The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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The study is sufficient proof.
Getting really desperate, huh?
It's hard to believe that people so desperate, could amount to so little, on the whole.

What study was that?

a National Study of College Experience led by Espenshade and Radford (2009) showed that a student who self-identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 SAT points higher than Hispanics, and 450 SAT points higher than African Americans.

Admission Considerations in Higher Education Among Asian Americans

Really? And so what does this prove?

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

The big question, however, is: How predictive of success in college are SAT scores? More precisely, what is the correlation between high school SAT scores and first-year college grade point average? (The appropriateness of GPA as a measure of success is also open to question. Grades, for example, often depend critically on the courses taken.)

Most studies find that the correlation between SAT scores and first-year college grades is not overwhelming, and that only 10 percent to 20 percent of the variation in first-year GPA is explained by SAT scores.

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

More and more universities are making these tests optional. That's how much they indicate anything. So then your study is a load of crap.

It proves that colleges are looking to try, and help equalize numbers based on race, and therefor are willing to take lower end Blacks, and Hispanics, over higher end Whites, and Asians.
Name me the colleges that allow black people in with lower SAT score.

You can't and you know why ?

Because real evidence of anti-white bias in the workplace or in education is extraordinarily rare.

The University of Michigan (See how it works I name names) gave out 16 points to kids from the lily-white Upper Peninsula and four points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni, and ten points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools and 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students) to you this is seen as perfectly fair, and not at all racially preferential.

What’s more, the whites who received all those bonus points will not be thought of by anyone as having received unearned advantages.

Even the famous Jennifer Gratz, who tried "well erm blks get in and they score lower" argument I have heard a million times, was proved wrong, and she thought nothing of the fact that more than 1400 other white students also were admitted ahead of her, despite having lower scores and grades. “Lesser qualified” whites are acceptable. Right ?

Study after study has found that blacks with equal qualifications to whites will still be less likely to find work, and even when they do, it will be at lower pay and less likely to be in managerial or high-profile positions.

White men who have a criminal record and to have served prison time are equally or slightly more likely to get a call-back for a job interview than black men who claim to have no criminal record, even when all other credentials are equal.

And of course, nearly nine in ten jobs are never advertised at all, thereby becoming open to a free and fair competition. Rather, they are filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages black people, irrespective of qualifications.

But getting back to the main. Name the colleges. I notice you don't ever try and take me because you know I'll commit intellectual murder on you. But then white supremacy has never been about the truth, it's just been about, if you say it enough times, people will believe it and of course the .....


way of debating

At the University of Texas, whose racial preference programs come before the Supreme Court for oral argument on October 10, the typical black student receiving a race preference placed at the 52nd percentile of the SAT; the typical white was at the 89th percentile. In other words, Texas is putting blacks who score at the middle of the college-aspiring population in the midst of highly competitive students. This is the sort of academic gap where mismatch flourishes. And, of course, mismatch does not occur merely with racial preferences; it shows up with large preferences of all types.

Research on the mismatch problem was almost non-existent until the mid-1990s; it has developed rapidly in the past half-dozen years, especially among labor economists. To cite just a few examples of the findings:

  • Black college freshmen are more likely to aspire to science or engineering careers than are white freshmen, but mismatch causes blacks to abandon these fields at twice the rate of whites.
  • Blacks who start college interested in pursuing a doctorate and an academic career are twice as likely to be derailed from this path if they attend a school where they are mismatched.
  • About half of black college students rank in the bottom 20 percent of their classes (and the bottom 10 percent in law school).
  • Black law school graduates are four times as likely to fail bar exams as are whites; mismatch explains half of this gap.
  • Interracial friendships are more likely to form among students with relatively similar levels of academic preparation; thus, blacks and Hispanics are more socially integrated on campuses where they are less academically mismatched.
I got lucky to be banned for 2 days, for supposedly troiling, but I will say this to IM2, after 40 years of the war on poverty(LBJ) the projects and welfare has done what for the blacks?

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA /quote]
The study is sufficient proof.
Getting really desperate, huh?
It's hard to believe that people so desperate, could amount to so little, on the whole.

What study was that?

a National Study of College Experience led by Espenshade and Radford (2009) showed that a student who self-identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 SAT points higher than Hispanics, and 450 SAT points higher than African Americans.

Admission Considerations in Higher Education Among Asian Americans

Really? And so what does this prove?

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

The big question, however, is: How predictive of success in college are SAT scores? More precisely, what is the correlation between high school SAT scores and first-year college grade point average? (The appropriateness of GPA as a measure of success is also open to question. Grades, for example, often depend critically on the courses taken.)

Most studies find that the correlation between SAT scores and first-year college grades is not overwhelming, and that only 10 percent to 20 percent of the variation in first-year GPA is explained by SAT scores.

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

More and more universities are making these tests optional. That's how much they indicate anything. So then your study is a load of crap.

It proves that colleges are looking to try, and help equalize numbers based on race, and therefor are willing to take lower end Blacks, and Hispanics, over higher end Whites, and Asians.

Study after study has found that blacks with equal qualifications to whites will still be less likely to find work, and even when they do, it will be at lower pay and less likely to be in managerial or high-profile positions.

White men who have a criminal record and to have served prison time are equally or slightly more likely to get a call-back for a job interview than black men who claim to have no criminal record, even when all other credentials are equal.

And of course, nearly nine in ten jobs are never advertised at all, thereby becoming open to a free and fair competition. Rather, they are filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages black people, irrespective of qualifications.

But getting back to the main. Name the colleges. I notice you don't ever try and take me because you know I'll commit intellectual murder on you. But then white supremacy has never been about the truth, it's just been about, if you say it enough times, people will believe it and of course the .....


way of debating

New research on hiring bias found resumes bearing names traditionally held by blacks and Hispanics are just as likely to lead to callbacks and job interviews as those bearing white-sounding names

Hiring bias study: Resumes with black, white, Hispanic names treated the same
You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.
The answer is not all whites think alike, therefore there is no one answer

Yes there is but one answer. You just don't want to say that answer. But all of you will continue repeating your racist bullshit about hw you are getting blamed because the back person has failed because somebody black dares speak out on the continuing racism of your race. Until you can honestly answer this question all of you white "conservatives" need to stop lying tp yourselves. And until you can, you will be ridiculed.
what racist bullshit have i posted?

Yeah, Blacks, and Mexicans sure hit it off well in Los Angeles.

That's why Hispanics averaged 70 percent voting for Obama in both elections.

Because they don't like blacks and will side with whites.

Do you think they will not side with themselves if they become the majority? Or are they immune from being racist just like blacks?

Not every body thinks the same way as white racist extremists.

The Mexicans will do what benefits them and hey will work with others. It's how they have always done things. Using gang fights as examples is very weak. Especially when you know how leaders in both communities have worked together.

Blacks, and Mexicans are more likely to compete for jobs, and housing with each other than with Whites, so it's no wonder why they can be so nasty to each other.
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
. Not impossible in their eyes. They thought Barack Obammy was the administrator of their blame whitey program, but when he couldn't secure the longevity of the program, then those like IM2 went bonkers, and therefore he convinced himself to start crying wildly about it. . Good grief.
That's right. Openly dismiss the hard work and sacrifices of generations of whites who fought for you.

Make them feel like the fools they were.
If you had a 100 snakes coming at you and you new 99 were deadly poisonous.

Would you stop n try and find the one good snake ? Or would you close the door on the lot of them ?
. Can you apply that logic in the opposite direction ? You gonna go there, and then if reversed start crying about stereotyping or the discriminating of an entire race because of the bad apples in the group or within a race ? Good grief.

But you see we are talking to you guys and all of you have exhibited severe racism all while claiming that you aren't racists.

You really look like a fool, when you spew your racism and accuse people who are NOT racist of being racist.

Yes I would look like a fool if that was the case. But it's not the case here.

Sure it is.

Watch this.

You claim "us guys" have all exhibited severe racism.

So, I challenge you to quote me exhibiting racism.

NOw, watch as your brain comes up with excuses for you to NOT do that. Because on some level you know that you CAN'T.

Or you will post something I said that you didn't like, and you will pretend that it is racism.

Here, you lefties generally need this.

The ACTUAL REAL definition of racism.

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
New Research Says Grades, Not SATs, Predict College Success

High school juniors sweating out the SATs might be interested to know that new research shows that their high school grades — not standardized tests — are a much better predictor of their college performance.

Predicting college success: New Research Says Grades, Not SATs, Predict College Success

The SAT score bonus just tracks how much the discrimination IS.

If you change the admissions criteria, and do not change the discrimination, the discrimination will still be there, it will just be revealed in an effective grade point bonus instead of a SAT bonus.


No it doesn't. There is no discrimination against whites. You keep crying, but you show no proof..

That's because it's not happening.

Giving blacks a preference over whites equivalent to a 230 point sat bonus is proof of anti-white discrimination.

YOur denial is irrational.

YES!! That's the spirit!!

Whites are the same as deadly poisonous snakes and you can't be bothered to judge individual whites by their thoughts or actions, just by their skin color!!!

I can just imagine the aging lefties reading this and trying to find a lie to tell themselves that their lives and all they believed in was not a lie.

I side eye the so-called good white people even more

I'm highly suspicious of Angelina Jolie


I'm highly suspicious of Sandra Bullock


I'm highly suspicious of Charlize Theron


I'm highly suspicious of Steven Spielberg


I'm highly suspicious of Madonna


I'm highly suspicious of Tom Cruise


What the fuk is this ?


I would not be surprised if the children are being groomed for sex slaves and I can't even imagine the type of things that get's said and done to them if they piss off one there white adopted parents.

And most of all I'm highly-highly suspicious of Bill Gates.


Even the so called "anti racist whites" who do the lecture tour the likes offTim Wise's and Jane Elliots. I don't trust them either

Why ?

Because white people never done a Rambo on Africa.

They came in with smiles and gifts (at first) they came as missionaries, preaching god, preaching unity, preaching peace. The made the African lower there guard and they paid the full penalty. They were decimated by the cowards that were claiming peace and friendship and then performed sneak attacks on the unsuspecting natives. All while the natives were dying off from their filthy diseases that they brought with them as well

Even the KKK started off as a joke. They started off with the idea "Yeah those blk peole are into god and stuff, let's get a few of us in white sheets and run around scaring them"

Look it up.

And then the Jokes got real

So don't ever talk to me about good white people.

The water is messed up....only 1% is drinkable on the entire earth....thanks to who ?
The air is messed up, thanks to who ?
The earth is messed up, thanks to who ?

Now they are raising hell about the dangers of all the space junk up there...thanks to what people ?

This is now critical because everybody needs air, water and land in order to survive and sadly it is white people that have done this.

Anything or anyone that is anti nature is anti life. When you examine white history of destruction on planet earth. It seems they are not even of this earth.

Any group of people that circumvents the globe and wreaks havoc and mayhem not only on the indigenous people they encounter but on the very land these people live off off is something else.

If I met the Taino people who gifted me with balls of string and feathers I would not rape them or enslave them and destroy their way of life or jump on their backs to get free rides or test the sharpness of my knife by slicing off hunks of their flesh or stick broken glass bottles up Kenyan woman's vagina

They stupidly believe that by being sincere and treating people as equals and bringing them into their lives and/or giving billions of their own money to improve the lives of millions of people,

that they can contribute to a better world, one with people living in harmony.

They don't know that people like you don't give a fuck about that, and judge them by their skin color.

YOu don't need to be talking to me about this, you need to be talking to these lefties who think that they are your friends.

Or better yet, see if you can radicalize their minority children, biological or adopted!

THAT WOULD BE GREAT, having your own child spew racist hate at you!!

NOt that you haven't done a great job so far, buddy, but, you could do more.

Who are these people?

Do they live in America?

Who is being radicalized?

Are you insane? I was talking to Paul about the people he was talking about.

ie, the "so-called good white people ". See above.
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

YES!! That's the spirit!!

Whites are the same as deadly poisonous snakes and you can't be bothered to judge individual whites by their thoughts or actions, just by their skin color!!!

I can just imagine the aging lefties reading this and trying to find a lie to tell themselves that their lives and all they believed in was not a lie.

I side eye the so-called good white people even more

I'm highly suspicious of Angelina Jolie


I'm highly suspicious of Sandra Bullock


I'm highly suspicious of Charlize Theron


I'm highly suspicious of Steven Spielberg


I'm highly suspicious of Madonna


I'm highly suspicious of Tom Cruise


What the fuk is this ?


I would not be surprised if the children are being groomed for sex slaves and I can't even imagine the type of things that get's said and done to them if they piss off one there white adopted parents.

And most of all I'm highly-highly suspicious of Bill Gates.


Even the so called "anti racist whites" who do the lecture tour the likes offTim Wise's and Jane Elliots. I don't trust them either

Why ?

Because white people never done a Rambo on Africa.

They came in with smiles and gifts (at first) they came as missionaries, preaching god, preaching unity, preaching peace. The made the African lower there guard and they paid the full penalty. They were decimated by the cowards that were claiming peace and friendship and then performed sneak attacks on the unsuspecting natives. All while the natives were dying off from their filthy diseases that they brought with them as well

Even the KKK started off as a joke. They started off with the idea "Yeah those blk peole are into god and stuff, let's get a few of us in white sheets and run around scaring them"

Look it up.

And then the Jokes got real

So don't ever talk to me about good white people.

The water is messed up....only 1% is drinkable on the entire earth....thanks to who ?
The air is messed up, thanks to who ?
The earth is messed up, thanks to who ?

Now they are raising hell about the dangers of all the space junk up there...thanks to what people ?

This is now critical because everybody needs air, water and land in order to survive and sadly it is white people that have done this.

Anything or anyone that is anti nature is anti life. When you examine white history of destruction on planet earth. It seems they are not even of this earth.

Any group of people that circumvents the globe and wreaks havoc and mayhem not only on the indigenous people they encounter but on the very land these people live off off is something else.

If I met the Taino people who gifted me with balls of string and feathers I would not rape them or enslave them and destroy their way of life or jump on their backs to get free rides or test the sharpness of my knife by slicing off hunks of their flesh or stick broken glass bottles up Kenyan woman's vagina

They stupidly believe that by being sincere and treating people as equals and bringing them into their lives and/or giving billions of their own money to improve the lives of millions of people,

that they can contribute to a better world, one with people living in harmony.

They don't know that people like you don't give a fuck about that, and judge them by their skin color.

YOu don't need to be talking to me about this, you need to be talking to these lefties who think that they are your friends.

Or better yet, see if you can radicalize their minority children, biological or adopted!

THAT WOULD BE GREAT, having your own child spew racist hate at you!!

NOt that you haven't done a great job so far, buddy, but, you could do more.

Who are these people?

Do they live in America?

Who is being radicalized?

Are you insane? I was talking to Paul about the people he was talking about.

ie, the "so-called good white people ". See above.

You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YES!! That's the spirit!!

Whites are the same as deadly poisonous snakes and you can't be bothered to judge individual whites by their thoughts or actions, just by their skin color!!!

I can just imagine the aging lefties reading this and trying to find a lie to tell themselves that their lives and all they believed in was not a lie.

I side eye the so-called good white people even more

I'm highly suspicious of Angelina Jolie


I'm highly suspicious of Sandra Bullock


I'm highly suspicious of Charlize Theron


I'm highly suspicious of Steven Spielberg


I'm highly suspicious of Madonna


I'm highly suspicious of Tom Cruise


What the fuk is this ?


I would not be surprised if the children are being groomed for sex slaves and I can't even imagine the type of things that get's said and done to them if they piss off one there white adopted parents.

And most of all I'm highly-highly suspicious of Bill Gates.


Even the so called "anti racist whites" who do the lecture tour the likes offTim Wise's and Jane Elliots. I don't trust them either

Why ?

Because white people never done a Rambo on Africa.

They came in with smiles and gifts (at first) they came as missionaries, preaching god, preaching unity, preaching peace. The made the African lower there guard and they paid the full penalty. They were decimated by the cowards that were claiming peace and friendship and then performed sneak attacks on the unsuspecting natives. All while the natives were dying off from their filthy diseases that they brought with them as well

Even the KKK started off as a joke. They started off with the idea "Yeah those blk peole are into god and stuff, let's get a few of us in white sheets and run around scaring them"

Look it up.

And then the Jokes got real

So don't ever talk to me about good white people.

The water is messed up....only 1% is drinkable on the entire earth....thanks to who ?
The air is messed up, thanks to who ?
The earth is messed up, thanks to who ?

Now they are raising hell about the dangers of all the space junk up there...thanks to what people ?

This is now critical because everybody needs air, water and land in order to survive and sadly it is white people that have done this.

Anything or anyone that is anti nature is anti life. When you examine white history of destruction on planet earth. It seems they are not even of this earth.

Any group of people that circumvents the globe and wreaks havoc and mayhem not only on the indigenous people they encounter but on the very land these people live off off is something else.

If I met the Taino people who gifted me with balls of string and feathers I would not rape them or enslave them and destroy their way of life or jump on their backs to get free rides or test the sharpness of my knife by slicing off hunks of their flesh or stick broken glass bottles up Kenyan woman's vagina

They stupidly believe that by being sincere and treating people as equals and bringing them into their lives and/or giving billions of their own money to improve the lives of millions of people,

that they can contribute to a better world, one with people living in harmony.

They don't know that people like you don't give a fuck about that, and judge them by their skin color.

YOu don't need to be talking to me about this, you need to be talking to these lefties who think that they are your friends.

Or better yet, see if you can radicalize their minority children, biological or adopted!

THAT WOULD BE GREAT, having your own child spew racist hate at you!!

NOt that you haven't done a great job so far, buddy, but, you could do more.

Who are these people?

Do they live in America?

Who is being radicalized?

Are you insane? I was talking to Paul about the people he was talking about.

ie, the "so-called good white people ". See above.

You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as

Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.
I side eye the so-called good white people even more

I'm highly suspicious of Angelina Jolie


I'm highly suspicious of Sandra Bullock


I'm highly suspicious of Charlize Theron


I'm highly suspicious of Steven Spielberg


I'm highly suspicious of Madonna


I'm highly suspicious of Tom Cruise


What the fuk is this ?


I would not be surprised if the children are being groomed for sex slaves and I can't even imagine the type of things that get's said and done to them if they piss off one there white adopted parents.

And most of all I'm highly-highly suspicious of Bill Gates.


Even the so called "anti racist whites" who do the lecture tour the likes offTim Wise's and Jane Elliots. I don't trust them either

Why ?

Because white people never done a Rambo on Africa.

They came in with smiles and gifts (at first) they came as missionaries, preaching god, preaching unity, preaching peace. The made the African lower there guard and they paid the full penalty. They were decimated by the cowards that were claiming peace and friendship and then performed sneak attacks on the unsuspecting natives. All while the natives were dying off from their filthy diseases that they brought with them as well

Even the KKK started off as a joke. They started off with the idea "Yeah those blk peole are into god and stuff, let's get a few of us in white sheets and run around scaring them"

Look it up.

And then the Jokes got real

So don't ever talk to me about good white people.

The water is messed up....only 1% is drinkable on the entire earth....thanks to who ?
The air is messed up, thanks to who ?
The earth is messed up, thanks to who ?

Now they are raising hell about the dangers of all the space junk up there...thanks to what people ?

This is now critical because everybody needs air, water and land in order to survive and sadly it is white people that have done this.

Anything or anyone that is anti nature is anti life. When you examine white history of destruction on planet earth. It seems they are not even of this earth.

Any group of people that circumvents the globe and wreaks havoc and mayhem not only on the indigenous people they encounter but on the very land these people live off off is something else.

If I met the Taino people who gifted me with balls of string and feathers I would not rape them or enslave them and destroy their way of life or jump on their backs to get free rides or test the sharpness of my knife by slicing off hunks of their flesh or stick broken glass bottles up Kenyan woman's vagina

They stupidly believe that by being sincere and treating people as equals and bringing them into their lives and/or giving billions of their own money to improve the lives of millions of people,

that they can contribute to a better world, one with people living in harmony.

They don't know that people like you don't give a fuck about that, and judge them by their skin color.

YOu don't need to be talking to me about this, you need to be talking to these lefties who think that they are your friends.

Or better yet, see if you can radicalize their minority children, biological or adopted!

THAT WOULD BE GREAT, having your own child spew racist hate at you!!

NOt that you haven't done a great job so far, buddy, but, you could do more.

Who are these people?

Do they live in America?

Who is being radicalized?

Are you insane? I was talking to Paul about the people he was talking about.

ie, the "so-called good white people ". See above.

You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

No the civil war was not primarily about slavery. It was about slavery only to the confederacy. Now since life went on after the civil war, if whites were so great as to have sacrificed all those lives to free us explain segregation.

Why did the civil rights movement happen almost 100 years after the abolition of slavery?
I wonder if many americans realized that slavery was bad in 1860s, how come it took so long (a century?) for civil right movement to gain momentum? What was going on in the country between 1860s to 1960s? Was civil liberty movement actually brewing up quitely for the whole century but didn't find enough momentum to bring forth a change until 1960s?
They stupidly believe that by being sincere and treating people as equals and bringing them into their lives and/or giving billions of their own money to improve the lives of millions of people,

that they can contribute to a better world, one with people living in harmony.

They don't know that people like you don't give a fuck about that, and judge them by their skin color.

YOu don't need to be talking to me about this, you need to be talking to these lefties who think that they are your friends.

Or better yet, see if you can radicalize their minority children, biological or adopted!

THAT WOULD BE GREAT, having your own child spew racist hate at you!!

NOt that you haven't done a great job so far, buddy, but, you could do more.

Who are these people?

Do they live in America?

Who is being radicalized?

Are you insane? I was talking to Paul about the people he was talking about.

ie, the "so-called good white people ". See above.

You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.
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