The adults are back in the room

Its mentally ill, put the psychotic turd on ignore like I did long ago so the conversation can continue amongst the rational.

I respect your decision to put certain people on 'ignore', however that would for me only have me read posts of those that agree with my position. I would rather be able to refute the claims of the idiots.
Really Teddy,most of it was true,I responded with Vulgarity too as in mimiking roaDS scholar's .....NOT AN OPINION but fact,Teddy.....Yes poorly written and vulgar...but I tend to respond in kind to each poster...I WOULD NOT SPEAK TO YOU THUS(CAPITALS FOR EMPHASIS ONLY) steve

Well, Steve, if "most of it was true", then again I ask you to give me (us) a more accurate source for your 300,000 killed claim. Regardless of others' vulgarity and any other thing that you feel restricts you from posting a credible and coherent link to substantiate your claim(s).

Really Teddy,most of it was true,I responded with Vulgarity too as in mimiking roaDS scholar's .....NOT AN OPINION but fact,Teddy.....Yes poorly written and vulgar...but I tend to respond in kind to each poster...I WOULD NOT SPEAK TO YOU THUS(CAPITALS FOR EMPHASIS ONLY) steve

Well, Steve, if "most of it was true", then again I ask you to give me (us) a more accurate source for your 300,000 killed claim. Regardless of others' vulgarity and any other thing that you feel restricts you from posting a credible and coherent link to substantiate your claim(s).

Teddy see post #10..Click On..Palestiniangenocide,it also gives Jewish,Armenian and information on other peoples...steven
Teddy see post #10..Click On..Palestiniangenocide,it also gives Jewish,Armenian and information on other peoples...steven

Steve, it is the link you gave in post #10 that I have a problem with. I am asking for another that reads clearer as that one is a jumbled mess, IMHO.

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