The age of manufactured crises


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The age of manufactured crises

13 May 2023 ~~ By Blaine L. Pardoe

It is time we face it: we live in an era where our leaders manufacture crises. This week, with the eclipsing of Title 42, the U.S. southern border has gone from a hot mess to a full-blown emergency. We were pushed into the conflict with Ukraine and Russia as well. Before that was the debacle in Afghanistan. Our leaders killed drilling for oil and terminated pipeline projects which led to elevated gas prices and fueled inflation. If inflation was a concern, you’d never notice it from our leaders. They pumped trillions of dollars into the economy to make inflation worse (and had the gall to call it an Inflation Reduction Act.)
Even when there isn’t a crisis, the current administration creates one. For example, claiming gun violence and trans-oppression are national emergencies. You can almost hear them, “Let’s make loans easier for people with bad credit ratings,” which is destined to ignite a housing crisis down the road. If that isn’t enough, looming on the horizon is a Taiwan crisis, the Sudan, and perhaps an incident or two with North Korea.
Rather than get in front of an issue and calm it, actions are taken (or not taken) to ensure that problems are allowed to fester and explode. Instead of applying preventive measures, the powers-that-be seem to thrive.
The Biden administration seems to have a desire to keep America in a state of perpetual red alert. This was inevitable given what happened with COVID-19. Fear was used to coerce people into taking actions that they normally never would have. It compelled usually sane people into being over-reactionaries. It turned sensible people into self-appointed social police whose aim was to turn the nation into a prison.
They don’t want us to get back to any semblance of normal. If the nation moves back to normalcy, people will question the authority of the government to take extreme actions. When there is no national emergency, people have time to contemplate overreach by their leaders. As such, there is no effort to restore calm and order. In fact, this encourages governments to behave in the exact opposite way.
With an election coming up next year, this creation of manufactured calamities will be moved front and center. In fact, it could very well be the pivotal issue for Americans. Do you want to return to a steady state, where panic and fear are kept in check? Or continue from catastrophe to disaster and yield your right to free thought and action? When you evaluate candidates, which party is an agent of chaos, and which one seeks to stabilize the nation?

Our border crisis is the best example of the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crises meets Operation Mockingbird.
Maoist/DSA Democrats have no choice. If things calm down enough for people to take a rational look at what they are, the Maoist Leftists will be forced from power.
It is abundantly clear that Democrat leadership is in full crisis, fueled by skillfully placed elite dunderheads in all our institutions, tainted products of radical leftist higher education, encouraged by WEF ambitions of one-world government, manufactured supply issues, Soros money and hatred. And just as the world was redistricted after WWII it is their intention to redistrict the world again under 10 regional rulers once they can incite the next world war.
Meanwhile, for four years we were told that Trump would lead us into another war, or WWIII.
In reality Biden as brought the world closer to WWIII than any president before him.
All that matters is the agenda and narrative. Whatever it takes to advance those, fake crisis, lies, government corruption, ignoring the law.
I proposed we amend the Constitution, if a POTUS fails to uphold their oath of office, 10 years in Federal prison. AND confiscation of their ill gotten wealth.

The age of manufactured crises

13 May 2023 ~~ By Blaine L. Pardoe

It is time we face it: we live in an era where our leaders manufacture crises. This week, with the eclipsing of Title 42, the U.S. southern border has gone from a hot mess to a full-blown emergency. We were pushed into the conflict with Ukraine and Russia as well. Before that was the debacle in Afghanistan. Our leaders killed drilling for oil and terminated pipeline projects which led to elevated gas prices and fueled inflation. If inflation was a concern, you’d never notice it from our leaders. They pumped trillions of dollars into the economy to make inflation worse (and had the gall to call it an Inflation Reduction Act.)
Even when there isn’t a crisis, the current administration creates one. For example, claiming gun violence and trans-oppression are national emergencies. You can almost hear them, “Let’s make loans easier for people with bad credit ratings,” which is destined to ignite a housing crisis down the road. If that isn’t enough, looming on the horizon is a Taiwan crisis, the Sudan, and perhaps an incident or two with North Korea.
Rather than get in front of an issue and calm it, actions are taken (or not taken) to ensure that problems are allowed to fester and explode. Instead of applying preventive measures, the powers-that-be seem to thrive.
The Biden administration seems to have a desire to keep America in a state of perpetual red alert. This was inevitable given what happened with COVID-19. Fear was used to coerce people into taking actions that they normally never would have. It compelled usually sane people into being over-reactionaries. It turned sensible people into self-appointed social police whose aim was to turn the nation into a prison.
They don’t want us to get back to any semblance of normal. If the nation moves back to normalcy, people will question the authority of the government to take extreme actions. When there is no national emergency, people have time to contemplate overreach by their leaders. As such, there is no effort to restore calm and order. In fact, this encourages governments to behave in the exact opposite way.
With an election coming up next year, this creation of manufactured calamities will be moved front and center. In fact, it could very well be the pivotal issue for Americans. Do you want to return to a steady state, where panic and fear are kept in check? Or continue from catastrophe to disaster and yield your right to free thought and action? When you evaluate candidates, which party is an agent of chaos, and which one seeks to stabilize the nation?

Our border crisis is the best example of the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crises meets Operation Mockingbird.
Maoist/DSA Democrats have no choice. If things calm down enough for people to take a rational look at what they are, the Maoist Leftists will be forced from power.
It is abundantly clear that Democrat leadership is in full crisis, fueled by skillfully placed elite dunderheads in all our institutions, tainted products of radical leftist higher education, encouraged by WEF ambitions of one-world government, manufactured supply issues, Soros money and hatred. And just as the world was redistricted after WWII it is their intention to redistrict the world again under 10 regional rulers once they can incite the next world war.
Meanwhile, for four years we were told that Trump would lead us into another war, or WWIII.
In reality Biden as brought the world closer to WWIII than any president before him.
If you haven't noticed the decades of your own party "manufacturing crises" and you think it's only Democrats sowehow, your brainwashing was successful
Started with Prohibition, continued with marijuana, Vietnam, Global Warming, "islamic" terror, covid, 1/6, and Chris Wray enforcing election fraud...

Every time, they take our money to manufacture a "crisis" that did not exist to "save us" by bilking, regulating, taking our rights away.

Remember this from the 1980s: Would you be willing to give up some of your rights to help us "win" the "war on Drugs?"
If you haven't noticed the decades of your own party "manufacturing crises" and you think it's only Democrats sowehow, your brainwashing was successful
Yet another example of how similar the two criminal gangs are, yet many Americans cling to the belief they oppose each other.
:safetocomeoutff: we'd need bigger prisons......~S~

The age of manufactured crises

13 May 2023 ~~ By Blaine L. Pardoe

It is time we face it: we live in an era where our leaders manufacture crises. This week, with the eclipsing of Title 42, the U.S. southern border has gone from a hot mess to a full-blown emergency. We were pushed into the conflict with Ukraine and Russia as well. Before that was the debacle in Afghanistan. Our leaders killed drilling for oil and terminated pipeline projects which led to elevated gas prices and fueled inflation. If inflation was a concern, you’d never notice it from our leaders. They pumped trillions of dollars into the economy to make inflation worse (and had the gall to call it an Inflation Reduction Act.)
Even when there isn’t a crisis, the current administration creates one. For example, claiming gun violence and trans-oppression are national emergencies. You can almost hear them, “Let’s make loans easier for people with bad credit ratings,” which is destined to ignite a housing crisis down the road. If that isn’t enough, looming on the horizon is a Taiwan crisis, the Sudan, and perhaps an incident or two with North Korea.
Rather than get in front of an issue and calm it, actions are taken (or not taken) to ensure that problems are allowed to fester and explode. Instead of applying preventive measures, the powers-that-be seem to thrive.
The Biden administration seems to have a desire to keep America in a state of perpetual red alert. This was inevitable given what happened with COVID-19. Fear was used to coerce people into taking actions that they normally never would have. It compelled usually sane people into being over-reactionaries. It turned sensible people into self-appointed social police whose aim was to turn the nation into a prison.
They don’t want us to get back to any semblance of normal. If the nation moves back to normalcy, people will question the authority of the government to take extreme actions. When there is no national emergency, people have time to contemplate overreach by their leaders. As such, there is no effort to restore calm and order. In fact, this encourages governments to behave in the exact opposite way.
With an election coming up next year, this creation of manufactured calamities will be moved front and center. In fact, it could very well be the pivotal issue for Americans. Do you want to return to a steady state, where panic and fear are kept in check? Or continue from catastrophe to disaster and yield your right to free thought and action? When you evaluate candidates, which party is an agent of chaos, and which one seeks to stabilize the nation?

Our border crisis is the best example of the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crises meets Operation Mockingbird.
Maoist/DSA Democrats have no choice. If things calm down enough for people to take a rational look at what they are, the Maoist Leftists will be forced from power.
It is abundantly clear that Democrat leadership is in full crisis, fueled by skillfully placed elite dunderheads in all our institutions, tainted products of radical leftist higher education, encouraged by WEF ambitions of one-world government, manufactured supply issues, Soros money and hatred. And just as the world was redistricted after WWII it is their intention to redistrict the world again under 10 regional rulers once they can incite the next world war.
Meanwhile, for four years we were told that Trump would lead us into another war, or WWIII.
In reality Biden as brought the world closer to WWIII than any president before him.
Oh brother....

Every single day the right wing manufactures a faux crisis. How many gazillions has Biden supposedly gotten from the Chines, Ukrianians, Russians, and now the Romanians?

Bud Light makes a can with a transgender person on it and you guys think the fate of the nation is on the line.

Thank God we survived the animators changing the footwear of an M&M....
Oh brother....

Every single day the right wing manufactures a faux crisis. How many gazillions has Biden supposedly gotten from the Chines, Ukrianians, Russians, and now the Romanians?

Bud Light makes a can with a transgender person on it and you guys think the fate of the nation is on the line.

Thank God we survived the animators changing the footwear of an M&M....
Lol. Now that’s really funny and ironic. You, who believes Trump is a Russian agent though he imposed harsh sanctions and armed Ukraine to the teeth while potus, proves you’re not a serious person. Just another D cultist.
and i was such a blissful plebeian before i logged onto this soul suckin' thing.... :eek: ~S~

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