The 8 Stupidest Contentions About the Bergdahl Swap


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"1) Critics are saying Bergdahl should have been left behind
...This would be a great argument to make against critics of the swap if this was what they were saying. But they’re not."

"2) People who called for his release but are now critical are flip-flopping hypocrites!
.... I don’t typically quote John Maynard Keynes but remember his line about changing positions? He said, “When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?”

"3) The motives of Bergdahl’s fellow infantry are suspect
...Speculating that the men who did not desert were “psychopaths” is just idiotic. ...And now the New York Times is trying to make the claim that Bergdahl’s unit was “as much to blame” for his disappearance as he was. Sigh."

"4) It doesn’t matter that Bergdahl was a deserter
This argument posits that since Bergdahl hasn’t yet been court-martialed, we can’t even consider the circumstances of his disappearance.
The idea that the facts of Bergdahl’s disappearance could simply be wished away or pretended not to exist, simply because no court-martial had been convened, is ridiculous and juvenile … The military owed Bowe Bergdahl its promise to try to rescue him, even if he walked away. The nation did not owe him an agreement to compromise national security by surrendering five high-value prisoners without asking what we were getting in return."

"5) Concerns that this sets a bad precedent or will lead to more hostage taking are overblown.
"Liberal pundits pooh-poohed the idea that global enemies would now be more inclined to try to secure a soldier as a hostage.
...Now, we can hope that the circumstances of this exchange will have no negative effect on Americans’ safety, but it’s also true that it suggests nabbing yourself a soldier might be in your best strategic interest. Time magazine reported:

“It’s better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people,” the commander said, speaking by telephone on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media. “It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.”

"6) The Taliban commanders we released weren’t that big a threat
...Remember when Rolling Stone was genuinely counter-cultural as opposed to being a mouthpiece for the U.S. president? Well, those days are long gone. Rolling Stone published a laughable piece headlined “Four Myths About the Bowe Bergdahl Swap That Must Be Destroyed.” It might have better been headlined “Four White House Talking Points We Really Really Really Hope You’ll Swallow.” Anyway, one of them was:
MYTH: These five Taliban are the hardest of the hardcore
Now, maybe you’re into groups that kill girls for the crime of going to school. I don’t know. But, as Robert Tracinski writes, this was a Taliban Dream Team: “These were top officials in the Taliban regime: a provincial governor, a deputy defense minister, a deputy intelligence minister, a top arms smuggler, and a top Taliban military commander. Two of them are wanted by the United Nations for war crimes committed against Afghanistan’s Shiites.”

"7) Bergdahl’s family is suspect"

"8) Reports that Bergdahl was sympathetic to his captors or declared Jihad prove he should be considered a traitor"

The 8 Stupidest Arguments Being Made About Obama's Bergdahl Swap

At long last, we agree, stalker.

I think this is the signal you've been waiting for. You may now kill yourself.
What would we do without 100 threads on this subject, not to mention she just put up another this not a sign of compulsive obsession disease?
That's what anti-american shits always say about information that paints them in a bad light. "do we really need this?" "This thread belongs in the Badlands!" "Delete this thread!"

And so on and so forth.
9. The Obama had the authority to ignore the law because he authorized himself to do so via a signing statement.
Yay....another thread on this....

its all they've got.

but really.... stupidest posts on this subject should start with the lies told by faux news.

but whatchagonnado?

It's all they've got.
With Benghazi, you said "it's all they've got.
With the IRS scandal you said "It's all they've got."
With the job numbers you said "it's all they've got"
With Iran you said "it's all they've got"

Every time some negative crap comes out about the worst administration in history you claim "it's all they've got."
If that's true, we've got a hell of a lot. With tons more to come.
Dude, that was, like, Last Week.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't referring to your latest whine. He was referring to the general right wing practice of whining about their trumped up manufactured outrage. It would be refreshing if you would come up with something real occasionally.

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