The AK-47. Kalashnikov's greatest achievement. In 1947.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2018
San Diego
This old Soviet weapon has been in the news a lot lately. Much can be said about it. These days it IS the preferred arm of terrorists. Why? Well, because you can treat it like shit, run over it with a Toyota Hilux truck, drop it in the mud and amazingly, it will still fire. Plus many cheap copies of the original Russian piece have been copied by many countries. Because Kalashnikov made it easy to manufacture. And 7.62X39 is still cheap.
It's Interesting that the latest Trump shooting slimeball nutbag chose that rifle. Maybe because it is a Communist design.
The sad reality is that after about 100 yards, it loses accuracy pretty fast.
Deadly at 50 yards, though.

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This old Soviet weapon has been in the news a lot lately. Much can be said about it. These days it IS the preferred arm of terrorists. Why? Well, because you can treat it like shit, run over it with a Toyota Hilux truck, drop it in the mud and amazingly, it will still fire. Plus many cheap copies of the original Russian piece have been copied by many countries. Because Kalashnikov made it easy to manufacture. And 7.62X39 is still cheap.
It's Interesting that the latest Trump shooting slimeball nutbag chose that rifle. Maybe because it is a Communist design.
The sad reality is that after about 100 yards, it loses accuracy pretty fast.
Deadly at 50 yards, though.

He couldn't buy one legally and beggars (or thieves) can't be choosers.

And AK's are indeed remarkably durable.
They were selling WASR 10's at Collectors firearms in Houston for just over four hundred. I only got one. I should have gotten ten, they've more than quadrupled in price, if you can find one for sale.
They were selling WASR 10's at Collectors firearms in Houston for just over four hundred. I only got one. I should have gotten ten, they've more than quadrupled in price, if you can find one for sale.
I picked up a lightly used WASR-10 and 14 mags about a year ago as part of a 3-gun deal......I believe I have around $275.00 in it.


Looks like they are going for around $800.00 on GunPorker when you count shipping.

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