The 49 State Solution

California pays more federal taxes than it receives in federal money. So why would you want to kick California out of the union? You're financially drinking from her teet.
California gets 75 cents of EVERY welfare dollar collected in the ENTIRE United States. And they are STILL un-educated and drug addicted parasites.

You're not following. California pays huge amounts INTO the federal coffers. More than they receive. So even with welfare spending in Calfornia, they still pay more in federal income taxes than they receive.

Its a net gain for federal tax revenue. Why would you kick out a state that's a net gain for federal tax revenue?
A better solution would be for mexico to annex california. everyone already speaks spanish and eats tacos, so come on mexico, take back your territory.
California with NO running water or sewer or electric! Real 7th century with Sharia! They already have the debt and the leadership of a 3rd world country so why not the living standards?
A better solution would be for mexico to annex california. everyone already speaks spanish and eats tacos, so come on mexico, take back your territory.
California with NO running water or sewer or electric! Real 7th century with Sharia! They already have the debt and the leadership of a 3rd world country so why not the living standards?

Dude, what are you talking about? There's running water, sewers and electricity in California.

Its like you're making up this imaginary version of the State and then condemning your imagination.
California pays more federal taxes than it receives in federal money. So why would you want to kick California out of the union? You're financially drinking from her teet.
California gets 75 cents of EVERY welfare dollar collected in the ENTIRE United States. And they are STILL un-educated and drug addicted parasites.

You're not following. California pays huge amounts INTO the federal coffers. More than they receive. So even with welfare spending in Calfornia, they still pay more in federal income taxes than they receive.

Its a net gain for federal tax revenue. Why would you kick out a state that's a net gain for federal tax revenue?
Nothing is net gain when you are TRILLIONS in debt. Did America have a net gain last year? Or the last six years? NO, not when you figure in the debt like EVERY American family does EVERY month.
California pays more federal taxes than it receives in federal money. So why would you want to kick California out of the union? You're financially drinking from her teet.
California gets 75 cents of EVERY welfare dollar collected in the ENTIRE United States. And they are STILL un-educated and drug addicted parasites.

You're not following. California pays huge amounts INTO the federal coffers. More than they receive. So even with welfare spending in Calfornia, they still pay more in federal income taxes than they receive.

Its a net gain for federal tax revenue. Why would you kick out a state that's a net gain for federal tax revenue?
Nothing is net gain when you are TRILLIONS in debt. Did America have a net gain last year? Or the last six years? NO, not when you figure in the debt like EVERY American family does EVERY month.

So you acknowledge that California is a net contributor to federal taxes. That it pays more into the system than it takes?
California is the ONLY state TRILLIONS of dollars in debt.

California is about $425 billion in debt.
Sorry but you are WRONG.
617 BILLION in debt. and that is not derivitives. {sp?}
With THAT included it rises fast.

10 States With Enormous Debt Problems Report

Your link is from 2012....

California has been running surpluses for the past few years, it currently has about $424 billion in Debt (not "trillions")

It also recently surpassed Russia and Italy to become the 8th largest economy in the world, right up there with Brazil and the UK.

It has by far and away the largest agricultural sector of the entire country, it produces 25% of the nation's food products and no state has an agricultural sector even half the size of California's.
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California is the ONLY state TRILLIONS of dollars in debt.

California is about $425 billion in debt.
Sorry but you are WRONG.
617 BILLION in debt. and that is not derivitives. {sp?}
With THAT included it rises fast.

10 States With Enormous Debt Problems Report

So by 'trillions', you mean 617 billion. In 2012. Where today in 2015 its 425 billion.

State of California Debt Clock

I don't think 'trillions' means what you think it means.
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Ol' Dark'n'Furry has a problem with facts. Seems to be part of the 'Conservative' mantra. Undoubtedly he lives in one of the red states that the taxes from California are supporting. Undoubtedly has has ambitions to get off the couch and clean the pile of empty beer cans away from the front of it. Someday. LOL
Our economy is in the toilet so we need to trim the fat NOW! California is the ONLY state TRILLIONS of dollars in debt. It's our countries Greece and something has to give. It's truly time we threw them the hell out.

We ARE pretty much a private club you know and California's tab is HUGE. We CAN fence their borders with REAL America rather easy. We can hire ILLEGALS to build the fence and when they get to the last panel just have them cross into California and bolt the panel down.

Now there's more here then meets the eye so stick with me for a bit. California is ANTI gun and PRO islam. Islam likes swords and axes as open carry assault weapons SOO. California gun laws and 7th century killing DO fit.

And even the religion angle works! California democrats AND islamic democrats BOTH hate Jesus! California MIGHT just be the long lost tribe of islamic nomads.

Democrats can FINALLY have what they want, a godless uncivil poorly educated leadership. I'm sure California women would LOVE to be FORCED to wear garbage bags on their heads. And you guys in California are in LUCK as well.

Instead of a hybred you yes you can have an inbred. You can go out on the town with your camel and the wife walking behind you! Short on cash you say? Well sell your daughter to some aging pervert. Because that WOULD be legal.

The 49 state solution! It's a winner!

The real winner would be California, when they secede they can divest themselves of any responsibility for the US debt. If California were a nation state it would have the world's eighth largest economy, they'd be doing just fine without the rest of us.
Our economy is in the toilet so we need to trim the fat NOW! California is the ONLY state TRILLIONS of dollars in debt. It's our countries Greece and something has to give. It's truly time we threw them the hell out.

We ARE pretty much a private club you know and California's tab is HUGE. We CAN fence their borders with REAL America rather easy. We can hire ILLEGALS to build the fence and when they get to the last panel just have them cross into California and bolt the panel down.

Now there's more here then meets the eye so stick with me for a bit. California is ANTI gun and PRO islam. Islam likes swords and axes as open carry assault weapons SOO. California gun laws and 7th century killing DO fit.

And even the religion angle works! California democrats AND islamic democrats BOTH hate Jesus! California MIGHT just be the long lost tribe of islamic nomads.

Democrats can FINALLY have what they want, a godless uncivil poorly educated leadership. I'm sure California women would LOVE to be FORCED to wear garbage bags on their heads. And you guys in California are in LUCK as well.

Instead of a hybred you yes you can have an inbred. You can go out on the town with your camel and the wife walking behind you! Short on cash you say? Well sell your daughter to some aging pervert. Because that WOULD be legal.

The 49 state solution! It's a winner!

Give California to Mexico.......a deal even the liberals in Oregon and Washington could not resist.
California is the ONLY state TRILLIONS of dollars in debt.

California is about $425 billion in debt.
Sorry but you are WRONG.
617 BILLION in debt. and that is not derivitives. {sp?}
With THAT included it rises fast.

10 States With Enormous Debt Problems Report

So by 'trillions', you mean 617 billion. In 2012. Where today in 2015 its 425 billion.

State of California Debt Clock

I don't think 'trillions' means what you think it means.

You mean he lied? That really is surprising.
While I view the OP's premise as looney tunes, let's not lose sight of the reality here.
California has mega problems. Most of it due to liberal/progressive government.
Ol' Dark'n'Furry has a problem with facts. Seems to be part of the 'Conservative' mantra. Undoubtedly he lives in one of the red states that the taxes from California are supporting. Undoubtedly has has ambitions to get off the couch and clean the pile of empty beer cans away from the front of it. Someday. LOL

I don't think it's just a misstatement, he seems sort of slow.
Our economy is in the toilet so we need to trim the fat NOW! California is the ONLY state TRILLIONS of dollars in debt. It's our countries Greece and something has to give. It's truly time we threw them the hell out.

We ARE pretty much a private club you know and California's tab is HUGE. We CAN fence their borders with REAL America rather easy. We can hire ILLEGALS to build the fence and when they get to the last panel just have them cross into California and bolt the panel down.

Now there's more here then meets the eye so stick with me for a bit. California is ANTI gun and PRO islam. Islam likes swords and axes as open carry assault weapons SOO. California gun laws and 7th century killing DO fit.

And even the religion angle works! California democrats AND islamic democrats BOTH hate Jesus! California MIGHT just be the long lost tribe of islamic nomads.

Democrats can FINALLY have what they want, a godless uncivil poorly educated leadership. I'm sure California women would LOVE to be FORCED to wear garbage bags on their heads. And you guys in California are in LUCK as well.

Instead of a hybred you yes you can have an inbred. You can go out on the town with your camel and the wife walking behind you! Short on cash you say? Well sell your daughter to some aging pervert. Because that WOULD be legal.

The 49 state solution! It's a winner!

Give California to Mexico.......a deal even the liberals in Oregon and Washington could not resist.
The Mexicans actually want it back.....I say, let them have it.
Let the Mexican government forljk over millions every time there is an earthquake, wild fire, mud slide or massive drought.
Our economy is in the toilet so we need to trim the fat NOW! California is the ONLY state TRILLIONS of dollars in debt. It's our countries Greece and something has to give. It's truly time we threw them the hell out.

We ARE pretty much a private club you know and California's tab is HUGE. We CAN fence their borders with REAL America rather easy. We can hire ILLEGALS to build the fence and when they get to the last panel just have them cross into California and bolt the panel down.

Now there's more here then meets the eye so stick with me for a bit. California is ANTI gun and PRO islam. Islam likes swords and axes as open carry assault weapons SOO. California gun laws and 7th century killing DO fit.

And even the religion angle works! California democrats AND islamic democrats BOTH hate Jesus! California MIGHT just be the long lost tribe of islamic nomads.

Democrats can FINALLY have what they want, a godless uncivil poorly educated leadership. I'm sure California women would LOVE to be FORCED to wear garbage bags on their heads. And you guys in California are in LUCK as well.

Instead of a hybred you yes you can have an inbred. You can go out on the town with your camel and the wife walking behind you! Short on cash you say? Well sell your daughter to some aging pervert. Because that WOULD be legal.

The 49 state solution! It's a winner!

Give California to Mexico.......a deal even the liberals in Oregon and Washington could not resist.
The Mexicans actually want it back.....I say, let them have it.
Let the Mexican government forljk over millions every time there is an earthquake, wild fire, mud slide or massive drought.

You guys realize how goofy you sound when you make posts like this?

Does partisanship blind you so much that you want to give away 15% of the US GDP simply because they don't vote the way you want them to?
Our economy is in the toilet so we need to trim the fat NOW! California is the ONLY state TRILLIONS of dollars in debt. It's our countries Greece and something has to give. It's truly time we threw them the hell out.

We ARE pretty much a private club you know and California's tab is HUGE. We CAN fence their borders with REAL America rather easy. We can hire ILLEGALS to build the fence and when they get to the last panel just have them cross into California and bolt the panel down.

Now there's more here then meets the eye so stick with me for a bit. California is ANTI gun and PRO islam. Islam likes swords and axes as open carry assault weapons SOO. California gun laws and 7th century killing DO fit.

And even the religion angle works! California democrats AND islamic democrats BOTH hate Jesus! California MIGHT just be the long lost tribe of islamic nomads.

Democrats can FINALLY have what they want, a godless uncivil poorly educated leadership. I'm sure California women would LOVE to be FORCED to wear garbage bags on their heads. And you guys in California are in LUCK as well.

Instead of a hybred you yes you can have an inbred. You can go out on the town with your camel and the wife walking behind you! Short on cash you say? Well sell your daughter to some aging pervert. Because that WOULD be legal.

The 49 state solution! It's a winner!

Give California to Mexico.......a deal even the liberals in Oregon and Washington could not resist.
The Mexicans actually want it back.....I say, let them have it.
Let the Mexican government forljk over millions every time there is an earthquake, wild fire, mud slide or massive drought.

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