The 2013 war on Christmas has begun!!!

Or, so says Bill O'Reilly!!!


Bill O'Reilly notes correctly that Chanukah comes to an end on Thursday, so according to him, there are no other holidays leading up to Christmas, so there is no reason in the world to say "Happy Holidays". Uhuh....

Guess he forgot Kwanzaa and also the Feast of Losar.... they are also in December.

:) :) :)

"So, why are we allowing anti-Christmas madness...?"

Oh, Bill, oh, Bill....


Feel free to discuss. Please do feel free to show examples where Christians are being persecuted by evil, evil non-Christians, so that I can condemn those people.

Has anyone pointed out that Bill O'Reilly, of the made up, non-existent, war on Christmas, works for a Muslim?

Why would Muslims care about Christmas?

Did someone say they do?

Kwanza? Martin Luther King Day, Columbus Day, A Day for Presidents, even a day for a groundhog.

Christmas celebrates the birth a a specific being also. Why must we alter it to include anything other than what it was intended to be? Christmas celebrates Christ's birth.
Should those who are not followers of Martin Luther King insist the day we remember him with be redirected to include Winter Doldrums Day?

Either celebrate it or don't but respect those that do enough to stop trying to turn it into, 'Anything But Christ Day'. :(
The way I see it, the Christians are declaring war on us athiests. Not one single person has wished me, "Have a happy godless holiday!"

Yep. And when was the last time you harassed them in their homes?

These are the same Christians who will be shopping in WalMart Christmas day. THAT's how "sacred" it is. They'll also be supporting tax subsidies to make up for the pay WalMart sends to China instead of paying Americans.

If they were worshiping Jesus, they'd be fighting for food and shelter for their fellow human beings. Instead, they're pissing and moaning because people what to make a living wage at a full time job.

I don't have any patience with this made up war. When they have to pay property taxes on their huge buildings that sit empty while people starve and freeze, maybe then, I care about their whining.

December 7, 2013. ASP news:

The Enemy Advances upon Christmasland.

Reports from the Left border of Christmasland indicate that the enemy is planning a major offensive. They enemy, under the command of Brigadier General Ayers and his Lieutenant Barry Sorererererereterrro, already destroyed Candy-Cane-Ville and through a pincer movement, have cut off the main supply route between "I really want to celebrate a religious Christmas" and "Christmas Carols from Luther's time are much better than pop or rock".

More details at 11.
The way I see it, the Christians are declaring war on us athiests. Not one single person has wished me, "Have a happy godless holiday!"

Yep. And when was the last time you harassed them in their homes?

These are the same Christians who will be shopping in WalMart Christmas day. THAT's how "sacred" it is. They'll also be supporting tax subsidies to make up for the pay WalMart sends to China instead of paying Americans.

If they were worshiping Jesus, they'd be fighting for food and shelter for their fellow human beings. Instead, they're pissing and moaning because people what to make a living wage at a full time job.

I don't have any patience with this made up war. When they have to pay property taxes on their huge buildings that sit empty while people starve and freeze, maybe then, I care about their whining.

And your big buddy Obama changed the business model in this country with the ACA. No business in its right mind would have a single full time employee.
The way I see it, the Christians are declaring war on us athiests. Not one single person has wished me, "Have a happy godless holiday!"

Yep. And when was the last time you harassed them in their homes?

These are the same Christians who will be shopping in WalMart Christmas day. THAT's how "sacred" it is. They'll also be supporting tax subsidies to make up for the pay WalMart sends to China instead of paying Americans.

If they were worshiping Jesus, they'd be fighting for food and shelter for their fellow human beings. Instead, they're pissing and moaning because people what to make a living wage at a full time job.

I don't have any patience with this made up war. When they have to pay property taxes on their huge buildings that sit empty while people starve and freeze, maybe then, I care about their whining.

I've never shopped on Christmas.

My Christian friend took in the homeless and they ran up her telephone bill and stole from her house and she still takes them in.

For some people work is a mental illness so you can't help them. Some of them have dependencies and we're not a clinic adept to handle that.

Christians did not create the trade imbalance with China. Congress did that for several reasons.
The way I see it, the Christians are declaring war on us athiests. Not one single person has wished me, "Have a happy godless holiday!"

Yep. And when was the last time you harassed them in their homes?

These are the same Christians who will be shopping in WalMart Christmas day. THAT's how "sacred" it is. They'll also be supporting tax subsidies to make up for the pay WalMart sends to China instead of paying Americans.

If they were worshiping Jesus, they'd be fighting for food and shelter for their fellow human beings. Instead, they're pissing and moaning because people what to make a living wage at a full time job.

I don't have any patience with this made up war. When they have to pay property taxes on their huge buildings that sit empty while people starve and freeze, maybe then, I care about their whining.

I've never shopped on Christmas.

My Christian friend took in the homeless and they ran up her telephone bill and stole from her house and she still takes them in.

For some people work is a mental illness so you can't help them. Some of them have dependencies and we're not a clinic adept to handle that.

Christians did not create the trade imbalance with China. Congress did that for several reasons.

You make some interesting points there, but the trade imbalance with China, which has been evolving over the last 14 years, over three administrations, is not the sole reason for poverty or joblessness in the USA, ergo, your reasoning is lacking solid footing on that one point.

And yes, some homeless people are also criminal in their behaviour. Every time you help someone, you are taking a risk, that much is for sure.

Kudos to you that you don't shop on Christmas. I think that the way you do that is a good way and shows your serious intent about Christmas.

I have often manned the soup kitchens on Christmas Eve or Day -depending on my own workload - so that my Christian friends who often volunteer there could be with their families. They often helped me with stuff during Rosh Hashonah or Yom Kippur, for which I have always been grateful It is a nice, friendly trade off, one that shows some compassion. They are good people. I like them alot.
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What Christmas is now is disgusting. I have hated it for years. So by all means, war against it. As for those who don't view it as I do fine. Free country. But there is no need for Christians to feel threatoned by this stuff on foux news. Really, this is all just tv rateing crap.
Kwanza? Martin Luther King Day, Columbus Day, A Day for Presidents, even a day for a groundhog.

Christmas celebrates the birth a a specific being also. Why must we alter it to include anything other than what it was intended to be? Christmas celebrates Christ's birth.
Should those who are not followers of Martin Luther King insist the day we remember him with be redirected to include Winter Doldrums Day?

Either celebrate it or don't but respect those that do enough to stop trying to turn it into, 'Anything But Christ Day'. :(

If Jesus is the reason for the season as they say. Why does santa get 98% and Jesus 2%?

Jesus is the exact image of God. And God requires ones whole heart, soul, mind, strength. Seems Jesus does as well then-- so what occurs is totally unacceptable to Jesus. And as he turned the tables over because some were making $ off of God--he would do the same for what the world offers up as Christmas.
The way I see it, the Christians are declaring war on us athiests. Not one single person has wished me, "Have a happy godless holiday!"

Yep. And when was the last time you harassed them in their homes?

These are the same Christians who will be shopping in WalMart Christmas day. THAT's how "sacred" it is. They'll also be supporting tax subsidies to make up for the pay WalMart sends to China instead of paying Americans.

If they were worshiping Jesus, they'd be fighting for food and shelter for their fellow human beings. Instead, they're pissing and moaning because people what to make a living wage at a full time job.

I don't have any patience with this made up war. When they have to pay property taxes on their huge buildings that sit empty while people starve and freeze, maybe then, I care about their whining.

And your big buddy Obama changed the business model in this country with the ACA. No business in its right mind would have a single full time employee.

Wrong again:

Myth: Obamacare is leading to part-time jobs

It's a common refrain of its opponents: Obamacare will force struggling Americans into part-time work. Well, the first bits of evidence have come in, and it does not look as if the Affordable Care Act has had any negative impact on full-time work.

Obamacare: Truth and Myths - ABC News

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