The Afterlife

What Happens After You Die?

  • Nothing (Decomposition)

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • You go to Heaven or Hell

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • You are born again as a human

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • You are born again as another living thing

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • You become spiritual oneness with the universe

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 3 8.8%

  • Total voters
I do not see any point in returning as an animal as human activity is much more sophisticated than animal lives. It would be a dumbing down to become an animal after being a human.


so you never hope to fly but just walk on two feet - I understand initially when you call them animals but in the spirit world why are saying humans - something just isn't right as for me a spirit I would not mind being an eagle for one of my return trips or something else in the spirit world.

Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.
In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.
Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.

well, I do not believe 4th century christians, the desert religions so I'm going to go out on a limb and say I do not believe those that separate the spirit world into an apartheid demeaning all other life -

In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.

and what if a spirit on top of their game plan simply choose to become physical again in Garden Earth maybe it does not make sense but why not an Eagle or the opposite sex what's a spirit good for if it can not be anything than it already is, do they return as the same person, I think not.

I repeat, I do not think we incarnate as animals. That is what the spirit guides I have listened to teach
But we can, and do change sex many times during the course of our cycle of reincarnations.
I believe we develop new personalities in each life and of course, we cannot usually remember past lives because we do not normally have access to the spirits memories. In incarnation we remember only what is stored in the brain. But according to the theology I have studied all memories of past lives are perfectly retained in the causual body. We ultimately reach a state of enlightenment and complete our incarnations, then we gain access to all past life memories.

"But according to the theology I have studied all memories of past lives are perfectly retained in the causual body."

And, according to scientific determinism and materialism, every thought and memory we have is an electrochemical impulse, spurred by same, which cease to exist when the brain dies.
I do not see any point in returning as an animal as human activity is much more sophisticated than animal lives. It would be a dumbing down to become an animal after being a human.


so you never hope to fly but just walk on two feet - I understand initially when you call them animals but in the spirit world why are saying humans - something just isn't right as for me a spirit I would not mind being an eagle for one of my return trips or something else in the spirit world.

Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.
In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.
Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.

well, I do not believe 4th century christians, the desert religions so I'm going to go out on a limb and say I do not believe those that separate the spirit world into an apartheid demeaning all other life -

In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.

and what if a spirit on top of their game plan simply choose to become physical again in Garden Earth maybe it does not make sense but why not an Eagle or the opposite sex what's a spirit good for if it can not be anything than it already is, do they return as the same person, I think not.

I repeat, I do not think we incarnate as animals. That is what the spirit guides I have listened to teach
But we can, and do change sex many times during the course of our cycle of reincarnations.
I believe we develop new personalities in each life and of course, we cannot usually remember past lives because we do not normally have access to the spirits memories. In incarnation we remember only what is stored in the brain. But according to the theology I have studied all memories of past lives are perfectly retained in the causual body. We ultimately reach a state of enlightenment and complete our incarnations, then we gain access to all past life memories.

"But according to the theology I have studied all memories of past lives are perfectly retained in the causual body."

And, according to scientific determinism and materialism, every thought and memory we have is an electrochemical impulse, spurred by same, which cease to exist when the brain dies.

The problem with science is that all of its instrumentation is only electromagnetic, including all its mechanical devices, so it cannot detect anything more than materialism, self limiting. We haven't even worked out gravitational measurements yet. And then scientific measurements carry the further limitation of mathematical axioms during interpretation.

To Dajjal's observation: ... But the Buddha himself we know had many lives of animals, stones, plants, even gods, countless many, amongst his human lives. This seems very logical, I think.
This seems also true, that during physical human life, humans are individually guided by the spirit world constantly, and during the physical life, humans affect a lot how this guidance evolves as the lifetime goes on.

This is why it is possible to have premonitions and visions of the future under the condition that those future situations are emotionally stressful.
I do not see any point in returning as an animal as human activity is much more sophisticated than animal lives. It would be a dumbing down to become an animal after being a human.


so you never hope to fly but just walk on two feet - I understand initially when you call them animals but in the spirit world why are saying humans - something just isn't right as for me a spirit I would not mind being an eagle for one of my return trips or something else in the spirit world.

Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.
In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.
Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.

well, I do not believe 4th century christians, the desert religions so I'm going to go out on a limb and say I do not believe those that separate the spirit world into an apartheid demeaning all other life -

In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.

and what if a spirit on top of their game plan simply choose to become physical again in Garden Earth maybe it does not make sense but why not an Eagle or the opposite sex what's a spirit good for if it can not be anything than it already is, do they return as the same person, I think not.

I repeat, I do not think we incarnate as animals. That is what the spirit guides I have listened to teach
But we can, and do change sex many times during the course of our cycle of reincarnations.
I believe we develop new personalities in each life and of course, we cannot usually remember past lives because we do not normally have access to the spirits memories. In incarnation we remember only what is stored in the brain. But according to the theology I have studied all memories of past lives are perfectly retained in the casual body. We ultimately reach a state of enlightenment and complete our incarnations, then we gain access to all past life memories.

I do believe you truly believe this. To be honest , reincarnation makes more sense to me and so what would be the point if we have no memory of our past life's. Then I read its the unconscious mind which is really our soul(spirit) , so out intuition takes place in the present.

It's from these memories and experiences that our beliefs, habits, and behaviors are formed. The unconscious constantly communicates with the conscious mind via our subconscious, and is what provides us with the meaning to all our interactions with the world, as filtered through your beliefs and habits.
The Conscious, Subconscious, And Unconscious Mind – How Does It All Work? · The Mind Unleashed

I have met kids that I have called old souls, they have a look and act older, not hyper like most children. Then we have our prodigies, where does this creativeness and genius come from?

I do believe most of our behaviors in life are formed by the age of 10 and its possible in a prior life. I guess we will never know for sure about these things. Maybe that is why the saying is "only the good die young", they are only here to teach us lessons.
Funny, many believe that IS THE LIFE! But they call it the after life... anyway.

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think it is?
If not, why do you think we are here - or is there no reason?

I don't believe anything. Believing is thinking I know something I don't.

When I find out the truth, I'll then know.
Julian Jaynes and the theory of the bicameral mind. HIs theory is the mind evolved, a couple Rabbis believed his theory and wrote the short book "The Minds of the Bible"

So Abraham thought he heard the voice of God from outside his head, when actually its was the other side of his brain, like when we talk to ourselves, and as the bible went on we find then it becomes more within as our brains have become more advanced and connected. By the time we get to Jesus its inside, the spirit inside, not the outside God talking to us. We have become more introspective.

So when we think God is talking to us, its really us talking to us. Most do not hear voices, its an illness caused by auditory hallucinations.
Funny, many believe that IS THE LIFE! But they call it the after life... anyway.

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think it is?
If not, why do you think we are here - or is there no reason?

I don't believe anything. Believing is thinking I know something I don't.

When I find out the truth, I'll then know.

The more you know the more you realize what you don't know.:)
No sex in the afterlife. (no need to procreate):badgrin:

I agree, I have heard a spirit guide say sex is neutral in the spirit world. Spirits do not reproduce.

I heard you don't even have a dick; I ain't going. :badgrin:

You may be right about that. There would be no point in the spirit body having sex organs. I believe spirit bodies are asexual. But I never heard a spirit guide state that for a fact.

If the purpose of the afterlife is to worship God, I think having sexual urges would be a distraction....
Funny, many believe that IS THE LIFE! But they call it the after life... anyway.

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think it is?
If not, why do you think we are here - or is there no reason?

I don't believe anything. Believing is thinking I know something I don't.

When I find out the truth, I'll then know.

Some people believe based on available information. The mind is a funny thing. There are things I believe - even simple things like whether or not the person in the office is having an affair. NOMB, but, still, the mind keeps going.....
Funny, many believe that IS THE LIFE! But they call it the after life... anyway.

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think it is?
If not, why do you think we are here - or is there no reason?

I don't believe anything. Believing is thinking I know something I don't.

When I find out the truth, I'll then know.

Some people believe based on available information. The mind is a funny thing. There are things I believe - even simple things like whether or not the person in the office is having an affair. NOMB, but, still, the mind keeps going.....

The biggest problem is that people are born into religion, taught to believe without any knowledge at all. Once you've been indoctrinated then your mind is much more open to believing rather than knowing. But also to reject for no reason to.
Funny, many believe that IS THE LIFE! But they call it the after life... anyway.

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think it is?
If not, why do you think we are here - or is there no reason?

I don't believe anything. Believing is thinking I know something I don't.

When I find out the truth, I'll then know.

Some people believe based on available information. The mind is a funny thing. There are things I believe - even simple things like whether or not the person in the office is having an affair. NOMB, but, still, the mind keeps going.....

The biggest problem is that people are born into religion, taught to believe without any knowledge at all. Once you've been indoctrinated then your mind is much more open to believing rather than knowing. But also to reject for no reason to.

If information from other lives were made available in your current life, then every current life would be ruined and would lose its meaning and purpose.

So you are stuck without knowledge. So the only choice you have is some belief system that you can pick from other people's assembly.
No sex in the afterlife. (no need to procreate):badgrin:

I agree, I have heard a spirit guide say sex is neutral in the spirit world. Spirits do not reproduce.

I heard you don't even have a dick; I ain't going. :badgrin:

You may be right about that. There would be no point in the spirit body having sex organs. I believe spirit bodies are asexual. But I never heard a spirit guide state that for a fact.

My understanding is that you have no physical body at all, just pure energy.
So phone sex or its equivalent. We can work with this!
Funny, many believe that IS THE LIFE! But they call it the after life... anyway.

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think it is?
If not, why do you think we are here - or is there no reason?

I don't believe anything. Believing is thinking I know something I don't.

When I find out the truth, I'll then know.

Some people believe based on available information. The mind is a funny thing. There are things I believe - even simple things like whether or not the person in the office is having an affair. NOMB, but, still, the mind keeps going.....

The biggest problem is that people are born into religion, taught to believe without any knowledge at all. Once you've been indoctrinated then your mind is much more open to believing rather than knowing. But also to reject for no reason to.

If information from other lives were made available in your current life, then every current life would be ruined and would lose its meaning and purpose.

So you are stuck without knowledge. So the only choice you have is some belief system that you can pick from other people's assembly.

I have heard a spirit guide say that we need incarnation to forget past lives because to remember some things we have done would be a terrible burden for some people. For example what if you were Hitler in your last life.
So forgetfulness is a mercy, and we do not know how much of a burden of karma we are facing
I also remember a spirit guide saying that Mozart was a musician in 9 previous incarnations before being born such a prodigy. So we carry good things through from past lives even though we do not remember them.
No sex in the afterlife. (no need to procreate):badgrin:

I agree, I have heard a spirit guide say sex is neutral in the spirit world. Spirits do not reproduce.

I heard you don't even have a dick; I ain't going. :badgrin:

You may be right about that. There would be no point in the spirit body having sex organs. I believe spirit bodies are asexual. But I never heard a spirit guide state that for a fact.

My understanding is that you have no physical body at all, just pure energy.
So phone sex or its equivalent. We can work with this!

No sex in the afterlife. (no need to procreate):badgrin:
But gays say sex is not just about procreation.

Well we will all be asexual in the afterlife. No desire at all. Just singing and worshipping God, forever and ever.
No desire at all.

You mean no desire other than worshiping God.

Sounds like slavery. We become mindless robots.

Not only will WE be bored, so will God

God will take care of it, the sex drive will turn into a worship drive. God will also provide all the white gowns and harps you will need while you sing praise to the Lord for eternity.
I have heard a spirit guide say that we need incarnation to forget past lives because to remember some things we have done would be a terrible burden for some people.

- would be a terrible burden for some people.


if it is a burden for those people then that is why there would be reincarnation to relieve their burdens or lose for the last time and visa versus to build on whatever good was accomplished in the past life to advance further to the goal being sought, the Apex of Knowledge - lack of memory is the proof reincarnation does not happen.

not knowing the past through reincarnation =/= is the same as someone talking to the Almighty ... make believe.

so you never hope to fly but just walk on two feet - I understand initially when you call them animals but in the spirit world why are saying humans - something just isn't right as for me a spirit I would not mind being an eagle for one of my return trips or something else in the spirit world.

Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.
In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.
Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.

well, I do not believe 4th century christians, the desert religions so I'm going to go out on a limb and say I do not believe those that separate the spirit world into an apartheid demeaning all other life -

In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.

and what if a spirit on top of their game plan simply choose to become physical again in Garden Earth maybe it does not make sense but why not an Eagle or the opposite sex what's a spirit good for if it can not be anything than it already is, do they return as the same person, I think not.

I repeat, I do not think we incarnate as animals. That is what the spirit guides I have listened to teach
But we can, and do change sex many times during the course of our cycle of reincarnations.
I believe we develop new personalities in each life and of course, we cannot usually remember past lives because we do not normally have access to the spirits memories. In incarnation we remember only what is stored in the brain. But according to the theology I have studied all memories of past lives are perfectly retained in the causual body. We ultimately reach a state of enlightenment and complete our incarnations, then we gain access to all past life memories.

"But according to the theology I have studied all memories of past lives are perfectly retained in the causual body."

And, according to scientific determinism and materialism, every thought and memory we have is an electrochemical impulse, spurred by same, which cease to exist when the brain dies.

The problem with science is that all of its instrumentation is only electromagnetic, including all its mechanical devices, so it cannot detect anything more than materialism, self limiting. We haven't even worked out gravitational measurements yet. And then scientific measurements carry the further limitation of mathematical axioms during interpretation.

To Dajjal's observation: ... But the Buddha himself we know had many lives of animals, stones, plants, even gods, countless many, amongst his human lives. This seems very logical, I think.
"The problem with science is that all of its instrumentation is only electromagnetic, including all its mechanical devices, so it cannot detect anything more than materialism"

Why is that a problem? Seems to me that has actually worked out very well for us. The "problem" was when we DIDN'T have science, and so any fool could make any magical, nonsensical claim he wished, and there was no way to tell if he was lying or not. Like, demons causing disease. Or claiming one is the "Son of God".

Science is not designed to deal with non-deterministic, magical nonsense. Nothing is, because there is no way of knowing any claim you make about this non-deterministic, magical nonsense is right or wrong.

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