The 3 most important rules of thumb about economics.

Trump. Republicans who put Americans first are the best for our economy. The Democrat philosophy of living large on barrowed money is unsustainable. It's like fools gold

The US exists in a global economy. We do not get to set the rules. We do better in economic partnerships than every man for himself
Never ceases to amaze me when a liberal who staunchly proclaims wages need to be higher, benefits need to increase... then go and support globalism.
You just can't make this stuff up.
Globalism is a reality whether you like it or not
And yes, when we cut corporate taxes by 40 percent, I expect higher wages
the Number one rule is never to spend more than you take in.

Spending is the number one reason why we have to borrow money.
You don't repeal banking regultions allowing banks to gamble with peoples money, speculating on high risk investments,

I know.....mortgages......very risky.

and you never, ever, cut corporate taxes, allowing the buy back of a companies own stock,

Why, is buying back stock bad?

Were the old day better when corporations hoarded their profits to make unwise purchases?
Do you miss the old, inefficient conglomerates?
Trump. Republicans who put Americans first are the best for our economy. The Democrat philosophy of living large on barrowed money is unsustainable. It's like fools gold

The US exists in a global economy. We do not get to set the rules. We do better in economic partnerships than every man for himself
Never ceases to amaze me when a liberal who staunchly proclaims wages need to be higher, benefits need to increase... then go and support globalism.
You just can't make this stuff up.

Well, They don't have to make it up because reality is just what it is.

There is no way to know what you are thinking because you aren't explaining yourself.

The economy has always been global. Different countries have different resources. Then there is a thing called comparative advantage. The economy is all about trade, trade between two people, trade between two companies, trade between regions, states, countries.

A couple of definitions of "globalism";

"a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence — compare imperialism, internationalism."

"An ideology based on the belief that people, goods and information ought to be able to cross national borders unfettered. A socio-economic system dedicated to free trade and free access to markets."

"internationalism is political, economic and cultural cooperation between nations while globalism is an ideology based on the belief that people, goods and information ought to be able to cross national borders unfettered."

The opposite would be isolationism. That has proven out to not work.

By it's very nature, the economy, trade, is a combination of both competition and cooperation...

A big part of the motivation that led to the American Revolutionary War was the The Navigation Acts. They were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament that imposed restrictions on colonial trade in their ability to trade with other countries. Basically, British Mercantilism was not allowing the colonies to engage in globalism. Among other things, the United States of America was founded on the right to globalism.

Globalism and wages are not directly related. They are both parts of economics, but so are a lot of things that have nothing to do with each other except that everything is related to economics. Wages and benefits of workers is only related because they both are part of economics. Companies pay wages and companies engage on global trade. That is about the extent of that relationship.

There is nothing inconsistent with supporting higher wages and supporting globalism. They aren't mutually exclusive.
You are over complicating the hell out of it.
When the discussion is economics, one should be able to understand what facet of the term globalism someone is talking about.
Especially when I tied in the term "corporatism/globalism".
But I will spell it out for you.
Someone thinks of a great product.
They look into manufacturing costs etc. And develop a plan. But they soon find out they can't get any investors interested in funding unless they outsource manufacturing to China etc. So in the end, unless they can find there own financing... they have no choice but to outsource to cheap labor overseas because that is the only thing investors are interested in.
This scenario plays out every single day in America. You can even see examples of this on almost every episode of "Shark Tank". They push the owners to outsource over and over and over because they know that is where they will make the most money. They could care less if near slave labor is how they do it.
That is the facet of economic globalism I am referring to.
Trump. Republicans who put Americans first are the best for our economy. The Democrat philosophy of living large on barrowed money is unsustainable. It's like fools gold

The entire money supply is borrowed money.
That's how the money supply works.

This is an extremely important thing to understand about how the economy functions.
Money is just a bunch of numbers used to track the flow of goods and services.
it's how the make $$>
Trump. Republicans who put Americans first are the best for our economy. The Democrat philosophy of living large on barrowed money is unsustainable. It's like fools gold

The entire money supply is borrowed money.
That's how the money supply works.

This is an extremely important thing to understand about how the economy functions.
Money is just a bunch of numbers used to track the flow of goods and services.
it's how the make $$>
View attachment 506787

How do they mark derivatives in the dark?
Why do we care?
It wasn't true Capitalism that created our "first world" economy. True capitalism exists nowhere since the fall of Mogadishu.

The socialism of using Capitalism for all of its capital worth is what has achieved what it has.
What the hell did that last sentence mean, Daniel?
Mogadishu was the last true capitalism? What the heck are you babbling about?
Fact, is pretty much everyone else in the world mooches off us. We are better off cutting off the mooches both foreign and domestic because they are bankrupting the rest of us and lowering our standard of living.
Republican, Democrat, I don't care. Browse this for a bit if you want to really get pissed off about the amount of money that this country gives away for foreign aid.

The numbers are astounding. And the true reasons we do this, we probably aren't privy too. Keep that in mind. The closed door handshakes and back scratching is probably dumbfounding. All the while, our MSM, keeps if fighting about Covid and other bullshit to keep us distracted.
1 The most important rule of thumb about economics, is the rich and the poor tend to disagree about what is best for the economy.

2 The second most important rule of thumb about economics is each country, nation, empire, ect. is an economic experiment, with different laws and stuff that effect economics.

3 The the third most important rule of thumb about economics, is history swears up and down, that the poor are better off under capitalism.
Not true the poor are much worse off in the US than in any European country, Australia or New Zealand. FACT.
1). A strong work ethic will get you a little ways but won't get you ahead.
2). Loyalty to your employer gets one nowhere. Dead end. Always be willing to move on. 2 weeks notice no longer applies.
3). He who has the most $ wins.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States is a simple solution that can help automatically stabilize our economy and increase market participation to full employment of resources.
This thread is so unfair to public-school indoctrinated masses!
Everybody knows they only gots (two)(II)(too)(tew) of dem tings. They spent a whole week learning that!

3 "rules of thumb"? Too many.
1). A strong work ethic will get you a little ways but won't get you ahead.
2). Loyalty to your employer gets one nowhere. Dead end. Always be willing to move on. 2 weeks notice no longer applies.
3). He who has the most $ wins.
Seriously? That's some of the worst advice I've EVER heard!
A strong work ethic does wonders for your getting ahead...being a lazy piece of shit won't get you anywhere!
Be loyal to employers that are loyal to you! If you're going to it the right way! Give notice and do the job so that they miss you when you're gone!
Money is not the most important thing in life. Doing what you enjoy doing is!
The most important rule is simply pay equals production. Pay less I work less hard. Pay more I work harder.

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