The 2013 war on Christmas has begun!!!


Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to you all.

When I thank customers for coming into the gallery, whether they have purchased anything, I still wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, as they are leaving. It is to please them, and not myself, that I do this. I would prefer Merry Christmas, but want them all to feel included in my appreciation of their patronage.

The customers know of the meaning of my expression, and they usually smile, and say one of the two, farewells back to me. :)

I love the people I meet. They all have something special to offer that intrigues or delights me.
So you're saying that a pair of red chuck taylor high tops isn't cutting it then?

Its okay. We can try again next year.

Tomorrow is Bathtub Party Day.

When : Always December 5

Bathtub Party Day is today. Draw yourself a tub full of warm water. Add a few bath oil beads, and Voila! You're ready to hop in and "soak it" in the bathtub. Ahh, how soothing and relaxing!

Don't let anything disturb the peace, quiet, and serenity of your bath. Turn off your cell phone. Put on your favorite CDs to a volume where you can't hear the doorbell ring.

The creators of this day at encourage you to invite a friend to your bathtub party. Light some candles. Open a bottle of wine, and have some snacks within reach. It's sure going to be a great time.

December 5 Holidays - Bathtub Party Day at Holiday Insights

I typically say Merry Christmas this time of year, but you are making a pretty strong case for me to switch over to Happy Holidays, or just to be different, Season's Greetings.
So you're saying that a pair of red chuck taylor high tops isn't cutting it then?

Its okay. We can try again next year.

Tomorrow is Bathtub Party Day.

When : Always December 5

Bathtub Party Day is today. Draw yourself a tub full of warm water. Add a few bath oil beads, and Voila! You're ready to hop in and "soak it" in the bathtub. Ahh, how soothing and relaxing!

Don't let anything disturb the peace, quiet, and serenity of your bath. Turn off your cell phone. Put on your favorite CDs to a volume where you can't hear the doorbell ring.

The creators of this day at encourage you to invite a friend to your bathtub party. Light some candles. Open a bottle of wine, and have some snacks within reach. It's sure going to be a great time.

December 5 Holidays - Bathtub Party Day at Holiday Insights

I typically say Merry Christmas this time of year, but you are making a pretty strong case for me to switch over to Happy Holidays, or just to be different, Season's Greetings.

Well let me know which holiday you are celebrating so I can wish you well on that day. Until then, Happy Wear Brown Shoes Day. And Merry Christmas!!!
The bolded: Yes and No. Since I am the writer of the OP, probably have a pretty good idea of it's content.

It's about an imaginary "War on Christmas" that some RWNJs love to dream of and salivate over every year, only this time, Bill O'Reilly makes note that Chanukah, the 8 day Jewish "Festival of Lights", is being celebrated earlier than usual. The reasons for this was just explained in posting 43.

So, yes, it's about Christmas, but in context of a "War on Christmas" that does not even exist, well, except for Charlatans to make money by using poor saps who believe them and then send money to fight a non-existent cause.

But to prove the point that this "War on Christmas" is just a dream, it is necessary to mention other holidays are are in calendarial proximity to Christmas itself.

The funny part about this is that Chanukah itself is considered a MINOR holiday in Judaism. The word "Chanukah" means re-dedication and has to do with the liberation of the Temple of David in 167 BCE. It is celebrated for eight days and eight nights because of a legend that sprung up over the Maccabean uprising of that year. Gift giving, especially for kids, is a tradition that was established later, just as is the case with Christmas. It is the festive nature of both holidays and the proximity in time that gives them a sort of commonality, but there is no religious commonality between the two.

All 52 Shabbatot (Sabbaths) of the year are more important "holidays" than Chanukah itself. Just as Easter and Pentecost are considered more important holidays than Christmas itself. In fact, in the time of the reformation, Advent was considered more weighty than Christmas itself. Did you know this?

I don't think you do have a good handle on your own thread. You titled your thread "the war on Christmas" but then you try to say that there isn't one in later posts. You know God Damn well there is one. Everyone reading this has heard smarmy little pimply faced clerks say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Bill O' Reilly has nothing to do with this. There is a war on Christmas and other Christian holidays and if you try to play it off as nothing it just makes you look ignorant.

You bet your fucking ass there is a war! They all have it in for us Christians. The Liberals, the Hebes, The fucking media...and, and....oh yea that fucking Muslim Obama

They will not rest until they have destroyed our most sacred holiday.....a time of peace, brotherhood and endless sales

We will not rest until we have reclaimed OUR holiday and driven all those lesser holidays into oblivion

pssst: Rightwinger, dude, aren'tcha layin it on a little thick? I mean, Schmalz goes a long way...
I've read your OP and your thread. If English isn't your second language you lose.

I master more languages than you can count with both hands, but English is still my mother tongue.

The intent of the OP is quite clear: there is NO WAR ON CHRISTMAS, it is a form of manufactured faux outrage, designed to make Christians think they are being persecuted. They are not. Christmas is still the most celebrated, most advertised, most powerful holiday on the face of the planet. So, what in the world do Right-Wing nutbags have to complain about? They bitch and moan because the crazies among them think this is a left wing conspiracy to make us all G-dless and some such bullshit.

None of it is true. Bill O'Reilly is just ginning up his ratings and earning extra money by doing this kind of stuff. What a shame. And what a shame that you do not see it.

I know many right wing folks that would agree with you.
This is not a left versus right thing as most aren't.
The religious right, or wrong as I label them, are behind the War on Christmas bandwagon, not the right wing. And many Democrats are also evangelicals and claim this.

[MENTION=18558]Gadawg73[/MENTION] -

Perhaps you are right. I will consider these thoughts for a while. True, there may be some Left-Wing Evangelicals who are the saps also being sucked into this, but the truth that remains that the media machine that is spouting this stuff is not just a Right-Wing religious organization, it is a right-wing political organization as well. This is a MONEY MAKER for certain people who are preying on the fears and latent aggressions of others, imo.

But thank you for making the distinction. That was helpful.
There's nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas". The only reason for the Holiday is Christmas yet some people I run into refuse to say Christmas. It's Christmas...not "the Holidays". If you're one of those people who refuse to say "Christmas", you're a pussy. Just say it because without "Christmas" you wouldn't have "the Holidays".

Actually, anyone who gets offended by what someone else doesn't say, is a serious fucking pussy.


I gotta agree with you. It's not like there is a law on the books requiring people to say "Happy Holidays" - it is a thing that many organizations are doing when they are speaking or advertising to a bunch of people they don't know. I often say "Happy Holidays" and have never even once seen one of my Christian friends offended, ever. But then again, my Christian friends are not the batshit crazy loonybag sort....

When I was a school teacher in a rural NE Ohio school system a long, long time ago, the school board had just passed down guidelines for descriptions of events that happen during Christmastide and they wanted everyone to call it a "Holiday" this, that or the other. Well, my band and choir and orchestra kids were really unhappy about this and so was I. So, I let my kids vote on a creative title for the concert I dreamt up:

"Christmas / Winter Holidays Concert".

It was that easy. I then informed the board of my students' decision and that was that. Easy. My students were blown away that I fought very diligently to keep the word "Christmas" in their program, since probably 90% of that school was protestant/evangelical.

And I learned from this experience how cosmetic titles are - that the real intent is what lies within a person's heart, not necessarily his choice of words.

So, as I indicated in the OP: there is no WAR on Christmas. It is all pretend. If anyone is warring on Christmas, then it is the christmas gift industrial complex that has grown to immense proportions.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to you all.

When I thank customers for coming into the gallery, whether they have purchased anything, I still wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, as they are leaving. It is to please them, and not myself, that I do this. I would prefer Merry Christmas, but want them all to feel included in my appreciation of their patronage.

The customers know of the meaning of my expression, and they usually smile, and say one of the two, farewells back to me. :)

I love the people I meet. They all have something special to offer that intrigues or delights me.

[MENTION=22590]AquaAthena[/MENTION] -

Now, that sounds like a very smart way of doing what you are doing, and it costs no extra energy, you still get to enjoy the sanctity of your holiday (btw, if you look like your avatar, I could convert, you know.... :) ) and no one "has" to be politically correct, all the while realizing that not everyone is a Christian. You are right: the way you do it is WIN-WIN.
I don't think you do have a good handle on your own thread. You titled your thread "the war on Christmas" but then you try to say that there isn't one in later posts. You know God Damn well there is one. Everyone reading this has heard smarmy little pimply faced clerks say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Bill O' Reilly has nothing to do with this. There is a war on Christmas and other Christian holidays and if you try to play it off as nothing it just makes you look ignorant.

You bet your fucking ass there is a war! They all have it in for us Christians. The Liberals, the Hebes, The fucking media...and, and....oh yea that fucking Muslim Obama

They will not rest until they have destroyed our most sacred holiday.....a time of peace, brotherhood and endless sales

We will not rest until we have reclaimed OUR holiday and driven all those lesser holidays into oblivion

pssst: Rightwinger, dude, aren'tcha layin it on a little thick? I mean, Schmalz goes a long way...

Does he need a 'sarcasm' emoticon for ya? ;)

I am curious. Why did you suddenly feel the need to invoke "blacks" in the conversation, as if they are somehow lazy voters?

Funny, in the Virginia 2013 gubernatorial just one month ago, blacks were 20% of the electorate in that election, just as they were in 2012... hmmmm... or did I somehow misinterpret you? Hmmmm.... interesting...

I didn't, he did and I responded to it.
Catch up next time.
LOL, what makes it harder for blacks to get to the polls in July?
Only a dumb ass believes that.
And that would be YOU!

I am curious. Why did you suddenly feel the need to invoke "blacks" in the conversation, as if they are somehow lazy voters?

Funny, in the Virginia 2013 gubernatorial just one month ago, blacks were 20% of the electorate in that election, just as they were in 2012... hmmmm... or did I somehow misinterpret you? Hmmmm.... interesting...

I didn't, he did and I responded to it.
Catch up next time.

With all respect to you, actually, he didn't. He mentioned GOP actions that are hurtful to a number of people, including gays, and he did write "Jim Crow" - but he did not write "black". You did. So, I think I'm pretty caught up.
Kwanza is just another way for negroes to separate themselves from caucasians and proclaim some odd faux superiority, all the while bemoaning that they feel disconnected from the mainstream.

1) BET
2) Black History Month
3) Kwanza
4) Content of character, not color of skin
5) The Black Panthers

The assignment is to pick the one which does not belong. Good luck.

I like celebrations of joy and thanksgiving no matter who does them.

I like the feasts and colors at Kwanzaa.

I like dancing at Lughnasa.

I like bringing food to the night shift people before the sun steals our moon during Ramadan and seeing them smile.

I like rabs that lay chocolate eggs and danciing dragons and bonfires and fireworks.
I don't see what the fuss is all about in regards to folks who say Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays. With freedom of speech, we are allowed to greet anyway we like. Similarly, we are allowed to shop anywhere we like. I simply avoid retailers who use Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas in their advertising during the Christmas Season.
I am curious. Why did you suddenly feel the need to invoke "blacks" in the conversation, as if they are somehow lazy voters?

Funny, in the Virginia 2013 gubernatorial just one month ago, blacks were 20% of the electorate in that election, just as they were in 2012... hmmmm... or did I somehow misinterpret you? Hmmmm.... interesting...

I didn't, he did and I responded to it.
Catch up next time.

With all respect to you, actually, he didn't. He mentioned GOP actions that are hurtful to a number of people, including gays, and he did write "Jim Crow" - but he did not write "black". You did. So, I think I'm pretty caught up.

So Jim Crow laws were written not for blacks only is your final answer and he wrote "Jim Crow" to include whites, blacks and everyone.
Got it.
I didn't, he did and I responded to it.
Catch up next time.

With all respect to you, actually, he didn't. He mentioned GOP actions that are hurtful to a number of people, including gays, and he did write "Jim Crow" - but he did not write "black". You did. So, I think I'm pretty caught up.

So Jim Crow laws were written not for blacks only is your final answer and he wrote "Jim Crow" to include whites, blacks and everyone.
Got it.

They were aimed primarily at blacks, I agree with you on that, but still, you are definitely the first one here to bring up "black" as the main part of your point. I never said it was wrong for you to do. I only asked why you did it. That's all.
I don't see what the fuss is all about in regards to folks who say Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays. With freedom of speech, we are allowed to greet anyway we like. Similarly, we are allowed to shop anywhere we like. I simply avoid retailers who use Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas in their advertising during the Christmas Season.

Sounds like individual liberty to me, which I am all for. And I agree with you.

It's just ridiculous to have someone like O'Reilly pumping this as a "War on Christmas" to begin with. There is no such war.
I don't see what the fuss is all about in regards to folks who say Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays. With freedom of speech, we are allowed to greet anyway we like. Similarly, we are allowed to shop anywhere we like. I simply avoid retailers who use Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas in their advertising during the Christmas Season.

When I grew up in school, we had room for all holidays that my classmates celebrated and acknowledged everyone's right to have a holiday.

Today you can't have different holidays in some schools. I can't even bring in Christmas colors because it has to be winter colors.

The social norm is about teaching hate and it is a form of bullying because it leaves out what people believe. They disrespect someone's beliefs so they can't acknowledge what they are about or what they believe. It is the basis of bullying and while schools teach against bullying, they really support it.

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