The 2011 Obama Campaign Tour:What Will Obama Brag About Regarding What He Has Fixed ?

Feb 13, 2011

Remember how Obama used to say: Do you wanna go back to the days of Bush?(when we had 5% unemployment,easy credit&home equity) Well first of all, Obama can't start any speech/statment by telling his audience, "When I Became President In 2009, Unemployment was an Unexceptable 7.8% !!, and here we are two 1/2 years later & it's,,,hmm,oh, never mind) Oh,and How will he explain that in 2008 the average home price was $220,000 and today that same home is now worth $95,000. The list goes on and on. And no matter what state he campaigns in,at least 1/2 the residents will be Furious over the Obama $4.00 gas. So, What Is Obama Going To Campaign On? Lets Be Realistic, NOTHING HAS IMPROVED! We have lived in a world of Uncertainty for 30 Months now and cost of living has gone up !!! And yet the MEDIA actually wants us to believe our so called leader has a 60% Approval?
Obama does not have to fix anything. All he has to do is be more attractive than the Republican counterpart, which he has the prize already.

Republicans are still in dismay. They have shit candidates, unless you really think Newt, Palin, and what the fuck has a chance.

Ron Paul has a chance, but Republicans won't pick him. They are not conservative enough nor liberal enough. That is why Fox News banned Ron Paul from the the Republican primaries two-three ago.

Republicans hate fiscal conservative, even when it slaps them in the face? Why? Because they are incapable of coping with a sound foreign policy that is beneficial to mankind. Instead, they like to fabricate wars and inflate their egos that they are "enforcing democracy" in the name of the Good Lord.

Most of these pricks hate the Constitution, yet strongly stand by it.
On another note – if what the fuck or none of the above run I am willing to bet they would win. I am going to change my name to none of the above so I can make president some day…
Get back to you once belonged.

[ame=]YouTube - NEIL YOUNG - Mr. Soul (Video)[/ame]
What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

In three short years.

Remember how Obama used to say: Do you wanna go back to the days of Bush?(when we had 5% unemployment,easy credit&home equity) Well first of all, Obama can't start any speech/statment by telling his audience, "When I Became President In 2009, Unemployment was an Unexceptable 7.8% !!, and here we are two 1/2 years later & it's,,,hmm,oh, never mind) Oh,and How will he explain that in 2008 the average home price was $220,000 and today that same home is now worth $95,000. The list goes on and on. And no matter what state he campaigns in,at least 1/2 the residents will be Furious over the Obama $4.00 gas. So, What Is Obama Going To Campaign On? Lets Be Realistic, NOTHING HAS IMPROVED! We have lived in a world of Uncertainty for 30 Months now and cost of living has gone up !!! And yet the MEDIA actually wants us to believe our so called leader has a 60% Approval?

All he has is Osama Bin Laden. Every thing else has been a failure as evidenced by the 2010 election landslide for the Republicans, you remember, the party that was gonna be out of power for at least a generation?
What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

In three short years.

He has passed a Health Care bill that the majority oppose.

He did not save any Industry nor the economy.

Last I checked we still send prisoners to foreign Countries for interrogation , meaning some forms of torture. By the way, care to explain and describe what Torture we engaged in that Obama has supposedly stopped?

The National Guard are doing nothing at the border as no action was taken to allow them to legally do ANYTHING. Our borders are still porous as hell.

Care to name all the supposed terrorists that Obama has killed? Besides Osama Bin Laden? If you are referring to the attacks on terrorists in Pakistan well the US military was doing that while Bush was President as well as killing terrorists IN Iraq.

Some would opine we ARE in a Depression.

As for the Nobel Peace prize? Please he was not even President nor had he actually done anything when those fools gave it to him.

Last I checked he is busy pissing off our supposed allies.

Also last I checked he authorized military force in another Sovereign Nation, Libya. And with out Congressional oversight or approval.

The only thing he has accomplished is killing Osama Bin Laden.
Obama does not have to fix anything. All he has to do is be more attractive than the Republican counterpart, which he has the prize already.

Republicans are still in dismay. They have shit candidates, unless you really think Newt, Palin, and what the fuck has a chance.

Ron Paul has a chance, but Republicans won't pick him. They are not conservative enough nor liberal enough. That is why Fox News banned Ron Paul from the the Republican primaries two-three ago.

Republicans hate fiscal conservative, even when it slaps them in the face? Why? Because they are incapable of coping with a sound foreign policy that is beneficial to mankind. Instead, they like to fabricate wars and inflate their egos that they are "enforcing democracy" in the name of the Good Lord.

Most of these pricks hate the Constitution, yet strongly stand by it.

Ron Paul sounds like a Kook. I think as a member of congress he can do some good, but as President he would be a disaster.
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Remember how Libs used to mock Rudy for his role as NYC Mayor during 9/11, how every other word was 9/11? Well thats going to be Obama with Osama
What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

In three short years.

Well, he has killed UBL and purchased the Nobel Peace Prize for $100 million a year in promised cash to the Nobel committee.

The rest you just made up.
What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

In three short years.

The ONLY thing on this list that he actually accomplished was killing OBL...and HE did, he just gave the order to have it done, and sat back and watched. Other than that, not ONE of the other things you listed are true and if you were smart you'd know that. The Nobel Peace prize was the most ridiculous thing ever...he's never done anything to earn that! I'm really surprised you're able to walk and talk, because you sure aren't smart enough to see what he's doing to us.

Remember how Obama used to say: Do you wanna go back to the days of Bush?(when we had 5% unemployment,easy credit&home equity) Well first of all, Obama can't start any speech/statment by telling his audience, "When I Became President In 2009, Unemployment was an Unexceptable 7.8% !!, and here we are two 1/2 years later & it's,,,hmm,oh, never mind) Oh,and How will he explain that in 2008 the average home price was $220,000 and today that same home is now worth $95,000. The list goes on and on. And no matter what state he campaigns in,at least 1/2 the residents will be Furious over the Obama $4.00 gas. So, What Is Obama Going To Campaign On? Lets Be Realistic, NOTHING HAS IMPROVED! We have lived in a world of Uncertainty for 30 Months now and cost of living has gone up !!! And yet the MEDIA actually wants us to believe our so called leader has a 60% Approval?

Gee, should be a cakewalk then...what are you guys so pissed off about if he has nothing to run on?

Something tells me that you don't really believe what you just wrote. We'll see.
What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

WOW, that Obama is SUPERMAN.
all the above and we still have 10 percent UNEMPLOYMENT, high gas prices, high food prices, etc etc etc.
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What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

In three short years.

What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

In three short years.

The ONLY thing on this list that he actually accomplished was killing OBL...and HE did, he just gave the order to have it done, and sat back and watched. Other than that, not ONE of the other things you listed are true and if you were smart you'd know that. The Nobel Peace prize was the most ridiculous thing ever...he's never done anything to earn that! I'm really surprised you're able to walk and talk, because you sure aren't smart enough to see what he's doing to us.

So actually no President has ever done anything except get dressed in the morning and feed himself using your barometer. Afterall, Bush didn't invade Iraq, he just ordered it sat back and watched it happen. Lincoln? Didn't do anything...just ordered it. Teddy Roosevelt? Nothing at all.

That is just an absolutely fucking stupid thing to say and this is why the GOP is having such a problem right now, irrational morons like you are on their team or at least speaking in their favor.
What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

In three short years.

He has passed a Health Care bill that the majority oppose.

He did not save any Industry nor the economy.

Last I checked we still send prisoners to foreign Countries for interrogation , meaning some forms of torture. By the way, care to explain and describe what Torture we engaged in that Obama has supposedly stopped?

The National Guard are doing nothing at the border as no action was taken to allow them to legally do ANYTHING. Our borders are still porous as hell.

Care to name all the supposed terrorists that Obama has killed? Besides Osama Bin Laden? If you are referring to the attacks on terrorists in Pakistan well the US military was doing that while Bush was President as well as killing terrorists IN Iraq.

Some would opine we ARE in a Depression.

As for the Nobel Peace prize? Please he was not even President nor had he actually done anything when those fools gave it to him.

Last I checked he is busy pissing off our supposed allies.

Also last I checked he authorized military force in another Sovereign Nation, Libya. And with out Congressional oversight or approval.

The only thing he has accomplished is killing Osama Bin Laden.

Your last item is incorrect Gunny.
That would be Seal Team Six who took took out OBL.
Obama merely approved the operation, via cell phone. Probably from the 10th hole at Andrews AFB
What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

In three short years.


yeah right, like any of those really mean jack shit. and a few named are just pure BULLSHIT. WON the nobel peace prize then she list this...
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.
that one there cracked me up..:lol:
What has President Obama accomplished?
-Saved the US financial industry.
-Saved the US automotive industry.
-Kept the US economy from plunging into a full blown depression.
-Passed Health Care Reform.
-Banned Torture.
-Restored stem cell testing.
-Won the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Saved millions of jobs via the stimulus package.
-Restored fractured relationships with allies.
-Sent the national guard to the borders to secure them.
-Booted more illegals then the previous administration. (Down to 11 million from 13 million)
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.

In three short years.


yeah right, like any of those really mean jack shit. and a few named are just pure BULLSHIT. WON the nobel peace prize then she list this...
-Killed more terrorists and at a quicker rate.
-Killed Osama Bin Laden.
that one there cracked me up..:lol:



Tell us what he should have done instead of:

"-Saved the US automotive industry." by having the government prop up GM? What should he have done? I'm guessing you won't give a single fucking specific answer to that question will you? Didn't think so.
He got Bin Laden and W didn't, becuase he wasn't concerned about him. GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME!

I know it has to hurt...LOL

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