The All Out COVID-19 Assault Has Begun As I Predicted Monday... Cam Neuton Tests Positive... Lock Down Soon To Follow

The Democrats have sprung their October Surprise.....everybody's testing positive. Now Cam Neuton is out for two weeks due to testing positive.

Yea, as soon as trump said : i wanted football to open up..... then dems were going to put an end to it. The ends justify the.......
I believe at this point that they will try anything. I believe that narrow headed Schumer when he claims all options are on the table. We have tyranny folks on the Democrat side of the isle, now what cha gonna do about it ?? I know, vote for Trump if the election continues in 2020.
#42 reply to #9
The fear mongering has been ongoing since March....It will continue and probably get more voluminous as 3 Nov approaches.

Why don’t you just quit your incessant idiot mongering.

If there is nothing to fear why is the object of your worship checked into a hospital. What’s he afraid of if this is nothing.

The reason he is in the hospital and Biden is not with 15 doctors tending to him is because he is an idiot and Biden is not.
#42 reply to #9
The fear mongering has been ongoing since March....It will continue and probably get more voluminous as 3 Nov approaches.

Why don’t you just quit your incessant idiot mongering.

If there is nothing to fear why is the object of your worship checked into a hospital. What’s he afraid of if this is nothing.

The reason he is in the hospital and Biden is not with 15 doctors tending to him is because he is an idiot and Biden is not.
Check back with me when you've sobered up and can make sense.
Does anyone have the numbers on how many protesters/rioters contracted the virus? 100's of thousands around each other for hours, screaming, spitting, touching each other.

I've yet to see any numbers. You would think they would be Super Spreaders.
That’s because there are not any,you of course won’t here any of this get reported by the corporate controlled media the fact they are only a tool for the government and never report facts.
why dont they just postpone the season?.....watching the news the other night,i forget which team they said like 7 guys tested positive and their game is postponed...
Because the nfl owners are idiots and never use logic and common sense is why.
#42 reply to #9
The fear mongering has been ongoing since March....It will continue and probably get more voluminous as 3 Nov approaches.

Why don’t you just quit your incessant idiot mongering.

If there is nothing to fear why is the object of your worship checked into a hospital. What’s he afraid of if this is nothing.

The reason he is in the hospital and Biden is not with 15 doctors tending to him is because he is an idiot and Biden is not.
The one doing the incessant idiot mongering is you,trump has been talking about getting rid of the deep state sense day one and because of that,the elite have made one pathetic attempt after another to try and get him out of office,this is their latest desperate attempt.
#49 reply to #2
The fearmongering has begun.... The only thing that can stop it is Trump beating this thing in short order..

The bigger fear among voters who saw TrumpO go berserk in the debate is the fear that a maniac like that could remain in the White House four more years.

#49 reply to #6
IF Trump plays this out calmly and shows there is little to fear from this he will be the winner on this.

He will be real calm either way from here on out.

If, he most likely survives, TrumpO will bail on you. He knows he can’t win and this gives him an excuse for losing.

Plus he is going broke.

He has lost ground with Seniors in Florida.
Post-debate polls: Biden up by 5 in Florida, 7 in Pennsylvania​
Post debate Florida polls from
6 hours ago · Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump in the two largest swing states in next month's election​

If TrumpO can’t hold onto Florida he can’t win ...the rout will be on.

Things were looking mighty bleak for TrumpO before he got infected.... Getting infected and surviving with little damage to his health would be a godsend.
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#42 reply to #9
The fear mongering has been ongoing since March....It will continue and probably get more voluminous as 3 Nov approaches.

Why don’t you just quit your incessant idiot mongering.

If there is nothing to fear why is the object of your worship checked into a hospital. What’s he afraid of if this is nothing.

The reason he is in the hospital and Biden is not with 15 doctors tending to him is because he is an idiot and Biden is not.
Biden is been hiding in his basement trying to hide his crazy (dementia)----which has largely protected him from the virus (SO FAR).....

this said--------my guess is that Trump was purposely infected by the "resistance"........
#49 reply to #2
The fearmongering has begun.... The only thing that can stop it is Trump beating this thing in short order..

The bigger fear among voters who saw TrumpO go berserk in the debate is the fear that a maniac like that could remain in the White House four more years.

#49 reply to #6
IF Trump plays this out calmly and shows there is little to fear from this he will be the winner on this.

He will be real calm either way from here on out.

If, he most likely survives, TrumpO will bail on you. He knows he can’t win and this gives him an excuse for losing.

Plus he is going broke.

He has lost ground with Seniors in Florida.
Post-debate polls: Biden up by 5 in Florida, 7 in Pennsylvania​
Post debate Florida polls from
6 hours ago · Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump in the two largest swing states in next month's election​

If TrumpO can’t hold onto Florida he can’t win ...the rout will be on.

Things were looking mighty bleak for TrumpO before he got infected.... Getting infected and surviving with little damage to his health would be a godsend.
If the doctors working on Trump kill him or incapacitate him, then blame it all on Covid, we can expect a full nationwide lockdown. They are using experimental drugs on Don that supposedly have dangerous side effects. I say supposedly because in the US today, it’s difficult to decipher the truth.
Jon Rappoport's Blog «
The Democrats have sprung their October Surprise.....everybody's testing positive. Now Cam Neuton is out for two weeks due to testing positive.

Who the hell is cam newton and your link is dead
What do you expect from Google?

Here's a link from Bing.

What is the problem with a terrorist getting a virus? Isn't that a good thing?
Democrats love terrorists.
They also love MS13.
MS13 is people too.
Notice how the Democrats seem to love everyone who hates us.
That must mean Democrats are terrorists too.
Their actions fit that of a domestic small wonder the president caught COVID-19 with all of these terrorists in Washington.
why dont they just postpone the season?.....watching the news the other night,i forget which team they said like 7 guys tested positive and their game is postponed...
Yeah, why not. Cancel the season.
Fuck living our lives.
Crawl into our basements and just stop living all together.
#42 reply to #9
The fear mongering has been ongoing since March....It will continue and probably get more voluminous as 3 Nov approaches.

Why don’t you just quit your incessant idiot mongering.

If there is nothing to fear why is the object of your worship checked into a hospital. What’s he afraid of if this is nothing.

The reason he is in the hospital and Biden is not with 15 doctors tending to him is because he is an idiot and Biden is not.
Biden has had doctors tending to him all year long. could see the IV puncture wound on his hand.
Course you don't know that because the Democrats have been hiding this from us.
They've been hiding everything from us.
They're afraid for us to know the truth about what they're doing.
This is what communists do.
#49 reply to #2
The fearmongering has begun.... The only thing that can stop it is Trump beating this thing in short order..

The bigger fear among voters who saw TrumpO go berserk in the debate is the fear that a maniac like that could remain in the White House four more years.

#49 reply to #6
IF Trump plays this out calmly and shows there is little to fear from this he will be the winner on this.

He will be real calm either way from here on out.

If, he most likely survives, TrumpO will bail on you. He knows he can’t win and this gives him an excuse for losing.

Plus he is going broke.

He has lost ground with Seniors in Florida.
Post-debate polls: Biden up by 5 in Florida, 7 in Pennsylvania​
Post debate Florida polls from
6 hours ago · Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump in the two largest swing states in next month's election​

If TrumpO can’t hold onto Florida he can’t win ...the rout will be on.

Things were looking mighty bleak for TrumpO before he got infected.... Getting infected and surviving with little damage to his health would be a godsend.
I didn't see Trump go berserk.
He knew But.....but.....but....but.....but......motorboat Wallace wouldn't let him question Biden about his he interrupted him. He wasn't screaming or yelling or name-calling like Biden was. He was calmly asking him to stop lying and tell the God Damn truth for once.
I am FAR more worried about the left's Deep State operatives TAKING OUT THIS PRESIDENT than him recovering from this flu. The left has committed every assination in our history. Pray that God send His angels to watch over the president. Biden voters have already proven they're committed to violence

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