The Afterlife

What Happens After You Die?

  • Nothing (Decomposition)

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • You go to Heaven or Hell

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • You are born again as a human

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • You are born again as another living thing

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • You become spiritual oneness with the universe

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 3 8.8%

  • Total voters
No sex in the afterlife. (no need to procreate):badgrin:

I agree, I have heard a spirit guide say sex is neutral in the spirit world. Spirits do not reproduce.

I heard you don't even have a dick; I ain't going. :badgrin:

You may be right about that. There would be no point in the spirit body having sex organs. I believe spirit bodies are asexual. But I never heard a spirit guide state that for a fact.

My understanding is that you have no physical body at all, just pure energy.
No sex in the afterlife. (no need to procreate):badgrin:

I agree, I have heard a spirit guide say sex is neutral in the spirit world. Spirits do not reproduce.

I heard you don't even have a dick; I ain't going. :badgrin:

You may be right about that. There would be no point in the spirit body having sex organs. I believe spirit bodies are asexual. But I never heard a spirit guide state that for a fact.

My understanding is that you have no physical body at all, just pure energy.

Well it is difficult to visualize a body of energy. I believe we have several bodies, like the astral and mental bodies. Apparently the astral body resembles the body of our last incarnation at the peak of its development.
But the final body is called the casual body, and it is formless and infinitely expandable. It contains all memories of past lives.
True one must be self reflective before engaging in communion, and the wafer or host while made by nuns and others needs to be blessed by the Priest before it turns into the body of Christ.

Discernment is not about self reflection. Its about understanding what the Body of Christ is, words that form the body of teaching that Jesus received from God. Now you know.

A priest can never turn the eucharist, made by human hands, into words from God that are both spirit and life.

You have been deceived by the oldest trick in the serpents book. Is that too hard to believe?

If you really want to receive eternal life, the next time a priest tries to hand you the eucharist and claims ' "this is the Body of Christ," just say, "No, its not."

then get the hell of out of that tomb, join the living, and find something better to do with your time on Sundays and you will learn what life after death is really like.

What kind of Christian are you, one who eats crackers and grape juice once a month.

Crackers and grape juice? lol...don't be silly. I prefer the hard stuff....

He does not say This is the body of Christ, he says body of Christ. We all know it does not change into anything, the priest is acting as Jesus on earth during the his last supper, blessing the bread. It has been that way for centuries, as a child we would told it was spiritual, no one in their right mind believes the host changes into body and flesh, some use to years ago. They would treat blessed hosts as the body of Christ, and defend it with their life. Having a host turn red is real caused by
Serratia marcescens: The Miracle Bacillus.

Listen Penelope, I will try to make this as simple as possible.

Remember what Jesus said?

If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, chop it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to depart into hell.…

Even after a brief examination you have been found to be infected with a virulent and terminal disease.

You can put some clothes on now.

If you hope to survive its time to start gouging and chopping.

I have yet to see a self inflicted one eyed one handed Christian walking around. If you see one let us know.

Let me break it down for y'all.

You feel acute pain from separation for God so you do what you were told is the right thing to do and participate in mass, the worship of a lifeless matzo made by human hands - a brazen violation of the divine commands - the very thing that God teaches through law not to do under penalty of death, which only magnifies the pain of your awareness of the separation from and need for God.

In other words the more you proceed towards God in your imagination by participating in mass the further you recede from God in actuality by participating in mass.

You are caught up in a slow self aggrandizing descent into oblivion.

The only way out of it is to cut out the very thing that holds you in hells keeping.

When you do, take another good look around with a clear mind and you will see a multitude of people, very happy people, living fulfilled lives who don't give a shit about missing a blind eye or a diseased hand.
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True one must be self reflective before engaging in communion, and the wafer or host while made by nuns and others needs to be blessed by the Priest before it turns into the body of Christ.

Discernment is not about self reflection. Its about understanding what the Body of Christ is, words that form the body of teaching that Jesus received from God. Now you know.

A priest can never turn the eucharist, made by human hands, into words from God that are both spirit and life.

You have been deceived by the oldest trick in the serpents book. Is that too hard to believe?

If you really want to receive eternal life, the next time a priest tries to hand you the eucharist and claims ' "this is the Body of Christ," just say, "No, its not."

then get the hell of out of that tomb, join the living, and find something better to do with your time on Sundays and you will learn what life after death is really like.

What kind of Christian are you, one who eats crackers and grape juice once a month.

Crackers and grape juice? lol...don't be silly. I prefer the hard stuff....

He does not say This is the body of Christ, he says body of Christ. We all know it does not change into anything, the priest is acting as Jesus on earth during the his last supper, blessing the bread. It has been that way for centuries, as a child we would told it was spiritual, no one in their right mind believes the host changes into body and flesh, some use to years ago. They would treat blessed hosts as the body of Christ, and defend it with their life. Having a host turn red is real caused by
Serratia marcescens: The Miracle Bacillus.

Listen Penelope, I will try to make this as simple as possible.

Remember what Jesus said?

If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, chop it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to depart into hell.…

Even after a brief examination you have been found to be infected with a virulent and terminal disease.

You can put some clothes on now.

If you hope to survive its time to start gouging and chopping.

I have yet to see a self inflicted one eyed one handed Christian walking around. If you see one let us know.

Let me break it down for y'all.

You feel acute pain from separation for God so you do what you were told is the right thing to do and participate in mass, the worship of a lifeless matzo made by human hands - a brazen violation of the divine commands - the very thing that God teaches through law not to do under penalty of death, which only magnifies the pain of your awareness of the separation from and need for God.

In other words the more you proceed towards God in your imagination by participating in mass the further you recede from God in actuality by participating in mass.

You are caught up in a slow self aggrandizing descent into oblivion.

The only way out of it is to cut out the very thing that holds you in hells keeping.

When you do, take another good look around with a clear mind and you will see a multitude of people, very happy people, living fulfilled lives who don't give a shit about missing a blind eye or a diseased hand.

:lol: I haven't been to Mass in years, when one reaches the height of spiritual enlightenment as I have, one does not need to go any longer.
Discernment is not about self reflection. Its about understanding what the Body of Christ is, words that form the body of teaching that Jesus received from God. Now you know.

A priest can never turn the eucharist, made by human hands, into words from God that are both spirit and life.

You have been deceived by the oldest trick in the serpents book. Is that too hard to believe?

If you really want to receive eternal life, the next time a priest tries to hand you the eucharist and claims ' "this is the Body of Christ," just say, "No, its not."

then get the hell of out of that tomb, join the living, and find something better to do with your time on Sundays and you will learn what life after death is really like.

Crackers and grape juice? lol...don't be silly. I prefer the hard stuff....

He does not say This is the body of Christ, he says body of Christ. We all know it does not change into anything, the priest is acting as Jesus on earth during the his last supper, blessing the bread. It has been that way for centuries, as a child we would told it was spiritual, no one in their right mind believes the host changes into body and flesh, some use to years ago. They would treat blessed hosts as the body of Christ, and defend it with their life. Having a host turn red is real caused by
Serratia marcescens: The Miracle Bacillus.

Listen Penelope, I will try to make this as simple as possible.

Remember what Jesus said?

If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, chop it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to depart into hell.…

Even after a brief examination you have been found to be infected with a virulent and terminal disease.

You can put some clothes on now.

If you hope to survive its time to start gouging and chopping.

I have yet to see a self inflicted one eyed one handed Christian walking around. If you see one let us know.

Let me break it down for y'all.

You feel acute pain from separation for God so you do what you were told is the right thing to do and participate in mass, the worship of a lifeless matzo made by human hands - a brazen violation of the divine commands - the very thing that God teaches through law not to do under penalty of death, which only magnifies the pain of your awareness of the separation from and need for God.

In other words the more you proceed towards God in your imagination by participating in mass the further you recede from God in actuality by participating in mass.

You are caught up in a slow self aggrandizing descent into oblivion.

The only way out of it is to cut out the very thing that holds you in hells keeping.

When you do, take another good look around with a clear mind and you will see a multitude of people, very happy people, living fulfilled lives who don't give a shit about missing a blind eye or a diseased hand.

:lol: I haven't been to Mass in years, when one reaches the height of spiritual enlightenment as I have, one does not need to go any longer.

The height of spiritual enlightenment?

Now thats funny!

You spent however many years seeking spiritual life from that which has no life and now you are completely full of it.

I'm very impressed.
The spiritualist view (which is supported by speaking with the spirit world) is that we do indeed go to a higher dimension after we die. But that is the real world and the physical universe is simply a plane of experience.
We spend some time in the spirit world and most of us eventually realize we cannot evolve further unless we reincarnate. Because there is no pressure in the spirit world and we cannot resolve our karma.
So we reincarnate as humans (not lower animals) and continue to evolve through as many incarnations as it takes to reach a state of grace where we no longer need further incarnations. After that we continue to evolve as immortal spirits.
We spend some time in the spirit world and most of us eventually realize we cannot evolve further unless we reincarnate.

So we reincarnate as humans (not lower animals)

are you sure after the realization that spirit makes the choice for what they reincarnate as - there seems a lack of accountability in your scenario for what they do realize and if it is out of their hands being incomplete how is it their choice to be human is guaranteed or even the desired way to return, why do you belittle and separate humanity nature.


spiritually, why do you believe you are more advanced than a lion or if you are incomplete why return as a human when they actually seem to be losing their spirituality and will probably devolve to extinction.

I was at a trance lecture about reincarnation at the spiritualist association in London during the 1970's
A medium was purportedly take in trance by a spirit guide who spoke through her. After the lecture there was time for questions and the medium was still in trance. So in theory it was the spirit guide answering the questions. I asked her if animals evolved to become humans and she said " No, each species evolves to perfection in its own right "
Hindus believe that we reincarnate as animals but I do not. For the above reasons.
In any case it makes no sense that we might devolve into something less. Spiritual evolution is an ever onward upward process that leads us back to unity with God. Humans are a family of souls that evolve together as a group, both on this and on other planets.
I asked her if animals evolved to become humans and she said " No, each species evolves to perfection in its own right "

animals including humans refers to their physiology not their spirits - though the way you phrased it did make some sense but as a spirit I really do not see how you place a lions spirit any less spiritual than a humans. if you are saying from the spirit world are you saying only humans are in that world - from spirit world seems a choice could be made to return as anything if not I question what you believe the spirit world is.
No sex in the afterlife. (no need to procreate):badgrin:

I agree, I have heard a spirit guide say sex is neutral in the spirit world. Spirits do not reproduce.

I heard you don't even have a dick; I ain't going. :badgrin:

You may be right about that. There would be no point in the spirit body having sex organs. I believe spirit bodies are asexual. But I never heard a spirit guide state that for a fact.

My understanding is that you have no physical body at all, just pure energy.

Well it is difficult to visualize a body of energy. I believe we have several bodies, like the astral and mental bodies. Apparently the astral body resembles the body of our last incarnation at the peak of its development.
But the final body is called the casual body, and it is formless and infinitely expandable. It contains all memories of past lives.

I think you meant causal body, a concept of Theosophy. Which is the extent of what I know about it.
The spiritualist view (which is supported by speaking with the spirit world) is that we do indeed go to a higher dimension after we die. But that is the real world and the physical universe is simply a plane of experience.
We spend some time in the spirit world and most of us eventually realize we cannot evolve further unless we reincarnate. Because there is no pressure in the spirit world and we cannot resolve our karma.
So we reincarnate as humans (not lower animals) and continue to evolve through as many incarnations as it takes to reach a state of grace where we no longer need further incarnations. After that we continue to evolve as immortal spirits.
We spend some time in the spirit world and most of us eventually realize we cannot evolve further unless we reincarnate.

So we reincarnate as humans (not lower animals)

are you sure after the realization that spirit makes the choice for what they reincarnate as - there seems a lack of accountability in your scenario for what they do realize and if it is out of their hands being incomplete how is it their choice to be human is guaranteed or even the desired way to return, why do you belittle and separate humanity nature.


spiritually, why do you believe you are more advanced than a lion or if you are incomplete why return as a human when they actually seem to be losing their spirituality and will probably devolve to extinction.

I was at a trance lecture about reincarnation at the spiritualist association in London during the 1970's
A medium was purportedly take in trance by a spirit guide who spoke through her. After the lecture there was time for questions and the medium was still in trance. So in theory it was the spirit guide answering the questions. I asked her if animals evolved to become humans and she said " No, each species evolves to perfection in its own right "
Hindus believe that we reincarnate as animals but I do not. For the above reasons.
In any case it makes no sense that we might devolve into something less. Spiritual evolution is an ever onward upward process that leads us back to unity with God. Humans are a family of souls that evolve together as a group, both on this and on other planets.
I asked her if animals evolved to become humans and she said " No, each species evolves to perfection in its own right "

animals including humans refers to their physiology not their spirits - though the way you phrased it did make some sense but as a spirit I really do not see how you place a lions spirit any less spiritual than a humans. if you are saying from the spirit world are you saying only humans are in that world - from spirit world seems a choice could be made to return as anything if not I question what you believe the spirit world is.

As I say the spirit guide said each species evolves to perfection in its own right. Animals do go to the spirit world and I seem to remember reading people in the spirit world sometimes have pet lions. Meat eating predators like Lions need no food in the spirit world so they become more docile.

I do not see any point in returning as an animal as human activity is much more sophisticated than animal lives. It would be a dumbing down to become an animal after being a human.
I do not see any point in returning as an animal as human activity is much more sophisticated than animal lives. It would be a dumbing down to become an animal after being a human.


so you never hope to fly but just walk on two feet - I understand initially when you call them animals but in the spirit world why are saying humans - something just isn't right as for me a spirit I would not mind being an eagle for one of my return trips or something else in the spirit world.
I do not see any point in returning as an animal as human activity is much more sophisticated than animal lives. It would be a dumbing down to become an animal after being a human.


so you never hope to fly but just walk on two feet - I understand initially when you call them animals but in the spirit world why are saying humans - something just isn't right as for me a spirit I would not mind being an eagle for one of my return trips or something else in the spirit world.

Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.
In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.
I do not see any point in returning as an animal as human activity is much more sophisticated than animal lives. It would be a dumbing down to become an animal after being a human.


so you never hope to fly but just walk on two feet - I understand initially when you call them animals but in the spirit world why are saying humans - something just isn't right as for me a spirit I would not mind being an eagle for one of my return trips or something else in the spirit world.

Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.
In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.
Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.

well, I do not believe 4th century christians, the desert religions so I'm going to go out on a limb and say I do not believe those that separate the spirit world into an apartheid demeaning all other life -

In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.

and what if a spirit on top of their game plan simply choose to become physical again in Garden Earth maybe it does not make sense but why not an Eagle or the opposite sex what's a spirit good for if it can not be anything than it already is, do they return as the same person, I think not.
Funny, many believe that IS THE LIFE! But they call it the after life... anyway.

Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think it is?
If not, why do you think we are here - or is there no reason?

The above vote choices are all possible.

There needs to be a hell so that your time references can be deleted.

There needs to be a heaven so that things can have a place.

Reincarnating as a live or non live object are both possible, because this is only a difference of density.

Spiritual oneness with everything exists at the template level from which things live and other are derived.

And the above is only what various physical observations and mathematics have already proved of the Bible.
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Well, we know Moses saw God's hand. So we know He had hands.
Abraham ate stew with Him, so God had a mouth. He spoke, so we know He had vocal chords. He walked in the Garden, so we know He had feet....
God can take any form He wants. And even though Christ's body no longer ages, His hair will be white when He returns.

He never seen Gods hand or Abraham never ate stew with him. My gosh do you understand figurative over literally interpretation. Do you understand men wrote this stuff. Christ's body no longer ages, who tells you this stuff.

When Moses was on the hill, this shadow passed over, in other woods the sun. Moses came down and had to wear a veil, as if he was a sun god.

Moses was ruthless leader and has many who did not follow him put to death, King David also. Do you not realize these are Jewish idols.

I absolutely know the difference in the two styles of writing, and can also identify them both in scripture. Not everything in the Bible can be explained by writing it off as being figurative.
What I think is odd is a partial belief. You believe there was a Moses, just not the one led by God. You believe in the Bible, just not what it says. If some idiot wrote it, why do you reference it? If the author made Moses into a good guy, following God, and you think Moses was a confused by a cloud serial killer, why believe anything else this clever trickster said? Why do you believe Moses had to shield himself from the sun? Who said?
And clever he was. Because he knew things that no man could verify until archeology could confirm it. And then predict thousands of years in advance? What What a guy! How has he kept his anonymity?

I have to get supper started, but I'll come back here in a little while.

"Well, we know Moses saw God's hand. So we know He had hands.
Abraham ate stew with Him, so God had a mouth. "

And we know Herbert the Crazy Guy on the Corner's houseplants talked to him, because Herbert said so.
No sex in the afterlife. (no need to procreate):badgrin:

I agree, I have heard a spirit guide say sex is neutral in the spirit world. Spirits do not reproduce.

I heard you don't even have a dick; I ain't going. :badgrin:

You may be right about that. There would be no point in the spirit body having sex organs. I believe spirit bodies are asexual. But I never heard a spirit guide state that for a fact.

My understanding is that you have no physical body at all, just pure energy.

Well it is difficult to visualize a body of energy. I believe we have several bodies, like the astral and mental bodies. Apparently the astral body resembles the body of our last incarnation at the peak of its development.
But the final body is called the casual body, and it is formless and infinitely expandable. It contains all memories of past lives.

You really believe that?
I agree, I have heard a spirit guide say sex is neutral in the spirit world. Spirits do not reproduce.

I heard you don't even have a dick; I ain't going. :badgrin:

You may be right about that. There would be no point in the spirit body having sex organs. I believe spirit bodies are asexual. But I never heard a spirit guide state that for a fact.

My understanding is that you have no physical body at all, just pure energy.

Well it is difficult to visualize a body of energy. I believe we have several bodies, like the astral and mental bodies. Apparently the astral body resembles the body of our last incarnation at the peak of its development.
But the final body is called the casual body, and it is formless and infinitely expandable. It contains all memories of past lives.

You really believe that?

I have personal experience of the existence of my etheric body, because I could feel my chakras and control them to some extent. So I think the theosophical theology of subtle bodies that inhabit higher realms is probably true.
I attended many trance lectures by famous mediums in the 1970's and I also sat in two psychic developing circles myself. I have also had many evidential messages through mediums that told me facts only I could have known. It was much more than cold reading. So yes I do believe in a spirit world. and we have to have spirit bodies to live there.
I heard you don't even have a dick; I ain't going. :badgrin:

You may be right about that. There would be no point in the spirit body having sex organs. I believe spirit bodies are asexual. But I never heard a spirit guide state that for a fact.

My understanding is that you have no physical body at all, just pure energy.

Well it is difficult to visualize a body of energy. I believe we have several bodies, like the astral and mental bodies. Apparently the astral body resembles the body of our last incarnation at the peak of its development.
But the final body is called the casual body, and it is formless and infinitely expandable. It contains all memories of past lives.

You really believe that?

I have personal experience of the existence of my etheric body, because I could feel my chakras and control them to some extent. So I think the theosophical theology of subtle bodies that inhabit higher realms is probably true.
I attended many trance lectures by famous mediums in the 1970's and I also sat in two psychic developing circles myself. I have also had many evidential messages through mediums that told me facts only I could have known. It was much more than cold reading. So yes I do believe in a spirit world. and we have to have spirit bodies to live there.
well I hope it brings you great happiness.
I do not see any point in returning as an animal as human activity is much more sophisticated than animal lives. It would be a dumbing down to become an animal after being a human.


so you never hope to fly but just walk on two feet - I understand initially when you call them animals but in the spirit world why are saying humans - something just isn't right as for me a spirit I would not mind being an eagle for one of my return trips or something else in the spirit world.

Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.
In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.
Well the spirits say we are a family of souls and Humans are part of one family but animals are a part of another.

well, I do not believe 4th century christians, the desert religions so I'm going to go out on a limb and say I do not believe those that separate the spirit world into an apartheid demeaning all other life -

In any case you don't need to be an eagle in the spirit world because it is said spirits can fly by willing it.

and what if a spirit on top of their game plan simply choose to become physical again in Garden Earth maybe it does not make sense but why not an Eagle or the opposite sex what's a spirit good for if it can not be anything than it already is, do they return as the same person, I think not.

I repeat, I do not think we incarnate as animals. That is what the spirit guides I have listened to teach
But we can, and do change sex many times during the course of our cycle of reincarnations.
I believe we develop new personalities in each life and of course, we cannot usually remember past lives because we do not normally have access to the spirits memories. In incarnation we remember only what is stored in the brain. But according to the theology I have studied all memories of past lives are perfectly retained in the causual body. We ultimately reach a state of enlightenment and complete our incarnations, then we gain access to all past life memories.

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