The 27 Pilots Who Refused To Kill Civilians


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
Nice to see there is some humans among "Israelis", are there pilots who refuse the orders to kill civilians?

27 Israeli Reserve Pilots Say They Refuse to Bomb Civilians -

Nice to see there is some humans among "Israelis", are there pilots who refuse the orders to kill civilians?

27 Israeli Reserve Pilots Say They Refuse to Bomb Civilians -


What Freeman, that devout Muslim carrying on his Jihad during Ramadan, is showing us is that he is so desperate that he is pulling up articles from over ten years ago. We have already seen those who hate Jews just like you do, Freeman, pull up the same thing a gazillion times already since the article first appeared. Meanwhile, how about some news about all the murders your own brethren are committing these days against the innocent people in the other Middle East countries. It seems the cat's got your tongue even though you brethren are murdering people right and left and can't even seem to stop during the Holiest Month of the Year in Islam, of which you still haven't explained to us why the murders seem to go up during this month every year.
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On an article that is ten years old?? You have to be kidding. Every country in the West has what they call conscientious objectors. Maybe in your own Muslim country when people refuse to serve, they are put before a firing squad. Have you any comment to any of the news that is reporting on all those innocent people who are being murdered today -- today Freeman -- not ten years ago. Of course ten years ago your people were murdering plenty of innocents too, but let's concentrate on the "today's" world.
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On an article that is ten years old?? You have to be kidding. Every country in the West has what they call conscientious objectors. Maybe in your own Muslim country when people refuse to serve, they are put before a firing squad. Have you any comment to any of the news that is reporting on all those innocent people who are being murdered today -- today Freeman -- not ten years ago. Of course ten years ago your people were murdering plenty of innocents too, but let's concentrate on the "today's" world.

Those pilots refused to kill civilians, you don't find that they are good persons?
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Welcome to "Sally's Jew-Haters List". :beer:

Mr. H., you silly, silly man -- why not go to the Muslim country Freeman comes from and see how his brethren will treat an Infidel like you? Get a blood transfusion so you will be happy that all your Jewish blood is gone.

It really is a hoot seeing Mr. H. stick up for an extremist Muslim because the Muslim hates the Jews as much as Mr. H. does. So tell us, Mr. H., do you really think that Freeman actually has any respect for you being that you are an Infidel. He would like to see you either convert to Islam or become a Dhimmi, and don't fool yourself that it is otherwise.
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On an article that is ten years old?? You have to be kidding. Every country in the West has what they call conscientious objectors. Maybe in your own Muslim country when people refuse to serve, they are put before a firing squad. Have you any comment to any of the news that is reporting on all those innocent people who are being murdered today -- today Freeman -- not ten years ago. Of course ten years ago your people were murdering plenty of innocents too, but let's concentrate on the "today's" world.

Those pilots refused to kill civilians, you don't find that they are good persons?

There are many Conscientious Objectors. Meanwhile, why not pull up an article where your own people have refused to murder the Infidels. Now that would be a first. Try to find something current, Freeman, not stuff that is over ten years old because you are so desperate, especially when we see what your own brethren are going today and can't even restrain themselves during Ramadan. I know, show us a video where one of your clergy is giving a sermon about not harming the Infidels during Ramadan and that the killings can go on after the month is over.
Wow, it's only from 11 years ago.......

Sure they are good guys - a bit naïve, but well-intentioned.

But one has to wonder, just what is the OP's "point" here? OP seems to be more than a bit confused.....
Nice to see there is some humans among "Israelis", are there pilots who refuse the orders to kill civilians?

27 Israeli Reserve Pilots Say They Refuse to Bomb Civilians -


What Freeman, that devout Muslim carrying on his Jihad during Ramadan, is showing us is that he is so desperate that he is pulling up articles from over ten years ago. We have already seen those who hate Jews just like you do, Freeman, pull up the same thing a gazillion times already since the article first appeared. Meanwhile, how about some news about all the murders your own brethren are committing these days against the innocent people in the other Middle East countries. It seems the cat's got your tongue even though you brethren are murdering people right and left and can't even seem to stop during the Holiest Month of the Year in Islam, of which you still haven't explained to us why the murders seem to go up during this month every year.

Sally, can you shut the fuck up and actually address the topic for a change? Seriously? Just once?

It can't be easy for Israeli soldiers to operate in Gaza - it's the smallest, most DENSLY populated area on earth. It's impossible to conduct any sort of military campaign without harming civilians.

These people are human - the Gazans and the IDF. They are trying to do the best they can.

One side desperate to save their families and children from the fighting.

The other side desperate to not hit children and civilians.

Jesus woman. You are once piece of work because all you can do is troll :mad:
Wow, it's only from 11 years ago.......

Sure they are good guys - a bit naïve, but well-intentioned.

But one has to wonder, just what is the OP's "point" here? OP seems to be more than a bit confused.....

Nice to see there is some humans among "Israelis", are there pilots who refuse the orders to kill civilians?

The OP states that the pilots who didn't want to entertain the combat within the civilian populations (which is where the weapons are stored) were humans and all the others fighting were, by extension... not human.

The rest is just bleh at a time when death is occurring.

The OP is clear in its intent.
social movements sometimes CATCH on---especially amongst young people. There was a
peacenik "refusenik" movement that CAUGHT ON----amongst Israeli pilots. ok
how long did it last? what came after it?---------even micro miniskirts finally went away.

remember when everything was tie-dyed? remember the HULA HOOP? I hope that
the tattoo craze goes away--------are kids still getting their tongues pierced?

I saw a pretty young girl with a glass crystal in her belly button------it looked cute---
I wonder if that will catch on
is the SWING party still a "thing"?----getting back to social phenomena---
are SIT-INS still happening?
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Welcome to "Sally's Jew-Haters List". :beer:

Mr. H., you silly, silly man -- why not go to the Muslim country Freeman comes from and see how his brethren will treat an Infidel like you? Get a blood transfusion so you will be happy that all your Jewish blood is gone.

It really is a hoot seeing Mr. H. stick up for an extremist Muslim because the Muslim hates the Jews as much as Mr. H. does. So tell us, Mr. H., do you really think that Freeman actually has any respect for you being that you are an Infidel. He would like to see you either convert to Islam or become a Dhimmi, and don't fool yourself that it is otherwise.

I really think you are an extremest, and dangerous in your own views.
Welcome to "Sally's Jew-Haters List". :beer:

Mr. H., you silly, silly man -- why not go to the Muslim country Freeman comes from and see how his brethren will treat an Infidel like you? Get a blood transfusion so you will be happy that all your Jewish blood is gone.

It really is a hoot seeing Mr. H. stick up for an extremist Muslim because the Muslim hates the Jews as much as Mr. H. does. So tell us, Mr. H., do you really think that Freeman actually has any respect for you being that you are an Infidel. He would like to see you either convert to Islam or become a Dhimmi, and don't fool yourself that it is otherwise.

I really think you are an extremest, and dangerous in your own views.

I really think you are a silly man hooking up with a Muslim extremist even thought he hates the Jews as you do. Meanwhile, since you appear to roll over to the Middle East forum, have you any news to report to us about what is going on in at least one Middle East country besides the only one that happens to be governed by Jews? So many countries for you to chose from where things are going on and people are being murdered in the name of a religion, but you felt that it was far better for you to hook up with Freeman, whose own brethren don't look kindly on people like you, no matter how much you might stick up for one of them on a forum.
Mr. H., you silly, silly man -- why not go to the Muslim country Freeman comes from and see how his brethren will treat an Infidel like you? Get a blood transfusion so you will be happy that all your Jewish blood is gone.

It really is a hoot seeing Mr. H. stick up for an extremist Muslim because the Muslim hates the Jews as much as Mr. H. does. So tell us, Mr. H., do you really think that Freeman actually has any respect for you being that you are an Infidel. He would like to see you either convert to Islam or become a Dhimmi, and don't fool yourself that it is otherwise.

I really think you are an extremest, and dangerous in your own views.

I really think you are a silly man hooking up with a Muslim extremist even thought he hates the Jews as you do. Meanwhile, since you appear to roll over to the Middle East forum, have you any news to report to us about what is going on in at least one Middle East country besides the only one that happens to be governed by Jews? So many countries for you to chose from where things are going on and people are being murdered in the name of a religion, but you felt that it was far better for you to hook up with Freeman, whose own brethren don't look kindly on people like you, no matter how much you might stick up for one of them on a forum.

I'm beginning to think that you have a crush on me. :)
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I have one. As fast as things change in Israel I also find fault in posting a 11 year old article to open a thread, though I am not going to brow beat it. It does have some merit in it's facts, but it still does not relate to current events and as such has no real value.

We usually want to focus on events that are current, especially when it comes to Israel and the Middle East.

So I guess I will have to say it does have some historic value.
There are many Conscientious Objectors in the IDF; I know quite a few.
Most of them are in their upper teens and lower 20s and haven't lived through the failures of land for peace.
Many of them know that there really IS a difference between active and passive terrorism.
They all do what they're told to do; after all, they're soldiers.

The biggest mistake Hamas made was to attack Tel Aviv, the Leftist Israeli haven.
Hamas will now get it's ass kicked.

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