Biden drops "free college" from his massive taxing and spending bill

Too bad, suckers! Biden needs to make more room for payoffs to lefty billionaires like Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates, and Bezos. So you can forget about your "free college". LOL

In what appears to be a major concession to moderate Democrats, President Joe Biden reportedly told House progressives Tuesday that tuition-free community college will not be included in the final version of a multitrillion-dollar spending bill to fund the president's economic and climate agenda.

CNN reported Tuesday that Biden discussed a $1.75 trillion to $1.9 trillion top line figure for his spending bill, which Senate Democrats hope to pass via budget reconciliation to dodge the 60-vote requirement imposed by the filibuster. Those numbers are more in line with the $1.5 trillion figure demanded by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who's vote is needed in the 50-50 Senate to pass any legislation.

College students, much like the colored people , aren't going to get anything from President Biden and the D's.

The Democrats already own their votes, they aren't going to pay any more for them.
Pure infrastructure? Let's look at that:

$65 billion for broadband. Includes funding to expand broadband in rural areas and in low-income communities. Approximately $14 billion of the total would help reduce Internet bills for low-income citizens.

$47 billion for cybersecurity and climate change. The Resilience Fund will protect infrastructure from cybersecurity attacks and address flooding, wildfires, coastal erosion, and droughts along with other extreme weather events.

$39 billion for public transit. Funding here provides for upgrades to public transit systems nationwide. The allocation also includes money to create new bus routes and help make public transit more accessible to seniors and disabled Americans.

$21 billion for the environment. These monies would be used to clean up superfund and brownfield sites, abandoned mines, and old oil and gas wells.

$7.5 bill for electric vehicle charging stations. The Biden administration asked for this funding to build significantly more charging stations for electric vehicles across the nation.

$7.5 billion for electric school buses. With an emphasis on bus fleet replacement in low-income, rural, and tribal communities, this funding is expected to allow those communities to convert to zero-emission buses.

Now mind you much of it is actual infrastructure, but a good portion is dedicated to their green nonsense. And don't say public transportation is part of infrastructure since most people don't use the public transportation we have now, and much of it is funded by the taxpayers since these entities are not self-sufficient. They can't survive by passengers alone.
Thanks looks like infrastructure to me
What spending do you disagree with

Show me the pork or STFU
1. $10 Billion to Create a ‘Civilian Climate Corp’
The Biden administration proposes spending $10 billion to create a “Civilian Climate Corp.” The White House claims that “This $10 billion investment will put a new, diverse generation of Americans to work conserving our public lands and waters, bolstering community resilience, and advancing environmental justice through a new Civilian Climate Corps.”
2. $20 Billion to ‘Advance Racial Equity and Environmental Justice’
The proposal sets aside a whopping $20 billion—more than the latest COVID package spent on vaccines—for “a new program that will reconnect neighborhoods cut off by historic investments and ensure new projects increase opportunity, advance racial equity and environmental justice, and promote affordable access.”
3. $175 Billion in Subsidies for Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles: A technological novelty so good it won’t catch on without hundreds of billions in subsidies. At least, that’s apparently what the Biden administration thinks, as its infrastructure proposal earmarks a “$174 billion investment to win the electric vehicle market.”
The spending will take the form of manufacturing subsidies and consumer tax credits, which historically have benefitted wealthy families most. For comparison, the proposal carves out more for green energy goodies than it does on the total $115 billion to “modernize the bridges, highways, roads, and main streets that are in most critical need of repair.”
4. $213 Billion to Build/Retrofit 2 Million Houses & Buildings
When most people hear “infrastructure,” they think of roads, bridges, tunnels, and so on. But the Biden administration’s definition of the term is Olympian-gymnastics-level flexible. Apparently, the president considers it “infrastructure spending” to allocate $213 billion to build or retrofit 2 million “sustainable” houses and buildings. They also slip in $40 billion for public housing, stating this will “disproportionately benefit women, people of color, and people with disabilities.”
5. $100 Billion for New Public Schools and Making School Lunches ‘Greener’
You might remember that the last “COVID” legislation had $128.5 billion in taxpayer dole-outs for public schools; much of the money will be spent years after the pandemic and there was no requirement that schools actually open. Yet this was, evidently, just the beginning. The Biden “infrastructure” plan includes another “$100 billion to upgrade and build new public schools.”
“Funds also will be provided to improve our school kitchens, so they can be used to better prepare nutritious meals for our students and go green by reducing or eliminating the use of paper plates and other disposable materials,” the proposal reads. (Emphasis mine).
6. $12 Billion for Community Colleges
One generally thinks of infrastructure and higher education as separate, distinct sectors. Yet the Biden “infrastructure” plan slips in $12 billion for states to spend on community colleges.
7. Billions to Eliminate ‘Racial and Gender Inequities’ in STEM
The proposal includes several billion dollars allocated to reduce supposed “racial and gender inequities” in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) research and development.
What this has to do with interstate infrastructure is not adequately explained.
8. $100 Billion to Expand Broadband Internet (And Government Control of It)
Loosely lumped under the broad term “digital infrastructure,” the plan allocates $100 billion to “bring affordable, reliable, high-speed broadband to every American.” Interestingly, the proposal openly states that it wishes to promote government and NGO control of broadband and push out private sector providers: It “prioritizes support for broadband networks owned, operated by, or affiliated with local governments, non-profits, and co-operatives—providers with less pressure to turn profits.”
9. $25 Billion for Government Childcare Programs
The plan includes $25 billion “to help upgrade child care facilities and increase the supply of child care in areas that need it most.” According to the White House, “funding would be provided through a Child Care Growth and Innovation Fund for states to build a supply of infant and toddler care in high-need areas.”
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Thanks looks like infrastructure to me
What spending do you disagree with

All that I listed. Do you know what infrastructure actually is? Roads, bridges, airports. Not electric charging stations or clean energy. Those are Communist wish list items they've been pushing for for years. Providing broadband to their voters.......I mean the poor is not infrastructure, it's called vote buying.

Get this Democrat pork out of the bill and keep it to real infrastructure only, and you will see more Republican support.
All that I listed. Do you know what infrastructure actually is? Roads, bridges, airports. Not electric charging stations or clean energy. Those are Communist wish list items they've been pushing for for years. Providing broadband to their voters.......I mean the poor is not infrastructure, it's called vote buying.

Get this Democrat pork out of the bill and keep it to real infrastructure only, and you will see more Republican support.
Spoken like a real Truck Driver

Infrastructure includes power, communications, water, public facilities
It doesn't include consumer goods, like internet service, moron. Is your cell phone "infrastructure?" It's used for communications.

Welcome to the 21st century Finger Boy

Cell Phone networks and internet are now a critical part of our communications infrastructure. All are severely outdated and in need of modernization
Just as with Obama's so called shovel ready jobs most of the money will be siphoned off into Dem coffers to purchase votes and line their own pockets and bail out pie in the sky Dem government worker pension and benefit plans, yet another vote buying scheme.
Welcome to the 21st century Finger Boy

Cell Phone networks and internet are now a critical part of our communications infrastructure. All are severely outdated and in need of modernization
I didn't say "cell phone networks," dumbass. I said cell phones. Are you so fucking stupid that you believe a cell phone is infrastructure?
Spoken like a real Truck Driver

Infrastructure includes power, communications, water, public facilities

If people want internet they can get their own. Satellites can provide internet which anybody in this country can get. It's not infrastructure. Infrastructure are necessities, not luxuries paid for by taxpayers. And yes, broadband is a luxury as many people who can easily afford it still don't have it.
If people want internet they can get their own. Satellites can provide internet which anybody in this country can get. It's not infrastructure. Infrastructure are necessities, not luxuries paid for by taxpayers. And yes, broadband is a luxury as many people who can easily afford it still don't have it.
Our Internet Infrastructure is a joke. A hodgepodge of cable networks, phone and whoever else got the contract
Long overdue for an upgrade
Broadband is essential to the economy of our nation
Our Internet Infrastructure is a joke. A hodgepodge of cable networks, phone and whoever else got the contract
Long overdue for an upgrade
Broadband is essential to the economy of our nation
Everyone already has boranband, moron. Virtually everyone has enough bandwidth to watch television over the internet.
Everyone already has boranband, moron. Virtually everyone has enough bandwidth to watch television over the internet.
Thanks Professor Flintstone

I guess you think Broadband demand is static and could never increase. Our nationwide broadband is hit or miss with rural areas having the worst
Our internet is still vulnerable to cyber attacks that can paralyze our nation
Our Internet Infrastructure is a joke. A hodgepodge of cable networks, phone and whoever else got the contract
Long overdue for an upgrade
Broadband is essential to the economy of our nation

No it is not. My cable works great and so does my internet. Read what I posted on that site. They consider infrastructure providing internet and who knows, maybe even cable television to "poor" people. Who are poor people? All those ghetto dwellers that vote Democrat.

My neighbor has a flip phone for emergency use only. He has no need for a smart phone. He wouldn't know how to turn on a computer if you gave him 20 bucks yet alone know how to use the internet. Same with my mother. These old school people survive just fine without technology. The only reason my mother has a cell phone is because I got her one. She used to go out with her sister and brother-in-law all over the place and none of those older people had any modern communication. Even then she only uses the damn thing to call one of us when she's done with her doctors appointment.

I'm sick of the Communists putting our country further and further in debt to buy votes. If they want to buy votes, let the DNC provide the poor with broadband--not us taxpayers.
No it is not. My cable works great and so does my internet. Read what I posted on that site. They consider infrastructure providing internet and who knows, maybe even cable television to "poor" people. Who are poor people? All those ghetto dwellers that vote Democrat.

My neighbor has a flip phone for emergency use only. He has no need for a smart phone. He wouldn't know how to turn on a computer if you gave him 20 bucks yet alone know how to use the internet. Same with my mother. These old school people survive just fine without technology. The only reason my mother has a cell phone is because I got her one. She used to go out with her sister and brother-in-law all over the place and none of those older people had any modern communication. Even then she only uses the damn thing to call one of us when she's done with her doctors appointment.

I'm sick of the Communists putting our country further and further in debt to buy votes. If they want to buy votes, let the DNC provide the poor with broadband--not us taxpayers.
A modern Internet that can handle expected loads and is protected from cyber attacks is essential to the US economy

I don’t care about your mothers flip phone

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