The 2009 Baseball Season Thread

Correction, I don't think first base was open now that I think about it. I think it was Victorino on 2nd after his FC, and Utley on first after his walk.

Regardless, you should play the numbers, and Werth hits worse off righties than Howard. Howard is in his comfort zone against a righty that relies on fastballs.
The decision was do we put the tieing run in scoring position by walking Howard, or do we take our chances.

It's the kind of choice you can only monday morning quarterback. Either way, he could have looked like either a genius or an idiot.
I'll tell you though, that finish last night in the Phils game was awesome.

I was coming back from vacay, and still driving during most of the game. Couldn't get much radio quality, so I had to settle for an occasional cell phone update. Anyway, I get home around the 8th inning and quickly turn on the TV to see us down 4-2 after we had just given up the lead with a 3 run inning.

I figured with Street coming in to close, and Cairo pinching to lead off the 9th, we'd have to settle for game 5. :lol: even after finally winning the big one last year, I still have the Philly pessimism.

I would have been ok with a game 5 at home without the weather being near 'absolute zero', and a Cole Hamels looking for redemption...but that finish was so damn great and I'm happy we have a few days to rest our guys, recycle the rotation and get Lee out there for game 1.

I'm also much happier that we're getting LA than St. L. Not only is SL's rotation tougher regardless of their NLDS performance, we already know we can beat LA.

Could be Yanks/Phils.

If nothing else, that would be quite an exciting series with all the likely home runs and all around high scoring that would come with it.

I would like our young rotation over NY's, and Lidge looks like he's got that confidence back. I think Manuel made the right move last night throwing Eyre against the lefties in the 9th, especially since that Gonzalez kid swiped a bag off of Lidge the night before. Lidge doesn't hold runners on very well at all.

But I digress. I'm getting way ahead of myself here, we have to beat LA first.

For the NLCS, I say Phils in 7.

Have I called all of this or what right down to the games? Huh? Huh? Having said that, as my beloved Blue meet the evil Phillies, all I can say is,"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"

Paulie, I think you are right, Gibson is retired, and my Dodgers will go home in five.
Street gave it away, I knew they should have walked Howard with 2 out, instead he gave em a down and in fastball and adios Colorado.
Same story line with Nathan on Friday night....You're in the hole 3-1 to A-Rod, you just put him on and take your chances with the next hitter and a fresh pitch count...It's not like the strike zone wasn't going to be any less of a mystery.
Now that I think about it, I'm not sure Lee pitches game 1.

He went Monday, so that gives him 3 days rest. I'd throw a fresh Hamels in game 1, especially since he loves his beauty rest.
Correction, I don't think first base was open now that I think about it. I think it was Victorino on 2nd after his FC, and Utley on first after his walk.

Regardless, you should play the numbers, and Werth hits worse off righties than Howard. Howard is in his comfort zone against a righty that relies on fastballs.

I said it at the time, that i would walk Howard.

I go by the old timer's saying, 'never let the big man beat you.'

With 2 out I'm walking Howard, nobody in the Phils lineup scares me more.
Street gave it away, I knew they should have walked Howard with 2 out, instead he gave em a down and in fastball and adios Colorado.
Same story line with Nathan on Friday night....You're in the hole 3-1 to A-Rod, you just put him on and take your chances with the next hitter and a fresh pitch count...It's not like the strike zone wasn't going to be any less of a mystery.
I have been hearing some stuff that Nathan has a history of folding in big games, anything too it?

He folded vs the tigers and you had to go extra innings, and blew it vs NY.
Correction, I don't think first base was open now that I think about it. I think it was Victorino on 2nd after his FC, and Utley on first after his walk.

Regardless, you should play the numbers, and Werth hits worse off righties than Howard. Howard is in his comfort zone against a righty that relies on fastballs.

I said it at the time, that i would walk Howard.

I go by the old timer's saying, 'never let the big man beat you.'

With 2 out I'm walking Howard, nobody in the Phils lineup scares me more.

You must have misunderstood me, I agreed with you completely. It made no sense to pitch to him whether there was a base open or not, especially since he's WAY more comfy against a righty, and Werth is way LESS comfy against one.
Street gave it away, I knew they should have walked Howard with 2 out, instead he gave em a down and in fastball and adios Colorado.
Same story line with Nathan on Friday night....You're in the hole 3-1 to A-Rod, you just put him on and take your chances with the next hitter and a fresh pitch count...It's not like the strike zone wasn't going to be any less of a mystery.
I have been hearing some stuff that Nathan has a history of folding in big games, anything too it?

He folded vs the tigers and you had to go extra innings, and blew it vs NY.
He has the tendency to start nibbling at the corners in the really big games, rather than just going with his "A" stuff.

Not so much choking as getting away from what got him there in the first place.
CC is fantastic as NY wins 4-1 and takes a 1-0 series lead.

Halos made 3 errors and they all ended up costing runs.

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