The 2013 war on Christmas has begun!!!

Kwanza is just another way for negroes to separate themselves from caucasians and proclaim some odd faux superiority, all the while bemoaning that they feel disconnected from the mainstream.

1) BET
2) Black History Month
3) Kwanza
4) Content of character, not color of skin
5) The Black Panthers

The assignment is to pick the one which does not belong. Good luck.

How about you try to be a person living in 2013 for just a moment and use the word "black". It's no more difficult to type than "negro".

Not sure why you're criticizing blacks for exercising their Constitutional right to practice whatever religion they want to. Congrats for being no better than the morons who criticize gun-owners for practicing their 2nd Amendment rights.

What religion is Kwanza a celebration for? If people want to celebrate it, let them. But there is nothing religious about it

Whether or not it's based on a religion is irrelevant. Point is that I'm not sure why people criticize others for freely partaking in their first Amendment rights (in a peaceful way), by implying that "they're doing it wrong" or "should be instead celebrating this (Christmas) instead of that (Kwanzaa, etc)".

It's no different than when a person on the left criticizes someone for using a gun, which is also a Constitutionally protected right.
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I use the scientific race terms as they are least influenced by social trends. You'll note I also say "caucasian" instead of white.
Would you feel comfortable asking your boss about those "Negro" clients you met with last week? If you're a professional person you'd say "no".

I think negroes can practice whatever they want, but also find it odd that they keep proclaiming some great heritage of Africa and feel the need to make their own separate splinter groups and then bemoan the feeling of apartheid. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point. Pretty damn silly too.

I just don't understand why you would care whether or not a black person (or any person) would want to practice Kwanzaa peacefully if he/she decides that is something they want to do.

I feel like your comment was designed to be inflammatory and controversial vs. meaningful and thought provoking.
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How about you try to be a person living in 2013 for just a moment and use the word "black". It's no more difficult to type than "negro".

Not sure why you're criticizing blacks for exercising their Constitutional right to practice whatever religion they want to. Congrats for being no better than the morons who criticize gun-owners for practicing their 2nd Amendment rights.

What religion is Kwanza a celebration for? If people want to celebrate it, let them. But there is nothing religious about it

Whether or not it's based on a religion is irrelevant. Point is that I'm not sure why people criticize others for freely partaking in their first Amendment rights (in a peaceful way), by implying that "they're doing it wrong" or "should be instead celebrating this (Christmas) instead of that (Kwanzaa, etc)".

It's no different than when a person on the left criticizes someone for using a gun, which is also a Constitutionally protected right.

How can someone exercise a Constitutional right to practice whatever religion they want if they aren't practicing a religion?

As I said, if people really want to celebrate it, let them. But let's not say it's a religious holiday when it's not.
How can someone exercise a Constitutional right to practice whatever religion they want if they aren't practicing a religion?

As I said, if people really want to celebrate it, let them. But let's not say it's a religious holiday when it's not.

The point (I just made) was that they're practicing their right to freely express themselves in any way they like (peacefully). Religion or not, the First still protects all free speech in general. Doesn't need to be to a God or whatnot.
What religion is Kwanza a celebration for? If people want to celebrate it, let them. But there is nothing religious about it

Except of course for the fact that it's made up, a point you were hot to make a few posts earlier in the thread.
Kwanza is just another way for negroes to separate themselves from caucasians and proclaim some odd faux superiority, all the while bemoaning that they feel disconnected from the mainstream.

1) BET
2) Black History Month
3) Kwanza
4) Content of character, not color of skin
5) The Black Panthers

The assignment is to pick the one which does not belong. Good luck.

Like St Patrick's Day, Columbus Day, Cinco de Mayo, Octoberfest..............
Kwanza is just another way for negroes to separate themselves from caucasians and proclaim some odd faux superiority, all the while bemoaning that they feel disconnected from the mainstream.

1) BET
2) Black History Month
3) Kwanza
4) Content of character, not color of skin
5) The Black Panthers

The assignment is to pick the one which does not belong. Good luck.

How about you try to be a person living in 2013 for just a moment and use the word "black". It's no more difficult to type than "negro".

Not sure why you're criticizing blacks for exercising their Constitutional right to practice whatever religion they want to. Congrats for being no better than the morons who criticize gun-owners for practicing their 2nd Amendment rights.

What religion is Kwanza a celebration for? If people want to celebrate it, let them. But there is nothing religious about it

What religion is Thanksgiving a celebration for? And where is the requirement that all holidays be a religious celebration? What religion is New Years a celebration for?
Kwanza is just another way for negroes to separate themselves from caucasians and proclaim some odd faux superiority, all the while bemoaning that they feel disconnected from the mainstream.

1) BET
2) Black History Month
3) Kwanza
4) Content of character, not color of skin
5) The Black Panthers

The assignment is to pick the one which does not belong. Good luck.

How about you try to be a person living in 2013 for just a moment and use the word "black". It's no more difficult to type than "negro".

Not sure why you're criticizing blacks for exercising their Constitutional right to practice whatever religion they want to. You're no better than the morons who criticize gun-owners for practicing their 2nd Amendment rights.

I use the scientific race terms as they are least influenced by social trends. You'll note I also say "caucasian" instead of white.

I think negroes can practice whatever they want, but also find it odd that they keep proclaiming some great heritage of Africa and feel the need to make their own separate splinter groups and then bemoan the feeling of apartheid. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point. Pretty damn silly too.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What religion is Kwanza a celebration for? If people want to celebrate it, let them. But there is nothing religious about it

Whether or not it's based on a religion is irrelevant. Point is that I'm not sure why people criticize others for freely partaking in their first Amendment rights (in a peaceful way), by implying that "they're doing it wrong" or "should be instead celebrating this (Christmas) instead of that (Kwanzaa, etc)".

It's no different than when a person on the left criticizes someone for using a gun, which is also a Constitutionally protected right.

How can someone exercise a Constitutional right to practice whatever religion they want if they aren't practicing a religion?

As I said, if people really want to celebrate it, let them. But let's not say it's a religious holiday when it's not.

Who has said it is?
Maulana Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966 as the first specifically African-American holiday. Karenga said his goal was to "give Blacks an alternative to the existing holiday and give Blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and their history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society."[citation needed] The name Kwanzaa derives from the Swahili phrase matunda ya kwanza, meaning "first fruits of the harvest. The choice of Swahili, an East African language, reflects its status as a symbol of Pan-Africanism, especially in the 1960s, although most East African nations were not involved in the Atlantic slave trade that brought African people to America.

Kwanzaa was a celebration that has its roots in the black nationalist movement of the 1960s, and was established as a means to help African Americans reconnect with their African cultural and historical heritage by uniting in meditation and study of African traditions and Nguzu Saba, the "seven principles of African Heritage" which Karenga said "is a communitarian African philosophy".

How is Kwanzaa any different than anything else we celebrate?
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Was invited a few years ago to a Kwanzaa party. The food was great.
Seeing the joy on the faces of anyone celebrating anything is better than sitting on the couch making proclamations that some holiday other than the one they celebrate is somehow not what it is supposed to be.
Republicans are at war on:

College Professors

That much is clear.

Republicans complain about an imaginary "War on Christmas". It's called "deflection".

It is neither clear nor true.

rderp lies again.

Ho hum. Or in rderp's case: ho hump.

Hey, rderp: Crappy Holidays you pathetic propagandist pantload!

May Santa deposit a ton of coal in your stocking.

Former Bush administration official with pristine Republican credentials forced from Romney campaign for being gay

Forced Ultrasounds

Georgia GOP dusts off Jim Crow tactic: Changing election date

Boehner dashes hopes of immigration talks

Hmmm, should I continue or did IlarMeilyr get the message?
What does annoying flashing lights that keep neighbors up all night, traffic jams of lookers from 6 pm- midnight showing the kids the lights, fist fights at malls, a fat man in a red suit and black boots that supposedly flies a sleigh around at night with reindeer named Blitzen and Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and slides his fat ass down a chimney 18 million times in one night have to do with religion and Christ?
Republicans are at war on:

College Professors

That much is clear.

Republicans complain about an imaginary "War on Christmas". It's called "deflection".

It is neither clear nor true.

rderp lies again.

Ho hum. Or in rderp's case: ho hump.

Hey, rderp: Crappy Holidays you pathetic propagandist pantload!

May Santa deposit a ton of coal in your stocking.

Former Bush administration official with pristine Republican credentials forced from Romney campaign for being gay

Forced Ultrasounds

Georgia GOP dusts off Jim Crow tactic: Changing election date

Boehner dashes hopes of immigration talks

Hmmm, should I continue or did IlarMeilyr get the message?

LOL, what makes it harder for blacks to get to the polls in July?
Only a dumb ass believes that.
And that would be YOU!
What does annoying flashing lights that keep neighbors up all night, traffic jams of lookers from 6 pm- midnight showing the kids the lights, fist fights at malls, a fat man in a red suit and black boots that supposedly flies a sleigh around at night with reindeer named Blitzen and Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and slides his fat ass down a chimney 18 million times in one night have to do with religion and Christ?

You would be surprised. I was taught Santa was a figure for secular humanists and I was taught by people that Santa was Satan misspelled. Some people actually have a figure of Santa bowing to Christ in their manger scene.

Santa has been given the attributes of God, and is presented as a god-like figure:

Eternal: Santa is as old as man, he has always been, and he will always be. Santa is eternal. Jesus is eternal (Revelation 1:8).
Flying and gifts: Santa goes into the air and gives gifts. Jesus ascends on high and gives gifts (Ephesians 4:7-8).
Coming soon: Santa shall descend from the sky. Jesus "shall descend" from the sky (1 Thessalonians 4:16).
Rewarding works: Santa gives his gifts according to whether you are good or bad. Jesus gives his gifts according to whether you are good or bad (Revelation 20:12-13).
All Seeing: Santa sees you when you are sleeping, and knows when you're awake. Jesus sees you when you are sleeping, and knows when you're awake (Proverbs 5:21).
Clothing: Santa wears red clothes. Jesus wore red clothes (Revelation 19:13).
Hair: Santa has hair white as snow. Jesus had hair "white as snow" (Revelation 1:14, Daniel 7:9).
Entering: Santa can come in though the doors are shut. Jesus can come in though the doors are shut (John 20:19).
Home: Santa’s city is in the North Pole. God’s city is in "the sides of the North" (Psalm 48:1-2, Leviticus 1:11).
Omniscient (all knowing): Santa knows if you've been bad or good. Jesus knows if you've been bad or good (Proverbs 15:3).
Omnipresence (everywhere at one time): Santa can be in one billion homes in a 24 hour period; that is eleven hundred & fifty-seven homes per second, virtually omnipresent. Jesus is omnipresent (Matthew 18:20).
Omnipotent (all powerful): Santa is powerful enough to carry presents for a billion children. That is Omnipotence. Jesus is Omnipotent (Matthew 28:18).
Ho! Ho! Ho!: Santa says, "Ho, ho, ho". Jesus says "Ho, ho" (Zechariah 2:6), and in this same verse, Jesus says, "flee from the land of the north." Also, the word "ho" appears in only three verses in the entire scripture (Ruth 4:1, Isaiah 55:1, Zechariah 2:6). Ho! Ho! Ho! Three Ho’s! Santa is trying to impersonate Christ (Matthew 24:5)!

What Does Christmas Have To Do With Jesus?

Santa Claus And The Gospel

by Gretchen Passantino

Copyright 1986 by Gretchen Passantino.

Santa Claus And The Gospel
It is neither clear nor true.

rderp lies again.

Ho hum. Or in rderp's case: ho hump.

Hey, rderp: Crappy Holidays you pathetic propagandist pantload!

May Santa deposit a ton of coal in your stocking.

Former Bush administration official with pristine Republican credentials forced from Romney campaign for being gay

Forced Ultrasounds

Georgia GOP dusts off Jim Crow tactic: Changing election date

Boehner dashes hopes of immigration talks

Hmmm, should I continue or did IlarMeilyr get the message?

LOL, what makes it harder for blacks to get to the polls in July?
Only a dumb ass believes that.
And that would be YOU!

I am curious. Why did you suddenly feel the need to invoke "blacks" in the conversation, as if they are somehow lazy voters?

Funny, in the Virginia 2013 gubernatorial just one month ago, blacks were 20% of the electorate in that election, just as they were in 2012... hmmmm... or did I somehow misinterpret you? Hmmmm.... interesting...
There's nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas". The only reason for the Holiday is Christmas yet some people I run into refuse to say Christmas. It's Christmas...not "the Holidays". If you're one of those people who refuse to say "Christmas", you're a pussy. Just say it because without "Christmas" you wouldn't have "the Holidays".
There's nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas". The only reason for the Holiday is Christmas yet some people I run into refuse to say Christmas. It's Christmas...not "the Holidays". If you're one of those people who refuse to say "Christmas", you're a pussy. Just say it because without "Christmas" you wouldn't have "the Holidays".

Well, actually, when Chanukah is celebrated during the week of Christmas, then it is most definitely "the Holidays", nothing "pussy" about it. But I have no problem in the world wishing someone a Happy Advent or a Merry Christmas.

So, just to cover my bases, [MENTION=45779]lakeview[/MENTION]: Happy and blessed Advent! Merry Christmas (early).


There, all better.
There's nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas". The only reason for the Holiday is Christmas yet some people I run into refuse to say Christmas. It's Christmas...not "the Holidays". If you're one of those people who refuse to say "Christmas", you're a pussy. Just say it because without "Christmas" you wouldn't have "the Holidays".

Well, actually, when Chanukah is celebrated during the week of Christmas, then it is most definitely "the Holidays", nothing "pussy" about it. But I have no problem in the world wishing someone a Happy Advent or a Merry Christmas.

So, just to cover my bases, [MENTION=45779]lakeview[/MENTION]: Happy and blessed Advent! Merry Christmas (early).


There, all better.

In one gives a shit about Hanukah. "The Holidays" are a euphemism for Christmas. Jew holidays don't concern us.

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