The Actual Reasons, For The Season... The “Pagan” Foundations Of “Christmas”....

Them Pagans sure knew how to live life to the fullest. Damn those Puritans for ruining everything.
"You shall not worship the Lord Your God as the nations around you serve their gods" -- God

Happy Saturnalia
It's really a holiday for everyone. It means something different to everyone.
It's really a holiday for everyone. It means something different to everyone.
Only if Truth means nothing to you

the LORD condemns using pagan religious practices in His worship (Deut 12:29-31).
. . . the LORD condemns adding to or taking away from His commandments (Deut 12:32).
. . . the LORD condemns doing anything under green trees in His worship (Deut 12:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns the heathen use of decorated trees at a solstice (Jeremiah 10:1-4).
. . . the LORD commands us to separate from and not touch pagan religion (II Cor 6:14-18).
. . . the LORD commands us to come out of Roman Catholicism and her sins (Rev 18:4).
. . . the LORD condemns turning to the left or right from His commandments (Deut 5:32-33).
. . . the LORD told the apostles to teach us to observe only His commandments (Matt 28:20).
. . . the LORD rejected David's worship for a small detail and killed Uzzah (II Sam 6:1-10).
. . . the LORD rejected and killed Nadab and Abihu for offering different fire (Lev 10:1-7).
. . . the LORD rejected Moses from seeing Canaan for a slight modification (Num 20:12).
. . . the LORD rejected Cain's worship simply for bringing an alternative sacrifice (Gen 4:7).
. . . the LORD rejected Saul forever for noble intentions in a modification (I Sam 15:22-23).
. . . the LORD rejected Uzziah and gave him facial leprosy for a new idea (II Chr 26:16-21).
. . . the LORD rejected and killed Ananias and his wife for fudging a large gift (Acts 5:1-11).
. . . the LORD requires reverence and godly fear in worship to avoid His fire (Heb 12:28-29).
. . . the LORD seeks true worshippers to worship Him in truth, not superstition (John 4:23-24).
. . . the LORD commands us to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered (Jude 1:3).
. . . the LORD requires us to esteem all His precepts but to hate all other ideas (Ps 119:128).
. . . the LORD commands us to prove all things by Scripture and reject the bad (I Thes 5:21).
. . . the LORD expects us to be noble and search Scripture to know true worship (Acts 17:11).
. . . the LORD gave Scripture to perfect us, which does not mention Xmas (II Tim 3:16-17).
. . . the LORD curses any gospel different than Paul's, and he didn't preach xmas (Gal 1:8-9).
. . . the LORD condemns fellowship with men having only a form of godliness (II Tim 3:5).
. . . the LORD condemns loving pleasure more than God as perilous times (II Timothy 3:4).
. . . the LORD condemns anything different from His Word as dark ignorance (Isaiah 8:20).
. . . the LORD abominates anything popular with the world and esteemed by it (Luke 16:15).
. . . the LORD condemns friendship with the world as becoming His enemy (James 4:4).
. . . the LORD condemns traditions in His worship as evil and vain hypocrisy (Mark 7:5-13).
. . . the LORD hates the polluting of His glorious name with pagan idolatry (Ezekiel 20:39).
. . . the LORD condemns the superstitious idolatry and blasphemy of the Mass (I Cor 11:26).
. . . the LORD condemns bringing any item of false religion into our houses (Deut 7:25-26).
. . . the LORD commands us not to set up any image, which He hates (Deut 16:22; Ex 20:4-6).
. . . the LORD hates religion that goes under green trees (I Kings 14:23; Isaiah 57:5; Jer 3:6).
. . . the LORD condemns adopting any practices of the pagans around us (Leviticus 18:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns sun worship (Deut 4:19; 17:3; II Kgs 23:5; Job 31:26-28; Eze 8:16).
. . . the LORD endorses only apostolic traditions, and they never celebrated it (II Thes 2:15).
. . . the LORD is honored by gifts to Him rather than a selfish exchange of gifts (Matt 2:11).
. . . the LORD teaches us to remember His death rather than His birth (Phil 3:10; I Cor 15:3).
. . . the LORD gave baptism and His supper to remember His death (Rom 6:3-5; I Co 11:26).
. . . the LORD resents the hatred of pagans who exchange gifts against His men (Rev 11:10).
. . . the LORD condemns "the spirit of Christmas" as another spirit He hates (II Cor 11:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns a mother and child wearing halos as another jesus (II Cor 11:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns a tradition glorifying sun worship as another gospel (II Co 11:1-4).
. . . the LORD loves us to give up dear things as proof of our love to Him (Matt 10:37-39).
. . . the LORD did not come to bring peace on earth but rather a dividing sword (Mat 10:34).
. . . the LORD blessed giving over receiving, but Xmas is selfish exchanging (Acts 20:35).
. . . the LORD calls Jewish holy days matters of liberty, but not pagan holidays (Col 2:16).
. . . the LORD calls Jewish holy days matters of liberty, but not pagan holidays (Rom 14:6).
. . . the LORD considers the birth of His Son worthy of honor rather than folly (Heb 1:6).
. . . the two chief New Testament ordinances - baptism and the Lord's supper - pertain to His death, not His birth.
. . . celebrating Christmas sincerely is identical to Jeroboam's two calves (I Kings 12:26-33).
. . . Aaron led Israel to worship the LORD with a golden calf to their judgment (Ex 32:1-5).
. . . it breaks the first commandment by having other gods - the sun god Mithra (Ex 20:3).
. . . it breaks the second commandment by having images - a Christmas tree (Ex 20:4-6).
. . . it breaks the third commandment by taking His name in vain - "Christmas" (Ex 20:7).
. . . it breaks the fifth commandment by promoting children's greed over parents (Ex 20:12).
. . . it breaks the tenth commandment by promoting covetousness to children (Ex 20:17).
. . . many Baptist martyrs gave their lives to oppose Catholic superstitions and traditions.
. . . it was a crime to observe Christmas in America, when our country truly feared God.
. . . it was a crime to observe Christmas in England, when that country truly feared God.
. . . all the God-hating, Christ-denying, and sin-loving pagans get excited about this day.
. . . Santa Claus is a pagan mockery of God the Father with white hair, grandfatherly image, eternal, lives in the North, unlimited resources, omniscient of children's behavior, omnipresent for a night, hears confessions, comes as a thief, blesses children, and distributes judgment for works.
. . . the name Christmas came from "Mass of Christ," and Christians hate the Catholic mass.
. . . every sincere birthday party honors the one born that day rather than all the mere guests.
. . . a gift exchange dictated by a calendar is not a message of love but a ritual of obligation.
. . . a gift exchange at the winter solstice was invented by pagans to celebrate the sun god.
. . . Christianity is giving gifts unexpected without obligation to reciprocate (Luke 14:12-14).
. . . secular encyclopedias will gladly tell you that Christmas came from pagan sun worship.
. . . the first state in our Bible-oriented country to make it a holiday was Alabama in 1836.
. . . a little drummer boy did not travel to the manger to play his drum for the infant Jesus.
. . . for the two centuries following the Pilgrims, Christians in America called it "popish."
. . . English parliament under Oliver Cromwell outlawed it in 1644 and punished violaters.
. . . loving Jesus Christ is keeping His commandments, not decorating a tree (John 14:15).
. . . you cannot do unto the LORD what the LORD has condemned (Deut 12:1-4; 12:29-32).
. . . Christmas is not a matter of liberty left up to our consciences and/or heart preferences.
. . . true followers of God will not follow a multitude or majority to false worship (Ex 23:2).
. . . Xmas is most adored by women, whom God calls silly and weak (II Tim 3:6; I Pet 3:7).
. . . a time of unbridled greed, covetousness, and materialism cannot honor Jesus Christ.
. . . this unique holy day in the Roman Catholic calendar is exalted by three profane masses.
. . . the world loves a jesus helpless in a manger, but God's Christ is the LORD and Judge.
. . . on Christmas Eve the Pope of Rome conducts a special mass seen by much of the earth.
. . . godly parents don't lie to their children about a Roman Catholic myth named Nicholas.
. . . the Bible is totally silent about using this day or any such celebration to honor Christ.
. . . the gospel according to Christmas tradition, cards, and plays corrupts the Bible facts.
. . . the Pilgrims in 1620, seeking to worship God in truth, formally banned the holiday.
. . . the Puritans in 1659, seeking to worship God in truth, set a 5 shillings fine for keeping it.
. . . the modern Christmas tree was not introduced to this country by Germans until 1821.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for one-half year back from Passover is rather October.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for shepherds did not stay in the fields during winter.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for taxation would not have been in the dead of winter.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for wise taxation would have been shortly after harvest.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for careful calculation of the priest's courses exclude it.
. . . the Roman feast at the winter solstice was to the sun god Mithras from the Persians.
. . . the Roman, extended feast prior to the winter solstice was to Saturn, god of agriculture.
. . . so many consider Christmas a "sacred cow" and beyond questioning or condemning.
. . . our past lives suffice us for lusts, excess of wine, revellings, and banquetings (I Pet 4:3).
. . . Emperor Aurelian picked December 25 for this holiday in 274 to worship the sun god.
. . . pagan sun worshippers had a great festival to the sun at the winter solstice before Jesus.
. . . it would be wrong to have a golden calf with candles to worship the Lord our Strength.
. . . the public schools in Boston were still open for classes on December 25 as late as 1870.
. . . the "birthday of the invincible sun" (dies natalis Solis invicti) was this date in Rome.
. . . December 25 was chosen by being the date of the winter solstice in the Julian calendar.
. . . Satan uses this pagan feast to steal glory from the Son of God for ignorant sun worship.
. . . Christmas American-style is oppression of parents by greedy children (Isaiah 3:1-5, 12).
. . . Jesus promised that the majority are on the wrong road leading to death (Matt 7:13-14).
. . . Charles Spurgeon, the most popular Baptist minister, preached against it as late as 1871.
. . . all the unique customs of Christmas may be traced individually to pagan religious rites.
. . . Hindus, Jews, Mormons, Pagans, and other cults celebrate it while despising Jesus.
. . . using Scripture's silence to justify anything not expressly forbidden will lead to Coke and chips for the Lord's supper and ouija boards for difficult decisions.
. . . it creates the most foolish, hectic, stressful, guilt-ridden, and unproductive time of year.
. . . the LORD is a jealous God and will judge any playing with other gods (Ex 34:12-16).
. . . New Testament charity may accommodate weakness, but it cannot error (Romans 14:1).
. . . the moderation taught in the New Testament is temperance or self-discipline (Phil 4:5).
. . . it would be identical to offering incense to the brasen serpent of Moses (II Kings 18:4).
. . . the only day observed by the apostles was the Lord's day (Rev 1:10; Acts 20:7; I Cor 16:2).
. . . we choose to emulate Jacob, who put away family idols to worship God (Gen 35:1-5).
. . . we choose to emulate Jehu, who defiled Baal worship to please God (II Kings 10:26-28).
. . . we choose to emulate Josiah, who defiled all pagan worship to please God (II Kings 23:1-37).
. . . we choose to emulate Asa, who defiled his mother's favorite idol (II Chron 15:12-16).
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It's really a holiday for everyone. It means something different to everyone.
Only if Truth means nothing to you

the LORD condemns using pagan religious practices in His worship (Deut 12:29-31).
. . . the LORD condemns adding to or taking away from His commandments (Deut 12:32).
. . . the LORD condemns doing anything under green trees in His worship (Deut 12:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns the heathen use of decorated trees at a solstice (Jeremiah 10:1-4).
. . . the LORD commands us to separate from and not touch pagan religion (II Cor 6:14-18).
. . . the LORD commands us to come out of Roman Catholicism and her sins (Rev 18:4).
. . . the LORD condemns turning to the left or right from His commandments (Deut 5:32-33).
. . . the LORD told the apostles to teach us to observe only His commandments (Matt 28:20).
. . . the LORD rejected David's worship for a small detail and killed Uzzah (II Sam 6:1-10).
. . . the LORD rejected and killed Nadab and Abihu for offering different fire (Lev 10:1-7).
. . . the LORD rejected Moses from seeing Canaan for a slight modification (Num 20:12).
. . . the LORD rejected Cain's worship simply for bringing an alternative sacrifice (Gen 4:7).
. . . the LORD rejected Saul forever for noble intentions in a modification (I Sam 15:22-23).
. . . the LORD rejected Uzziah and gave him facial leprosy for a new idea (II Chr 26:16-21).
. . . the LORD rejected and killed Ananias and his wife for fudging a large gift (Acts 5:1-11).
. . . the LORD requires reverence and godly fear in worship to avoid His fire (Heb 12:28-29).
. . . the LORD seeks true worshippers to worship Him in truth, not superstition (John 4:23-24).
. . . the LORD commands us to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered (Jude 1:3).
. . . the LORD requires us to esteem all His precepts but to hate all other ideas (Ps 119:128).
. . . the LORD commands us to prove all things by Scripture and reject the bad (I Thes 5:21).
. . . the LORD expects us to be noble and search Scripture to know true worship (Acts 17:11).
. . . the LORD gave Scripture to perfect us, which does not mention Xmas (II Tim 3:16-17).
. . . the LORD curses any gospel different than Paul's, and he didn't preach xmas (Gal 1:8-9).
. . . the LORD condemns fellowship with men having only a form of godliness (II Tim 3:5).
. . . the LORD condemns loving pleasure more than God as perilous times (II Timothy 3:4).
. . . the LORD condemns anything different from His Word as dark ignorance (Isaiah 8:20).
. . . the LORD abominates anything popular with the world and esteemed by it (Luke 16:15).
. . . the LORD condemns friendship with the world as becoming His enemy (James 4:4).
. . . the LORD condemns traditions in His worship as evil and vain hypocrisy (Mark 7:5-13).
. . . the LORD hates the polluting of His glorious name with pagan idolatry (Ezekiel 20:39).
. . . the LORD condemns the superstitious idolatry and blasphemy of the Mass (I Cor 11:26).
. . . the LORD condemns bringing any item of false religion into our houses (Deut 7:25-26).
. . . the LORD commands us not to set up any image, which He hates (Deut 16:22; Ex 20:4-6).
. . . the LORD hates religion that goes under green trees (I Kings 14:23; Isaiah 57:5; Jer 3:6).
. . . the LORD condemns adopting any practices of the pagans around us (Leviticus 18:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns sun worship (Deut 4:19; 17:3; II Kgs 23:5; Job 31:26-28; Eze 8:16).
. . . the LORD endorses only apostolic traditions, and they never celebrated it (II Thes 2:15).
. . . the LORD is honored by gifts to Him rather than a selfish exchange of gifts (Matt 2:11).
. . . the LORD teaches us to remember His death rather than His birth (Phil 3:10; I Cor 15:3).
. . . the LORD gave baptism and His supper to remember His death (Rom 6:3-5; I Co 11:26).
. . . the LORD resents the hatred of pagans who exchange gifts against His men (Rev 11:10).
. . . the LORD condemns "the spirit of Christmas" as another spirit He hates (II Cor 11:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns a mother and child wearing halos as another jesus (II Cor 11:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns a tradition glorifying sun worship as another gospel (II Co 11:1-4).
. . . the LORD loves us to give up dear things as proof of our love to Him (Matt 10:37-39).
. . . the LORD did not come to bring peace on earth but rather a dividing sword (Mat 10:34).
. . . the LORD blessed giving over receiving, but Xmas is selfish exchanging (Acts 20:35).
. . . the LORD calls Jewish holy days matters of liberty, but not pagan holidays (Col 2:16).
. . . the LORD calls Jewish holy days matters of liberty, but not pagan holidays (Rom 14:6).
. . . the LORD considers the birth of His Son worthy of honor rather than folly (Heb 1:6).
. . . the two chief New Testament ordinances - baptism and the Lord's supper - pertain to His death, not His birth.
. . . celebrating Christmas sincerely is identical to Jeroboam's two calves (I Kings 12:26-33).
. . . Aaron led Israel to worship the LORD with a golden calf to their judgment (Ex 32:1-5).
. . . it breaks the first commandment by having other gods - the sun god Mithra (Ex 20:3).
. . . it breaks the second commandment by having images - a Christmas tree (Ex 20:4-6).
. . . it breaks the third commandment by taking His name in vain - "Christmas" (Ex 20:7).
. . . it breaks the fifth commandment by promoting children's greed over parents (Ex 20:12).
. . . it breaks the tenth commandment by promoting covetousness to children (Ex 20:17).
. . . many Baptist martyrs gave their lives to oppose Catholic superstitions and traditions.
. . . it was a crime to observe Christmas in America, when our country truly feared God.
. . . it was a crime to observe Christmas in England, when that country truly feared God.
. . . all the God-hating, Christ-denying, and sin-loving pagans get excited about this day.
. . . Santa Claus is a pagan mockery of God the Father with white hair, grandfatherly image, eternal, lives in the North, unlimited resources, omniscient of children's behavior, omnipresent for a night, hears confessions, comes as a thief, blesses children, and distributes judgment for works.
. . . the name Christmas came from "Mass of Christ," and Christians hate the Catholic mass.
. . . every sincere birthday party honors the one born that day rather than all the mere guests.
. . . a gift exchange dictated by a calendar is not a message of love but a ritual of obligation.
. . . a gift exchange at the winter solstice was invented by pagans to celebrate the sun god.
. . . Christianity is giving gifts unexpected without obligation to reciprocate (Luke 14:12-14).
. . . secular encyclopedias will gladly tell you that Christmas came from pagan sun worship.
. . . the first state in our Bible-oriented country to make it a holiday was Alabama in 1836.
. . . a little drummer boy did not travel to the manger to play his drum for the infant Jesus.
. . . for the two centuries following the Pilgrims, Christians in America called it "popish."
. . . English parliament under Oliver Cromwell outlawed it in 1644 and punished violaters.
. . . loving Jesus Christ is keeping His commandments, not decorating a tree (John 14:15).
. . . you cannot do unto the LORD what the LORD has condemned (Deut 12:1-4; 12:29-32).
. . . Christmas is not a matter of liberty left up to our consciences and/or heart preferences.
. . . true followers of God will not follow a multitude or majority to false worship (Ex 23:2).
. . . Xmas is most adored by women, whom God calls silly and weak (II Tim 3:6; I Pet 3:7).
. . . a time of unbridled greed, covetousness, and materialism cannot honor Jesus Christ.
. . . this unique holy day in the Roman Catholic calendar is exalted by three profane masses.
. . . the world loves a jesus helpless in a manger, but God's Christ is the LORD and Judge.
. . . on Christmas Eve the Pope of Rome conducts a special mass seen by much of the earth.
. . . godly parents don't lie to their children about a Roman Catholic myth named Nicholas.
. . . the Bible is totally silent about using this day or any such celebration to honor Christ.
. . . the gospel according to Christmas tradition, cards, and plays corrupts the Bible facts.
. . . the Pilgrims in 1620, seeking to worship God in truth, formally banned the holiday.
. . . the Puritans in 1659, seeking to worship God in truth, set a 5 shillings fine for keeping it.
. . . the modern Christmas tree was not introduced to this country by Germans until 1821.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for one-half year back from Passover is rather October.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for shepherds did not stay in the fields during winter.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for taxation would not have been in the dead of winter.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for wise taxation would have been shortly after harvest.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for careful calculation of the priest's courses exclude it.
. . . the Roman feast at the winter solstice was to the sun god Mithras from the Persians.
. . . the Roman, extended feast prior to the winter solstice was to Saturn, god of agriculture.
. . . so many consider Christmas a "sacred cow" and beyond questioning or condemning.
. . . our past lives suffice us for lusts, excess of wine, revellings, and banquetings (I Pet 4:3).
. . . Emperor Aurelian picked December 25 for this holiday in 274 to worship the sun god.
. . . pagan sun worshippers had a great festival to the sun at the winter solstice before Jesus.
. . . it would be wrong to have a golden calf with candles to worship the Lord our Strength.
. . . the public schools in Boston were still open for classes on December 25 as late as 1870.
. . . the "birthday of the invincible sun" (dies natalis Solis invicti) was this date in Rome.
. . . December 25 was chosen by being the date of the winter solstice in the Julian calendar.
. . . Satan uses this pagan feast to steal glory from the Son of God for ignorant sun worship.
. . . Christmas American-style is oppression of parents by greedy children (Isaiah 3:1-5, 12).
. . . Jesus promised that the majority are on the wrong road leading to death (Matt 7:13-14).
. . . Charles Spurgeon, the most popular Baptist minister, preached against it as late as 1871.
. . . all the unique customs of Christmas may be traced individually to pagan religious rites.
. . . Hindus, Jews, Mormons, Pagans, and other cults celebrate it while despising Jesus.
. . . using Scripture's silence to justify anything not expressly forbidden will lead to Coke and chips for the Lord's supper and ouija boards for difficult decisions.
. . . it creates the most foolish, hectic, stressful, guilt-ridden, and unproductive time of year.
. . . the LORD is a jealous God and will judge any playing with other gods (Ex 34:12-16).
. . . New Testament charity may accommodate weakness, but it cannot error (Romans 14:1).
. . . the moderation taught in the New Testament is temperance or self-discipline (Phil 4:5).
. . . it would be identical to offering incense to the brasen serpent of Moses (II Kings 18:4).
. . . the only day observed by the apostles was the Lord's day (Rev 1:10; Acts 20:7; I Cor 16:2).
. . . we choose to emulate Jacob, who put away family idols to worship God (Gen 35:1-5).
. . . we choose to emulate Jehu, who defiled Baal worship to please God (II Kings 10:26-28).
. . . we choose to emulate Josiah, who defiled all pagan worship to please God (II Kings 23:1-37).
. . . we choose to emulate Asa, who defiled his mother's favorite idol (II Chron 15:12-16).
Sounds like a spammed message of " faith".
Pagan Roots? 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas | Live Science

While we’re all in the Holiday spirit; there’s no better time than now for a look back, at the history of one of America’s favorite holidays.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Pagans don't believe in Christ so they have nothing to do with Christmas
Nonsense. CHRISTMAS is celebrated here in America as a cultural holiday. Whether or not one prescribes to the christian religion. And as a holiday... its customs, and traditions in large part precede christianity. The aforementioned Abrahmic religion has only the most nebulous connection to the celebration we humans celebrate this time of year.
Pagan Roots? 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas | Live Science

While we’re all in the Holiday spirit; there’s no better time than now for a look back, at the history of one of America’s favorite holidays.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Pagans don't believe in Christ so they have nothing to do with Christmas
Nonsense. CHRISTMAS is celebrated here in America as a cultural holiday. Whether or not one prescribes to the christian religion. And as a holiday... its customs, and traditions in large part precede christianity. The aforementioned Abrahmic religion has only the most nebulous connection to the celebration we humans celebrate this time of year.
if you don't prescribe to CHRISTianity, you don't prescribe to CHRIST or CHRISTMAS
...why call it CHRISTmas then???!!!! hahahahahahah
Pagan Roots? 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas | Live Science

While we’re all in the Holiday spirit; there’s no better time than now for a look back, at the history of one of America’s favorite holidays.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Pagans don't believe in Christ so they have nothing to do with Christmas
Nonsense. CHRISTMAS is celebrated here in America as a cultural holiday. Whether or not one prescribes to the christian religion. And as a holiday... its customs, and traditions in large part precede christianity. The aforementioned Abrahmic religion has only the most nebulous connection to the celebration we humans celebrate this time of year.
if you don't prescribe to CHRISTianity, you don't prescribe to CHRIST or CHRISTMAS
...why call it CHRISTmas then???!!!! hahahahahahah
That's what most refer to it as. It's current, common name,; is far less important than its history. And its history is the one thing the most of us celebrate in common...
Pagan Roots? 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas | Live Science

While we’re all in the Holiday spirit; there’s no better time than now for a look back, at the history of one of America’s favorite holidays.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Pagans don't believe in Christ so they have nothing to do with Christmas
Nonsense. CHRISTMAS is celebrated here in America as a cultural holiday. Whether or not one prescribes to the christian religion. And as a holiday... its customs, and traditions in large part precede christianity. The aforementioned Abrahmic religion has only the most nebulous connection to the celebration we humans celebrate this time of year.
if you don't prescribe to CHRISTianity, you don't prescribe to CHRIST or CHRISTMAS
...why call it CHRISTmas then???!!!! hahahahahahah
That's what most refer to it as. It's current, common name,; is far less important than its history. And its history is the one thing the most of us celebrate in common...
..well, that's ridiculous and an oxymoron .....
Pagan Roots? 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas | Live Science

While we’re all in the Holiday spirit; there’s no better time than now for a look back, at the history of one of America’s favorite holidays.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Pagans don't believe in Christ so they have nothing to do with Christmas
Nonsense. CHRISTMAS is celebrated here in America as a cultural holiday. Whether or not one prescribes to the christian religion. And as a holiday... its customs, and traditions in large part precede christianity. The aforementioned Abrahmic religion has only the most nebulous connection to the celebration we humans celebrate this time of year.
if you don't prescribe to CHRISTianity, you don't prescribe to CHRIST or CHRISTMAS
...why call it CHRISTmas then???!!!! hahahahahahah
That's what most refer to it as. It's current, common name,; is far less important than its history. And its history is the one thing the most of us celebrate in common...
..well, that's ridiculous and an oxymoron .....
Only to a person ignorant of the history, of the customs expressed during this most cherished of holidays...
Pagans don't believe in Christ so they have nothing to do with Christmas
Nonsense. CHRISTMAS is celebrated here in America as a cultural holiday. Whether or not one prescribes to the christian religion. And as a holiday... its customs, and traditions in large part precede christianity. The aforementioned Abrahmic religion has only the most nebulous connection to the celebration we humans celebrate this time of year.
if you don't prescribe to CHRISTianity, you don't prescribe to CHRIST or CHRISTMAS
...why call it CHRISTmas then???!!!! hahahahahahah
what most refer to it as. It's current, common name,; is far less important than its history. And its history is the one thing the most of us celebrate in common...
..well, that's ridiculous and an oxymoron .....
Only to a person ignorant of the history, of the customs expressed during this most cherished of holidays...
1. christ was not god/did nothing for the world/etc = christmas is an idiotic celebration
2. only idiots believe all that crap
3. Pagans and CHRISTmas---hahahahhahahah--idiocy
It's really a holiday for everyone. It means something different to everyone.
Only if Truth means nothing to you

the LORD condemns using pagan religious practices in His worship (Deut 12:29-31).
. . . the LORD condemns adding to or taking away from His commandments (Deut 12:32).
. . . the LORD condemns doing anything under green trees in His worship (Deut 12:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns the heathen use of decorated trees at a solstice (Jeremiah 10:1-4).
. . . the LORD commands us to separate from and not touch pagan religion (II Cor 6:14-18).
. . . the LORD commands us to come out of Roman Catholicism and her sins (Rev 18:4).
. . . the LORD condemns turning to the left or right from His commandments (Deut 5:32-33).
. . . the LORD told the apostles to teach us to observe only His commandments (Matt 28:20).
. . . the LORD rejected David's worship for a small detail and killed Uzzah (II Sam 6:1-10).
. . . the LORD rejected and killed Nadab and Abihu for offering different fire (Lev 10:1-7).
. . . the LORD rejected Moses from seeing Canaan for a slight modification (Num 20:12).
. . . the LORD rejected Cain's worship simply for bringing an alternative sacrifice (Gen 4:7).
. . . the LORD rejected Saul forever for noble intentions in a modification (I Sam 15:22-23).
. . . the LORD rejected Uzziah and gave him facial leprosy for a new idea (II Chr 26:16-21).
. . . the LORD rejected and killed Ananias and his wife for fudging a large gift (Acts 5:1-11).
. . . the LORD requires reverence and godly fear in worship to avoid His fire (Heb 12:28-29).
. . . the LORD seeks true worshippers to worship Him in truth, not superstition (John 4:23-24).
. . . the LORD commands us to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered (Jude 1:3).
. . . the LORD requires us to esteem all His precepts but to hate all other ideas (Ps 119:128).
. . . the LORD commands us to prove all things by Scripture and reject the bad (I Thes 5:21).
. . . the LORD expects us to be noble and search Scripture to know true worship (Acts 17:11).
. . . the LORD gave Scripture to perfect us, which does not mention Xmas (II Tim 3:16-17).
. . . the LORD curses any gospel different than Paul's, and he didn't preach xmas (Gal 1:8-9).
. . . the LORD condemns fellowship with men having only a form of godliness (II Tim 3:5).
. . . the LORD condemns loving pleasure more than God as perilous times (II Timothy 3:4).
. . . the LORD condemns anything different from His Word as dark ignorance (Isaiah 8:20).
. . . the LORD abominates anything popular with the world and esteemed by it (Luke 16:15).
. . . the LORD condemns friendship with the world as becoming His enemy (James 4:4).
. . . the LORD condemns traditions in His worship as evil and vain hypocrisy (Mark 7:5-13).
. . . the LORD hates the polluting of His glorious name with pagan idolatry (Ezekiel 20:39).
. . . the LORD condemns the superstitious idolatry and blasphemy of the Mass (I Cor 11:26).
. . . the LORD condemns bringing any item of false religion into our houses (Deut 7:25-26).
. . . the LORD commands us not to set up any image, which He hates (Deut 16:22; Ex 20:4-6).
. . . the LORD hates religion that goes under green trees (I Kings 14:23; Isaiah 57:5; Jer 3:6).
. . . the LORD condemns adopting any practices of the pagans around us (Leviticus 18:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns sun worship (Deut 4:19; 17:3; II Kgs 23:5; Job 31:26-28; Eze 8:16).
. . . the LORD endorses only apostolic traditions, and they never celebrated it (II Thes 2:15).
. . . the LORD is honored by gifts to Him rather than a selfish exchange of gifts (Matt 2:11).
. . . the LORD teaches us to remember His death rather than His birth (Phil 3:10; I Cor 15:3).
. . . the LORD gave baptism and His supper to remember His death (Rom 6:3-5; I Co 11:26).
. . . the LORD resents the hatred of pagans who exchange gifts against His men (Rev 11:10).
. . . the LORD condemns "the spirit of Christmas" as another spirit He hates (II Cor 11:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns a mother and child wearing halos as another jesus (II Cor 11:1-4).
. . . the LORD condemns a tradition glorifying sun worship as another gospel (II Co 11:1-4).
. . . the LORD loves us to give up dear things as proof of our love to Him (Matt 10:37-39).
. . . the LORD did not come to bring peace on earth but rather a dividing sword (Mat 10:34).
. . . the LORD blessed giving over receiving, but Xmas is selfish exchanging (Acts 20:35).
. . . the LORD calls Jewish holy days matters of liberty, but not pagan holidays (Col 2:16).
. . . the LORD calls Jewish holy days matters of liberty, but not pagan holidays (Rom 14:6).
. . . the LORD considers the birth of His Son worthy of honor rather than folly (Heb 1:6).
. . . the two chief New Testament ordinances - baptism and the Lord's supper - pertain to His death, not His birth.
. . . celebrating Christmas sincerely is identical to Jeroboam's two calves (I Kings 12:26-33).
. . . Aaron led Israel to worship the LORD with a golden calf to their judgment (Ex 32:1-5).
. . . it breaks the first commandment by having other gods - the sun god Mithra (Ex 20:3).
. . . it breaks the second commandment by having images - a Christmas tree (Ex 20:4-6).
. . . it breaks the third commandment by taking His name in vain - "Christmas" (Ex 20:7).
. . . it breaks the fifth commandment by promoting children's greed over parents (Ex 20:12).
. . . it breaks the tenth commandment by promoting covetousness to children (Ex 20:17).
. . . many Baptist martyrs gave their lives to oppose Catholic superstitions and traditions.
. . . it was a crime to observe Christmas in America, when our country truly feared God.
. . . it was a crime to observe Christmas in England, when that country truly feared God.
. . . all the God-hating, Christ-denying, and sin-loving pagans get excited about this day.
. . . Santa Claus is a pagan mockery of God the Father with white hair, grandfatherly image, eternal, lives in the North, unlimited resources, omniscient of children's behavior, omnipresent for a night, hears confessions, comes as a thief, blesses children, and distributes judgment for works.
. . . the name Christmas came from "Mass of Christ," and Christians hate the Catholic mass.
. . . every sincere birthday party honors the one born that day rather than all the mere guests.
. . . a gift exchange dictated by a calendar is not a message of love but a ritual of obligation.
. . . a gift exchange at the winter solstice was invented by pagans to celebrate the sun god.
. . . Christianity is giving gifts unexpected without obligation to reciprocate (Luke 14:12-14).
. . . secular encyclopedias will gladly tell you that Christmas came from pagan sun worship.
. . . the first state in our Bible-oriented country to make it a holiday was Alabama in 1836.
. . . a little drummer boy did not travel to the manger to play his drum for the infant Jesus.
. . . for the two centuries following the Pilgrims, Christians in America called it "popish."
. . . English parliament under Oliver Cromwell outlawed it in 1644 and punished violaters.
. . . loving Jesus Christ is keeping His commandments, not decorating a tree (John 14:15).
. . . you cannot do unto the LORD what the LORD has condemned (Deut 12:1-4; 12:29-32).
. . . Christmas is not a matter of liberty left up to our consciences and/or heart preferences.
. . . true followers of God will not follow a multitude or majority to false worship (Ex 23:2).
. . . Xmas is most adored by women, whom God calls silly and weak (II Tim 3:6; I Pet 3:7).
. . . a time of unbridled greed, covetousness, and materialism cannot honor Jesus Christ.
. . . this unique holy day in the Roman Catholic calendar is exalted by three profane masses.
. . . the world loves a jesus helpless in a manger, but God's Christ is the LORD and Judge.
. . . on Christmas Eve the Pope of Rome conducts a special mass seen by much of the earth.
. . . godly parents don't lie to their children about a Roman Catholic myth named Nicholas.
. . . the Bible is totally silent about using this day or any such celebration to honor Christ.
. . . the gospel according to Christmas tradition, cards, and plays corrupts the Bible facts.
. . . the Pilgrims in 1620, seeking to worship God in truth, formally banned the holiday.
. . . the Puritans in 1659, seeking to worship God in truth, set a 5 shillings fine for keeping it.
. . . the modern Christmas tree was not introduced to this country by Germans until 1821.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for one-half year back from Passover is rather October.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for shepherds did not stay in the fields during winter.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for taxation would not have been in the dead of winter.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for wise taxation would have been shortly after harvest.
. . . Jesus was not born in December, for careful calculation of the priest's courses exclude it.
. . . the Roman feast at the winter solstice was to the sun god Mithras from the Persians.
. . . the Roman, extended feast prior to the winter solstice was to Saturn, god of agriculture.
. . . so many consider Christmas a "sacred cow" and beyond questioning or condemning.
. . . our past lives suffice us for lusts, excess of wine, revellings, and banquetings (I Pet 4:3).
. . . Emperor Aurelian picked December 25 for this holiday in 274 to worship the sun god.
. . . pagan sun worshippers had a great festival to the sun at the winter solstice before Jesus.
. . . it would be wrong to have a golden calf with candles to worship the Lord our Strength.
. . . the public schools in Boston were still open for classes on December 25 as late as 1870.
. . . the "birthday of the invincible sun" (dies natalis Solis invicti) was this date in Rome.
. . . December 25 was chosen by being the date of the winter solstice in the Julian calendar.
. . . Satan uses this pagan feast to steal glory from the Son of God for ignorant sun worship.
. . . Christmas American-style is oppression of parents by greedy children (Isaiah 3:1-5, 12).
. . . Jesus promised that the majority are on the wrong road leading to death (Matt 7:13-14).
. . . Charles Spurgeon, the most popular Baptist minister, preached against it as late as 1871.
. . . all the unique customs of Christmas may be traced individually to pagan religious rites.
. . . Hindus, Jews, Mormons, Pagans, and other cults celebrate it while despising Jesus.
. . . using Scripture's silence to justify anything not expressly forbidden will lead to Coke and chips for the Lord's supper and ouija boards for difficult decisions.
. . . it creates the most foolish, hectic, stressful, guilt-ridden, and unproductive time of year.
. . . the LORD is a jealous God and will judge any playing with other gods (Ex 34:12-16).
. . . New Testament charity may accommodate weakness, but it cannot error (Romans 14:1).
. . . the moderation taught in the New Testament is temperance or self-discipline (Phil 4:5).
. . . it would be identical to offering incense to the brasen serpent of Moses (II Kings 18:4).
. . . the only day observed by the apostles was the Lord's day (Rev 1:10; Acts 20:7; I Cor 16:2).
. . . we choose to emulate Jacob, who put away family idols to worship God (Gen 35:1-5).
. . . we choose to emulate Jehu, who defiled Baal worship to please God (II Kings 10:26-28).
. . . we choose to emulate Josiah, who defiled all pagan worship to please God (II Kings 23:1-37).
. . . we choose to emulate Asa, who defiled his mother's favorite idol (II Chron 15:12-16).

After reading the first few passages and a few more random ones, it’s clear you are full of shit with your “summary” of what each passage says.
Nonsense. CHRISTMAS is celebrated here in America as a cultural holiday. Whether or not one prescribes to the christian religion. And as a holiday... its customs, and traditions in large part precede christianity. The aforementioned Abrahmic religion has only the most nebulous connection to the celebration we humans celebrate this time of year.
if you don't prescribe to CHRISTianity, you don't prescribe to CHRIST or CHRISTMAS
...why call it CHRISTmas then???!!!! hahahahahahah
what most refer to it as. It's current, common name,; is far less important than its history. And its history is the one thing the most of us celebrate in common...
..well, that's ridiculous and an oxymoron .....
Only to a person ignorant of the history, of the customs expressed during this most cherished of holidays...
1. christ was not god/did nothing for the world/etc = christmas is an idiotic celebration
2. only idiots believe all that crap
3. Pagans and CHRISTmas---hahahahhahahah--idiocy
Curb your festive enthusiasm...'s about we all go light a nativity scene on fire?

~S~'s about we all go light a nativity scene on fire?

Don't encourage such a nasty spirit. Its already out there doing enough damage.

Israeli settlers set Catholic Church in Galilee on fire

...The Galilee church where Jesus was believed to have performed miracle of feeding 5,000 followers was set alight in arson attack carried out by extremist Jewish settlers.

Hebrew graffiti was also scrawled across the walls of Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish.

An adviser to the Catholic Church blamed Jewish extremists for the “deplorable” attack after Israeli police said there is a “strong possibility” the fire was started deliberately.

The current structure was built on the remains of a fifth-century Byzantine church at Tabgha on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, where many Christians believe Jesus fed 5,000 followers with just five loaves and two fish...
if you don't prescribe to CHRISTianity, you don't prescribe to CHRIST or CHRISTMAS
...why call it CHRISTmas then???!!!! hahahahahahah
what most refer to it as. It's current, common name,; is far less important than its history. And its history is the one thing the most of us celebrate in common...
..well, that's ridiculous and an oxymoron .....
Only to a person ignorant of the history, of the customs expressed during this most cherished of holidays...
1. christ was not god/did nothing for the world/etc = christmas is an idiotic celebration
2. only idiots believe all that crap
3. Pagans and CHRISTmas---hahahahhahahah--idiocy
Curb your festive enthusiasm...
..I live in reality--not fairytales

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