The 43% Bubble


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Back in the 70's Liberals made the mistake of living in their post hippie universe. They preached peace, love, and the end to the Vietnam war. They called police officers "pigs" and raged against "the establishment" in other words - our government. They had their own language, didn't bother to check their facts before speaking, secure in the knowledge their liberal peer group would cheer them on. They lived in their own Liberal bubble. Little did they know, they were speaking to a gradually smaller percentage of the population. Enter the election of 1980. Reagan - Bush and the Conservatives dominated the political landscape for the next 12 years. The same thing is happening to Trump supporters, they call liberals "snowflakes" and "dims" and rage against big government. Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all. Trump supporters are living in their little 43% bubble, the average approval of Donald Trump in his first term of office. They don't want to think about the other 57% of the voting public. The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't. They're happily cuddling together in their little 43% bubble.

The election of 2020 is coming, and regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, history has a nasty habit of repeating itself------:bye1:

Back in the 70's Liberals made the mistake of living in their post hippie universe. They preached peace, love, and the end to the Vietnam war. They called police officers "pigs" and raged against "the establishment" in other words - our government. They had their own language, didn't bother to check their facts before speaking, secure in the knowledge their liberal peer group would cheer them on. They lived in their own Liberal bubble. Little did they know, they were speaking to a gradually smaller percentage of the population. Enter the election of 1980. Reagan - Bush and the Conservatives dominated the political landscape for the next 12 years. The same thing is happening to Trump supporters, they call liberals "snowflakes" and "dims" and rage against big government. Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all. Trump supporters are living in their little 43% bubble, the average approval of Donald Trump in his first term of office. They don't want to think about the other 57% of the voting public. The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't. They're happily cuddling together in their little 43% bubble.

The election of 2020 is coming, and regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, history has a nasty habit of repeating itself------:bye1:

Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all." - That is a no.

"The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't" That is a no.

If you actually knew anything about history you would know that Historically speaking, The 2018 midterm election was a disaster for the Democratic Party.
In other words - they should have done much better based on history - but they did not.

The wake up call should have been to the Resistance - but it wasn't.
I'm not sure who the OP is critiquing, the 43% of Trump supporters, or the 57% of non-supporters?
1. The 2020 Trump supporters are just fine thank you. Trump will do better in 2020 than as an unknown in 2016.
2. If any of the 2020 non-Trump supporters, aka the 57%, vote against Trump and for the socialists they deserve what they get.

Back in the 70's Liberals made the mistake of living in their post hippie universe. They preached peace, love, and the end to the Vietnam war. They called police officers "pigs" and raged against "the establishment" in other words - our government. They had their own language, didn't bother to check their facts before speaking, secure in the knowledge their liberal peer group would cheer them on. They lived in their own Liberal bubble. Little did they know, they were speaking to a gradually smaller percentage of the population. Enter the election of 1980. Reagan - Bush and the Conservatives dominated the political landscape for the next 12 years. The same thing is happening to Trump supporters, they call liberals "snowflakes" and "dims" and rage against big government. Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all. Trump supporters are living in their little 43% bubble, the average approval of Donald Trump in his first term of office. They don't want to think about the other 57% of the voting public. The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't. They're happily cuddling together in their little 43% bubble.

The election of 2020 is coming, and regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, history has a nasty habit of repeating itself------:bye1:

The same thing is happening to anti-Americans and far left democrats... again.

Mid terms ALWAYS go that way, there is nothing surprising or concerning about the result. Trump is by far the superior and BY FAR the more American candidate.

Have you yet pieced together how re-elections go during longest boom periods in history?
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Back in the 70's Liberals made the mistake of living in their post hippie universe. They preached peace, love, and the end to the Vietnam war. They called police officers "pigs" and raged against "the establishment" in other words - our government. They had their own language, didn't bother to check their facts before speaking, secure in the knowledge their liberal peer group would cheer them on. They lived in their own Liberal bubble. Little did they know, they were speaking to a gradually smaller percentage of the population. Enter the election of 1980. Reagan - Bush and the Conservatives dominated the political landscape for the next 12 years. The same thing is happening to Trump supporters, they call liberals "snowflakes" and "dims" and rage against big government. Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all. Trump supporters are living in their little 43% bubble, the average approval of Donald Trump in his first term of office. They don't want to think about the other 57% of the voting public. The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't. They're happily cuddling together in their little 43% bubble.

The election of 2020 is coming, and regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, history has a nasty habit of repeating itself------:bye1:
Nothing is different from the Ear’s era. Ears supporters are exactly like Donnie supporters. They support their guy unconditionally. It’s party over all other things.
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Back in the 70's Liberals made the mistake of living in their post hippie universe. They preached peace, love, and the end to the Vietnam war. They called police officers "pigs" and raged against "the establishment" in other words - our government. They had their own language, didn't bother to check their facts before speaking, secure in the knowledge their liberal peer group would cheer them on. They lived in their own Liberal bubble. Little did they know, they were speaking to a gradually smaller percentage of the population. Enter the election of 1980. Reagan - Bush and the Conservatives dominated the political landscape for the next 12 years. The same thing is happening to Trump supporters, they call liberals "snowflakes" and "dims" and rage against big government. Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all. Trump supporters are living in their little 43% bubble, the average approval of Donald Trump in his first term of office. They don't want to think about the other 57% of the voting public. The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't. They're happily cuddling together in their little 43% bubble.

The election of 2020 is coming, and regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, history has a nasty habit of repeating itself------:bye1:

Approval ratings are always highly suspect, inaccurate and/or even dangerous in and of itself to use in judging a leader.

For instance, Bush hit 90% approval ratings soon after 9/11. Is that REALLY how Americans view his legacy? Trump shouldn't even care about that, he should care about GOP and Independent support. The establishment won't promote him or even provide proper results, they want to influence via polls. He has to do what is right, in turn, he will win the poll that matters: The General Election.

Trump isn't sending people to war, or cash to enemies, or allowing communists to steal your IP and jobs. So, because of this, we expect him to have lower approval over those who did these things?

Yes, Fake News is an overused moniker but it's an important one. Americans succeed because you challenge the norms. Even hippies have great value in the making of U.S success, if they are committed to civil liberties and accountable/transparent government. I don't think that is "living in the past", or I sure hope it isn't.

Conservatives now have to pick up the mantle of these classical liberal ideals. Trump is such a person who can lead everyone to do so as he is not an ideologue.

Back in the 70's Liberals made the mistake of living in their post hippie universe. They preached peace, love, and the end to the Vietnam war. They called police officers "pigs" and raged against "the establishment" in other words - our government. They had their own language, didn't bother to check their facts before speaking, secure in the knowledge their liberal peer group would cheer them on. They lived in their own Liberal bubble. Little did they know, they were speaking to a gradually smaller percentage of the population. Enter the election of 1980. Reagan - Bush and the Conservatives dominated the political landscape for the next 12 years. The same thing is happening to Trump supporters, they call liberals "snowflakes" and "dims" and rage against big government. Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all. Trump supporters are living in their little 43% bubble, the average approval of Donald Trump in his first term of office. They don't want to think about the other 57% of the voting public. The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't. They're happily cuddling together in their little 43% bubble.

The election of 2020 is coming, and regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, history has a nasty habit of repeating itself------:bye1:

Approval ratings are always highly suspect, inaccurate and/or even dangerous in and of itself to use in judging a leader.

For instance, Bush hit 90% approval ratings soon after 9/11. Is that REALLY how Americans view his legacy? Trump shouldn't even care about that, he should care about GOP and Independent support. The establishment won't promote him or even provide proper results, they want to influence via polls. He has to do what is right, in turn, he will win the poll that matters: The General Election.

Trump isn't sending people to war, or cash to enemies, or allowing communists to steal your IP and jobs. So, because of this, we expect him to have lower approval over those who did these things?

Yes, Fake News is an overused moniker but it's an important one. Americans succeed because you challenge the norms. Even hippies have great value in the making of U.S success, if they are committed to civil liberties and accountable/transparent government. I don't think that is "living in the past", or I sure hope it isn't.

Conservatives now have to pick up the mantle of these classical liberal ideals. Trump is such a person who can lead everyone to do so as he is not an ideologue.

Bush had 90% support, he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.

Trump... I don't care what the support is... he will be remembered as the best American president.
Trump was able to structure that 43 percent to an Electoral College victory in 2016 to score a major upset

While in worked in 2016, it is not a winning strategy to count on winning with a minority of the vote. While two percent was enough for Trump to overcome last time, can he win with a three or four percent minority?

Trump has worked tirelessly to secure his base but has done nothing to bump his support above that 43 percent bubble
Trump was able to structure that 43 percent to an Electoral College victory in 2016 to score a major upset

While in worked in 2016, it is not a winning strategy to count on winning with a minority of the vote. While two percent was enough for Trump to overcome last time, can he win with a three or four percent minority?

Trump has worked tirelessly to secure his base but has done nothing to bump his support above that 43 percent bubble

Trump will absolutely DOMINATE the 2020 election.

Back in the 70's Liberals made the mistake of living in their post hippie universe. They preached peace, love, and the end to the Vietnam war. They called police officers "pigs" and raged against "the establishment" in other words - our government. They had their own language, didn't bother to check their facts before speaking, secure in the knowledge their liberal peer group would cheer them on. They lived in their own Liberal bubble. Little did they know, they were speaking to a gradually smaller percentage of the population. Enter the election of 1980. Reagan - Bush and the Conservatives dominated the political landscape for the next 12 years. The same thing is happening to Trump supporters, they call liberals "snowflakes" and "dims" and rage against big government. Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all. Trump supporters are living in their little 43% bubble, the average approval of Donald Trump in his first term of office. They don't want to think about the other 57% of the voting public. The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't. They're happily cuddling together in their little 43% bubble.

The election of 2020 is coming, and regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, history has a nasty habit of repeating itself------:bye1:

Approval ratings are always highly suspect, inaccurate and/or even dangerous in and of itself to use in judging a leader.

For instance, Bush hit 90% approval ratings soon after 9/11. Is that REALLY how Americans view his legacy? Trump shouldn't even care about that, he should care about GOP and Independent support. The establishment won't promote him or even provide proper results, they want to influence via polls. He has to do what is right, in turn, he will win the poll that matters: The General Election.

Trump isn't sending people to war, or cash to enemies, or allowing communists to steal your IP and jobs. So, because of this, we expect him to have lower approval over those who did these things?

Yes, Fake News is an overused moniker but it's an important one. Americans succeed because you challenge the norms. Even hippies have great value in the making of U.S success, if they are committed to civil liberties and accountable/transparent government. I don't think that is "living in the past", or I sure hope it isn't.

Conservatives now have to pick up the mantle of these classical liberal ideals. Trump is such a person who can lead everyone to do so as he is not an ideologue.

Bush had 90% support, he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.

Trump... I don't care what the support is... he will be remembered as the best American president.
You’re half right.

Back in the 70's Liberals made the mistake of living in their post hippie universe. They preached peace, love, and the end to the Vietnam war. They called police officers "pigs" and raged against "the establishment" in other words - our government. They had their own language, didn't bother to check their facts before speaking, secure in the knowledge their liberal peer group would cheer them on. They lived in their own Liberal bubble. Little did they know, they were speaking to a gradually smaller percentage of the population. Enter the election of 1980. Reagan - Bush and the Conservatives dominated the political landscape for the next 12 years. The same thing is happening to Trump supporters, they call liberals "snowflakes" and "dims" and rage against big government. Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all. Trump supporters are living in their little 43% bubble, the average approval of Donald Trump in his first term of office. They don't want to think about the other 57% of the voting public. The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't. They're happily cuddling together in their little 43% bubble.

The election of 2020 is coming, and regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, history has a nasty habit of repeating itself------:bye1:

Approval ratings are always highly suspect, inaccurate and/or even dangerous in and of itself to use in judging a leader.

For instance, Bush hit 90% approval ratings soon after 9/11. Is that REALLY how Americans view his legacy? Trump shouldn't even care about that, he should care about GOP and Independent support. The establishment won't promote him or even provide proper results, they want to influence via polls. He has to do what is right, in turn, he will win the poll that matters: The General Election.

Trump isn't sending people to war, or cash to enemies, or allowing communists to steal your IP and jobs. So, because of this, we expect him to have lower approval over those who did these things?

Yes, Fake News is an overused moniker but it's an important one. Americans succeed because you challenge the norms. Even hippies have great value in the making of U.S success, if they are committed to civil liberties and accountable/transparent government. I don't think that is "living in the past", or I sure hope it isn't.

Conservatives now have to pick up the mantle of these classical liberal ideals. Trump is such a person who can lead everyone to do so as he is not an ideologue.

Bush had 90% support, he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.

Trump... I don't care what the support is... he will be remembered as the best American president.
You’re half right.

I forgot, Obama won't even be remembered.

Now correct?
Trump was able to structure that 43 percent to an Electoral College victory in 2016 to score a major upset

While in worked in 2016, it is not a winning strategy to count on winning with a minority of the vote. While two percent was enough for Trump to overcome last time, can he win with a three or four percent minority?

Trump has worked tirelessly to secure his base but has done nothing to bump his support above that 43 percent bubble

Trump will absolutely DOMINATE the 2020 election.

He is already losing support in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin
He is also behind in Florida and Arizona

Tough to win without those states
Trump was able to structure that 43 percent to an Electoral College victory in 2016 to score a major upset

While in worked in 2016, it is not a winning strategy to count on winning with a minority of the vote. While two percent was enough for Trump to overcome last time, can he win with a three or four percent minority?

Trump has worked tirelessly to secure his base but has done nothing to bump his support above that 43 percent bubble

Trump will absolutely DOMINATE the 2020 election.

He is already losing support in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin
He is also behind in Florida and Arizona

Tough to win without those states

Yeah... just like he was behind in every state in 2016.

You won't be disappointed, the pro-American president will stay in office.

Back in the 70's Liberals made the mistake of living in their post hippie universe. They preached peace, love, and the end to the Vietnam war. They called police officers "pigs" and raged against "the establishment" in other words - our government. They had their own language, didn't bother to check their facts before speaking, secure in the knowledge their liberal peer group would cheer them on. They lived in their own Liberal bubble. Little did they know, they were speaking to a gradually smaller percentage of the population. Enter the election of 1980. Reagan - Bush and the Conservatives dominated the political landscape for the next 12 years. The same thing is happening to Trump supporters, they call liberals "snowflakes" and "dims" and rage against big government. Any news story contradicting their views is automatically dismissed as "fake news" without bothering to see if it's true, and usually not having read it at all. Trump supporters are living in their little 43% bubble, the average approval of Donald Trump in his first term of office. They don't want to think about the other 57% of the voting public. The election of 2018 should have been a wake up call for Trump supporters, but it wasn't. They're happily cuddling together in their little 43% bubble.

The election of 2020 is coming, and regardless of the outcome of this impeachment trial, history has a nasty habit of repeating itself------:bye1:

Approval ratings are always highly suspect, inaccurate and/or even dangerous in and of itself to use in judging a leader.

For instance, Bush hit 90% approval ratings soon after 9/11. Is that REALLY how Americans view his legacy? Trump shouldn't even care about that, he should care about GOP and Independent support. The establishment won't promote him or even provide proper results, they want to influence via polls. He has to do what is right, in turn, he will win the poll that matters: The General Election.

Trump isn't sending people to war, or cash to enemies, or allowing communists to steal your IP and jobs. So, because of this, we expect him to have lower approval over those who did these things?

Yes, Fake News is an overused moniker but it's an important one. Americans succeed because you challenge the norms. Even hippies have great value in the making of U.S success, if they are committed to civil liberties and accountable/transparent government. I don't think that is "living in the past", or I sure hope it isn't.

Conservatives now have to pick up the mantle of these classical liberal ideals. Trump is such a person who can lead everyone to do so as he is not an ideologue.

Bush had 90% support, he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.

Trump... I don't care what the support is... he will be remembered as the best American president.
You’re half right.

I forgot, Obama won't even be remembered.

Now correct?
Trump was able to structure that 43 percent to an Electoral College victory in 2016 to score a major upset

While in worked in 2016, it is not a winning strategy to count on winning with a minority of the vote. While two percent was enough for Trump to overcome last time, can he win with a three or four percent minority?

Trump has worked tirelessly to secure his base but has done nothing to bump his support above that 43 percent bubble

His support among African Americans and even Latin Americans is higher now. His support with Independents will be higher as they have 4 years in which to judge him as either being a man of action of FOS. He just has to keep his promises and not turn his back on his base.

I always look to Rand Paul as being the "independent" vote gauge. He was, before Trump, the outsider. He has been supportive of Trump and was so early. I think this is a message to those looking for a different view. If Rand gets behind you, it lends some credibility to your cause. He, and his administration see the potential for a big wave for their party, just as Reagan produced.

I also think, with the old Neo-Cons having less and less power, or, gone (McCain), the GOP party are in a MUCH better place (it's no surprise Rand Paul and he didn't see eye to eye). They no longer feel shackled by strict ideologue or giving in to the Establishment politicians across the aisle when they bang on tables or sick the MSM on them.

Trump really could be the start of a long, protracted wave. Conservatism is reaching communities that in the past felt compelled to not EVER be a Conservative. That has to frighten the global socialists who need this blind dependency. A big reason for this is conservatism has changed, for the better I believe.
I'm not sure who the OP is critiquing, the 43% of Trump supporters, or the 57% of non-supporters?
1. The 2020 Trump supporters are just fine thank you. Trump will do better in 2020 than as an unknown in 2016.
2. If any of the 2020 non-Trump supporters, aka the 57%, vote against Trump and for the socialists they deserve what they get.

Yeah, looks like a Trump landslide coming in November.
Trump was able to structure that 43 percent to an Electoral College victory in 2016 to score a major upset

While in worked in 2016, it is not a winning strategy to count on winning with a minority of the vote. While two percent was enough for Trump to overcome last time, can he win with a three or four percent minority?

Trump has worked tirelessly to secure his base but has done nothing to bump his support above that 43 percent bubble

His support among African Americans and even Latin Americans is higher now. His support with Independents will be higher as they have 4 years in which to judge him as either being a man of action of FOS. He just has to keep his promises and not turn his back on his base.

I always look to Rand Paul as being the "independent" vote gauge. He was, before Trump, the outsider. He has been supportive of Trump and was so early. I think this is a message to those looking for a different view. If Rand gets behind you, it lends some credibility to your cause. He, and his administration see the potential for a big wave for their party, just as Reagan produced.

I also think, with the old Neo-Cons having less and less power, or, gone (McCain), the GOP party are in a MUCH better place (it's no surprise Rand Paul and he didn't see eye to eye). They no longer feel shackled by strict ideologue or giving in to the Establishment politicians across the aisle when they bang on tables or sick the MSM on them.

Trump really could be the start of a long, protracted wave. Conservatism is reaching communities that in the past felt compelled to not EVER be a Conservative. That has to frighten the global socialists who need this blind dependency. A big reason for this is conservatism has changed, for the better I believe.
If the Ds nominate a known corrupt fool like sniffy Joe, Donnie wins easily. Not a good thing.
Two big factors in Carter's defeat in 1980 were the hostages in Iran and the brakes he put on the economy through his choice of Paul Volcker to head Federal Reserve. He pretty much signed his own presidential death warrant knowing of Volcker's tight money route to fight inflation that was whipping us since the start of the decade.

If James Carville's "it's the economy, stupid" has any truth at all, look for a Trump landslide.
Trump was able to structure that 43 percent to an Electoral College victory in 2016 to score a major upset

While in worked in 2016, it is not a winning strategy to count on winning with a minority of the vote. While two percent was enough for Trump to overcome last time, can he win with a three or four percent minority?

Trump has worked tirelessly to secure his base but has done nothing to bump his support above that 43 percent bubble

Trump will absolutely DOMINATE the 2020 election.

He is already losing support in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin
He is also behind in Florida and Arizona

Tough to win without those states

Yeah... just like he was behind in every state in 2016.

You won't be disappointed, the pro-American president will stay in office.
Trump won those states by less than 100,000 votes
Does not leave much margin for error

Trump drew an inside straight to win in 2016. Everything had to go his way to win. While it is possible to get everything falling in your favor again in is not a good election strategy

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