Biden drops "free college" from his massive taxing and spending bill

What posters are not recognizing is that community college is completely free for poor Americans (under $26,000j and largely free for the working class (around $40,000 or $50,000).

The average cost of a CC in my state is around $3700, and the maximum Pell Grant is around $5900. That means that if your family qualifies for even HALF the maximum, you are left with an annual bill of about $600. That can easily be covered during part-time work during the school year and full-time in summer.
Hey asshole, read this slower than usual. That $400,000 figure was BULLSHIT. The middle class would be hit hardest by Xiden’s “plan”. As well as the record inflation, sky high gas prices, the list goes on....
Predictions from RWNJs aren't of much value.

You guy's have been saying that same bullshit for decades

FACT...the taxes in this bill are small increases on very wealthy people...NOT middle class folks
Predictions from RWNJs aren't of much value.

You guy's have been saying that same bullshit for decades

FACT...the taxes in this bill are small increases on very wealthy people...NOT middle class folks

Dementia is hitting the middle and lower class people in another way. A huge federal tax on all tobacco products.
What posters are not recognizing is that community college is completely free for poor Americans (under $26,000j and largely free for the working class (around $40,000 or $50,000).

The average cost of a CC in my state is around $3700, and the maximum Pell Grant is around $5900. That means that if your family qualifies for even HALF the maximum, you are left with an annual bill of about $600. That can easily be covered during part-time work during the school year and full-time in summer.

Like I said earlier, there is no law that the only time you can attend college is right out of high school. Live with mom and dad since you'd be living with them anyway. Get a job or two and save your money for three or four years.

It's my experience that these kids get out of high school and have no idea what they want to do in life. They choose majors like photography and advertising which is a waste of time and money. By kids working, they are exposed to various industries that their companies deal with. You mature and study things. In a couple of years, you have a much better idea which direction to go in life.

My niece is in her 30's. She has a biology degree. She was waiting tables in Florida until she hurt herself and now can't work. She's making some sort of stuffed animals at home and shipping them out.
Like I said earlier, there is no law that the only time you can attend college is right out of high school. Live with mom and dad since you'd be living with them anyway. Get a job or two and save your money for three or four years.

It's my experience that these kids get out of high school and have no idea what they want to do in life. They choose majors like photography and advertising which is a waste of time and money. By kids working, they are exposed to various industries that their companies deal with. You mature and study things. In a couple of years, you have a much better idea which direction to go in life.

My niece is in her 30's. She has a biology degree. She was waiting tables in Florida until she hurt herself and now can't work. She's making some sort of stuffed animals at home and shipping them out.
It actually wouldn’t be a bad idea to require a “gap year” for all high school graduates. They could get a basic job while living with Mom and Dad, and not only save money toward tuition but would gain an appreciation for the careers that college prepares them for. Arriving as a 19-year-old, with a year working at Walmart or in a restaurant, they‘d have an entirely different perspective.

Biden is a worthless cocksucker. He should be teaching welfare losers how to get, and keep, jobs so they can support their own worthless asses. Not creating even more government dependents.

Want to go to college? Great! Find a way to pay your own fucking tuition.

Want kids? Great! Get a job to make sure you can support them.

I don't want my tax dollars thrown away on supporting a bunch of welfare losers and the 'fatherless' welfare recipients they keep dropping. Get your fucking tubes tied if you can't support your own kids.
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It actually wouldn’t be a bad idea to require a “gap year” for all high school graduates. They could get a basic job while living with Mom and Dad, and not only save money toward tuition but would gain an appreciation for the careers that college prepares them for. Arriving as a 19-year-old, with a year working at Walmart or in a restaurant, they‘d have an entirely different perspective.
Good plan for many 18-19 year olds but as far as fed requiring it- not good. The current administration is power-hungry enough I’m afraid.
Too bad, suckers! Biden needs to make more room for payoffs to lefty billionaires like Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates, and Bezos. So you can forget about your "free college". LOL

In what appears to be a major concession to moderate Democrats, President Joe Biden reportedly told House progressives Tuesday that tuition-free community college will not be included in the final version of a multitrillion-dollar spending bill to fund the president's economic and climate agenda.

CNN reported Tuesday that Biden discussed a $1.75 trillion to $1.9 trillion top line figure for his spending bill, which Senate Democrats hope to pass via budget reconciliation to dodge the 60-vote requirement imposed by the filibuster. Those numbers are more in line with the $1.5 trillion figure demanded by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who's vote is needed in the 50-50 Senate to pass any legislation.
My Father and I made a deal. He paid for my first year of college and I worked summers to pay for the rest. He got summer jobs for me with his clients.
It's time to drop this whole insane spending and taxing bill. We should also accept the great man, Joe Manchin, into the Republican party and give him Kevin McCarthy's job.
It's time to drop this whole insane spending and taxing bill. We should also accept the great man, Joe Manchin, into the Republican party and give him Kevin McCarthy's job.

The only way to stop the wasteful spending is to keep Democrats out of power. They use our tax dollars to mostly buy votes. Look at this new bill. It's catered to buy votes from the enviro-kooks and construction unions. Then there's the 83,000 additional IRS agents. Why do we need 83,000 more IRS agents to do their jobs? We don't. So we're going to have banks report any transaction every American makes over $600.00. What does that accomplish? Nothing, but most government workers vote Democrat.

People better wake up to the evil of the Communist party. At some point we are going bankrupt, and to buy votes, they are putting us on the fast track to that disaster.
Horse shit.

The bill would be paid for by a small increase in taxes on people making hundreds of thousands per year

Stop lying
You can't pay for a three trillion plus dollar bill with "small" tax increases on the upper middle class and rich. They will have to hit all taxpayers with large increases. Sure, each individual thing in the bill can be paid by "small" tax increases but lump them all together and you need monster tax increases.
What are you...twelve?

In the early Reagan years we had years of inflation rates in the double digits. Yea it sucked but this ain't that...or even close
Reagan was fighting to bring down the inflation Carter caused. Inflation snowballs and it's just started rolling down the mountain. It's going to be worse than under Carter by 2024.
Mancin and Sinema forced the free two year community college provision to be stripped out

The very idea of educating poorer folks ( including lower middle class) makes these “conservatives” apoplectic
Depends on what they are learning. Engineering, Molecular Biology, Medicine and other necessary majors; give students scholarships with payoff plans linked to years of serving the public in those jobs. Poli Sci, Philosophy, Racial and Gender Studies, Language Arts, Art, let them pay for their education themselves. No free education without direct benefit to the taxpayer.
Reagan was fighting to bring down the inflation Carter caused. Inflation snowballs and it's just started rolling down the mountain. It's going to be worse than under Carter by 2024.
And Biden is working to bring down the inflation caused by covid and Trump
In fact, US inflation dropped from 13.55% under Carter to 3.31% in his first 3 years.
Depends on what they are learning. Engineering, Molecular Biology, Medicine and other necessary majors; give students scholarships with payoff plans linked to years of serving the public in those jobs. Poli Sci, Philosophy, Racial and Gender Studies, Language Arts, Art, let them pay for their education themselves. No free education without direct benefit to the taxpayer.

People must learn that THEY have to pay for the things THEY want in life. Stop the endless "freebies". Everyone with a brain knows that NOTHING in life is "free."

And taxpayers should NEVER get stuck paying for other peoples' decisions in life.
And Biden is working to bring down the inflation caused by covid and Trump

Why do you leftists always try to use lies to win a debate. You are way too transparent.

Inflation is caused when the costs of things increase. When you pay people to stay home instead of working, companies have to compete against government to attract workers. The only way for them to do that is pay much better than government that was paying pretty good at the time. Those losses get passed on to the consumer, and then you have inflation. Now add in the extra 35% we are paying for gasoline. Gasoline isn't the only thing that increases. So does diesel fuel that trucks use, and again, you have to pay the drivers more as well.

Speaking of drivers, most were restricted from those shipping and receiving ports due to bill HR-5. That bill stopped independent drivers from operating in the state of California to kiss the asses of unions. Also in that bill, no trucks with an engine older than 2011 can operate in that state either to get the enviro-kook vote. So now we have all these ships out there with goods we need that can't be unload because there are too few trucks to haul that stuff out of there.

Covid has zero to do with it and neither did Trump. But you want to blame all of Dementia's fuck ups on a guy that's been gone for months. I knew this would happen. Pre-election I predicted this in discussions of what if Biden wins.

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