foreclosure hit will not be as bad as the subprimers. 2009 will still be tough. 2010 could be tough, but 2011 the mortgage crisis will have run its course. I work with a lot of mortgage companies and what many of you don't know that starting is Nov, there was a resurgency in mortgage business that is still going on right now. As any of the mortgage brokers at the moment, they are swamped with Biz! Gov help, has and will help, but time and healing is what will end this.
(2) Jobs: I think the stimulus will put some people to work. People who work spend money. However, I think the jobs created will have a minimal effect on consumer spending. I don't see it have the impact the Big O thinks. Rather I think there will be a cycle. The mortgage crisis runs it course, jobs will decrease. Then slowly but surely the economy will heal and jobs will come back organically. I don't think the government can substain job growth artificially. Like it or not it must come organically.
(3) Curbing inflation: There would be nothing worst for America right now if the dollar fell so much that we had hyper-inflation. With more Americans making less and getting crunched by the mortgage and credit crisis, a huge shoot up in prices for say food, clothes and well everything would be disaetrous! In fact would be horrendous. It would lead to less consumer spending, more job cuts, more failed business and more foreclosures (because of the job cuts). Inflation is created by printing more money. With $1.5 trillion in national debt, how are we going to pay for it? Easy via printing more money. Good thing is the rest of the world, Europe, China, Russia, Canada, Japan etc. are also doing stimulus packages and will be printing money to pay for it, so this could counterbalace a drop in the dollar.

I am praying I am wrong and that the stimulus package will work! However, I think a better way to stimulate the economy would have been through Obama's promise for UHC. Think about it. I will admit I recently watched Sicko and I have moved strongly to the pro-UHC side, but here are my reasons why it would be a better stimulus package:
(1) UHC is pro-business! It would have a great impact on corporations and especially small business. I know I know corps get to write off their benefit plans, but it costs them a heck of a lot more than they get to right off. Esp the small business. This would allow an instant cost cut for corporations and small business. Might even save a small business.
(2) I pay something like $480 a month for a family plan, but I work for a company with like 10,000 employees stateside which is a fraction of the global operations. Imagine where consumer spending would be if I had the $480 or in many cases a couple could have $1000 extra a month. That would guarantee go into consumer spending. Not to mention that people deal with co-pays etc. My son went to the hospital. I told the hospital what I think it is. They said they agree but we need to make sure so we need to give him a cat-scan and keep him for obs the next few days. It turned out to be just as I thought and nothing crazy. The total bills? $11,282. Since I have a 90/10 plan (note more people have the 80/20 PPO) I got a bill for $1,128 (If I had a 80.20 $2,256). Fuck that! Less caring parents then me would have said NO to bring me son to the hospital. Since I make decent money we got denied any reduction, but they will let me make up the payment in 6 months installment how nice. That is less money I would have spend on consumer spending.
Well, it has 'stimulated' a lot of people to distrust our political leaders.

Not really. A majority of Americans support the stimulus. The people who distrust our political leaders are the Republicans who didn't vote for them and didn't trust them to begin with, so its really not that surprising.

I thought a majority was more than 50%.

38% Say Stimulus Plan Will Help Economy

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Site.
Well, it has 'stimulated' a lot of people to distrust our political leaders.

Not really. A majority of Americans support the stimulus. The people who distrust our political leaders are the Republicans who didn't vote for them and didn't trust them to begin with, so its really not that surprising.

What majority supports the stimulus ? :eusa_whistle:
McCain "suspended his campaign" and rushed back to Washington to save his buddies on Wall Street. Now the Democrats was to save Main Street, and McCain is all against it. What a piece of shit he is.
Well, it has 'stimulated' a lot of people to distrust our political leaders.

Not really. A majority of Americans support the stimulus. The people who distrust our political leaders are the Republicans who didn't vote for them and didn't trust them to begin with, so its really not that surprising.

I thought a majority was more than 50%.

38% Say Stimulus Plan Will Help Economy

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Site.

Liberal math, go figure ......
McCain "suspended his campaign" and rushed back to Washington to save his buddies on Wall Street. Now the Democrats was to save Main Street, and McCain is all against it. What a piece of shit he is.

McCain is a neoconservative which is just an LBJ-style Democrat with an 'R' at the end of his name. Yes, McCain is now making the right decision, but he's still a POS.
Rut Roh, Newmax and the wingnuts on the board lie again....

Conservatives tried their best to derail President Obama’s economic stimulus package. They accused it of being a big government, big spending wish list loaded with pork that would do little to create jobs. And they found a few items in the House version of the bill to beat up on publicly and claim were representative of the whole wasteful package. But despite all their weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, support for Obama’s package wound up increasing, not decreasing.

The latest Gallup poll shows that support for the stimulus package has reached 59 percent in favor and just 33 percent opposed, despite the fact that the question mentions a price tag of “at least $800 billion.” That’s up from 52-38 in favor on February 4.

Public Opinion Snapshot: Support for Economic Stimulus Package Increases
Rut Roh, Newmax and the wingnuts on the board lie again....

Conservatives tried their best to derail President Obama’s economic stimulus package. They accused it of being a big government, big spending wish list loaded with pork that would do little to create jobs. And they found a few items in the House version of the bill to beat up on publicly and claim were representative of the whole wasteful package. But despite all their weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, support for Obama’s package wound up increasing, not decreasing.

The latest Gallup poll shows that support for the stimulus package has reached 59 percent in favor and just 33 percent opposed, despite the fact that the question mentions a price tag of “at least $800 billion.” That’s up from 52-38 in favor on February 4.

Public Opinion Snapshot: Support for Economic Stimulus Package Increases

Rut Roh! Garbage is still garbage regardless of where you get it.

Latest data:

38% Say Stimulus Plan Will Help Economy
Rut Roh, Newmax and the wingnuts on the board lie again....

Conservatives tried their best to derail President Obama’s economic stimulus package. They accused it of being a big government, big spending wish list loaded with pork that would do little to create jobs. And they found a few items in the House version of the bill to beat up on publicly and claim were representative of the whole wasteful package. But despite all their weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, support for Obama’s package wound up increasing, not decreasing.

The latest Gallup poll shows that support for the stimulus package has reached 59 percent in favor and just 33 percent opposed, despite the fact that the question mentions a price tag of “at least $800 billion.” That’s up from 52-38 in favor on February 4.

Public Opinion Snapshot: Support for Economic Stimulus Package Increases

Rut Roh! Garbage is still garbage regardless of where you get it.

Latest data:

38% Say Stimulus Plan Will Help Economy

You really need to read something besides the liars on the right....

Stimulus Support Edges Higher, Now 59%
If it doesn't help I imagine we'll have another one...without the silly tax cuts.

We are going to need another one.

I can't believe how much damage these idiots on Wall Street did to our country.

They should go to jail.
Rut Roh, Newmax and the wingnuts on the board lie again....

Conservatives tried their best to derail President Obama’s economic stimulus package. They accused it of being a big government, big spending wish list loaded with pork that would do little to create jobs. And they found a few items in the House version of the bill to beat up on publicly and claim were representative of the whole wasteful package. But despite all their weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, support for Obama’s package wound up increasing, not decreasing.

The latest Gallup poll shows that support for the stimulus package has reached 59 percent in favor and just 33 percent opposed, despite the fact that the question mentions a price tag of “at least $800 billion.” That’s up from 52-38 in favor on February 4.

Public Opinion Snapshot: Support for Economic Stimulus Package Increases

Rut Roh! Garbage is still garbage regardless of where you get it.

Latest data:

38% Say Stimulus Plan Will Help Economy

You really need to read something besides the liars on the right....

Stimulus Support Edges Higher, Now 59%

Rasmussen represents liars on the right? :cuckoo:

Your data was posted February 11. A lot has happened since then. Get the lastest data or don't post at all.
It will be either one or the other, only time will tell.

President Obama's advisers are betting that the historic legislation he will sign tomorrow will bear fruit quickly, and they plan to do everything they can to highlight evidence of it creating the jobs he has promised. That public relations effort kicks off tomorrow as a two-day swing through the West begins.

But the Republican Party has made its own bet: that the stimulus package that Democrats rushed through Congress will have been deemed a failure by the time the 2010 elections arrive, leading voters to rebuke Obama and reward the GOP with much-needed victories.

I hope a third-party who actually represent the interest of the American people would replace the two monopolies in Washington. If you want real change, a majority party must be neither R or D. We should have more choices from various parties. We should have a media that isn't on either political ideology poles. Imagine if we can have someone who provides us with facts on the candidates, and not spin-cycle we typically see throughout all news outlet. Remember, the interest is the American people. However, we already know lobbyists and corporations have positioned themselves in Washington. Take General Motors. How can you aid a company that's bleeding money?? What makes them more special than other auto companies. Take the bailout. If you let Wall Street failed, they won't have bonuses to pay their execs. Those execs would be out of a job. Instead, they get their bonuses. We are outraged?!? But they didn't see it coming when they voted for it in under a couple of days.
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Rut Roh! Garbage is still garbage regardless of where you get it.

Latest data:

38% Say Stimulus Plan Will Help Economy

You really need to read something besides the liars on the right....

Stimulus Support Edges Higher, Now 59%

Rasmussen represents liars on the right? :cuckoo:

Your data was posted February 11. A lot has happened since then. Get the lastest data or don't post at all.

A lot has happened since then?

Like what? A lot of whinning from Republican scumbags?
Doesn't matter nimrod no one who has actually manage to work their way through that Bullshit PDF which you can only get if you are willing to give the government your name among other things, believes this thing is going to do more than increase the number government workers of which there are already far too many.
I know it will fail because it's simply a wish list of long awaited democrat items we don't need and can't afford.
Because its a stimulus bill

Well, it has 'stimulated' a lot of people to distrust our political leaders. Only a few wingnuts on the Left think this is a good idea.

500,000 Americans a month are losing their jobs.

Of course it's a good idea.

Can you tell me exactly how this bill will stop the job losses? Especially since we had to hurry because 500,000,000 Americans were losing their jobs each month. How does this create an immediate fix?

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