The 2013 war on Christmas has begun!!!

There's nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas". The only reason for the Holiday is Christmas yet some people I run into refuse to say Christmas. It's Christmas...not "the Holidays". If you're one of those people who refuse to say "Christmas", you're a pussy. Just say it because without "Christmas" you wouldn't have "the Holidays".

Well, actually, when Chanukah is celebrated during the week of Christmas, then it is most definitely "the Holidays", nothing "pussy" about it. But I have no problem in the world wishing someone a Happy Advent or a Merry Christmas.

So, just to cover my bases, [MENTION=45779]lakeview[/MENTION]: Happy and blessed Advent! Merry Christmas (early).


There, all better.

In one gives a shit about Hanukah. "The Holidays" are a euphemism for Christmas. Jew holidays don't concern us.

Ahhh, another "bottom of the barrel"er, I see....

Well, actually, in the USA, most of us are very decent folks who do care about other people. So, I call bullshit on that statement of yours. Not to mention it's anti-semitic quality.
Well, actually, when Chanukah is celebrated during the week of Christmas, then it is most definitely "the Holidays", nothing "pussy" about it. But I have no problem in the world wishing someone a Happy Advent or a Merry Christmas.

So, just to cover my bases, [MENTION=45779]lakeview[/MENTION]: Happy and blessed Advent! Merry Christmas (early).


There, all better.

In one gives a shit about Hanukah. "The Holidays" are a euphemism for Christmas. Jew holidays don't concern us.

Ahhh, another "bottom of the barrel"er, I see....

Well, actually, in the USA, most of us are very decent folks who do care about other people. So, I call bullshit on that statement of yours. Not to mention it's anti-semitic quality.

How so? You're trying to equate a Jew holiday like Hanukah to Christmas and then you try to marginalize me for not going for that? You're the fringe-dweller, not me.
In one gives a shit about Hanukah. "The Holidays" are a euphemism for Christmas. Jew holidays don't concern us.

Ahhh, another "bottom of the barrel"er, I see....

Well, actually, in the USA, most of us are very decent folks who do care about other people. So, I call bullshit on that statement of yours. Not to mention it's anti-semitic quality.

How so? You're trying to equate a Jew holiday like Hanukah to Christmas and then you try to marginalize me for not going for that? You're the fringe-dweller, not me.

Chanukah is a religious holiday that runs from 25 Kislev to 3 Tevet in the Hebrew calendar, which means it can start anywhere from the End of November to the last week in December in the Jovian calender, since the one calender is lunar, the other is solar. No one is trying to marginalize you, but rather, to point out that your statement is simply bullshit. The USA is not only comprised of Christians. There are people of many other faiths who live there as well, as full-fledged citizens, pay their taxes and contribute to American society. You do realize this, right?

By wishing someone "Happy Holidays", no one in marginalizing either you or Christmas, which, BTW, is not even considered the holiest of days in your faith. According to what I have read all over the place, the holiest of holy days in Christianity is Easter, not Christmas.

So, why the faux outrage over, well, nothing?
There's nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas". The only reason for the Holiday is Christmas yet some people I run into refuse to say Christmas. It's Christmas...not "the Holidays". If you're one of those people who refuse to say "Christmas", you're a pussy. Just say it because without "Christmas" you wouldn't have "the Holidays".

Well, actually, when Chanukah is celebrated during the week of Christmas, then it is most definitely "the Holidays", nothing "pussy" about it. But I have no problem in the world wishing someone a Happy Advent or a Merry Christmas.

So, just to cover my bases, [MENTION=45779]lakeview[/MENTION]: Happy and blessed Advent! Merry Christmas (early).


There, all better.

Really? Then why are all of the Jews around me lighting their Menorahs right now? Hmmmmm......???????
That was just explained in posting number 43. Pay attention.

Post 43 did not explain why the Jew holiday is tied to Christmas, and that5's what this thread is about. Try to keep up.

Oh, my, I see that reading for comprehension is a course you need to take.

No one here on this thread has ever said that Chanukah is tied to Christmas.

The term "Happy Holidays" is simply often used because more than one religious holiday are usually celebrated in close proximity - time-wise - to each other in December. Therefore, it saves time and is a nice gesture to simply say "Happy Holidays" to people, especially when greeting them in a group, not knowing who in that group is a Christian, and who is not. In this way, everyone is greeted and no one is offended.

I will also remind that New Years Eve and New Years are also officially "Holidays", so even if you want to discount Chanukah, the Feast of Losar (look it up), Festivius and Kwanzaa (a cultural "holiday"), you can't get around New Year's Eve and New Years. Therefore, more than one "Holiday" occur within a 7 day time span in the last week of December. In fact, they overlap, for officially, Christmas is supposed to run for 12 days and ends with Epiphany in January.

Seems that I am better informed about your faith and you yourself. Hmmm... Sure you are a Christian? Sure aren't actling like one, if you ask me. You are rude and not willing to listen, not exactly the attributes of Jesus, to be sure...


and Mate.

I graciously accept your concession on this one and congratulate you for being a good sport. For we also know that Jesus taught people to be good sports, or?
That was just explained in posting number 43. Pay attention.

Post 43 did not explain why the Jew holiday is tied to Christmas, and that5's what this thread is about. Try to keep up.

Oh, my, I see that reading for comprehension is a course you need to take.

No one here on this thread has ever said that Chanukah is tied to Christmas.
The term "Happy Holidays" is simply often used because more than one religious holiday are usually celebrated in close proximity - time-wise - to each other in December. Therefore, it saves time and is a nice gesture to simply say "Happy Holidays" to people, especially when greeting them in a group, not knowing who in that group is a Christian, and who is not. In this way, everyone is greeted and no one is offended.

I will also remind that New Years Eve and New Years are also officially "Holidays", so even if you want to discount Chanukah, the Feast of Losar (look it up), Festivius and Kwanzaa (a cultural "holiday"), you can't get around New Year's Eve and New Years. Therefore, more than one "Holiday" occur within a 7 day time span in the last week of December. In fact, they overlap, for officially, Christmas is supposed to run for 12 days and ends with Epiphany in January.

Seems that I am better informed about your faith and you yourself. Hmmm... Sure you are a Christian? Sure aren't actling like one, if you ask me. You are rude and not willing to listen, not exactly the attributes of Jesus, to be sure...


and Mate.

I graciously accept your concession on this one and congratulate you for being a good sport. For we also know that Jesus taught people to be good sports, or?

The OP is talking about Christmas. Maybe you need to comprehend what you're reading...unless I got it wrong and the OP wasn't about Christmas?
Or, so says Bill O'Reilly!!!


Bill O'Reilly notes correctly that Chanukah comes to an end on Thursday, so according to him, there are no other holidays leading up to Christmas, so there is no reason in the world to say "Happy Holidays". Uhuh....

Guess he forgot Kwanzaa and also the Feast of Losar.... they are also in December.

:) :) :)

"So, why are we allowing anti-Christmas madness...?"

Oh, Bill, oh, Bill....


Feel free to discuss. Please do feel free to show examples where Christians are being persecuted by evil, evil non-Christians, so that I can condemn those people.

Happy Holidays would be correct for Christmas and New Years, so what is the problem?
Post 43 did not explain why the Jew holiday is tied to Christmas, and that5's what this thread is about. Try to keep up.

Oh, my, I see that reading for comprehension is a course you need to take.

No one here on this thread has ever said that Chanukah is tied to Christmas.
The term "Happy Holidays" is simply often used because more than one religious holiday are usually celebrated in close proximity - time-wise - to each other in December. Therefore, it saves time and is a nice gesture to simply say "Happy Holidays" to people, especially when greeting them in a group, not knowing who in that group is a Christian, and who is not. In this way, everyone is greeted and no one is offended.

I will also remind that New Years Eve and New Years are also officially "Holidays", so even if you want to discount Chanukah, the Feast of Losar (look it up), Festivius and Kwanzaa (a cultural "holiday"), you can't get around New Year's Eve and New Years. Therefore, more than one "Holiday" occur within a 7 day time span in the last week of December. In fact, they overlap, for officially, Christmas is supposed to run for 12 days and ends with Epiphany in January.

Seems that I am better informed about your faith and you yourself. Hmmm... Sure you are a Christian? Sure aren't actling like one, if you ask me. You are rude and not willing to listen, not exactly the attributes of Jesus, to be sure...


and Mate.

I graciously accept your concession on this one and congratulate you for being a good sport. For we also know that Jesus taught people to be good sports, or?

The OP is talking about Christmas. Maybe you need to comprehend what you're reading...unless I got it wrong and the OP wasn't about Christmas?

The bolded: Yes and No. Since I am the writer of the OP, probably have a pretty good idea of it's content.

It's about an imaginary "War on Christmas" that some RWNJs love to dream of and salivate over every year, only this time, Bill O'Reilly makes note that Chanukah, the 8 day Jewish "Festival of Lights", is being celebrated earlier than usual. The reasons for this was just explained in posting 43.

So, yes, it's about Christmas, but in context of a "War on Christmas" that does not even exist, well, except for Charlatans to make money by using poor saps who believe them and then send money to fight a non-existent cause.

But to prove the point that this "War on Christmas" is just a dream, it is necessary to mention other holidays are are in calendarial proximity to Christmas itself.

The funny part about this is that Chanukah itself is considered a MINOR holiday in Judaism. The word "Chanukah" means re-dedication and has to do with the liberation of the Temple of David in 167 BCE. It is celebrated for eight days and eight nights because of a legend that sprung up over the Maccabean uprising of that year. Gift giving, especially for kids, is a tradition that was established later, just as is the case with Christmas. It is the festive nature of both holidays and the proximity in time that gives them a sort of commonality, but there is no religious commonality between the two.

All 52 Shabbatot (Sabbaths) of the year are more important "holidays" than Chanukah itself. Just as Easter and Pentecost are considered more important holidays than Christmas itself. In fact, in the time of the reformation, Advent was considered more weighty than Christmas itself. Did you know this?
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Or, so says Bill O'Reilly!!!


Bill O'Reilly notes correctly that Chanukah comes to an end on Thursday, so according to him, there are no other holidays leading up to Christmas, so there is no reason in the world to say "Happy Holidays". Uhuh....

Guess he forgot Kwanzaa and also the Feast of Losar.... they are also in December.

:) :) :)

"So, why are we allowing anti-Christmas madness...?"

Oh, Bill, oh, Bill....


Feel free to discuss. Please do feel free to show examples where Christians are being persecuted by evil, evil non-Christians, so that I can condemn those people.

Happy Holidays would be correct for Christmas and New Years, so what is the problem?

Correct. Spot-on!
Oh, my, I see that reading for comprehension is a course you need to take.

No one here on this thread has ever said that Chanukah is tied to Christmas.
The term "Happy Holidays" is simply often used because more than one religious holiday are usually celebrated in close proximity - time-wise - to each other in December. Therefore, it saves time and is a nice gesture to simply say "Happy Holidays" to people, especially when greeting them in a group, not knowing who in that group is a Christian, and who is not. In this way, everyone is greeted and no one is offended.

I will also remind that New Years Eve and New Years are also officially "Holidays", so even if you want to discount Chanukah, the Feast of Losar (look it up), Festivius and Kwanzaa (a cultural "holiday"), you can't get around New Year's Eve and New Years. Therefore, more than one "Holiday" occur within a 7 day time span in the last week of December. In fact, they overlap, for officially, Christmas is supposed to run for 12 days and ends with Epiphany in January.

Seems that I am better informed about your faith and you yourself. Hmmm... Sure you are a Christian? Sure aren't actling like one, if you ask me. You are rude and not willing to listen, not exactly the attributes of Jesus, to be sure...


and Mate.

I graciously accept your concession on this one and congratulate you for being a good sport. For we also know that Jesus taught people to be good sports, or?

The OP is talking about Christmas. Maybe you need to comprehend what you're reading...unless I got it wrong and the OP wasn't about Christmas?

The bolded: Yes and No. Since I am the writer of the OP, probably have a pretty good idea of it's content.

It's about an imaginary "War on Christmas" that some RWNJs love to dream of and salivate over every year, only this time, Bill O'Reilly makes note that Chanukah, the 8 day Jewish "Festival of Lights", is being celebrated earlier than usual. The reasons for this was just explained in posting 43.

So, yes, it's about Christmas, but in context of a "War on Christmas" that does not even exist, well, except for Charlatans to make money by using poor saps who believe them and then send money to fight a non-existent cause.

But to prove the point that this "War on Christmas" is just a dream, it is necessary to mention other holidays are are in calendarial proximity to Christmas itself.

The funny part about this is that Chanukah itself is considered a MINOR holiday in Judaism. The word "Chanukah" means re-dedication and has to do with the liberation of the Temple of David in 167 BCE. It is celebrated for eight days and eight nights because of a legend that sprung up over the Maccabean uprising of that year. Gift giving, especially for kids, is a tradition that was established later, just as is the case with Christmas. It is the festive nature of both holidays and the proximity in time that gives them a sort of commonality, but there is no religious commonality between the two.

All 52 Shabbatot (Sabbaths) of the year are more important "holidays" than Chanukah itself. Just as Easter and Pentecost are considered more important holidays than Christmas itself. In fact, in the time of the reformation, Advent was considered more weighty than Christmas itself. Did you know this?

I don't think you do have a good handle on your own thread. You titled your thread "the war on Christmas" but then you try to say that there isn't one in later posts. You know God Damn well there is one. Everyone reading this has heard smarmy little pimply faced clerks say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Bill O' Reilly has nothing to do with this. There is a war on Christmas and other Christian holidays and if you try to play it off as nothing it just makes you look ignorant.
The OP is talking about Christmas. Maybe you need to comprehend what you're reading...unless I got it wrong and the OP wasn't about Christmas?

The bolded: Yes and No. Since I am the writer of the OP, probably have a pretty good idea of it's content.

It's about an imaginary "War on Christmas" that some RWNJs love to dream of and salivate over every year, only this time, Bill O'Reilly makes note that Chanukah, the 8 day Jewish "Festival of Lights", is being celebrated earlier than usual. The reasons for this was just explained in posting 43.

So, yes, it's about Christmas, but in context of a "War on Christmas" that does not even exist, well, except for Charlatans to make money by using poor saps who believe them and then send money to fight a non-existent cause.

But to prove the point that this "War on Christmas" is just a dream, it is necessary to mention other holidays are are in calendarial proximity to Christmas itself.

The funny part about this is that Chanukah itself is considered a MINOR holiday in Judaism. The word "Chanukah" means re-dedication and has to do with the liberation of the Temple of David in 167 BCE. It is celebrated for eight days and eight nights because of a legend that sprung up over the Maccabean uprising of that year. Gift giving, especially for kids, is a tradition that was established later, just as is the case with Christmas. It is the festive nature of both holidays and the proximity in time that gives them a sort of commonality, but there is no religious commonality between the two.

All 52 Shabbatot (Sabbaths) of the year are more important "holidays" than Chanukah itself. Just as Easter and Pentecost are considered more important holidays than Christmas itself. In fact, in the time of the reformation, Advent was considered more weighty than Christmas itself. Did you know this?

I don't think you do have a good handle on your own thread. You titled your thread "the war on Christmas" but then you try to say that there isn't one in later posts. You know God Damn well there is one. Everyone reading this has heard smarmy little pimply faced clerks say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Bill O' Reilly has nothing to do with this. There is a war on Christmas and other Christian holidays and if you try to play it off as nothing it just makes you look ignorant.

Oh, I have a very good handle on my own thread. You seem to think I did not mean the OP ironically.
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The bolded: Yes and No. Since I am the writer of the OP, probably have a pretty good idea of it's content.

It's about an imaginary "War on Christmas" that some RWNJs love to dream of and salivate over every year, only this time, Bill O'Reilly makes note that Chanukah, the 8 day Jewish "Festival of Lights", is being celebrated earlier than usual. The reasons for this was just explained in posting 43.

So, yes, it's about Christmas, but in context of a "War on Christmas" that does not even exist, well, except for Charlatans to make money by using poor saps who believe them and then send money to fight a non-existent cause.

But to prove the point that this "War on Christmas" is just a dream, it is necessary to mention other holidays are are in calendarial proximity to Christmas itself.

The funny part about this is that Chanukah itself is considered a MINOR holiday in Judaism. The word "Chanukah" means re-dedication and has to do with the liberation of the Temple of David in 167 BCE. It is celebrated for eight days and eight nights because of a legend that sprung up over the Maccabean uprising of that year. Gift giving, especially for kids, is a tradition that was established later, just as is the case with Christmas. It is the festive nature of both holidays and the proximity in time that gives them a sort of commonality, but there is no religious commonality between the two.

All 52 Shabbatot (Sabbaths) of the year are more important "holidays" than Chanukah itself. Just as Easter and Pentecost are considered more important holidays than Christmas itself. In fact, in the time of the reformation, Advent was considered more weighty than Christmas itself. Did you know this?

I don't think you do have a good handle on your own thread. You titled your thread "the war on Christmas" but then you try to say that there isn't one in later posts. You know God Damn well there is one. Everyone reading this has heard smarmy little pimply faced clerks say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Bill O' Reilly has nothing to do with this. There is a war on Christmas and other Christian holidays and if you try to play it off as nothing it just makes you look ignorant.

Oh, I have a very good handle on my own thread. You see to think I did not mean the OP ironically.

I've read your OP and your thread. If English isn't your second language you lose.
The OP is talking about Christmas. Maybe you need to comprehend what you're reading...unless I got it wrong and the OP wasn't about Christmas?

The bolded: Yes and No. Since I am the writer of the OP, probably have a pretty good idea of it's content.

It's about an imaginary "War on Christmas" that some RWNJs love to dream of and salivate over every year, only this time, Bill O'Reilly makes note that Chanukah, the 8 day Jewish "Festival of Lights", is being celebrated earlier than usual. The reasons for this was just explained in posting 43.

So, yes, it's about Christmas, but in context of a "War on Christmas" that does not even exist, well, except for Charlatans to make money by using poor saps who believe them and then send money to fight a non-existent cause.

But to prove the point that this "War on Christmas" is just a dream, it is necessary to mention other holidays are are in calendarial proximity to Christmas itself.

The funny part about this is that Chanukah itself is considered a MINOR holiday in Judaism. The word "Chanukah" means re-dedication and has to do with the liberation of the Temple of David in 167 BCE. It is celebrated for eight days and eight nights because of a legend that sprung up over the Maccabean uprising of that year. Gift giving, especially for kids, is a tradition that was established later, just as is the case with Christmas. It is the festive nature of both holidays and the proximity in time that gives them a sort of commonality, but there is no religious commonality between the two.

All 52 Shabbatot (Sabbaths) of the year are more important "holidays" than Chanukah itself. Just as Easter and Pentecost are considered more important holidays than Christmas itself. In fact, in the time of the reformation, Advent was considered more weighty than Christmas itself. Did you know this?

I don't think you do have a good handle on your own thread. You titled your thread "the war on Christmas" but then you try to say that there isn't one in later posts. You know God Damn well there is one. Everyone reading this has heard smarmy little pimply faced clerks say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Bill O' Reilly has nothing to do with this. There is a war on Christmas and other Christian holidays and if you try to play it off as nothing it just makes you look ignorant.

You bet your fucking ass there is a war! They all have it in for us Christians. The Liberals, the Hebes, The fucking media...and, and....oh yea that fucking Muslim Obama

They will not rest until they have destroyed our most sacred holiday.....a time of peace, brotherhood and endless sales

We will not rest until we have reclaimed OUR holiday and driven all those lesser holidays into oblivion
The bolded: Yes and No. Since I am the writer of the OP, probably have a pretty good idea of it's content.

It's about an imaginary "War on Christmas" that some RWNJs love to dream of and salivate over every year, only this time, Bill O'Reilly makes note that Chanukah, the 8 day Jewish "Festival of Lights", is being celebrated earlier than usual. The reasons for this was just explained in posting 43.

So, yes, it's about Christmas, but in context of a "War on Christmas" that does not even exist, well, except for Charlatans to make money by using poor saps who believe them and then send money to fight a non-existent cause.

But to prove the point that this "War on Christmas" is just a dream, it is necessary to mention other holidays are are in calendarial proximity to Christmas itself.

The funny part about this is that Chanukah itself is considered a MINOR holiday in Judaism. The word "Chanukah" means re-dedication and has to do with the liberation of the Temple of David in 167 BCE. It is celebrated for eight days and eight nights because of a legend that sprung up over the Maccabean uprising of that year. Gift giving, especially for kids, is a tradition that was established later, just as is the case with Christmas. It is the festive nature of both holidays and the proximity in time that gives them a sort of commonality, but there is no religious commonality between the two.

All 52 Shabbatot (Sabbaths) of the year are more important "holidays" than Chanukah itself. Just as Easter and Pentecost are considered more important holidays than Christmas itself. In fact, in the time of the reformation, Advent was considered more weighty than Christmas itself. Did you know this?

I don't think you do have a good handle on your own thread. You titled your thread "the war on Christmas" but then you try to say that there isn't one in later posts. You know God Damn well there is one. Everyone reading this has heard smarmy little pimply faced clerks say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Bill O' Reilly has nothing to do with this. There is a war on Christmas and other Christian holidays and if you try to play it off as nothing it just makes you look ignorant.

You bet your fucking ass there is a war! They all have it in for us Christians. The Liberals, the Hebes, The fucking media...and, and....oh yea that fucking Muslim Obama

They will not rest until they have destroyed our most sacred holiday.....a time of peace, brotherhood and endless sales

We will not rest until we have reclaimed OUR holiday and driven all those lesser holidays into oblivion

"God bless us every one."

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