The $3.5T spending bill is 2500 pages AND COUNTING.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Almost exactly the same size as the "Affordable Care Act" bill. And here we are again, with an enormous bill packed full of God knows what. And if history repeats itself, the shrew Pelosi with be sneaking in lots of pages at the last minute. We keep doing the same things hoping for better results. I think there is a word for that.

Almost exactly the same size as the "Affordable Care Act" bill. And here we are again, with an enormous bill packed full of God knows what.

There goes the forest. No one reads 2500 pages. When something is that long, you KNOW it is full of crap.

But at least we'll find out what's IN the bill after they vote on and pass it.
Almost exactly the same size as the "Affordable Care Act" bill. And here we are again, with an enormous bill packed full of God knows what. And if history repeats itself, the shrew Pelosi with be sneaking in lots of pages at the last minute. We keep doing the same things hoping for better results. I think there is a word for that.

In the end the poor will get the Joey Buttafooko while the middle class is somewhat bothered and the wealthy salivate until they meet the fucking devil
The Democrats are always dishonest thieves.
The give their bill names such as "Infrastructure" but they are omnibus bills filled with all finds of hidden junk.
Banning Voter ID laws.
Requiring mail-in ballots
An annual fee for how many miles you drive per year
Climate Change boondoggle kick-back scams.
That is just the tip of the pile of shxt.
The Democrats are always dishonest thieves.
The give their bill names such as "Infrastructure" but they are omnibus bills filled with all finds of hidden junk.
Banning Voter ID laws.
Requiring mail-in ballots
An annual fee for how many miles you drive per year
Climate Change boondoggle kick-back scams.
That is just the tip of the pile of shxt.
Don't forget the amnesty legislation in this bill. Amnesty. In a budget bill. Smh.
Almost exactly the same size as the "Affordable Care Act" bill. And here we are again, with an enormous bill packed full of God knows what. And if history repeats itself, the shrew Pelosi with be sneaking in lots of pages at the last minute. We keep doing the same things hoping for better results. I think there is a word for that.

Never as bad as the republicans says when not in power or anywhere near as good as the democrats say when they are in power. If it is really 2500 pages long, it's 1900 pages too long as books that long or longer are rarely read, cover to cover, even in a college course, most people opting for the CliffsNotes. Devil is always in the details and that is entirely too many details, read by too few to get it right.
I would like to see this administration get something done and I am not afraid of numbers per se, but 2500 plus page bills, with only the section writers really knowing what's in it, knowing it won't be read is not good governance.
White 6 There should be a page limit on ominbus spending bills. These 2 and 3 thousand page documents are impossible to read by design. Plenty of hiding spaces for pork or worse.
Will this be another case where some Congressmen get a copy of the bill that’s still warm because it just came out of the copier?
Almost exactly the same size as the "Affordable Care Act" bill. And here we are again, with an enormous bill packed full of God knows what. And if history repeats itself, the shrew Pelosi with be sneaking in lots of pages at the last minute. We keep doing the same things hoping for better results. I think there is a word for that.

The ACA is about 13,000 pages. 2,500 pages isn't even close.
Never as bad as the republicans says when not in power or anywhere near as good as the democrats say when they are in power. If it is really 2500 pages long, it's 1900 pages too long as books that long or longer are rarely read, cover to cover, even in a college course, most people opting for the CliffsNotes. Devil is always in the details and that is entirely too many details, read by too few to get it right.
I would like to see this administration get something done and I am not afraid of numbers per se, but 2500 plus page bills, with only the section writers really knowing what's in it, knowing it won't be read is not good governance.
It is that long, but don't worry Pelsoi will let you know what's in it after it passes. No need to debate.....that's far too much freedom
Do they come with Cliff's Notes?

Actually they do. If you go to, they have a page for every bill, and on that page is a Summary tab, as well as a tab for the full text of a bill.
When you tell anyone that the government is going to give you free stuff and the rich are going to pay for it, well everyone will be your best friend and love your proposal.

We can't even pay for what we spend today, adding "5.0 Trillion" in spending between infrastructure and the Democrat Socialist wish list is irresponsible. Where do we think that the line between personal responsibility and government control begins and ends? 47% of the population doesn't pay federal income tax, yet they are big time users of the system. No skin in the game. There is a lot of tax fraud in that space I am sure.

Figure out what you can afford and plan accordingly. What is the interest on a $25 trillion dollar debt anyway-about a half trillion $$ and growing. Add more spending programs without understanding where the revenue will come from is just more irresponsible governing. Today our annual federal tax revenue is about $3.9 trillion. So that gives you an idea on how much taxes will have to increase to pay for in essence $5 trillion in spending between the 2 bills.
Christ. this shit again?

It's too long! I can't read it all!

Get fucked
And the ACA was complete shit.....It should be illegal to have laws that big........and stop putting a million things into one bill
Most of those pages are the regulations which were built around the core bill. Congress writes a law, but that is just the scaffolding. It then is fleshed out with regulations which must be written to provide specifics, and that adds a lot of bulk.

There are tens of thousands of pages for the Republican Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D program created in 2004. Interestingly, the Republicans did not place any provisions to pay for those programs, while Obamacare did.

Medicare Part D probably adds far more to the debt than Obamacare.

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