The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

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Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

No the civil war was not primarily about slavery. It was about slavery only to the confederacy. Now since life went on after the civil war, if whites were so great as to have sacrificed all those lives to free us explain segregation.

Why did the civil rights movement happen almost 100 years after the abolition of slavery?
I wonder if many americans realized that slavery was bad in 1860s, how come it took so long (a century?) for civil right movement to gain momentum? What was going on in the country between 1860s to 1960s? Was civil liberty movement actually brewing up quitely for the whole century but didn't find enough momentum to bring forth a change until 1960s?


Civil Rights Act: 1866
Still waiting for you to back up your shit, btw.

When you can show me how all these things you claim discriminate against whites have had a disparate impact on whites then talk to me about backing something up.

Soooo, since the effective 230 point bonus that blacks get in Ivy League admissions does not result in disproportionate black representation, you are arguing that that means it does not discriminate against whites who don't get the slots they deserve based on their merit?

The fact that blacks still manage to fail to achieve scores good enough to be proportionately represented in Ivy League schools DESPITE the massive discrimination in their favor, ie 230 points,

does not mean that the discrimination does not occur.

or that there are not whites who have been cheated out of the slots they deserved.

It just means that the discrimination is out weighted by the education gap.

Except blacks are not failing. Ivy league schools are not the only universities. Nor are whites getting cheated out of spots.

And you still don't show us any supporting evidence of this 230 points. Nor do you mention the legacy admissions whites get.

You have no argument to make based on fact or reality.

Blacks are 13% of the us population and despite the 230 point discrimination in their favor, average about 7% of Ivy League admissions.

They thus fail to get admitted proportionately to their population.

The 230 point bonus blacks get mean that whites ARE getting cheated. That is what that means.

Here is the link to the pdf of the actual study. Read it and knock of your crazy ass denial of reality. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"To examine these questions, we use data from the National Study of College Experience (NSCE), a project whose purpose is to understand the paths different students follow through higher education. Ten academically selective colleges and universities participated in the NSCE and supplied individual-level data on all persons who applied for admission in the fall of 1983 (or a nearby year), 1993, and 1997.2 These data include whether an applicant was accepted, together with a string of variables on applicant characteristics from the application form and, if the student subsequently enrolled at that institution, additional information on financial aid and academic performance in college. The information for this analysis comes from three private research universities that represent the top tier of American higher education. These are not the only NSCE schools that give admission preferences to underrepresented minority students, athletes, or legacies, but they were able to provide complete information for all three entering cohorts in our data on whether an applicant fell into any of these groups. Legacies are children or other close relatives of alumni. Athletes are defined as individuals who are recruited by athletic programs, typically meaning that they appear on coaches’ recruiting lists or are otherwise of Olympic or star athletic caliber. Table 1 contains a brief overview of the data. Altogether there are 124,374 applicant records, slightly more than half of which came from men. Approximately 80 percent of applicants had ‘‘recentered’’ SAT scores of 1200 or better, and the mean score for all applicants was 1332.3"

There are thousands of Universities besides Ivy league ones. This is not 1997. Apparently those in the Ivy League admissions figured that being white was a 230 point advantage. You seem unable to understand who makes these determinations and why things are determined as such. Therefore your arguments is weak and without merit.

This again is part of the amazing amnesia of whites.

That was fast reading on your part. You read the whole 25 pages of the study? WOW.

NO, they did not "figure" that white skin in worth 230 points.

The study documents that those who make the admissions determinations discriminate in favor of blacks to the tune of 230 points.

Stating that my argument is without merit while ignoring a peer reviewed academic study that proves massive and widespread discrimination in favor of black applicants is an act of pure dishonesty.

Your ignore hard data that is right in front of your face, in favor of your emotional need to justify your hatred of whites and to justify your side's discrimination against them.
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.


Whites were hired for at least 189 years by race under written law. You do not match that in 50.

The only thing AA does is make certain whites do not deny people jobs because of race and only hiring whites because of race,

The quotes are just anther example of the amazing amnesia of whites.

Ohhhhh, you find it reprehensible that for 189 years whites rode shotgun over blacks but have zero problem with blacks doing the same. You think it's okay to "match that" because .... blacks.

Blacks getting hired because they are black is just as racist as whites getting hired because they are white.

But you don't get that.

Racist much? Of course you do.

But that's not what's happening.

Meeting race quotas doesn't happen?

Okay you go with that.
When you can show me how all these things you claim discriminate against whites have had a disparate impact on whites then talk to me about backing something up.

Soooo, since the effective 230 point bonus that blacks get in Ivy League admissions does not result in disproportionate black representation, you are arguing that that means it does not discriminate against whites who don't get the slots they deserve based on their merit?

The fact that blacks still manage to fail to achieve scores good enough to be proportionately represented in Ivy League schools DESPITE the massive discrimination in their favor, ie 230 points,

does not mean that the discrimination does not occur.

or that there are not whites who have been cheated out of the slots they deserved.

It just means that the discrimination is out weighted by the education gap.

Except blacks are not failing. Ivy league schools are not the only universities. Nor are whites getting cheated out of spots.

And you still don't show us any supporting evidence of this 230 points. Nor do you mention the legacy admissions whites get.

You have no argument to make based on fact or reality.

Blacks are 13% of the us population and despite the 230 point discrimination in their favor, average about 7% of Ivy League admissions.

They thus fail to get admitted proportionately to their population.

The 230 point bonus blacks get mean that whites ARE getting cheated. That is what that means.

Here is the link to the pdf of the actual study. Read it and knock of your crazy ass denial of reality. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"To examine these questions, we use data from the National Study of College Experience (NSCE), a project whose purpose is to understand the paths different students follow through higher education. Ten academically selective colleges and universities participated in the NSCE and supplied individual-level data on all persons who applied for admission in the fall of 1983 (or a nearby year), 1993, and 1997.2 These data include whether an applicant was accepted, together with a string of variables on applicant characteristics from the application form and, if the student subsequently enrolled at that institution, additional information on financial aid and academic performance in college. The information for this analysis comes from three private research universities that represent the top tier of American higher education. These are not the only NSCE schools that give admission preferences to underrepresented minority students, athletes, or legacies, but they were able to provide complete information for all three entering cohorts in our data on whether an applicant fell into any of these groups. Legacies are children or other close relatives of alumni. Athletes are defined as individuals who are recruited by athletic programs, typically meaning that they appear on coaches’ recruiting lists or are otherwise of Olympic or star athletic caliber. Table 1 contains a brief overview of the data. Altogether there are 124,374 applicant records, slightly more than half of which came from men. Approximately 80 percent of applicants had ‘‘recentered’’ SAT scores of 1200 or better, and the mean score for all applicants was 1332.3"

There are thousands of Universities besides Ivy league ones. This is not 1997. Apparently those in the Ivy League admissions figured that being white was a 230 point advantage. You seem unable to understand who makes these determinations and why things are determined as such. Therefore your arguments is weak and without merit.

This again is part of the amazing amnesia of whites.

That was fast reading on your part. You read the whole 25 pages of the study? WOW.

NO, they did not "figure" that white skin in worth 230 points.

The study documents that those who make the admissions determinations discriminate in favor of blacks to the tune of 230 points.

Stating that my argument is without merit while ignoring a peer reviewed academic study that proves massive and widespread discrimination in favor of black applicants is an act of pure dishonesty.

Your ignore hard data that is right in front of your face, in favor of your emotional need to justify your hatred of whites and to justify your side's discrimination against them.

You argument is without merit because it's been shown that SAT scores don't indicate anything.

I don't hate whites. I don't like racist whites like you.

Look dumb ass if blacks got 230 points it means that white skin was worth 230 more points than black skin. You want to keep whining about how unfair things are for whites and that why you refuse to see this simple fact that YOU bought up. There is no discrimination against whites. .Discrimination is not that you get the majority of all jobs and admissions. And that's what you are trying to call discrimination against whites.
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.


Whites were hired for at least 189 years by race under written law. You do not match that in 50.

The only thing AA does is make certain whites do not deny people jobs because of race and only hiring whites because of race,

The quotes are just anther example of the amazing amnesia of whites.

Ohhhhh, you find it reprehensible that for 189 years whites rode shotgun over blacks but have zero problem with blacks doing the same. You think it's okay to "match that" because .... blacks.

Blacks getting hired because they are black is just as racist as whites getting hired because they are white.

But you don't get that.

Racist much? Of course you do.

But that's not what's happening.

Meeting race quotas doesn't happen?

Okay you go with that.

.No they don't. Unless you are in a business that has been shown by documented evidence to still be practicing racial discrimination.
Soooo, since the effective 230 point bonus that blacks get in Ivy League admissions does not result in disproportionate black representation, you are arguing that that means it does not discriminate against whites who don't get the slots they deserve based on their merit?

The fact that blacks still manage to fail to achieve scores good enough to be proportionately represented in Ivy League schools DESPITE the massive discrimination in their favor, ie 230 points,

does not mean that the discrimination does not occur.

or that there are not whites who have been cheated out of the slots they deserved.

It just means that the discrimination is out weighted by the education gap.

Except blacks are not failing. Ivy league schools are not the only universities. Nor are whites getting cheated out of spots.

And you still don't show us any supporting evidence of this 230 points. Nor do you mention the legacy admissions whites get.

You have no argument to make based on fact or reality.

Blacks are 13% of the us population and despite the 230 point discrimination in their favor, average about 7% of Ivy League admissions.

They thus fail to get admitted proportionately to their population.

The 230 point bonus blacks get mean that whites ARE getting cheated. That is what that means.

Here is the link to the pdf of the actual study. Read it and knock of your crazy ass denial of reality. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"To examine these questions, we use data from the National Study of College Experience (NSCE), a project whose purpose is to understand the paths different students follow through higher education. Ten academically selective colleges and universities participated in the NSCE and supplied individual-level data on all persons who applied for admission in the fall of 1983 (or a nearby year), 1993, and 1997.2 These data include whether an applicant was accepted, together with a string of variables on applicant characteristics from the application form and, if the student subsequently enrolled at that institution, additional information on financial aid and academic performance in college. The information for this analysis comes from three private research universities that represent the top tier of American higher education. These are not the only NSCE schools that give admission preferences to underrepresented minority students, athletes, or legacies, but they were able to provide complete information for all three entering cohorts in our data on whether an applicant fell into any of these groups. Legacies are children or other close relatives of alumni. Athletes are defined as individuals who are recruited by athletic programs, typically meaning that they appear on coaches’ recruiting lists or are otherwise of Olympic or star athletic caliber. Table 1 contains a brief overview of the data. Altogether there are 124,374 applicant records, slightly more than half of which came from men. Approximately 80 percent of applicants had ‘‘recentered’’ SAT scores of 1200 or better, and the mean score for all applicants was 1332.3"

There are thousands of Universities besides Ivy league ones. This is not 1997. Apparently those in the Ivy League admissions figured that being white was a 230 point advantage. You seem unable to understand who makes these determinations and why things are determined as such. Therefore your arguments is weak and without merit.

This again is part of the amazing amnesia of whites.

That was fast reading on your part. You read the whole 25 pages of the study? WOW.

NO, they did not "figure" that white skin in worth 230 points.

The study documents that those who make the admissions determinations discriminate in favor of blacks to the tune of 230 points.

Stating that my argument is without merit while ignoring a peer reviewed academic study that proves massive and widespread discrimination in favor of black applicants is an act of pure dishonesty.

Your ignore hard data that is right in front of your face, in favor of your emotional need to justify your hatred of whites and to justify your side's discrimination against them.

You argument is without merit because it's been shown that SAT scores don't indicate anything.

I don't hate whites. I don't like racist whites like you.

Look dumb ass if blacks got 230 points it means that white skin was worth 230 more points than black skin. You want to keep whining about how unfair things are for whites and that why you refuse to see this simple fact that YOU bought up. There is no discrimination against whites. .Discrimination is not that you get the majority of all jobs and admissions. And that's what you are trying to call discrimination against whites.

No, your argument is without merit.

What are you talking about White skin is worth 230 more points?
No, it's really not.

The colleges are so desperate to fill in Blacks in their ranks, that they'll undercut higher performing Whites, and Asians just to fill Black quotas.
That's most certainly reverse discrimination, it's institutional racism.
Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?
. Trying to sum up your idiocy in a few pictures eh ??? If you really showed the history of it all, then you would have to admit finally that you are the racist wanting handouts by way of the long time settled issues now, but in the mean time let those poor whites give up their hardworking tax money to get you a living going like your black Hollywood rap stars eh ?? What's wrong, you can't rap ?? Just add a beat to your mouth running, and you got it.... How much suffering will you be expecting from the poor whites to satisfy your wishful needs or how much wealth do you want transferred from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Modonna, Ashely Judd, Steve Jobs family, and on and on it all goes ????? When will you be calling for blacks to stop engaging in institutionalized racism by holding on to (all black college's) that are probably indoctronation centers or to end anything that promotes all black membership or participation ?? When will you end your usery of the white useful idiot's that don't have a clue as to what is really going on in the minds of people like you ?? Name the unsettled programs or issues that target blacks in a racist way in America ? Why are you not getting a fair shake in America ? Tell us exactly where you are running into the roadblocks you feel that you can't seem to get beyond, and name the names of the white people now holding you back.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
. I shouldn't have to show it idiot... All you have to do is look into your cultural changes over time by your own account, and look at how you have moved from slavery to mainstream culture over time, and this by your own desires to be free, and with the help of your white allies throughout time. Now it's just a question as to whether or not you are satisfied or whether you want to be a dominant or domineering culture that wants to rule instead of blend ?? Would have to study African tribal culture in order to find these answers out about your race. In many ways the answers are being read through your actions and culture's of today.
We want the same things whites do.

Then you work hard, save hard, and get an education.

The way you go about things with your hand open demanding Whitey to owe you the loot, is a wonderful way to piss off Whites.
Just sayin'.
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.


Whites were hired for at least 189 years by race under written law. You do not match that in 50.

The only thing AA does is make certain whites do not deny people jobs because of race and only hiring whites because of race,

The quotes are just anther example of the amazing amnesia of whites.

Ohhhhh, you find it reprehensible that for 189 years whites rode shotgun over blacks but have zero problem with blacks doing the same. You think it's okay to "match that" because .... blacks.

Blacks getting hired because they are black is just as racist as whites getting hired because they are white.

But you don't get that.

Racist much? Of course you do.

But that's not what's happening.

Your plans would cause an extensive increase in a anti-Black bash lash.
It's no wonder why most of the elite despite their Liberal positions, won't go as far as you do.
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.


Whites were hired for at least 189 years by race under written law. You do not match that in 50.

The only thing AA does is make certain whites do not deny people jobs because of race and only hiring whites because of race,

The quotes are just anther example of the amazing amnesia of whites.

Not necessarily, White Catholics, and Jews didn't always have such a easy time getting hired, and neither did Asians.
All 3 of these groups are successful in the U.S.A, today.

Maybe because they're doing something right, and you're doing something wrong?
[... it's been shown that SAT scores don't indicate anything.


Where has that been shown?

This evidence has existed for a few years outside of the racist white victimization community.

Do ACT and SAT scores really matter? New study says they shouldn’t

According to the data, if high school grades are not high, good testing does not promise college success. Students with good grades and modest testing did better in college than students with higher testing and lower high school grades.

Do ACT and SAT scores really matter? New study says they shouldn't

New Study: SAT Scores Not the Only Indicator of College Success

“Human intelligence is so multifaceted, so complex, so varied, that no standardized testing system can be expected to capture it,” says William Hiss, the study’s main author. Hiss is the former dean of admissions at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine — one of the nation’s first test-optional schools — and has been conducting similar research for a number of years.

New Study: SAT Scores Not the Only Indicator of College Success

Standardized tests not always best indicator of success

Standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT have long been used in college admissions to sort through thousands of applications. Whether or not such tests accurately assess a student’s ability to succeed in higher education is up for debate, but a Penn State expert says that, ultimately, current classroom performance is what prepares a student for admission -- and test day -- better than cramming or retesting to boost scores.

Standardized tests not always best indicator of success | Penn State University

To predict a student’s future success, look at their grades, not their IQ or SAT score

Colleges and employers interested in predicting the success of applicants would do better to look at a student’s grades, which measure personality traits, like grit and attention to detail, more effectively than IQ and SAT tests, according to a recent study from a team led by James Heckman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist from the University of Chicago. The research was released as a discussion paper by the IZA Institute of Labour Economics.

To predict a student's future success, look at their grades, not their IQ or SAT score

I can show many more studies that show SATS scores really are not a predictor of anything but what you remembered on the morning you took the test..

SAT Scores not an indicaroe of sucess - Yahoo Search Results[/QUOTE]
Give us your input on this guy IM2..

Do you agree or not ?

I think you spent a lot of time to go find a black person who validates your racist views. That's what I think.

White Privilege Even Applies To Riots - The Proof Is In The Pumpkins

Except blacks are not failing. Ivy league schools are not the only universities. Nor are whites getting cheated out of spots.

And you still don't show us any supporting evidence of this 230 points. Nor do you mention the legacy admissions whites get.

You have no argument to make based on fact or reality.

Blacks are 13% of the us population and despite the 230 point discrimination in their favor, average about 7% of Ivy League admissions.

They thus fail to get admitted proportionately to their population.

The 230 point bonus blacks get mean that whites ARE getting cheated. That is what that means.

Here is the link to the pdf of the actual study. Read it and knock of your crazy ass denial of reality. Preferences Espenshade Chung Walling Dec 2004.pdf

"To examine these questions, we use data from the National Study of College Experience (NSCE), a project whose purpose is to understand the paths different students follow through higher education. Ten academically selective colleges and universities participated in the NSCE and supplied individual-level data on all persons who applied for admission in the fall of 1983 (or a nearby year), 1993, and 1997.2 These data include whether an applicant was accepted, together with a string of variables on applicant characteristics from the application form and, if the student subsequently enrolled at that institution, additional information on financial aid and academic performance in college. The information for this analysis comes from three private research universities that represent the top tier of American higher education. These are not the only NSCE schools that give admission preferences to underrepresented minority students, athletes, or legacies, but they were able to provide complete information for all three entering cohorts in our data on whether an applicant fell into any of these groups. Legacies are children or other close relatives of alumni. Athletes are defined as individuals who are recruited by athletic programs, typically meaning that they appear on coaches’ recruiting lists or are otherwise of Olympic or star athletic caliber. Table 1 contains a brief overview of the data. Altogether there are 124,374 applicant records, slightly more than half of which came from men. Approximately 80 percent of applicants had ‘‘recentered’’ SAT scores of 1200 or better, and the mean score for all applicants was 1332.3"

There are thousands of Universities besides Ivy league ones. This is not 1997. Apparently those in the Ivy League admissions figured that being white was a 230 point advantage. You seem unable to understand who makes these determinations and why things are determined as such. Therefore your arguments is weak and without merit.

This again is part of the amazing amnesia of whites.

That was fast reading on your part. You read the whole 25 pages of the study? WOW.

NO, they did not "figure" that white skin in worth 230 points.

The study documents that those who make the admissions determinations discriminate in favor of blacks to the tune of 230 points.

Stating that my argument is without merit while ignoring a peer reviewed academic study that proves massive and widespread discrimination in favor of black applicants is an act of pure dishonesty.

Your ignore hard data that is right in front of your face, in favor of your emotional need to justify your hatred of whites and to justify your side's discrimination against them.

You argument is without merit because it's been shown that SAT scores don't indicate anything.

I don't hate whites. I don't like racist whites like you.

Look dumb ass if blacks got 230 points it means that white skin was worth 230 more points than black skin. You want to keep whining about how unfair things are for whites and that why you refuse to see this simple fact that YOU bought up. There is no discrimination against whites. .Discrimination is not that you get the majority of all jobs and admissions. And that's what you are trying to call discrimination against whites.

No, your argument is without merit.

What are you talking about White skin is worth 230 more points?
No, it's really not.

The colleges are so desperate to fill in Blacks in their ranks, that they'll undercut higher performing Whites, and Asians just to fill Black quotas.
That's most certainly reverse discrimination, it's institutional racism.
I will ask you one more time

Name me the colleges and uni's where black people are let in with lower scores.
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