The Achillies heal of all anti-terrorism efforts.

Freedom and Security, a classic dichotomy, though it seems some want both.

That is so true. Also, people will choose security over freedom. "Give me liberty or give me death" is a wonderful statement, however few people will knowing choose the latter. When the shots are coming into your house and you live in constant fear for the lives of your family, you will support anyone who you believe will restore order and bring safety to your neighborhood.
They become easy pray for extremist groups...

Was that meant to be ironic too?

then we are at the mercy of those who would harm us.

Only if those people are armed.

In countries with safety-based gun laws, the threat is minor because any assailant is likely to be armed with no more than a knife.

Some 50,000 American were deliberately shot last year - a figure ten times that of any other western nation.

So THATS why most European countries have machine gun armed guards at thier airports, and at thier major infrastructure points, and cultural treasures. i guess they are such poor shots that they need machine gun spray and pray fire against people armed only with knives.....

(My bold)

Full-fledged machine guns? On tripods? On pintles of some kind? You probably mean submachine guns or military-style selectable-fire rifles. Despite Rambo & related movies, an honest-to-God MG is a lot of weapon for a single person, which is why they're considered to be crew-served weapons. Just lugging ammo around requires a 2nd person, & that's before you count the weight of MG itself, tripod, spare barrels, spotting optics/laser rangefinder, personal sidearms, web gear ...
The recent even, once all the facts have come out, may become a glaring example of the difficulty faced by authorities in thier battle to counter politically motivated groups that resort to violence to achive thier goals (aka terrorists).

The equation simply shows that all these bastards have to do is get lucky once, and they can cause massive damage to even a well protected event. The authorities have to be on the ball constantly to make "getting lucky" by the attackers as difficult as possible.

All of the measures taken in an anti-terrorist program are not designed to stop such attacks on thier own. Thier purpose is to make an attack require more steps to be successful, and give the authorities more chances to get lucky, or for the attackers to get unlucky.

Events, locations, and people can be made attack resistant, they can never be made attack-proof.

Under Obama's watch America has been hit by three terror attacks now. 1st one was Major Hassan the muslim who waged jihad on a military base inside usa shouting allah akbar while mass murdering over dozen people. ( obama called it work place violence ) 2nd one was on American soil at the US EMBASSY which was over run by Islamic terrorists who dragged our ambassador Stevens into the street and raped him before murdering him while White House refused to even call it a terror attack initially and preferred to blame it on a youtube video which later it turned out had nothing to do with it. Yesterday, once again we are told by Obama to wait, we don't know what happened, we need to find out "why" someone would do this. No we don't. It is the same reason they did 9/11. It is religious terrorism. There is nothing political about it. This is religious terrorism folks and Islam is the religion. Stop tip toeing around the 800 lb elephant in the room for Gods sake. The sky will not fall if you tell the truth as it is - instead of burying it under alot of politically correct nonsense.

- Jeremiah

(My bold)

Wiki says average elephants weigh in @ 2.7 to 6 tons - see What is the average weight of an elephant

I thought your number looked much too low. Maybe you're thinking gorilla - the 800-pound gorilla in the room ...
Short of un-inventing firearms/knives/clubs/socks with a billiard ball in them you will never be assured someone who is attacking you in unarmed. .

No, that's not really true - in any country with safety-based gun laws, you can be fairly sure ny assailant will not be armed.

This is easy enough to prove by looking at how many people are killed each year with guns:

USA. 14,748

UK. 41
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Short of un-inventing firearms/knives/clubs/socks with a billiard ball in them you will never be assured someone who is attacking you in unarmed. .

No, that's not really true - in any country with safety-based gun laws, you can be fairly sure ny assailant will not be armed.

This is easy enough to prove by looking at how many people are killed each year with guns:

USA. 14,748

UK. 41

Adjust that for per capita please since we have 5 times your population.

At least try to give an honest comparison.

To think that disarming everyone will make criminals stop committing violent crimes is naive. All you do is assure the victims will be unable to protect themselves.
Short of un-inventing firearms/knives/clubs/socks with a billiard ball in them you will never be assured someone who is attacking you in unarmed. .

No, that's not really true - in any country with safety-based gun laws, you can be fairly sure ny assailant will not be armed.

This is easy enough to prove by looking at how many people are killed each year with guns:

USA. 14,748

UK. 41

And if your assailant has a gun, you are boned.

Also thier violent crime rate is higher than ours, because the gobs know thier victims are unarmed, and the police dont give a rats ass.
Only if those people are armed.

In countries with safety-based gun laws, the threat is minor because any assailant is likely to be armed with no more than a knife.

Some 50,000 American were deliberately shot last year - a figure ten times that of any other western nation.

So THATS why most European countries have machine gun armed guards at thier airports, and at thier major infrastructure points, and cultural treasures. i guess they are such poor shots that they need machine gun spray and pray fire against people armed only with knives.....

(My bold)

Full-fledged machine guns? On tripods? On pintles of some kind? You probably mean submachine guns or military-style selectable-fire rifles. Despite Rambo & related movies, an honest-to-God MG is a lot of weapon for a single person, which is why they're considered to be crew-served weapons. Just lugging ammo around requires a 2nd person, & that's before you count the weight of MG itself, tripod, spare barrels, spotting optics/laser rangefinder, personal sidearms, web gear ...

yes, I referred to the select fire MP5's most of them carry.
Short of un-inventing firearms/knives/clubs/socks with a billiard ball in them you will never be assured someone who is attacking you in unarmed. .

No, that's not really true - in any country with safety-based gun laws, you can be fairly sure ny assailant will not be armed.

This is easy enough to prove by looking at how many people are killed each year with guns:

USA. 14,748

UK. 41

And if your assailant has a gun, you are boned.

Also thier violent crime rate is higher than ours, because the gobs know thier victims are unarmed, and the police dont give a rats ass.

Given we know that the total homicide rate in the UK is 1/4 of what it is in the US, apparently not so many people get "boned".
No, that's not really true - in any country with safety-based gun laws, you can be fairly sure ny assailant will not be armed.

This is easy enough to prove by looking at how many people are killed each year with guns:

USA. 14,748

UK. 41

And if your assailant has a gun, you are boned.

Also thier violent crime rate is higher than ours, because the gobs know thier victims are unarmed, and the police dont give a rats ass.

Given we know that the total homicide rate in the UK is 1/4 of what it is in the US, apparently not so many people get "boned".

Not all assaults result in death, and people in Britian get to live in fear of the yobs who know thier victims are disarmed and that the police can't do much to prevent it.

Here, the yobs have to worry about the victim firing at them. Much better in my opinion.

Of course, I am not a spineless Euro-sheep, so there's that as well.
Much better in my opinion.

So given a choice between a country with a homicide rate of 4.8 per 100,000 and 1.1 per 100,000, you'd prefer to live in the country with the higher homicide rate.

Much better in my opinion.

So given a choice between a country with a homicide rate of 4.8 per 100,000 and 1.1 per 100,000, you'd prefer to live in the country with the higher homicide rate.


Most of those homicides are criminal on criminal, so they really dont affect me.

The rates for criminal on non criminal homicde in both countries are probably the same.

What I like is a government that trusts me with my own defense, and not a nanny government like you have that decides whats best for you.
Marty -

Firstly, I live in a country with a CONSERVATIVE government - you do not.

Secondly, the fact that the government should not trust you with your own defense is evidenced by the fact that the US enjoys the highest homicide rate of any developed country on earth. That statistic is appalling, disastrous and humiliating, and Americans should want to do anything they can to see it reduced.

so they really dont affect me.

They do, both because you could become a victim at any moment, and also because your taxes pay for the police required to investigate and solve those crimes.
Marty -

Firstly, I live in a country with a CONSERVATIVE government - you do not.

Secondly, the fact that the government should not trust you with your own defense is evidenced by the fact that the US enjoys the highest homicide rate of any developed country on earth. That statistic is appalling, disastrous and humiliating, and Americans should want to do anything they can to see it reduced.

so they really dont affect me.

They do, both because you could become a victim at any moment, and also because your taxes pay for the police required to investigate and solve those crimes.

You live in a nordic nanny state, where your government betters decide what you can and cannot do.
Marty -

Firstly, I live in a country with a CONSERVATIVE government - you do not.

Secondly, the fact that the government should not trust you with your own defense is evidenced by the fact that the US enjoys the highest homicide rate of any developed country on earth. That statistic is appalling, disastrous and humiliating, and Americans should want to do anything they can to see it reduced.

so they really dont affect me.

They do, both because you could become a victim at any moment, and also because your taxes pay for the police required to investigate and solve those crimes.

fuck off. The only embarrassment I see here is you armchair QBing our rights from outside the US. You sir, can go fuck yourself. Twice.
Marty -

And have you actually been to Scandinavia to see for yourself, or are just a brainless sheep who will believe anything the blogs tell you to believe?
Marty -

And have you actually been to Scandinavia to see for yourself, or are just a brainless sheep who will believe anything the blogs tell you to believe?

I have a few simple questions:

How much as a percentage do you pay in taxes? More than half?

Does the government provide all your bennies like health care and retirement?
I have a few simple questions:

How much as a percentage do you pay in taxes? More than half?

Does the government provide all your bennies like health care and retirement?

No, I pay something like 30% in tax.

I own a company, and the tax rate for companies must be close to that rate as well.

Finland has universal healthcare - but then so does every other developed country.

It never ceases to amaze me the myths you guys are few about this part of the world, and how quick some people are to believe them.

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