The 25th Amendment for Trump?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Calls for removing Donald Trump from the White House with the 25th Amendment are increasingly louder and more ubiquitous. The 25th amendment exists to remove or replace a president unable to conduct the duties of the office through incapacitation, ineptitude, or criminal acts against the United States.

First, let us consider some past modern presidents and how they altered the course of history to the detriment of the American people. Since Baby Boomers comprise the bulk of the oldest living Americans they may remember Dwight D. Eisenhower who expanded our highway system and created NASA but essentially distinguished himself for eight years by playing golf and having heart attacks. By his third or fourth heart attack Eisenhower was so compromised that his Vice President, Richard Nixon, had to carry out most of the duties of the office. Eisenhower’s CIA got the bright idea to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro with a covert invasion called the Trinidad Plan.

Eisenhower’s administration passed the plan off to his successor, John F. Kennedy, in 1961. Kennedy weakened the plan to the point that it was doomed to fail, and it resulted in the Bay of Pigs disaster that not only embarrassed the US but brought about the Cuban Missile Crisis which nearly culminated in a worldwide nuclear war. The 25th Amendment was never discussed; Kennedy was assassinated in all likelihood by the CIA.

Lyndon Johnson presided over the war In Vietnam that killed millions of people on both sides and handed the country over to the communists anyway. The damage done to US society was deep and lasting but no one called for the 25th Amendment.

Jimmy Carter gave the US a national oil crisis in 1979 and hostages were taken in the Iranian Revolution. Carter nearly destroyed the US economy. George Bush the elder and his ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, brought about the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which led to the Gulf War and set into motion the events that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in NY City In 2001. The attacks came from Saudi Arabia but Bush the younger retaliated against Iraq.

Bill Clinton had and opportunities to take out Osama bin Laden on more than one occasion. His tracks were covered by Sandy Berger who stole documents from the national archives. Three thousand died in NY.

The 25th Amendment for Trump? How about first in time first in line?
Calls for removing Donald Trump from the White House with the 25th Amendment are increasingly louder and more ubiquitous. The 25th amendment exists to remove or replace a president unable to conduct the duties of the office through incapacitation, ineptitude, or criminal acts against the United States.

First, let us consider some past modern presidents and how they altered the course of history to the detriment of the American people. Since Baby Boomers comprise the bulk of the oldest living Americans they may remember Dwight D. Eisenhower who expanded our highway system and created NASA but essentially distinguished himself for eight years by playing golf and having heart attacks. By his third or fourth heart attack Eisenhower was so compromised that his Vice President, Richard Nixon, had to carry out most of the duties of the office. Eisenhower’s CIA got the bright idea to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro with a covert invasion called the Trinidad Plan.

Eisenhower’s administration passed the plan off to his successor, John F. Kennedy, in 1961. Kennedy weakened the plan to the point that it was doomed to fail, and it resulted in the Bay of Pigs disaster that not only embarrassed the US but brought about the Cuban Missile Crisis which nearly culminated in a worldwide nuclear war. The 25th Amendment was never discussed; Kennedy was assassinated in all likelihood by the CIA.

Lyndon Johnson presided over the war In Vietnam that killed millions of people on both sides and handed the country over to the communists anyway. The damage done to US society was deep and lasting but no one called for the 25th Amendment.

Jimmy Carter gave the US a national oil crisis in 1979 and hostages were taken in the Iranian Revolution. Carter nearly destroyed the US economy. George Bush the elder and his ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, brought about the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which led to the Gulf War and set into motion the events that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in NY City In 2001. The attacks came from Saudi Arabia but Bush the younger retaliated against Iraq.

Bill Clinton had and opportunities to take out Osama bin Laden on more than one occasion. His tracks were covered by Sandy Berger who stole documents from the national archives. Three thousand died in NY.

The 25th Amendment for Trump? How about first in time first in line?
Hey BooBoo, the 25th Amendment was not ratified until 1967. So, how could it apply to Eisenhower or JFK?
Trump absolutely needs to be removed from office immediately.

Jesus when Boris JOHNSON is calling for his removal...
The 25th amendment exists to remove or replace a president unable to conduct the duties of the office through incapacitation, ineptitude, or criminal acts against the United States.

I don't believe that's correct.

Impeachment exists as a remedy for high crimes and misdemeanors.

I could be wrong on this and, if I am, please cite a link I can review, but I don't think I am...
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Calls for removing Donald Trump from the White House with the 25th Amendment are increasingly louder and more ubiquitous. The 25th amendment exists to remove or replace a president unable to conduct the duties of the office through incapacitation, ineptitude, or criminal acts against the United States.

First, let us consider some past modern presidents and how they altered the course of history to the detriment of the American people. Since Baby Boomers comprise the bulk of the oldest living Americans they may remember Dwight D. Eisenhower who expanded our highway system and created NASA but essentially distinguished himself for eight years by playing golf and having heart attacks. By his third or fourth heart attack Eisenhower was so compromised that his Vice President, Richard Nixon, had to carry out most of the duties of the office. Eisenhower’s CIA got the bright idea to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro with a covert invasion called the Trinidad Plan.

Eisenhower’s administration passed the plan off to his successor, John F. Kennedy, in 1961. Kennedy weakened the plan to the point that it was doomed to fail, and it resulted in the Bay of Pigs disaster that not only embarrassed the US but brought about the Cuban Missile Crisis which nearly culminated in a worldwide nuclear war. The 25th Amendment was never discussed; Kennedy was assassinated in all likelihood by the CIA.

Lyndon Johnson presided over the war In Vietnam that killed millions of people on both sides and handed the country over to the communists anyway. The damage done to US society was deep and lasting but no one called for the 25th Amendment.

Jimmy Carter gave the US a national oil crisis in 1979 and hostages were taken in the Iranian Revolution. Carter nearly destroyed the US economy. George Bush the elder and his ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, brought about the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which led to the Gulf War and set into motion the events that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in NY City In 2001. The attacks came from Saudi Arabia but Bush the younger retaliated against Iraq.

Bill Clinton had and opportunities to take out Osama bin Laden on more than one occasion. His tracks were covered by Sandy Berger who stole documents from the national archives. Three thousand died in NY.

The 25th Amendment for Trump? How about first in time first in line?
Hey BooBoo, the 25th Amendment was not ratified until 1967. So, how could it apply to Eisenhower or JFK?
You do not get the point of the Op-that is noted.
It's not going to happen. The communists need to have some mechanism to keep Trump from running in 2024. They intend a tyranny so strong that only the most blatant of fraud will be enough to keep them in power. Without that the people will rebel and throw them out.
Calls for removing Donald Trump from the White House with the 25th Amendment are increasingly louder and more ubiquitous. The 25th amendment exists to remove or replace a president unable to conduct the duties of the office through incapacitation, ineptitude, or criminal acts against the United States.

First, let us consider some past modern presidents and how they altered the course of history to the detriment of the American people. Since Baby Boomers comprise the bulk of the oldest living Americans they may remember Dwight D. Eisenhower who expanded our highway system and created NASA but essentially distinguished himself for eight years by playing golf and having heart attacks. By his third or fourth heart attack Eisenhower was so compromised that his Vice President, Richard Nixon, had to carry out most of the duties of the office. Eisenhower’s CIA got the bright idea to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro with a covert invasion called the Trinidad Plan.

Eisenhower’s administration passed the plan off to his successor, John F. Kennedy, in 1961. Kennedy weakened the plan to the point that it was doomed to fail, and it resulted in the Bay of Pigs disaster that not only embarrassed the US but brought about the Cuban Missile Crisis which nearly culminated in a worldwide nuclear war. The 25th Amendment was never discussed; Kennedy was assassinated in all likelihood by the CIA.

Lyndon Johnson presided over the war In Vietnam that killed millions of people on both sides and handed the country over to the communists anyway. The damage done to US society was deep and lasting but no one called for the 25th Amendment.

Jimmy Carter gave the US a national oil crisis in 1979 and hostages were taken in the Iranian Revolution. Carter nearly destroyed the US economy. George Bush the elder and his ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, brought about the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which led to the Gulf War and set into motion the events that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in NY City In 2001. The attacks came from Saudi Arabia but Bush the younger retaliated against Iraq.

Bill Clinton had and opportunities to take out Osama bin Laden on more than one occasion. His tracks were covered by Sandy Berger who stole documents from the national archives. Three thousand died in NY.

The 25th Amendment for Trump? How about first in time first in line?
Hey BooBoo, the 25th Amendment was not ratified until 1967. So, how could it apply to Eisenhower or JFK?
Damn it you just blew his whole excuse for Trump...!!
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Calls for removing Donald Trump from the White House with the 25th Amendment are increasingly louder and more ubiquitous. The 25th amendment exists to remove or replace a president unable to conduct the duties of the office through incapacitation, ineptitude, or criminal acts against the United States.

First, let us consider some past modern presidents and how they altered the course of history to the detriment of the American people. Since Baby Boomers comprise the bulk of the oldest living Americans they may remember Dwight D. Eisenhower who expanded our highway system and created NASA but essentially distinguished himself for eight years by playing golf and having heart attacks. By his third or fourth heart attack Eisenhower was so compromised that his Vice President, Richard Nixon, had to carry out most of the duties of the office. Eisenhower’s CIA got the bright idea to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro with a covert invasion called the Trinidad Plan.

Eisenhower’s administration passed the plan off to his successor, John F. Kennedy, in 1961. Kennedy weakened the plan to the point that it was doomed to fail, and it resulted in the Bay of Pigs disaster that not only embarrassed the US but brought about the Cuban Missile Crisis which nearly culminated in a worldwide nuclear war. The 25th Amendment was never discussed; Kennedy was assassinated in all likelihood by the CIA.

Lyndon Johnson presided over the war In Vietnam that killed millions of people on both sides and handed the country over to the communists anyway. The damage done to US society was deep and lasting but no one called for the 25th Amendment.

Jimmy Carter gave the US a national oil crisis in 1979 and hostages were taken in the Iranian Revolution. Carter nearly destroyed the US economy. George Bush the elder and his ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, brought about the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which led to the Gulf War and set into motion the events that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in NY City In 2001. The attacks came from Saudi Arabia but Bush the younger retaliated against Iraq.

Bill Clinton had and opportunities to take out Osama bin Laden on more than one occasion. His tracks were covered by Sandy Berger who stole documents from the national archives. Three thousand died in NY.

The 25th Amendment for Trump? How about first in time first in line?
Hey BooBoo, the 25th Amendment was not ratified until 1967. So, how could it apply to Eisenhower or JFK?
You do not get the point of the Op-that is noted.
You wrote it was never discussed. I wonder why?
My personal opinion? It would be a waste of time and money to either impeach or get Trump removed. He's got less than 2 weeks left, and I think that Congress should just save the time and money, and let his term run out.
As we saw two days ago...he can do an enormous amount of harm in a short period of time and the Inauguration is on the Horizon.

What happened two days ago was the result of inaction by the Executive. Trump not only instigated that but enabled it by not having the forces available to prevent it.

Capitol Police were completely unsupported
It's not going to happen. The communists need to have some mechanism to keep Trump from running in 2024. They intend a tyranny so strong that only the most blatant of fraud will be enough to keep them in power. Without that the people will rebel and throw them out.

Well, the Dems have the office of the president (Biden), still have control of the House, and with the GA elections, now they also will control the Senate.

And, the best part is that they did it without fraud.
It's not going to happen. The communists need to have some mechanism to keep Trump from running in 2024. They intend a tyranny so strong that only the most blatant of fraud will be enough to keep them in power. Without that the people will rebel and throw them out.

Well, the Dems have the office of the president (Biden), still have control of the House, and with the GA elections, now they also will control the Senate.

And, the best part is that they did it without fraud.
Oh, yes, and Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate in the history of the Untied States with no fraud involved. Can I interest you in a left-handed hammer?
I believed from the start that Trump wasn't mental fit to occupy the office. However if these politicians are sincere he has a problem then they shouldn't be so openly discussing the 25th amendment (or impeachment). No need to place any additional stress on him during these final days of his presidency. I also don't look fondly upon members of his administration that are deserting him in this time of need and see it as purely CYA moves on their part.

Jimmy Carter gave the US a national oil crisis in 1979
Just curious why folks forget the oil crisis goes back to the 1973 Arab-Israeli War when OPEC initiated an oil embargo against us in response for our support of Israel's military?
It's not going to happen. The communists need to have some mechanism to keep Trump from running in 2024. They intend a tyranny so strong that only the most blatant of fraud will be enough to keep them in power. Without that the people will rebel and throw them out.

Well, the Dems have the office of the president (Biden), still have control of the House, and with the GA elections, now they also will control the Senate.

And, the best part is that they did it without fraud.
Oh, yes, and Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate in the history of the Untied States with no fraud involved. Can I interest you in a left-handed hammer?

If Biden didn't get more votes, then why did the Congress and the Senate certify him as the winner? Keep trying to support Trump, but the sad truth is, he lost.
It's not going to happen. The communists need to have some mechanism to keep Trump from running in 2024. They intend a tyranny so strong that only the most blatant of fraud will be enough to keep them in power. Without that the people will rebel and throw them out.

Well, the Dems have the office of the president (Biden), still have control of the House, and with the GA elections, now they also will control the Senate.

And, the best part is that they did it without fraud.
Oh, yes, and Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate in the history of the Untied States with no fraud involved. Can I interest you in a left-handed hammer?

If Biden didn't get more votes, then why did the Congress and the Senate certify him as the winner? Keep trying to support Trump, but the sad truth is, he lost.
You said without fraud.
It's not going to happen. The communists need to have some mechanism to keep Trump from running in 2024. They intend a tyranny so strong that only the most blatant of fraud will be enough to keep them in power. Without that the people will rebel and throw them out.

Well, the Dems have the office of the president (Biden), still have control of the House, and with the GA elections, now they also will control the Senate.

And, the best part is that they did it without fraud.
Oh, yes, and Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate in the history of the Untied States with no fraud involved. Can I interest you in a left-handed hammer?

If Biden didn't get more votes, then why did the Congress and the Senate certify him as the winner? Keep trying to support Trump, but the sad truth is, he lost.
You said without fraud.

Yeah, I did say that there was no fraud in this election. Even Trump's staunch loyalist Bill Barr said there was none.
My personal opinion? It would be a waste of time and money to either impeach or get Trump removed. He's got less than 2 weeks left, and I think that Congress should just save the time and money, and let his term run out.

I think you are correct however I do worry about any stupid decisions he may make over the next two weeks but I think his own people will stop his BS, I'm hoping he goes golfing for two weeks and let Pence step in and handle things.
Calls for removing Donald Trump from the White House with the 25th Amendment are increasingly louder and more ubiquitous. The 25th amendment exists to remove or replace a president unable to conduct the duties of the office through incapacitation, ineptitude, or criminal acts against the United States.

First, let us consider some past modern presidents and how they altered the course of history to the detriment of the American people. Since Baby Boomers comprise the bulk of the oldest living Americans they may remember Dwight D. Eisenhower who expanded our highway system and created NASA but essentially distinguished himself for eight years by playing golf and having heart attacks. By his third or fourth heart attack Eisenhower was so compromised that his Vice President, Richard Nixon, had to carry out most of the duties of the office. Eisenhower’s CIA got the bright idea to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro with a covert invasion called the Trinidad Plan.

Eisenhower’s administration passed the plan off to his successor, John F. Kennedy, in 1961. Kennedy weakened the plan to the point that it was doomed to fail, and it resulted in the Bay of Pigs disaster that not only embarrassed the US but brought about the Cuban Missile Crisis which nearly culminated in a worldwide nuclear war. The 25th Amendment was never discussed; Kennedy was assassinated in all likelihood by the CIA.

Lyndon Johnson presided over the war In Vietnam that killed millions of people on both sides and handed the country over to the communists anyway. The damage done to US society was deep and lasting but no one called for the 25th Amendment.

Jimmy Carter gave the US a national oil crisis in 1979 and hostages were taken in the Iranian Revolution. Carter nearly destroyed the US economy. George Bush the elder and his ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, brought about the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 which led to the Gulf War and set into motion the events that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in NY City In 2001. The attacks came from Saudi Arabia but Bush the younger retaliated against Iraq.

Bill Clinton had and opportunities to take out Osama bin Laden on more than one occasion. His tracks were covered by Sandy Berger who stole documents from the national archives. Three thousand died in NY.

The 25th Amendment for Trump? How about first in time first in line?
Hey BooBoo, the 25th Amendment was not ratified until 1967. So, how could it apply to Eisenhower or JFK?
The 25th was invented because of JFK.

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