The all too familiar, living right in a wrongful 'world'....

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019
This idea of living rightly in a wrongful world is all too familiar... However just as it is all too familiar, it is also, all too wrongfully understood and accepted.

The concept that evil must exist with good in order to have a 'balance' in the universe; world, life, family, etc... is a concept that can be found, discussed and theorized, in many Eastern schools of thought. And this Eastern 'thought' has made itself into Western Philosophy which can be found within the writings of certain philosophers as Rousseau, Kant and even Marx.

Social capitalism touches on the fringes of this concept's shadows with social capitalism expecting the struggles of man to remain in existence so as to be able to provide for 'independent' pursuits. Kant with his explanations of existentialism and perceptions relating to such basically discusses how each set of eyes to each brain/mind attached to the receptors will 'see' and understand and give account of what is seen/heard/felt/understood from his/her OWN perceptive with underlying ground level gravity laws and rules which apply. Rousseau, on the other hand, speaks indirectly at how society will revolt against Oligarchial tyranny; even IF the majority of civilians do NOT find the Aristocracy and ruling Class being overly Powering and/or overly Self indulgent in their own mirrored imaged, 'rule' esteem, perception of self.

These Eastern ideas of evil coexisting with good for the necessity of 'balance'... the Yin... the Yan... The Ying... The Yang... Not; however, the Yin and Yang.. not; however, the Ying and Yan. With a balance the beginning of such needs to prove True so that all things, all premises which fall under the original 'clause' of hypothesis to be measured, can also prove to either: 1- remain under the True .. or 2- fall outside of the True.

The top rung of the ladder, being True, will have all the other rungs under it be either; 1- true or 2- falling out of the 'line' ONLY given that the top rung is True and verified as True...

So this Ying and Yang.. this Yin and Yan.. to the basic non understanding thinker can even be seen, with its visual aspect of what True is; from the very beginning even before the starting bell rings.... allows for the basic non understanding thinker to not find his or her visual 'balance' as needing to be tuned... (which is a whole different aspect/part of existentialism)...

So....this concept... this all too familiar concept that 'evil' NEEDS to exist in order for Good to exist; or that 'evil' needs to exist in order for Good to be seen and understood as Good is not an altogether True Premise... it is not a True hypothesis which many 'religions' and 'faiths' base their whole entire 'life' upon and upon which the doctrinated discussions and points to an autobiographical description of self is within relation with/to/because of... this all together accepted, yet not all together True, concept... , etc...

And so to stand on the other side .. to say that the top rung has proven untrue.. will go to show that all that fall under it would more likely be untrue, IF, while remaining underneath it, it remains in an ease and non disturbed 'peaceful' way... otherwise, it would cause a distraction/a faction to the top rung... either being True or unTrue and the rungs under it being either 1- remaining under the 'line' or 2- falling out of the 'line'..

So how does this apply to religion...

Firstly, this is not so much about 'religion'.. Religion being the 'deeds' of faith more so than the knowledge(s) of which, to which the 'subject' being discussed...

So how does this apply to this conversation of unnecessary realities which is held as truth but only to cause unnecessary suffering and excuses?

Just that.... to hold such concepts of Yin and Yang being 'needed' because of their balancing, to hold the concepts that Ying and Yan is needed for balance... to and in this world which goes beyond excusable excuses to its deaths and pains and sufferings, is an absolute abhorrence to the realization of the Scriptural verse's truth of:

Ecclesiastes 1:18 "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."

The understanding that his verse is True ONLY to a population which does not complete the initial 'hypothetical' measurings causes the person studying to try to weigh the probabilities of this 'balance' of what Truly IS within the World and what Truly IS not within this World with how and what this World is Truly undergoing...

This World undergoing... as being trying to be discussed... the evils and the goods which is 'received', more or less, per se.... each day.... by those whom are upon this earth..

And these 'excuses' do NOT need to be held as True or Needed..

But even with this 'knowledge', what is to be done, even as 'religion' is 'fulfilled' and along with 'faith', to these world leading idealogies' concepts of necessities on a Universal 'existential/reality' reasoning to be used for explaining for the sufferings and pains, etc.. of life?

It is a poor reasoning yet coming out from [a] World leading 'faith' based Religion(s)..

Psalm 33:12 "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance."

A nation is a stable community of humans formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture. A nation is more overtly political than an ethnic group;[1][2] it has been described as "a fully mobilized or institutionalized ethnic group".[3] Some nations are ethnic groups (see ethnic nationalism) and some are not (see civic nationalism and multiculturalism).[3] A nation has also been defined as a cultural-political community that has become conscious of its autonomy, unity and particular interests.

Nation - Wikipedia

Definition of nation
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a(1): NATIONALITY sense 5athree Slav peoples … forged into a Yugoslavia without really fusing into a Yugoslav nation— Hans Kohn
(2): a politically organized nationality
(3)in the Bible : a non-Jewish nationalitywhy do the nations conspire— Psalms 2:1 (Revised Standard Version)
b: a community of people composed of one or more nationalities and possessing a more or less defined territory and governmentCanada is a nation with a written constitution— B. K. Sandwell
c: a territorial division containing a body of people of one or more nationalities and usually characterized by relatively large size and independent status

Definition of NATION

When Truth is changed but because Truth is unchanging, the changing of truth causes a disturbance in the elements of those realities which do exist; such as rocks, sea, waters, oceans, mountains, trees, air, wind, etc... to which causes naturally produced land/air/water, etc... disasters... even on massive scales...

Mankind is NOT autonomous to/towards the other 'lifes' upon and within The Earth...

Basically what I'm trying to say is... to every murmuring/complaint; even in their utmost dire cries, they are only that... murmurings and complaints to which the other 'lifes' upon and within The Earth has other/contrary thoughts/opinions, reasonings, goals, hopes, etc....

Civil 'war'? That most definitely would be contrary to the other 'lifes' in and upon The Earth. Why would I be able to say 'most definitely'? Because before the implementation of guns and ammunition in warfare; when bare arms and ploughs and farming equipment were the only forms of 'weaponries' which were readily available, such ideas and concepts of 'civil war', was not in existence.

What existed then was 'feudal' wars...
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Angels and Demons are in the same business, just with different firms.

Civility and Government

Galatians 3:19 "Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator."

Law was added because of 'transgressions'... (crimes)... Remember that this Epistle was written to the Church which was in Galatia.. Galatia is not (J)ewish nor of the Mosaic Law 'people'. Galatia is 'gentile'. So transgression here is referring to the local Laws which were in Galatia at that time..... till the seed should come... this epistle was written WAY after (I)saac was born.. that 'seed' which was written of in other verses... to whom the promise was made.... promise? what promise? The promises of God and The LORD and of Christ Messiah..?? of Life and love and life everlasting and The Kingdom of Heaven and The Kingdom of God??? (maybe)....... so the promise was made to me and you and her and him and them and etc... I'm the one the promise was made to... and these 'laws' were ordained by angels and within the hand of a mediator... Whose hand is the hand of the/a mediator? We have only 1 mediator.. 1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ (J)esus;"
Angels and Demons are in the same business, just with different firms.

View attachment 364185
Depending ... angels and demons could be in the same category with each other just like mom and dad can be in the same category 'parent(s)' ...

However could Holy angels and demons be in the same category?

Could mom be in the same category as dad without the parental aspect?

But the last time I heard demons wanting 'law' to rule over them because they did not enjoy 'transgressing' was when .... the movie 'when hell freezed over'?? came out... :yes_text12:

I heard demons wanting 'law' to rule over them because they did not enjoy 'transgressing' was when

People, inspired by angels or demons, never want law to prevent them from transgressing.

They want laws to stop OTHER PEOPLE from transgressing.

No one will ban that which he himself enjoys doing.
You posted too much stuff and I got tired of reading it.

My take of evil is it exists because God gave us free will.

Some will chose evil over good.

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