The $50,000 per enrollee Lie DEBUNKED (as if we needed to)


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Fox News pundit says health care law will cost 50 000 per enrollee PunditFact

You know you’re inside the Beltway when a report from the Congressional Budget Office triggers a fusillade of tweets and punditry from partisans spanning the political spectrum. The CBO’s latest prediction on the budget and the economy devotes an entire appendix to the human and fiscal impacts of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

Fox News host and business analyst Stuart Varney helped viewers make sense of some of the hefty numbers from the CBO. Talking with America’s Newsroom host Bill Hemmer, Varney explained that even though the deficit is expected to reach its lowest point of the Obama presidency, it will soon rise again.

"The major reason for this is Obamacare," Varney said. "New figures suggest that Obamacare will be much more expensive than we thought. It will cost $50,000 per enrollee in Obamacare over the next 10 years."

Don't hold your breath waiting for any RWs to post that they're glad its not true.

Problem is, the liars depend on gullible people believing what they're told to believe. As we've seen here, even though RWs know Fox tells the truth in only 18% of their stories, they still take every word as fact.

These lies then take on a life of their own because the dummies send them to all their gullible RWs friends and suddenly, its fact.
It isnt true. It will cost much much more.

You are absolutely right. this false claim by fox will cost them even more credibility. I didn't think they had any left, but evidently, they did have a minute amount, and their recent line of bullshit on this pretty much wipes that out. I wonder if fox thinks it was worth the cost.
It isnt true. It will cost much much more.

You are absolutely right. this false claim by fox will cost them even more credibility. I didn't think they had any left, but evidently, they did have a minute amount, and their recent line of bullshit on this pretty much wipes that out. I wonder if fox thinks it was worth the cost.
Isnt Fox the highest rated news show on TV?
It isnt true. It will cost much much more.

You are absolutely right. this false claim by fox will cost them even more credibility. I didn't think they had any left, but evidently, they did have a minute amount, and their recent line of bullshit on this pretty much wipes that out. I wonder if fox thinks it was worth the cost.
Isnt Fox the highest rated news show on TV?

What does that have to do with it?

They lie. You know they lie. You like that they lie and you like that a Muslim is spoon feeding those lies to you.
It isnt true. It will cost much much more.

You are absolutely right. this false claim by fox will cost them even more credibility. I didn't think they had any left, but evidently, they did have a minute amount, and their recent line of bullshit on this pretty much wipes that out. I wonder if fox thinks it was worth the cost.
Isnt Fox the highest rated news show on TV?

What does that have to do with it?

They lie. You know they lie. You like that they lie and you like that a Muslim is spoon feeding those lies to you.
What does that have to do with it? Seriously? Bullshit maintained that this would cost Fox credibility. Obviously their credibility is just fine if they have high viewership. The mainline news sources, not so much.
It isnt true. It will cost much much more.

You are absolutely right. this false claim by fox will cost them even more credibility. I didn't think they had any left, but evidently, they did have a minute amount, and their recent line of bullshit on this pretty much wipes that out. I wonder if fox thinks it was worth the cost.
Isnt Fox the highest rated news show on TV?
No. Real networks maintain at least 10 times as many viewers as fox. However, Fox ratings are really close to Miley Syrus reruns, and might have a real shot at catching up with the ratings that Sponge Bob Square Pants enjoys.
It isnt true. It will cost much much more.

You are absolutely right. this false claim by fox will cost them even more credibility. I didn't think they had any left, but evidently, they did have a minute amount, and their recent line of bullshit on this pretty much wipes that out. I wonder if fox thinks it was worth the cost.
Isnt Fox the highest rated news show on TV?

What does that have to do with it?

They lie. You know they lie. You like that they lie and you like that a Muslim is spoon feeding those lies to you.
What does that have to do with it? Seriously? Bullshit maintained that this would cost Fox credibility. Obviously their credibility is just fine if they have high viewership. The mainline news sources, not so much.
So you admit Sponge Bob has more credibility than fox? He has better ratings.
It isnt true. It will cost much much more.

You are absolutely right. this false claim by fox will cost them even more credibility. I didn't think they had any left, but evidently, they did have a minute amount, and their recent line of bullshit on this pretty much wipes that out. I wonder if fox thinks it was worth the cost.
Isnt Fox the highest rated news show on TV?

What does that have to do with it?

They lie. You know they lie. You like that they lie and you like that a Muslim is spoon feeding those lies to you.
What does that have to do with it? Seriously? Bullshit maintained that this would cost Fox credibility. Obviously their credibility is just fine if they have high viewership. The mainline news sources, not so much.

I agree with you that RWs are way too stupid to question their owners. The more Fox lies to them, the more they watch. Its just one of those RW things that Americans will never understand.
It isnt true. It will cost much much more.

You are absolutely right. this false claim by fox will cost them even more credibility. I didn't think they had any left, but evidently, they did have a minute amount, and their recent line of bullshit on this pretty much wipes that out. I wonder if fox thinks it was worth the cost.
Isnt Fox the highest rated news show on TV?

What does that have to do with it?

They lie. You know they lie. You like that they lie and you like that a Muslim is spoon feeding those lies to you.
What does that have to do with it? Seriously? Bullshit maintained that this would cost Fox credibility. Obviously their credibility is just fine if they have high viewership. The mainline news sources, not so much.
So you admit Sponge Bob has more credibility than fox? He has better ratings.

Sponge Bob's content is pretty intellectually demanding for the average RW, and a lot more factual.
"The $50,000 per enrollee Lie DEBUNKED (as if we needed to)"


No one should take at face value anything a USMB conservative posts.

“Varney said that it will cost taxpayers $50,000 per enrollee in Obamacare over the next 10 years. This seems to come directly from an article in the Daily Mail.

None of the health care experts we reached, regardless of their economic philosophies or thoughts about the health care law, found any merit in the math that produced this figure. It’s most glaring defect is that it compares a 10-year cumulative total to a single-year snapshot of the number of people who gained insurance.

Any analysis that accounted for the years of coverage people gained would yield a dollar figure considerably less than the $50,000 cited by Varney.

We rate the claim False”
apparently this is where RW rats morph into crickets.

go figure.
Insurance Coverage Provisions
CBO and JCT currently estimate that the ACA’s coverage
provisions will result in net costs to the federal government
of $76 billion in 2015 and $1,350 billion over the
2016–2025 period. The estimated net costs in 2015
stem almost entirely from spending for subsidies that
are provided through insurance exchanges and from an
increase in spending for Medicaid (see Table B-1). For
the 2016–2025 period, the projected net costs consist
of the following:
 Gross costs of $1,993 billion for subsidies for
insurance obtained through the exchanges and related
spending and revenues, for Medicaid and CHIP, and
for tax credits for small employers, and
 An offsetting amount of $643 billion in net receipts
from penalty payments, additional revenues resulting
from the excise tax on certain high-premium
insurance plans, and the effects on income and payroll
tax revenues and associated outlays arising from
projected changes in coverage offered through

So the total effecct on the economy for this boondogle pile of shit law is about 2.6 trillion in money handed out for subsidies and penalties asessed for not purchasing this government garbage. Does anyone really expect this estimate to stay at this level? Right now thee numbers do indeed say 50k per person. Of course that cost can and will change over the next ten years. Who wants to bet it will go up? It's a pretty safe bet.
It isnt true. It will cost much much more.

You are absolutely right. this false claim by fox will cost them even more credibility. I didn't think they had any left, but evidently, they did have a minute amount, and their recent line of bullshit on this pretty much wipes that out. I wonder if fox thinks it was worth the cost.
Isnt Fox the highest rated news show on TV?

What does that have to do with it?

They lie. You know they lie. You like that they lie and you like that a Muslim is spoon feeding those lies to you.
What does that have to do with it? Seriously? Bullshit maintained that this would cost Fox credibility. Obviously their credibility is just fine if they have high viewership. The mainline news sources, not so much.

I agree with you that RWs are way too stupid to question their owners. The more Fox lies to them, the more they watch. Its just one of those RW things that Americans will never understand.
First of all is owned by the Poynter Institute and those of us who live in Florida KNOW how biased THAT source is!
But more importantly!
THERE NEVER WERE 46 million UNINSURED Americans THAT WANTED and needed HEALTH insurance!
That is the biggest lie !
PROOF and I dare ANYONE ANYONE to prove differently!
The SOURCE of the 46 million uninsured was the Census bureau... YET NOW
1) Even Hussein agrees that 10 million of the 46 million the Census number used included NON-CITIZENS hence NOT Americans!
FACT Source: Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
That left 36 million because YOU CAN"T legally count the 10 million NON-CITIZENS... Obama agreed...HE NOW uses 36 million!

2)AGAIN When the Census used 46 million THEY agreed that 14 million "counted" as "uninsured" really due to the fault of the administration WERE NEVER ENROLLED IN MEDICAID/SCHIP!
The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) estimates that about 9 million of these individuals actually were enrolled in Medicaid during the year, but were categorized as uninsured in the Census survey. In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges
that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).”
Among uninsured individuals eligible for public programs, but not enrolled during the year: 89 percent were in working families, 41 percent were children under the age of 18 who could be enrolled in Medicaid and/or SCHIP, and 44 percent were Hispanic."
THAT means of the 36 million 14 million should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP but due to the gross inefficiency of the Obama's administration they need
ACA to do it! But those 14 million were eligible BEFORE ACA~~~

That leaves 22 million!

3) 18 million people making over $50,000 refuse their employers' health plan YET they've been falsely and erroneously counted! 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance counted as "uninsured"... but don't want it!
These 18 million can afford their employers' plans as they make over $50,000...but they don't want it!
These 18 million spend less then $1,000 per year on health services...again they don't want it!
Check it out see if I'm wrong! CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

That leaves 4 million not no f...king 46 million! So folks if you idiots that Gruber identified as part of the Stupidity of American Voter totally comprehend
that there never were 46 million maybe you would comprehend the gigantic LIE that has been perpetuated!

I bet anyone $1,000 anyone IF YOU can prove there WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that were covered under Medicaid and finally that
WANTED health insurance! Prove to me there were 46 million and I'll pay you the $1,000 !!!
Clock's ticking!! PROVE IT!

You pond scum, will NEVER learn!
Couple of facts that were left out first the claim came from an article in the British Daily Mail Varney simply cited their claim. Second here is what one of the people cited in the article also says. Antos said Good arithmetic doesn't count when it’s based on bad logic Obamacare is expensive and inefficient but this doesn't prove that. Finally while they do rate the 50,000 claim as false nowhere does it state that Obamacare won't cost the taxpayers any money per enrollee or save them money just that it won't cost the taxpayers 50,000 per enrollee.
Also I'll bet another $1,000 if ANYONE can prove to me this statement made by OBAMA is true or ever has been true!

C) Gross Exaggeration: PRESIDENT OBAMA:
"Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."

Another GROSS OUTRIGHT f...king LIE... Obama says family physicians make $50,000 cutting of diabetic patients legs rather then treat them!
THAT is the LIE! Prove to me that is true and I'll pay you $1,000! Prove to me!
BECAUSE any idiot including Obama that believes that doesn't KNOW THAT:
1) A family physican does not do amputations! They are not surgeons!
So WHY would he be that "SAME doctor" that does the amputation! PURE bull crap!
2) NO surgeon makes $50,000 in an amputation!

FACTS: Obama was quickly attacked by doctor organizations for getting his numbers wrong.
According to an article from HealthLeaders Media, the American College of Surgeons noted in a statement that Medicare actually reimburses surgeons between $740 and $1,140 for a leg amputation — NOT $50,000!!!
According to an article from HealthLeaders Media, the American College of Surgeons noted in a statement that Medicare actually reimburses surgeons between $740 and $1,140 for a leg amputation — and private insurers tend to have similar rates. (NOT $50,000)!!!

Costs of Amputation - Diabetes Self-Management

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