The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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Yes I would look like a fool if that was the case. But it's not the case here.

Sure it is.

Watch this.

You claim "us guys" have all exhibited severe racism.

So, I challenge you to quote me exhibiting racism.

NOw, watch as your brain comes up with excuses for you to NOT do that. Because on some level you know that you CAN'T.

Or you will post something I said that you didn't like, and you will pretend that it is racism.

Here, you lefties generally need this.

The ACTUAL REAL definition of racism.

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Still waiting for you to back up your shit, btw.

When you can show me how all these things you claim discriminate against whites have had a disparate impact on whites then talk to me about backing something up.

Soooo, since the effective 230 point bonus that blacks get in Ivy League admissions does not result in disproportionate black representation, you are arguing that that means it does not discriminate against whites who don't get the slots they deserve based on their merit?

The fact that blacks still manage to fail to achieve scores good enough to be proportionately represented in Ivy League schools DESPITE the massive discrimination in their favor, ie 230 points,

does not mean that the discrimination does not occur.

or that there are not whites who have been cheated out of the slots they deserved.

It just means that the discrimination is out weighted by the education gap.

Except blacks are not failing. Ivy league schools are not the only universities. Nor are whites getting cheated out of spots.

And you still don't show us any supporting evidence of this 230 points. Nor do you mention the legacy admissions whites get.

You have no argument to make based on fact or reality.

Blacks are 13% of the us population and despite the 230 point discrimination in their favor, average about 7% of Ivy League admissions.

They thus fail to get admitted proportionately to their population.

The 230 point bonus blacks get mean that whites ARE getting cheated. That is what that means.

Here is the link to the pdf of the actual study. Read it and knock of your crazy ass denial of reality. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"To examine these questions, we use data from the National Study of College Experience (NSCE), a project whose purpose is to understand the paths different students follow through higher education. Ten academically selective colleges and universities participated in the NSCE and supplied individual-level data on all persons who applied for admission in the fall of 1983 (or a nearby year), 1993, and 1997.2 These data include whether an applicant was accepted, together with a string of variables on applicant characteristics from the application form and, if the student subsequently enrolled at that institution, additional information on financial aid and academic performance in college. The information for this analysis comes from three private research universities that represent the top tier of American higher education. These are not the only NSCE schools that give admission preferences to underrepresented minority students, athletes, or legacies, but they were able to provide complete information for all three entering cohorts in our data on whether an applicant fell into any of these groups. Legacies are children or other close relatives of alumni. Athletes are defined as individuals who are recruited by athletic programs, typically meaning that they appear on coaches’ recruiting lists or are otherwise of Olympic or star athletic caliber. Table 1 contains a brief overview of the data. Altogether there are 124,374 applicant records, slightly more than half of which came from men. Approximately 80 percent of applicants had ‘‘recentered’’ SAT scores of 1200 or better, and the mean score for all applicants was 1332.3"
Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

Yep white people are all through the history books.



So, because you've found some pictures of some whites fighting against equality for blacks in the past, you consider that to be evidence that all whites fought against such equality in the past (and present?)

Are you aware that as recently as 1990 the us was still over 80% white?

How do you think those battles were won? By 10 or 12% overcoming the 80%?

Hint: The answer to that is NO.

American whites have been coming down on the side of ever increasing rights for blacks since before the Civil War.

And now you lefties are gloating over how you will marginalize their descendants once they are a minority.

Indeed, you often conflate not being a majority to being extinct.

A very chilling look into your hate filled hearts.

You people are vile monsters.

.You apparently do no think before you post.

Yes the 12 percent beat the 80.

Because a poll was done during the civil rights era and less than 20 percent of al whites thought there s a problem.

12 doesn't beat 80.

The majority of the 80 has been on the side of increased rights for blacks time and time again, or the issue would have went the other way.

Was Lincoln black? Did he win his elections because of the black vote?

You don't seem to understand how your comments are racist. You also don't seem to understand that your making a clam of how whites have been on the side of increasing rights of blacks is nothing to brag about.

The majority of whites have not been for increasing the rights of blacks and Lincoln believed hat blacks were inferior to whites.
YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.
YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.

So while you say the exact same crazy shit as every other white racist here, you want me to denounce Essen because he doesn't trust white people. You can't understand why someone black might not trust whites. Such is the nature of the white psychosis.

I've challenged you to back up your bullshit accusation of "racism" and you have been unable to do so, yet you keep calling me slurs.

In order to maintain my policy of treating people with the same respect they show me,


I've proven it plenty.

Stating something over and over again is not proving it.

Quote me saying something "severely racist" or fucking apologize for insulting me unjustly.
Sure it is.

Watch this.

You claim "us guys" have all exhibited severe racism.

So, I challenge you to quote me exhibiting racism.

NOw, watch as your brain comes up with excuses for you to NOT do that. Because on some level you know that you CAN'T.

Or you will post something I said that you didn't like, and you will pretend that it is racism.

Here, you lefties generally need this.

The ACTUAL REAL definition of racism.

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Still waiting for you to back up your shit, btw.

When you can show me how all these things you claim discriminate against whites have had a disparate impact on whites then talk to me about backing something up.

Soooo, since the effective 230 point bonus that blacks get in Ivy League admissions does not result in disproportionate black representation, you are arguing that that means it does not discriminate against whites who don't get the slots they deserve based on their merit?

The fact that blacks still manage to fail to achieve scores good enough to be proportionately represented in Ivy League schools DESPITE the massive discrimination in their favor, ie 230 points,

does not mean that the discrimination does not occur.

or that there are not whites who have been cheated out of the slots they deserved.

It just means that the discrimination is out weighted by the education gap.

Except blacks are not failing. Ivy league schools are not the only universities. Nor are whites getting cheated out of spots.

And you still don't show us any supporting evidence of this 230 points. Nor do you mention the legacy admissions whites get.

You have no argument to make based on fact or reality.

Blacks are 13% of the us population and despite the 230 point discrimination in their favor, average about 7% of Ivy League admissions.

They thus fail to get admitted proportionately to their population.

The 230 point bonus blacks get mean that whites ARE getting cheated. That is what that means.

Here is the link to the pdf of the actual study. Read it and knock of your crazy ass denial of reality. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"To examine these questions, we use data from the National Study of College Experience (NSCE), a project whose purpose is to understand the paths different students follow through higher education. Ten academically selective colleges and universities participated in the NSCE and supplied individual-level data on all persons who applied for admission in the fall of 1983 (or a nearby year), 1993, and 1997.2 These data include whether an applicant was accepted, together with a string of variables on applicant characteristics from the application form and, if the student subsequently enrolled at that institution, additional information on financial aid and academic performance in college. The information for this analysis comes from three private research universities that represent the top tier of American higher education. These are not the only NSCE schools that give admission preferences to underrepresented minority students, athletes, or legacies, but they were able to provide complete information for all three entering cohorts in our data on whether an applicant fell into any of these groups. Legacies are children or other close relatives of alumni. Athletes are defined as individuals who are recruited by athletic programs, typically meaning that they appear on coaches’ recruiting lists or are otherwise of Olympic or star athletic caliber. Table 1 contains a brief overview of the data. Altogether there are 124,374 applicant records, slightly more than half of which came from men. Approximately 80 percent of applicants had ‘‘recentered’’ SAT scores of 1200 or better, and the mean score for all applicants was 1332.3"

There are thousands of Universities besides Ivy league ones. This is not 1997. Apparently those in the Ivy League admissions figured that being white was a 230 point advantage. You seem unable to understand who makes these determinations and why things are determined as such. Therefore your arguments is weak and without merit.

This again is part of the amazing amnesia of whites.
All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

Yep white people are all through the history books.



So, because you've found some pictures of some whites fighting against equality for blacks in the past, you consider that to be evidence that all whites fought against such equality in the past (and present?)

Are you aware that as recently as 1990 the us was still over 80% white?

How do you think those battles were won? By 10 or 12% overcoming the 80%?

Hint: The answer to that is NO.

American whites have been coming down on the side of ever increasing rights for blacks since before the Civil War.

And now you lefties are gloating over how you will marginalize their descendants once they are a minority.

Indeed, you often conflate not being a majority to being extinct.

A very chilling look into your hate filled hearts.

You people are vile monsters.

.You apparently do no think before you post.

Yes the 12 percent beat the 80.

Because a poll was done during the civil rights era and less than 20 percent of al whites thought there s a problem.

12 doesn't beat 80.

The majority of the 80 has been on the side of increased rights for blacks time and time again, or the issue would have went the other way.

Was Lincoln black? Did he win his elections because of the black vote?

You don't seem to understand how your comments are racist. You also don't seem to understand that your making a clam of how whites have been on the side of increasing rights of blacks is nothing to brag about.

The majority of whites have not been for increasing the rights of blacks and Lincoln believed hat blacks were inferior to whites.

YOu don't seem to know how to explain how my comments are supposedly racist.

You constantly claim it, but can't back up your claim.

Lincoln won an election, in which only white people voted, as a candidate in favor of increasing rights for blacks, specifically ending slavery.

He won REELECTION as a candidate waging a bloody horrific war with the stated intent of ending slavery in the South.
You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.
You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.

So while you say the exact same crazy shit as every other white racist here, you want me to denounce Essen because he doesn't trust white people. You can't understand why someone black might not trust whites. Such is the nature of the white psychosis.

I've challenged you to back up your bullshit accusation of "racism" and you have been unable to do so, yet you keep calling me slurs.

In order to maintain my policy of treating people with the same respect they show me,


I've proven it plenty.

Stating something over and over again is not proving it.

Quote me saying something "severely racist" or fucking apologize for insulting me unjustly.

You will get no apology. You have been consistently quoted.
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.


Whites were hired for at least 189 years by race under written law. You do not match that in 50.

The only thing AA does is make certain whites do not deny people jobs because of race and only hiring whites because of race,

The quotes are just anther example of the amazing amnesia of whites.
Someone best get your definition to McDonald's corporation, because they are in some areas preferentially hiring blacks over other races. Now what's up with that ?? It's not because they're are no other races to choose from within the geographical area, but it's because they are preferentially hiring a specific race in the area. Now why do they do this you think ?? What are they race targeting for ? Quota's, money,
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.


Whites were hired for at least 189 years by race under written law. You do not match that in 50.

The only thing AA does is make certain whites do not deny people jobs because of race and only hiring whites because of race,

The quotes are just anther example of the amazing amnesia of whites.
. AA is working then, because I see blacks being preferentially hired in businesses over other races, and once hired the blacks are making up a majority of the workforce in these businesses/corporations. Now what is driving this activity one wonders ? Is it quota's or is it just these companies looking for cheap labor just like they were doing with the Mexican's ?? Is it that all races on the lower scales in America should be sticking together to stop companies or corporations from exploiting people in this country or is it that the race who ends up with the job is saying "I ain't saying nothing because at least I'm working" ???? Does this attitude also fuel the bullcrap in America ? Are we all the dam fools here ??
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?
. Trying to sum up your idiocy in a few pictures eh ??? If you really showed the history of it all, then you would have to admit finally that you are the racist wanting handouts by way of the long time settled issues now, but in the mean time let those poor whites give up their hardworking tax money to get you a living going like your black Hollywood rap stars eh ?? What's wrong, you can't rap ?? Just add a beat to your mouth running, and you got it.... How much suffering will you be expecting from the poor whites to satisfy your wishful needs or how much wealth do you want transferred from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Modonna, Ashely Judd, Steve Jobs family, and on and on it all goes ????? When will you be calling for blacks to stop engaging in institutionalized racism by holding on to (all black college's) that are probably indoctronation centers or to end anything that promotes all black membership or participation ?? When will you end your usery of the white useful idiot's that don't have a clue as to what is really going on in the minds of people like you ?? Name the unsettled programs or issues that target blacks in a racist way in America ? Why are you not getting a fair shake in America ? Tell us exactly where you are running into the roadblocks you feel that you can't seem to get beyond, and name the names of the white people now holding you back.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
. I shouldn't have to show it idiot... All you have to do is look into your cultural changes over time by your own account, and look at how you have moved from slavery to mainstream culture over time, and this by your own desires to be free, and with the help of your white allies throughout time. Now it's just a question as to whether or not you are satisfied or whether you want to be a dominant or domineering culture that wants to rule instead of blend ?? Would have to study African tribal culture in order to find these answers out about your race. In many ways the answers are being read through your actions and culture's of today.
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

No the civil war was not primarily about slavery. It was about slavery only to the confederacy. Now since life went on after the civil war, if whites were so great as to have sacrificed all those lives to free us explain segregation.

Why did the civil rights movement happen almost 100 years after the abolition of slavery?
I wonder if many americans realized that slavery was bad in 1860s, how come it took so long (a century?) for civil right movement to gain momentum? What was going on in the country between 1860s to 1960s? Was civil liberty movement actually brewing up quitely for the whole century but didn't find enough momentum to bring forth a change until 1960s?


Civil Rights Act: 1866
Yep white people are all through the history books.



So, because you've found some pictures of some whites fighting against equality for blacks in the past, you consider that to be evidence that all whites fought against such equality in the past (and present?)

Are you aware that as recently as 1990 the us was still over 80% white?

How do you think those battles were won? By 10 or 12% overcoming the 80%?

Hint: The answer to that is NO.

American whites have been coming down on the side of ever increasing rights for blacks since before the Civil War.

And now you lefties are gloating over how you will marginalize their descendants once they are a minority.

Indeed, you often conflate not being a majority to being extinct.

A very chilling look into your hate filled hearts.

You people are vile monsters.

.You apparently do no think before you post.

Yes the 12 percent beat the 80.

Because a poll was done during the civil rights era and less than 20 percent of al whites thought there s a problem.

12 doesn't beat 80.

The majority of the 80 has been on the side of increased rights for blacks time and time again, or the issue would have went the other way.

Was Lincoln black? Did he win his elections because of the black vote?

You don't seem to understand how your comments are racist. You also don't seem to understand that your making a clam of how whites have been on the side of increasing rights of blacks is nothing to brag about.

The majority of whites have not been for increasing the rights of blacks and Lincoln believed hat blacks were inferior to whites.

YOu don't seem to know how to explain how my comments are supposedly racist.

You constantly claim it, but can't back up your claim.

Lincoln won an election, in which only white people voted, as a candidate in favor of increasing rights for blacks, specifically ending slavery.

He won REELECTION as a candidate waging a bloody horrific war with the stated intent of ending slavery in the South.

You back my claims each time you respond. You have been explained as to why your comments are racist. This tactic is not going to work.

Lincolns intent was tp save the Union.

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery.

Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Horace Greeley

And then there is the matter of the election which you say that only whites voted in. Now this illustrates your ability to lie and your refusal to explain the whole story. Lincoln did not run as a candidate in favor of increasing the rights of blacks.

Abraham Lincoln took the oath as President on March 4, 1861. Among the first words of his Inaugural Address was a pledge (repeating words from an August 1858 speech) intended to placate Southern apprehensions: "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Referring to the proposed Crittenden amendment, which would make explicit constitutional protection of slavery where it already existed, he said, "I have no objection to its being made express, and irrevocable." He also promised to support legislation for the capture and return of runaway slaves.

And then there is the little matter that blacks could not legally vote. But hey why include that when we can lie about how only whites voted and how they were all for "increasing the rights of blacks."
All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

Yep white people are all through the history books.



So, because you've found some pictures of some whites fighting against equality for blacks in the past, you consider that to be evidence that all whites fought against such equality in the past (and present?)

Are you aware that as recently as 1990 the us was still over 80% white?

How do you think those battles were won? By 10 or 12% overcoming the 80%?

Hint: The answer to that is NO.

American whites have been coming down on the side of ever increasing rights for blacks since before the Civil War.

And now you lefties are gloating over how you will marginalize their descendants once they are a minority.

Indeed, you often conflate not being a majority to being extinct.

A very chilling look into your hate filled hearts.

You people are vile monsters.

.You apparently do no think before you post.

Yes the 12 percent beat the 80.

Because a poll was done during the civil rights era and less than 20 percent of al whites thought there s a problem.

12 doesn't beat 80.

The majority of the 80 has been on the side of increased rights for blacks time and time again, or the issue would have went the other way.

Was Lincoln black? Did he win his elections because of the black vote?

You don't seem to understand how your comments are racist. You also don't seem to understand that your making a clam of how whites have been on the side of increasing rights of blacks is nothing to brag about.

The majority of whites have not been for increasing the rights of blacks and Lincoln believed hat blacks were inferior to whites.
. Inferior as in being heavily undereducated at the time, then yes "Lincoln" was spot on. Got anymore idiot cherry picking to pick ?? LOL.
IM2 - Lets Be Clear On Something. I'm not Left Or Right Wing anything. I was just simply saying 'if all whites said yes we are to blame, what would that change'? Clearly nothing because both parties would still be fighting. I am here to learn about both views. As I am a 'white' female with a Bi Racial child. Who has endured racism from both black and white. Black first when I was with my sons father. He let it be known that I had blood on my hands because I'm white. He let it be heard that for ever time he was called the N word I was to be beaten senseless. He called me a white devil everyday for 3 years. He threatened to spit in my mothers face even when she gave us everything he needed and more. He saw me as a threat when I was trying to show him love and respect. But because I am white he felt it was that I had a hidden agenda. Which was preposterous. Then after leaving him I lived back in my home town. When my child was 3 years of age. Children of 9-12 years of age were calling him the N word. How do you explain to a 3 year old child that because of his skin color people don't like him???!!!!! How!!!???????????????????????? It's fucking sickening to the core that white parents and grandparents are still teaching their kids and grand kids how to hate different People because of the color of their skin!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea at all how that makes me feel as a parent none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?
. Trying to sum up your idiocy in a few pictures eh ??? If you really showed the history of it all, then you would have to admit finally that you are the racist wanting handouts by way of the long time settled issues now, but in the mean time let those poor whites give up their hardworking tax money to get you a living going like your black Hollywood rap stars eh ?? What's wrong, you can't rap ?? Just add a beat to your mouth running, and you got it.... How much suffering will you be expecting from the poor whites to satisfy your wishful needs or how much wealth do you want transferred from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Modonna, Ashely Judd, Steve Jobs family, and on and on it all goes ????? When will you be calling for blacks to stop engaging in institutionalized racism by holding on to (all black college's) that are probably indoctronation centers or to end anything that promotes all black membership or participation ?? When will you end your usery of the white useful idiot's that don't have a clue as to what is really going on in the minds of people like you ?? Name the unsettled programs or issues that target blacks in a racist way in America ? Why are you not getting a fair shake in America ? Tell us exactly where you are running into the roadblocks you feel that you can't seem to get beyond, and name the names of the white people now holding you back.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
. I shouldn't have to show it idiot... All you have to do is look into your cultural changes over time by your own account, and look at how you have moved from slavery to mainstream culture over time, and this by your own desires to be free, and with the help of your white allies throughout time. Now it's just a question as to whether or not you are satisfied or whether you want to be a dominant or domineering culture that wants to rule instead of blend ?? Would have to study African tribal culture in order to find these answers out about your race. In many ways the answers are being read through your actions and culture's of today.

We were forced to be slaves dumb ass. We don't have to study Africa for shit. Whites have been the ones wanting to be domineering and ruling. They have not wanted to blend into anything. They murdered almost everyone that represented the cultures that were already here when whitey got here. We want the same things whites do.

This again is another example of the amazing amnesia of whites.
IM2 - Lets Be Clear On Something. I'm not Left Or Right Wing anything. I was just simply saying 'if all whites said yes we are to blame, what would that change'? Clearly nothing because both parties would still be fighting. I am here to learn about both views. As I am a 'white' female with a Bi Racial child. Who has endured racism from both black and white. Black first when I was with my sons father. He let it be known that I had blood on my hands because I'm white. He let it be heard that for ever time he was called the N word I was to be beaten senseless. He called me a white devil everyday for 3 years. He threatened to spit in my mothers face even when she gave us everything he needed and more. He saw me as a threat when I was trying to show him love and respect. But because I am white he felt it was that I had a hidden agenda. Which was preposterous. Then after leaving him I lived back in my home town. When my child was 3 years of age. Children of 9-12 years of age were calling him the N word. How do you explain to a 3 year old child that because of his skin color people don't like him???!!!!! How!!!???????????????????????? It's fucking sickening to the core that white parents and grandparents are still teaching their kids and grand kids how to hate different People because of the color of their skin!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea at all how that makes me feel as a parent none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I understand exactly where you are coming from Galaxygreen. I am explaining to you how blacks see things. You have not endured racism from both sides. Both sides have not enacted laws denying you of opportunities. You being called a white devil did not deny you of income, education or of work. These false equivalences get old GG. You got called names, that's what happened to you. You should not have been called those names. Your children should not have been called those names, but to compare that to the racism blacks have faced is incorrect.
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.


Whites were hired for at least 189 years by race under written law. You do not match that in 50.

The only thing AA does is make certain whites do not deny people jobs because of race and only hiring whites because of race,

The quotes are just anther example of the amazing amnesia of whites.

Ohhhhh, you find it reprehensible that for 189 years whites rode shotgun over blacks but have zero problem with blacks doing the same. You think it's okay to "match that" because .... blacks.

Blacks getting hired because they are black is just as racist as whites getting hired because they are white.

But you don't get that.

Racist much? Of course you do.
Let's be clear. We will have a White Nation. Dealing with non whites has become too much of a pain in the ass. Buy your own malt likker.
IM2 - Lets Be Clear On Something. I'm not Left Or Right Wing anything. I was just simply saying 'if all whites said yes we are to blame, what would that change'? Clearly nothing because both parties would still be fighting. I am here to learn about both views. As I am a 'white' female with a Bi Racial child. Who has endured racism from both black and white. Black first when I was with my sons father. He let it be known that I had blood on my hands because I'm white. He let it be heard that for ever time he was called the N word I was to be beaten senseless. He called me a white devil everyday for 3 years. He threatened to spit in my mothers face even when she gave us everything he needed and more. He saw me as a threat when I was trying to show him love and respect. But because I am white he felt it was that I had a hidden agenda. Which was preposterous. Then after leaving him I lived back in my home town. When my child was 3 years of age. Children of 9-12 years of age were calling him the N word. How do you explain to a 3 year old child that because of his skin color people don't like him???!!!!! How!!!???????????????????????? It's fucking sickening to the core that white parents and grandparents are still teaching their kids and grand kids how to hate different People because of the color of their skin!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea at all how that makes me feel as a parent none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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. Sickening also that a black female parent in some cases, is still teaching the child that whites are devil's, and that the reason daddy couldn't make it or left her is because of those white devils. Sickening also that they're are black parents who do stay together, yet they are teaching their children that white folks are the devil as a couple, instead of teaching them that not all white folks are bad. They are having to learn that on their own, but look at the waisted time that causes. IM2 wants to talk about time, but doesn't realize that the actions of racist causes time to either stand still or even reverse in some cases. Sorry about your hardships in life. Sad story that was, but hopefully you have become stronger in mind body and soul because of it all. White female parents or white parents as a couple teaching racism or racist views to their children is a bad thing also, because not all black people are bad. I think that what happens is that if people have become racist, and it is all because of their being taught that or due their experiences in life, then they teach their children to not put their gaurds down when it comes to being fooled by others, so the child immediately thinks that there is something wrong with a group of people if they were taught to be cautious of that group of people. The bad amongst the groups causes the good to take heed as to what another group might be capable of, and especially if they unite around that bad as a group. Groups must denounce the bad that is within (Muslims for example of this recently), but also be cautious of other groups who are vulnerable to leaning towards the bad within their groups as well.
IM2 - Lets Be Clear On Something. I'm not Left Or Right Wing anything. I was just simply saying 'if all whites said yes we are to blame, what would that change'? Clearly nothing because both parties would still be fighting. I am here to learn about both views. As I am a 'white' female with a Bi Racial child. Who has endured racism from both black and white. Black first when I was with my sons father. He let it be known that I had blood on my hands because I'm white. He let it be heard that for ever time he was called the N word I was to be beaten senseless. He called me a white devil everyday for 3 years. He threatened to spit in my mothers face even when she gave us everything he needed and more. He saw me as a threat when I was trying to show him love and respect. But because I am white he felt it was that I had a hidden agenda. Which was preposterous. Then after leaving him I lived back in my home town. When my child was 3 years of age. Children of 9-12 years of age were calling him the N word. How do you explain to a 3 year old child that because of his skin color people don't like him???!!!!! How!!!???????????????????????? It's fucking sickening to the core that white parents and grandparents are still teaching their kids and grand kids how to hate different People because of the color of their skin!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea at all how that makes me feel as a parent none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
. Sickening also that a black female parent in some cases, is still teaching the child that whites are devil's, and that the reason daddy couldn't make it or left her is because of those white devils. Sickening also that they're are black parents who do stay together, yet they are teaching their children that white folks are the devil as a couple, instead of teaching them that not all white folks are bad. They are having to learn that on their own, but look at the waisted time that causes. IM2 wants to talk about time, but doesn't realize that the actions of racist causes time to either stand still or even reverse in some cases. Sorry about your hardships in life. Sad story that was, but hopefully you have become stronger in mind body and soul because of it all. White female parents or white parents as a couple teaching racism or racist views to their children is a bad thing also, because not all black people are bad. I think that what happens is that if people have become racist, and it is all because of their being taught that or due their experiences in life, then they teach their children to not put their gaurds down when it comes to being fooled by others, so the child immediately thinks that there is something wrong with a group of people if they were taught to be cautious of that group of people. The bad amongst the groups causes the good to take heed as to what another group might be capable of, and especially if they unite around that bad as a group. Groups must denounce the bad that is within (Muslims for example of this recently), but also be cautious of other groups who are vulnerable to leaning towards the bad within their groups as well.

All these false equivalences are another display of the amazing amnesia of whites.
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.


Whites were hired for at least 189 years by race under written law. You do not match that in 50.

The only thing AA does is make certain whites do not deny people jobs because of race and only hiring whites because of race,

The quotes are just anther example of the amazing amnesia of whites.

Ohhhhh, you find it reprehensible that for 189 years whites rode shotgun over blacks but have zero problem with blacks doing the same. You think it's okay to "match that" because .... blacks.

Blacks getting hired because they are black is just as racist as whites getting hired because they are white.

But you don't get that.

Racist much? Of course you do.

But that's not what's happening.
Isaiah 10 New International Version (NIV)

10 Woe to those who make unjust laws,
to those who issue oppressive decrees,
2 to deprive the poor of their rights
and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people,.
making widows their prey
and robbing the fatherless.
3 What will you do on the day of reckoning,.
when disaster comes from afar?
To whom will you run for help? .
Where will you leave your riches?
4 Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captivesI.
or fall among the slain..

Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,.
his hand is still upraised.
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