The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

No the civil war was not primarily about slavery. It was about slavery only to the confederacy. Now since life went on after the civil war, if whites were so great as to have sacrificed all those lives to free us explain segregation.

Why did the civil rights movement happen almost 100 years after the abolition of slavery?
I wonder if many americans realized that slavery was bad in 1860s, how come it took so long (a century?) for civil right movement to gain momentum? What was going on in the country between 1860s to 1960s? Was civil liberty movement actually brewing up quitely for the whole century but didn't find enough momentum to bring forth a change until 1960s?

The northerns who voted for Lincoln knew that he was a abolitionist and that the South would be greatly opposed to his presidency and if they didn't when they elected him, they certainly knew when they certainly knew when they REELECTED him.

And your question makes no sense. The question of the day for the people of 1860s America was slavery, and they fought and won that battle.

That they didn't immediately move on to what you consider the next step does not detract from that.
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

Yep white people are all through the history books.


If you had a 100 snakes coming at you and you new 99 were deadly poisonous.

Would you stop n try and find the one good snake ? Or would you close the door on the lot of them ?
. Can you apply that logic in the opposite direction ? You gonna go there, and then if reversed start crying about stereotyping or the discriminating of an entire race because of the bad apples in the group or within a race ? Good grief.

But you see we are talking to you guys and all of you have exhibited severe racism all while claiming that you aren't racists.

You really look like a fool, when you spew your racism and accuse people who are NOT racist of being racist.

Yes I would look like a fool if that was the case. But it's not the case here.

Sure it is.

Watch this.

You claim "us guys" have all exhibited severe racism.

So, I challenge you to quote me exhibiting racism.

NOw, watch as your brain comes up with excuses for you to NOT do that. Because on some level you know that you CAN'T.

Or you will post something I said that you didn't like, and you will pretend that it is racism.

Here, you lefties generally need this.

The ACTUAL REAL definition of racism.

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Still waiting for you to back up your shit, btw.
Who are these people?

Do they live in America?

Who is being radicalized?

Are you insane? I was talking to Paul about the people he was talking about.

ie, the "so-called good white people ". See above.

You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.
Who are these people?

Do they live in America?

Who is being radicalized?

Are you insane? I was talking to Paul about the people he was talking about.

ie, the "so-called good white people ". See above.

You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.

So while you say the exact same crazy shit as every other white racist here, you want me to denounce Essen because he doesn't trust white people. You can't understand why someone black might not trust whites. Such is the nature of the white psychosis.
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

Yep white people are all through the history books.



So, because you've found some pictures of some whites fighting against equality for blacks in the past, you consider that to be evidence that all whites fought against such equality in the past (and present?)

Are you aware that as recently as 1990 the us was still over 80% white?

How do you think those battles were won? By 10 or 12% overcoming the 80%?

Hint: The answer to that is NO.

American whites have been coming down on the side of ever increasing rights for blacks since before the Civil War.

And now you lefties are gloating over how you will marginalize their descendants once they are a minority.

Indeed, you often conflate not being a majority to being extinct.

A very chilling look into your hate filled hearts.

You people are vile monsters.
. Can you apply that logic in the opposite direction ? You gonna go there, and then if reversed start crying about stereotyping or the discriminating of an entire race because of the bad apples in the group or within a race ? Good grief.

But you see we are talking to you guys and all of you have exhibited severe racism all while claiming that you aren't racists.

You really look like a fool, when you spew your racism and accuse people who are NOT racist of being racist.

Yes I would look like a fool if that was the case. But it's not the case here.

Sure it is.

Watch this.

You claim "us guys" have all exhibited severe racism.

So, I challenge you to quote me exhibiting racism.

NOw, watch as your brain comes up with excuses for you to NOT do that. Because on some level you know that you CAN'T.

Or you will post something I said that you didn't like, and you will pretend that it is racism.

Here, you lefties generally need this.

The ACTUAL REAL definition of racism.

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Still waiting for you to back up your shit, btw.

When you can show me how all these things you claim discriminate against whites have had a disparate impact on whites then talk to me about backing something up.
Are you insane? I was talking to Paul about the people he was talking about.

ie, the "so-called good white people ". See above.

You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.
Are you insane? I was talking to Paul about the people he was talking about.

ie, the "so-called good white people ". See above.

You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.

So while you say the exact same crazy shit as every other white racist here, you want me to denounce Essen because he doesn't trust white people. You can't understand why someone black might not trust whites. Such is the nature of the white psychosis.

I've challenged you to back up your bullshit accusation of "racism" and you have been unable to do so, yet you keep calling me slurs.

In order to maintain my policy of treating people with the same respect they show me,

Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?
. Trying to sum up your idiocy in a few pictures eh ??? If you really showed the history of it all, then you would have to admit finally that you are the racist wanting handouts by way of the long time settled issues now, but in the mean time let those poor whites give up their hardworking tax money to get you a living going like your black Hollywood rap stars eh ?? What's wrong, you can't rap ?? Just add a beat to your mouth running, and you got it.... How much suffering will you be expecting from the poor whites to satisfy your wishful needs or how much wealth do you want transferred from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Modonna, Ashely Judd, Steve Jobs family, and on and on it all goes ????? When will you be calling for blacks to stop engaging in institutionalized racism by holding on to (all black college's) that are probably indoctronation centers or to end anything that promotes all black membership or participation ?? When will you end your usery of the white useful idiot's that don't have a clue as to what is really going on in the minds of people like you ?? Name the unsettled programs or issues that target blacks in a racist way in America ? Why are you not getting a fair shake in America ? Tell us exactly where you are running into the roadblocks you feel that you can't seem to get beyond, and name the names of the white people now holding you back.
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But you see we are talking to you guys and all of you have exhibited severe racism all while claiming that you aren't racists.

You really look like a fool, when you spew your racism and accuse people who are NOT racist of being racist.

Yes I would look like a fool if that was the case. But it's not the case here.

Sure it is.

Watch this.

You claim "us guys" have all exhibited severe racism.

So, I challenge you to quote me exhibiting racism.

NOw, watch as your brain comes up with excuses for you to NOT do that. Because on some level you know that you CAN'T.

Or you will post something I said that you didn't like, and you will pretend that it is racism.

Here, you lefties generally need this.

The ACTUAL REAL definition of racism.

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Still waiting for you to back up your shit, btw.

When you can show me how all these things you claim discriminate against whites have had a disparate impact on whites then talk to me about backing something up.

Soooo, since the effective 230 point bonus that blacks get in Ivy League admissions does not result in disproportionate black representation, you are arguing that that means it does not discriminate against whites who don't get the slots they deserve based on their merit?

The fact that blacks still manage to fail to achieve scores good enough to be proportionately represented in Ivy League schools DESPITE the massive discrimination in their favor, ie 230 points,

does not mean that the discrimination does not occur.

or that there are not whites who have been cheated out of the slots they deserved.

It just means that the discrimination is out weighted by the education gap.
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

No the civil war was not primarily about slavery. It was about slavery only to the confederacy. Now since life went on after the civil war, if whites were so great as to have sacrificed all those lives to free us explain segregation.

Why did the civil rights movement happen almost 100 years after the abolition of slavery?
I wonder if many americans realized that slavery was bad in 1860s, how come it took so long (a century?) for civil right movement to gain momentum? What was going on in the country between 1860s to 1960s? Was civil liberty movement actually brewing up quitely for the whole century but didn't find enough momentum to bring forth a change until 1960s?
. Look, it took years and years to bring the slaves into mainstream white culture in America, and because of the cultural shocks that went on in trying to do that, (and because of the steps that it took to get everyone to finally be comfortable with each other), the time scale was one that just had to play out in the way that it did. It took as long as it took, and the progress has been amazing, but there is still work that is on going, and hopefully the idiots on either sides of the issue don't try to derail hundreds of years of sacrifice and progress in America. Now the culture wars will always be an issue, and work needs to continue in trying to solve those issues, but currently that area is the most problematic for all because people don't want to be exposed to things that they don't want to be exposed to nor do they want their children exposed to. This is not about skin color anymore, but we are now in the final phase that MLK spoke of in his great speech where he said that "he longed for a day when people would be judged not upon the color of their skin, but upon the content of their character". Character is built by the cultural up bringing that one is brought up in, and then it is that the cultural upbringing either built character that is excepted in the main stream of society or not. If not, then shouldn't it be that the person look back onto their up bringing, and maybe think to themselves that "hey I was brought up wrong maybe", but it was ok because my parents did the best that they could, so now I just got to go and change some thing's is all ?
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Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

Yep white people are all through the history books.



So, because you've found some pictures of some whites fighting against equality for blacks in the past, you consider that to be evidence that all whites fought against such equality in the past (and present?)

Are you aware that as recently as 1990 the us was still over 80% white?

How do you think those battles were won? By 10 or 12% overcoming the 80%?

Hint: The answer to that is NO.

American whites have been coming down on the side of ever increasing rights for blacks since before the Civil War.

And now you lefties are gloating over how you will marginalize their descendants once they are a minority.

Indeed, you often conflate not being a majority to being extinct.

A very chilling look into your hate filled hearts.

You people are vile monsters.

.You apparently do no think before you post.

Yes the 12 percent beat the 80.

Because a poll was done during the civil rights era and less than 20 percent of al whites thought there s a problem.
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.

Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

No the civil war was not primarily about slavery. It was about slavery only to the confederacy. Now since life went on after the civil war, if whites were so great as to have sacrificed all those lives to free us explain segregation.

Why did the civil rights movement happen almost 100 years after the abolition of slavery?
I wonder if many americans realized that slavery was bad in 1860s, how come it took so long (a century?) for civil right movement to gain momentum? What was going on in the country between 1860s to 1960s? Was civil liberty movement actually brewing up quitely for the whole century but didn't find enough momentum to bring forth a change until 1960s?
. Look, it took years and years to bring the slaves into mainstream white culture in America, and because of the cultural shocks that went on in trying to do that, and because of the steps that it took to get everyone to finally comfortable with each other, the time scale was one that had just had to play out. It took as long as it took, and the progress has been amazing, but there is still work that is on going, and hopefully the idiots on either sides of the issue don't try to derail hundreds of years of sacrifice and progress in America.

You are ignorant.
AA was needed and had its place in history.

That time has passed and it needs to be dissolved.

Hiring anyone based upon race/orientation/religion, etc is just as bad as not hiring them based on same.


Whites were hired for at least 189 years by race under written law. You do not match that in 50.

The only thing AA does is make certain whites do not deny people jobs because of race and only hiring whites because of race,

The quotes are just anther example of the amazing amnesia of whites.
You really look like a fool, when you spew your racism and accuse people who are NOT racist of being racist.

Yes I would look like a fool if that was the case. But it's not the case here.

Sure it is.

Watch this.

You claim "us guys" have all exhibited severe racism.

So, I challenge you to quote me exhibiting racism.

NOw, watch as your brain comes up with excuses for you to NOT do that. Because on some level you know that you CAN'T.

Or you will post something I said that you didn't like, and you will pretend that it is racism.

Here, you lefties generally need this.

The ACTUAL REAL definition of racism.

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Still waiting for you to back up your shit, btw.

When you can show me how all these things you claim discriminate against whites have had a disparate impact on whites then talk to me about backing something up.

Soooo, since the effective 230 point bonus that blacks get in Ivy League admissions does not result in disproportionate black representation, you are arguing that that means it does not discriminate against whites who don't get the slots they deserve based on their merit?

The fact that blacks still manage to fail to achieve scores good enough to be proportionately represented in Ivy League schools DESPITE the massive discrimination in their favor, ie 230 points,

does not mean that the discrimination does not occur.

or that there are not whites who have been cheated out of the slots they deserved.

It just means that the discrimination is out weighted by the education gap.

Except blacks are not failing. Ivy league schools are not the only universities. Nor are whites getting cheated out of spots.

And you still don't show us any supporting evidence of this 230 points. Nor do you mention the legacy admissions whites get.

You have no argument to make based on fact or reality.
Luddly Neddite - Let's say all whites today say yes we are too blame. How would that change anything? How could whites repay blacks for all those years of pain? It's impossible in my eyes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?
. Trying to sum up your idiocy in a few pictures eh ??? If you really showed the history of it all, then you would have to admit finally that you are the racist wanting handouts by way of the long time settled issues now, but in the mean time let those poor whites give up their hardworking tax money to get you a living going like your black Hollywood rap stars eh ?? What's wrong, you can't rap ?? Just add a beat to your mouth running, and you got it.... How much suffering will you be expecting from the poor whites to satisfy your wishful needs or how much wealth do you want transferred from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Modonna, Ashely Judd, Steve Jobs family, and on and on it all goes ????? When will you be calling for blacks to stop engaging in institutionalized racism by holding on to (all black college's) that are probably indoctronation centers or to end anything that promotes all black membership or participation ?? When will you end your usery of the white useful idiot's that don't have a clue as to what is really going on in the minds of people like you ?? Name the unsettled programs or issues that target blacks in a racist way in America ? Why are you not getting a fair shake in America ? Tell us exactly where you are running into the roadblocks you feel that you can't seem to get beyond, and name the names of the white people now holding you back.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
Especially as we see here, that lefties just dismiss EVERYTHING that has already been done.

From the Civil War to quotas to marching with MLK, all dismissed out of hand.

Because nothing has been done. The civil war was not done for us. There are no such thing as quotas, and;


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?


Where are all those white people correll?

All though the history books.

And the civil war was primarily about slavery.

Yep white people are all through the history books.



So, because you've found some pictures of some whites fighting against equality for blacks in the past, you consider that to be evidence that all whites fought against such equality in the past (and present?)

Are you aware that as recently as 1990 the us was still over 80% white?

How do you think those battles were won? By 10 or 12% overcoming the 80%?

Hint: The answer to that is NO.

American whites have been coming down on the side of ever increasing rights for blacks since before the Civil War.

And now you lefties are gloating over how you will marginalize their descendants once they are a minority.

Indeed, you often conflate not being a majority to being extinct.

A very chilling look into your hate filled hearts.

You people are vile monsters.

.You apparently do no think before you post.

Yes the 12 percent beat the 80.

Because a poll was done during the civil rights era and less than 20 percent of al whites thought there s a problem.

12 doesn't beat 80.

The majority of the 80 has been on the side of increased rights for blacks time and time again, or the issue would have went the other way.

Was Lincoln black? Did he win his elections because of the black vote?
You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.
You are a loon Correll. .You talk about the left, but each of you right wingers here are racists. Yet you try telling us how the liberals are the racists when we read your racist drivel daily. Now you really need to think about that Correll. You guys are practicing racism by doing this, You actually think blacks are so dumb that you can post up all manner of racism and then tell us that liberals are the racists and we are stupid enough to fall for that. Even worse you think you can run a game by calling us racists when we oppose your racism and state the racism you have practiced and think we will just fall over and start obeying your wishes.



YOu asked me a stupid question about a respond I made to paul's post.

I clarified it for you, and instead of having something to say about Paul's post or my response, you simply call me racist, with more words.

I want to be clear about this.

I have seen that lefties like yourself have misused the term racism to the point that you don't have clue what it really means and you almost exclusively use it to deflect from your own failures.

AND thus when you use it to insult someone, ie "racist" you are in effect just calling them a slur with no deeper meaning.

Thus in that case, I like to respond in kind.

Such as


You are a racist. That's not a slur.It's an accurate description of a white man who claims that blacks should be grateful to whites for some imagined sacrifices he thinks whites have made for blacks.

You see loon, those whites you described are not being called racists just for being white. They are not called racists at all. For they are not the ones who tell us we should be glad for a half done job and how happy we should be that racism isn't done like it used to be. They are not the ones telling us even as we were born here and that most of our families have been in America far longer that most of you right wing racists, that we need to go back to Arica if we don't like how we are treated here.

You see stupid as fuck white boy, we do not call all whites racist. We call whites like YOU that because that is what you are.

Essien posted that he suspects Jolie of adopting and raising her black daughter to be a sex slave.

You attacked me for calling him racist, and let that raving lunacy pass unchallenged.

So while you say the exact same crazy shit as every other white racist here, you want me to denounce Essen because he doesn't trust white people. You can't understand why someone black might not trust whites. Such is the nature of the white psychosis.

I've challenged you to back up your bullshit accusation of "racism" and you have been unable to do so, yet you keep calling me slurs.

In order to maintain my policy of treating people with the same respect they show me,


I've proven it plenty.
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