The 5 Craziest Ways Public Schools Are Trying to Make Money


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
But you have to think beyond just the walls -- think about all of that paperwork the schools are always handing out. You know, grade cards and stuff. Look at all the blank space around the margins! Surely you could cram some goddamned ads in there. And sure enough, some Florida schools decided to let the local McDonald's advertise on student report cards, provided that McDonald's paid roughly $1,600 for the envelopes. Never one to let an opportunity at America's youth go by, McDonald's bit on the offer and came up with this:

I don't think public schools are in the business of "making" money.

Here they just cut 5 days off the school year, increased class size to 30, and have Kinder students going all day long instead of half days to procure more ADA.
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This is the final step in transforming kids early on from human beings to mindless consumers. The superintendents that approve such bullshit do not have a soul nor do they have a conscience. Pure evil.

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