The $3.5T spending bill is 2500 pages AND COUNTING.

What is the interest on a $25 trillion dollar debt anyway-
The interest on the existing debt is $ 378B. That's less than half the Defense budget

This would raise it to what? 425B? 440B

Oh save us!
The Democrats have a very slim majority. Razor thin. Every last Democrat has to be on board for anything to get passed.

Because of this, every Democrat in the House and Senate knows they have the best leverage they could ever hope for. I am sure this bill is so yuge because they all had "gets" they demanded to go along with passing the bill. Nice little boondoggles to make them look good for the rubes back home. Bridges to nowhere, free puppies for hookers, a bigger liquor tab at all Democratic functions, etc.

"Give me what I want, or else!"
Most of those pages are the regulations which were built around the core bill. Congress writes a law, but that is just the scaffolding. It then is fleshed out with regulations which must be written to provide specifics, and that adds a lot of bulk.

There are tens of thousands of pages for the Republican Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D program created in 2004. Interestingly, the Republicans did not place any provisions to pay for those programs, while Obamacare did.

Medicare Part D probably adds far more to the debt than Obamacare.
I agree, I'm not saying republicans don't so it....They could write it in plain English, bit then lawyers wouldn't be needed and people would be able to understand the laws better....we can't have that can we?
And again a law should focus on one thing, not a million things...again that would be too easy and helpful
The interest on the existing debt is $ 378B. That's less than half the Defense budget

This would raise it to what? 425B? 440B

Oh save us!
Well, the Democrats claim it will all be paid for with tax hikes on the rich, and will add nothing to the debt.

I believe that like I believe there's a Jewish space laser starting forest fires in California.
I agree, I'm not saying republicans don't so it....They could write it in plain English, bit then lawyers wouldn't be needed and people would be able to understand the laws better....we can't have that can we?
And again a law should focus on one thing, not a million things...again that would be too easy and helpful
If there is one thing special interests are experts at, it is finding loopholes in the law to drive their truckloads of money through. That's why our laws have to be so complex.

But special interests pay a lot of campaign cash to politicians to create those loopholes, which is also why our laws are so complex.

So...we're fucked.
If there is one thing special interests are experts at, it is finding loopholes in the law to drive their truckloads of money through. That's why our laws have to be so complex.

But special interests pay a lot of campaign cash to politicians to create those loopholes, which is also why our laws are so complex.

So...we're fucked.
I agree....its a sick corrupt system...One reason I voted for Tru.p, he had more balls to call people out......need to find someone that has the balls to really get that done..........won't be easy, but only way to go
White 6 There should be a page limit on ominbus spending bills. These 2 and 3 thousand page documents are impossible to read by design. Plenty of hiding spaces for pork or worse.
When Tupac got out, he should have stayed out, never going back, never looking back.
I agree....its a sick corrupt system...One reason I voted for Tru.p, he had more balls to call people out......need to find someone that has the balls to really get that done..........won't be easy, but only way to go
You know who is to blame?


We demand this kind of behavior from our politicians.

You ever wonder why Congress gets such low approval ratings, yet we re-elect House members 98 percent of the time, and Senators 80 percent of the time?

"Those other Congresscritters waste too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON!"

We get the politicians we deserve.
Bullshit. You know better but your agenda is low taxes for the rich.
No, my agenda is low taxes for everyone. It would be very simple to achieve that, and balance the budget, and pay off the debt. All at the same time.

But our politicians are paid to be corrupt. If they lowered taxes, balanced the budget, and paid off the debt, their campaign contributions would fall through the floor.
This spending bill is sure to be chock full of pork. All kinds of goodies are going to be handed out to the Democratic members in order to get them to vote for the bill.

And they are going to make the rich pay for it.

Gee, that sounds fair...
No, my agenda is low taxes for everyone. It would be very simple to achieve that, and balance the budget, and pay off the debt. All at the same time.

But our politicians are paid to be corrupt. If they lowered taxes, balanced the budget, and paid off the debt, their campaign contributions would fall through the floor.
I have asked you before and you have refused to respond. What happens if we pay off the debt? How does that affect the economy?
You know who is to blame?


We demand this kind of behavior from our politicians.

You ever wonder why Congress gets such low approval ratings, yet we re-elect House members 98 percent of the time, and Senators 80 percent of the time?

"Those other Congresscritters waste too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON!"

We get the politicians we deserve.
I agree......bit the system is set up to attract thieves, conmen and bullshitters. Part m of that are these giant bills they can hide all kinds of shit in their size and language......And how do we allow campaigns to pay relatives out of their war chests..........
I have asked you before and you have refused to respond. What happens if we pay off the debt? How does that affect the economy?
I answered your questions! Go back to posts 514 and 515. I even tagged you in post 515. Sheesh!

This will take you there:

I agree......bit the system is set up to attract thieves, conmen and bullshitters. Part m of that are these giant bills they can hide all kinds of shit in their size and language......And how do we allow campaigns to pay relatives out of their war chests..........
Yep. We're pretty much fucked.
Almost exactly the same size as the "Affordable Care Act" bill. And here we are again, with an enormous bill packed full of God knows what. And if history repeats itself, the shrew Pelosi with be sneaking in lots of pages at the last minute. We keep doing the same things hoping for better results. I think there is a word for that.

I have heard, that they have TWICE now tried to sneak in giving amnesty and citizenship to everyone that Biden is rushing across the Borders.
I answered your questions! Go back to posts 514 and 515. I even tagged you in post 515. Sheesh!

This will take you there:

You actually agreed with me

"Remove money from the economy? Well, when a bank gives you a home mortgage loan, most of that money is "created out of thin air". This drives gold bugs ka-raaaaaaazy. But what gold bugs either don't tell you or they just don't know is, when you pay back your loan, the principal is returned to the ether and all that remains is the interest you paid."

What you didn't respond to was the effect that removing that money would be (returned to ether)

And you and I both know (or you should) is that it would be a disaster.

Please tell me that you're not an imbecile. I DID have a reasonable amount of respect for you
You actually agreed with me

"Remove money from the economy? Well, when a bank gives you a home mortgage loan, most of that money is "created out of thin air". This drives gold bugs ka-raaaaaaazy. But what gold bugs either don't tell you or they just don't know is, when you pay back your loan, the principal is returned to the ether and all that remains is the interest you paid."

What you didn't respond to was the effect that removing that money would be (returned to ether)

And you and I both know (or you should) is that it would be a disaster.

Please tell me that you're not an imbecile. I DID have a reasonable amount of respect for you
Federal debt is not created from the ether. That's the difference between that and the money for a home mortgage. The money lent to the US government is real money, not ether money. So it does not get destroyed when it is paid back. It will still be around.

Understand now?
I have heard, that they have TWICE now tried to sneak in giving amnesty and citizenship to everyone that Biden is rushing across the Borders.
No, they were trying to put in a provision to allow legal status and a path to citizenship (amnesty) to 8 million illegals who are already here.

The parliamentarian would not let them put that in a reconciliation bill since amnesty has nothing to do with the budget. You can't put extraneous shit in a reconciliation bill that isn't directly connected to spending.

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