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The 2nd Amendment for dumbocrats

The difference between an armed soldier and an armed civilian is a soldier is trained to know what he is doing, he's in a regimented organization that directs his actions.

Oh, you mean like Nidal Hasan?!? Or are you talking about Michael Wagnon? Or are you referring to Calvin Gibbs? Maybe you mean Jeremy Morlock? Andrew Holmes? Adam Winfield? Isaac Aguigui? Christopher Salmon? Anthony Peden? James P. Barker? Steven D. Green? Jesse V. Spielman? Bryan L. Howard? Robert Bales?

It's so hard to know because you're not very specific (and completely uninformed). You can tell that JoeB. never served a day in his life because of his absurd and naive belief that standard military training creates some type of "super soldier" who never experiences an AD and is incapable of of being undisciplined... :lmao:
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I want the government to have tanks and warships and nukes because other countries have them.

You want the government to have tanks and warships and nukes because other countries have them, but you don't want law-abiding citizens to have weapons even though criminals have them?!?

Game. Set. Match. The irrational contradictions of the libtards exposed once again...


indeed......the connect the dots issues are profound.
Yes, most of those are suicides and domestic murders

So if we ban firearms, people will stop committing suicide? They won't slit their wrists? Or hang themselves? Or jump off of a bridge? Or electrocute themselves? Or swallow a bunch of pills? Or drive their automobile at high speeds head-on into traffic? :cuckoo:

JoeB. "logic" ladies and gentlemen....
I see a big difference between a trained soldier with a tank in a military organization and Nancy Lanza leaving her guns out where her crazy kid could get them. Dont' you?

As a matter of fact, I do see a big difference. The question is, do you? I would much rather face a 1,000 Adam Lanza's than one Shawn Timothy Nelson. But them again, unlike you, I'm educated and informed...


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Yes, most of those are suicides and domestic murders

So if we ban firearms, people will stop committing suicide? They won't slit their wrists? Or hang themselves? Or jump off of a bridge? Or electrocute themselves? Or swallow a bunch of pills? Or drive their automobile at high speeds head-on into traffic? :cuckoo:

JoeB. "logic" ladies and gentlemen....

Its a thought processing thing for people like that, which is also why they embrace the tragic view of life.

The thing of it is though that this is fringe type thinking and nor embraced by most people.......which is why the whole gun grabbing effort has gone into the shitter. A very small % of the population is into this taking the guns away shit......
JoeB.: "government good. government care. government here to protect me" :lmao:

[ame=http://youtu.be/BwVcatcnVDk]Stolen Tank 1995 - YouTube[/ame]

JoeB.: "free American citizen bad, evil, here to hurt me"

And since a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a criminal,

so you are saying that if i lived in a community of exactly 1,000 people, 430 of them will kill themselves or other family members ?

joeB you are as stupid or more so than your namesake !! :up:
And since a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a criminal,

so you are saying that if i lived in a community of exactly 1,000 people, 430 of them will kill themselves or other family members ?

joeB you are as stupid or more so than your namesake !! :up:

lets see, there are like 120,000,000 households and the FBI estimates between 40% to 48% of the households own a gun. lets take the low end, 40% thats 48,000,000 households. looks to me like joeb is trying to put one over on us.

No Kellermann didn't prove any such thing, his study has been debunked many times and if that's the only thing you can point to, to support your argument then you lose.

Show us these "every other studies".

Okay, guy, "Debunked" does not mean "I'm going to stomp my feet and say it isn't true".

Another study took the same approach as Kellerman, and found a gun in the home is 22 times more likely to kill a family member.

Michael Shermer » Gun Science

Consider a 1998 study in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery that found that “every time a gun in the home was used in a self-defense or legally justifiable shooting, there were four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides.” Pistol owners’ fantasy of blowing away home-invading bad guys or street toughs holding up liquor stores is a myth debunked by the data showing that a gun is 22 times more likely to be used in a criminal assault, an accidental death or injury, a suicide attempt or a homicide than it is for selfdefense. I harbored this belief for the 20 years I owned a Ruger .357 Magnum with hollow-point bullets designed to shred the body of anyone who dared to break into my home, but when I learned about these statistics, I got rid of the gun.
It's a good thing England disarmed their entire nation, to "stop" all of the violence... (I mean, other than a man who served their country being gruesomely beheaded in the middle of the street while hundreds stand around watching the grisly scene unfold).


(Come on libtards, start the excuses on this one.... :banghead:)

What would be the point.

A whole neighborhood heard Kitty Genovese be murdered in their alley, and not a one of them called the police or came out guns blazing.

But the reality.

The UK Had 27 gun murders in 2011 compared to 11,101 in the US.
And since a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a criminal,

so you are saying that if i lived in a community of exactly 1,000 people, 430 of them will kill themselves or other family members ?

joeB you are as stupid or more so than your namesake !! :up:

So did you fail math in Home Skule?

You obviously don't understand how numbers work.

For every 1 person killed in a justified homicide in the Kellerman study, Kellerman found 39 suicides, 3 homicides (domestic) and 1 accident. That's where the 43:1 number comes from.

In 2010, the FBI only recorded 201 cases of "justifiable" homicide where guns were used to kill bad guys in the commission of a felony. About half of those were police officers discharging their weapons. In that same year, there were 11,101 murders, 16,000 suicides and quite a lot of accidents.
I see a big difference between a trained soldier with a tank in a military organization and Nancy Lanza leaving her guns out where her crazy kid could get them. Dont' you?

As a matter of fact, I do see a big difference. The question is, do you? I would much rather face a 1,000 Adam Lanza's than one Shawn Timothy Nelson. But them again, unlike you, I'm educated and informed...


[ame=http://youtu.be/BwVcatcnVDk]Stolen Tank 1995 - YouTube[/ame]

Couple problems here, Poodle.

First, no one from the government drove that tank. That tank was stolen by someone.

Secondly, while he did a shitload of damage running over shit, no one was actually killed in this "rampage" except the perpertrator himself. Why? because the government had some silly rules like "Don't store the ammo with the tank". My guess is they also took the firing mechanism out of the cannon.

As opposed to Adam Lanza, who killed 26 people, including 20 kids, because his crazy racist mother was nuts that there was a negro in the White House.

And frankly, reading these posts by people like yourself, I have to wonder how many ticking time bombs there are out there.
Oh the irony....

Here we have a lazy, parasitic neanderthal willing to kill honest citizens so he can have his dream of government provided table scraps (that's he's too fuck'n lazy to work for), all while crying that's he's doing it for "evolution"... :lmao:

Quite the contrary, guy, the person who fights for the ability to the wealthy to exploit working people is no more "evolved" than the peasent who fought for the right of Kings to take the fruits of their labor.

the problem is, you go out there and do the bidding of the Plutocrat and have little to show for it. You just sit behind your computer pounding away about them "Welfare people" while waiting for your all-so deserved disability check.

All me to interpret for you fellow USMB members....

Whaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaa! My name is JoeB. and I hate successful people because I'm lazy and became a fuck'n loser in life. So I spend my time trying to demonize the successful and pretend like they are "exploiting" others. I cry like a little bitch 24x7 because it's easier than actually working and becoming successful myself.

A "working person" is not exploited, you stupid fuck. Only an ungrateful communist pig like you could consider being free in America and gainfully employed "exploitation". You think if people aren't paying you to sit on your fat fucking ass at home, you're being "exploited".

So flat wages for well over thirty years isn't exploiting the working class/middle class? As the graph below shows that as the working class's incomes have been stuck on flat, the wealthy have seen tremendous growth in income. If that isn't exploitation of the working class, nothing is. But knowing that Rott kisses the ass of the wealthy in hope of catching a few of their crumbs, he'll deny the whole thing.
I swear Rott, you are truly the Truthmatters of the right.


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It's a good thing England disarmed their entire nation, to "stop" all of the violence... (I mean, other than a man who served their country being gruesomely beheaded in the middle of the street while hundreds stand around watching the grisly scene unfold).


(Come on libtards, start the excuses on this one.... :banghead:)

no chance of anyone coming to their aid either since they are all unarmed
I see a big difference between a trained soldier with a tank in a military organization and Nancy Lanza leaving her guns out where her crazy kid could get them. Dont' you?

As a matter of fact, I do see a big difference. The question is, do you? I would much rather face a 1,000 Adam Lanza's than one Shawn Timothy Nelson. But them again, unlike you, I'm educated and informed...



Okay, let's look at Shawn Nelson..

Shawn Nelson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to San Diego police, the week before his tank rampage Nelson told a friend that he was thinking of committing suicide, and the following weekend, told a friend that "Oklahoma was good stuff,"[3] in apparent reference to the Oklahoma City bombing which happened about a month before. Whether Nelson condoned the attack or simply meant that he enjoyed the drama is not clear. Police did not believe Nelson had any connection with the bombing or with a terrorist group.

Wow. So he was one of those guys who thought attacking the government was a good thing. Kind of like you, guy!

At dusk [3] on Thursday, May 18, 1995, Nelson drove his Chevrolet van to the California Army National Guard Armory in the Kearny Mesa neighborhood of San Diego. Although the gate to the vehicle yard was usually locked after 5:00 p.m.,[citation needed] employees at the armory were working late, and left the gate open. The vehicle yard was completely deserted. Nelson likely used a crowbar to break open the tank hatches. The tanks started with a push button and did not require an ignition key. The first two tanks he broke into would not start. As he lowered himself into the third tank, a 57-ton M60A3, he was finally noticed by a Guardsman, who approached the tank. Nelson was able to start the vehicle, and with little chance of stopping him, the Guardsman rushed to a phone and called police. As ammunition was kept in another building, none of the vehicle's weapons could be loaded or used by Nelson.[2]

So, gee, the government practiced good arms control. They kept the ammo separate from the tank.
And since a gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a criminal,
You obviously don't understand how numbers work.

For every 1 person killed in a justified homicide in the Kellerman study, Kellerman found 39 suicides, 3 homicides (domestic) and 1 accident. That's where the 43:1 number comes from

Like all libtards, JoeB. prefers propaganda over facts (hence why they are referred to libtards). However, for the rest of the people who prefer to be educated and informed, here is the truth behind the radical and absurd "Kellerman Study":

“As with any study that is often cited by people trying to score political points, it’s helpful to take a step back and ask some commonsense questions about the approach. Here is how it worked: After someone was killed in or near their home, Kellermann and his coauthors would go ask their relatives if a gun had been kept in the home. If the relative “said yes, researchers then simply assumed—yes, assumed—that it must have been the very same gun that was used in the killing.

In very few cases was the researcher able to actually trace the homicide to the gun kept in the house. Out of the 444 cases they analyzed, there were only eight instances in which “the investigating officer specifically noted that the gun involved had been kept in the home.” (If anything, this research ought to be interpreted as showing that guns kept at home are seldom used against the owners.)”

Excerpt From: Beck, Glenn. “Control.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
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