The 2013 war on Christmas has begun!!!

I don't see what the fuss is all about in regards to folks who say Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays. With freedom of speech, we are allowed to greet anyway we like. Similarly, we are allowed to shop anywhere we like. I simply avoid retailers who use Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas in their advertising during the Christmas Season.

When I grew up in school, we had room for all holidays that my classmates celebrated and acknowledged everyone's right to have a holiday.

Today you can't have different holidays in some schools. I can't even bring in Christmas colors because it has to be winter colors.

The social norm is about teaching hate and it is a form of bullying because it leaves out what people believe. They disrespect someone's beliefs so they can't acknowledge what they are about or what they believe. It is the basis of bullying and while schools teach against bullying, they really support it.

And exactly what colors are Christmas colors? And in exactly what schools are there rules outlawing those colors? I call bullshit here.
I don't see what the fuss is all about in regards to folks who say Merry Christmas vs Happy Holidays. With freedom of speech, we are allowed to greet anyway we like. Similarly, we are allowed to shop anywhere we like. I simply avoid retailers who use Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas in their advertising during the Christmas Season.

When I grew up in school, we had room for all holidays that my classmates celebrated and acknowledged everyone's right to have a holiday.

Today you can't have different holidays in some schools. I can't even bring in Christmas colors because it has to be winter colors.

The social norm is about teaching hate and it is a form of bullying because it leaves out what people believe. They disrespect someone's beliefs so they can't acknowledge what they are about or what they believe. It is the basis of bullying and while schools teach against bullying, they really support it.

And exactly what colors are Christmas colors? And in exactly what schools are there rules outlawing those colors? I call bullshit here.

I'm not going to go into specifics because of privacy and safety.
I'm in a Democratic state so the rules might be a little different than a Republican state where some Christians might have more of a majority.

But there is support on the web for what I'm saying:

School Bans Christmas Colors? - Fox Nation

[SIZE=+1]Plano,Texas: Schools prohibit Christmas colors[/SIZE]

Plano,Texas: Schools prohibit Christmas colors

Lawsuit: School bans Christmas colors, Christian-themed gifts - (BP)
Republicans are at war on:

College Professors

That much is clear.

Republicans complain about an imaginary "War on Christmas". It's called "deflection".

It is neither clear nor true.

rderp lies again.

Ho hum. Or in rderp's case: ho hump.

Hey, rderp: Crappy Holidays you pathetic propagandist pantload!

May Santa deposit a ton of coal in your stocking.

Former Bush administration official with pristine Republican credentials forced from Romney campaign for being gay

Forced Ultrasounds

Georgia GOP dusts off Jim Crow tactic: Changing election date

Boehner dashes hopes of immigration talks

Hmmm, should I continue or did IlarMeilyr get the message?

No, you moron. You cited a few examples of individual Republicans doing or saying something racist or sexist or whatever.

That you think you have thereby "made" any case at all is simply hilarious.

You remain a pathetic pantload.

Now get back to that all consuming job you have of fucking yourself. You truly are nothing but a piss-poor propagandist wannabe.
Took me 1 hour to get from point A to point B last Friday morning, 4 miles
Sometimes I WISH there WAS war on Christmas because most Americans believe Christmas is a large shopping spree topped off with decorations put out 2 weeks before Thanksgiving.
This War on Christmas nonsense is absurd.
The way I see it, the Christians are declaring war on us athiests. Not one single person has wished me, "Have a happy godless holiday!"
Or, so says Bill O'Reilly!!!


Bill O'Reilly notes correctly that Chanukah comes to an end on Thursday, so according to him, there are no other holidays leading up to Christmas, so there is no reason in the world to say "Happy Holidays". Uhuh....

Guess he forgot Kwanzaa and also the Feast of Losar.... they are also in December.

:) :) :)

"So, why are we allowing anti-Christmas madness...?"

Oh, Bill, oh, Bill....


Feel free to discuss. Please do feel free to show examples where Christians are being persecuted by evil, evil non-Christians, so that I can condemn those people.

Has anyone pointed out that Bill O'Reilly, of the made up, non-existent, war on Christmas, works for a Muslim?
Or, so says Bill O'Reilly!!!


Bill O'Reilly notes correctly that Chanukah comes to an end on Thursday, so according to him, there are no other holidays leading up to Christmas, so there is no reason in the world to say "Happy Holidays". Uhuh....

Guess he forgot Kwanzaa and also the Feast of Losar.... they are also in December.

:) :) :)

"So, why are we allowing anti-Christmas madness...?"

Oh, Bill, oh, Bill....


Feel free to discuss. Please do feel free to show examples where Christians are being persecuted by evil, evil non-Christians, so that I can condemn those people.

Has anyone pointed out that Bill O'Reilly, of the made up, non-existent, war on Christmas, works for a Muslim?

Why would Muslims care about Christmas?
The way I see it, the Christians are declaring war on us athiests. Not one single person has wished me, "Have a happy godless holiday!"

Yep. And when was the last time you harassed them in their homes?

These are the same Christians who will be shopping in WalMart Christmas day. THAT's how "sacred" it is. They'll also be supporting tax subsidies to make up for the pay WalMart sends to China instead of paying Americans.

If they were worshiping Jesus, they'd be fighting for food and shelter for their fellow human beings. Instead, they're pissing and moaning because people what to make a living wage at a full time job.

I don't have any patience with this made up war. When they have to pay property taxes on their huge buildings that sit empty while people starve and freeze, maybe then, I care about their whining.

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