The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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That's right. Openly dismiss the hard work and sacrifices of generations of whites who fought for you.

Make them feel like the fools they were.
If you had a 100 snakes coming at you and you new 99 were deadly poisonous.

Would you stop n try and find the one good snake ? Or would you close the door on the lot of them ?
. Can you apply that logic in the opposite direction ? You gonna go there, and then if reversed start crying about stereotyping or the discriminating of an entire race because of the bad apples in the group or within a race ? Good grief.
Apparently it's commonplace for Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college, enough so that a study confirmed it.
Name the colleges in the USA where "Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college"

The study is sufficient proof.
Getting really desperate, huh?
It's hard to believe that people so desperate, could amount to so little, on the whole.

What study was that?

a National Study of College Experience led by Espenshade and Radford (2009) showed that a student who self-identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 SAT points higher than Hispanics, and 450 SAT points higher than African Americans.

Admission Considerations in Higher Education Among Asian Americans

Really? And so what does this prove?

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

The big question, however, is: How predictive of success in college are SAT scores? More precisely, what is the correlation between high school SAT scores and first-year college grade point average? (The appropriateness of GPA as a measure of success is also open to question. Grades, for example, often depend critically on the courses taken.)

Most studies find that the correlation between SAT scores and first-year college grades is not overwhelming, and that only 10 percent to 20 percent of the variation in first-year GPA is explained by SAT scores.

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

More and more universities are making these tests optional. That's how much they indicate anything. So then your study is a load of crap.

It proves that colleges are looking to try, and help equalize numbers based on race, and therefor are willing to take lower end Blacks, and Hispanics, over higher end Whites, and Asians.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?

IMO, they would have realized that their efforts were in vain. This situation of reverse discrimination and increasing strife is not what they were fighting for.
Exactly, but here we have so many useful idiots these days, and that is a shame. Why not see the racism for what it is, and depart from it instead of be used by it I wonder ? Liberalism is a mental condition that screams "HELP".

It is very sad. And dangerous for our nation. I don't know how or if it can be stopped.
There has been an agenda that has gone back now for years, and it was taken way to far... When it became guilty of the same things it had accused others of, then it became reverse discrimination. Sadly it has been protected by federal, and state to local judges (who had been appointed by specific people for specific agenda's and purposes). Now getting that straightened back out will be somewhat of a huge task.
The D Party loves keeping blacks down with their constant race baiting and pandering. This is even more despicable than IM2's racism.
. They love using the blacks, and you would think that the blacks would finally get tired of the bullcrap, even with Obama for using them also. Many have gotten tired of it, and they switched, but they aren't popular because they are seen by some as sell outs. Sell outs or liberated ?
IMO, they would have realized that their efforts were in vain. This situation of reverse discrimination and increasing strife is not what they were fighting for.
Exactly, but here we have so many useful idiots these days, and that is a shame. Why not see the racism for what it is, and depart from it instead of be used by it I wonder ? Liberalism is a mental condition that screams "HELP".

It is very sad. And dangerous for our nation. I don't know how or if it can be stopped.
There has been an agenda that has gone back now for years, and it was taken way to far... When it became guilty of the same things it had accused others of, then it became reverse discrimination. Sadly it has been protected by federal, and state to local judges (who had been appointed by specific people for specific agenda's and purposes). Now getting that straightened back out will be somewhat of a huge task.
The D Party loves keeping blacks down with their constant race baiting and pandering. This is even more despicable than IM2's racism.

We are here in these forums, we see al; this republican racism and yet they think they can sell this lie.

I'm actually a registered Democrat, because when I went to register, I was against W Bush's war.

However, I generally don't vote.

I'm Fascist leaning, not a Conservative, nor Liberal.

I believe in collective building blocs of society, in which it starts with biology, which would also include race biology.

So, my views are obviously far different than most.
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.

YOu have political power and you are using it to benefit yourself and your people at the expense of people who are different to you.

YOu are never going to admit that it is time to stop benefiting yourself and your people.

Whites have more political power and its why a factually invalid argument such as yours even gets heard.

And so whitest like you guys think that decades of shit like wetback boats and continuing white racism against them will make Mexicans side with whites against blacks and other non whites.


Yeah, Blacks, and Mexicans sure hit it off well in Los Angeles.

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.
. The devil does good eh ?? Get back to me when you can prove that one. LOL.

When you can prove that it was a white priority to fight and die for our equal rights as blacks let me know.
. Wasn't a priority, but more of a volunteer action even in the face of being outcasted by those who were in their own race, and all because of their humanatarion attributes in which they aspired too. The attempt to rewrite history or the want to is very telling today. Rewriting this nations history is impossible. Period.
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Name the colleges in the USA where "Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college"

The study is sufficient proof.
Getting really desperate, huh?
It's hard to believe that people so desperate, could amount to so little, on the whole.

What study was that?

a National Study of College Experience led by Espenshade and Radford (2009) showed that a student who self-identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 SAT points higher than Hispanics, and 450 SAT points higher than African Americans.

Admission Considerations in Higher Education Among Asian Americans

Really? And so what does this prove?

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

The big question, however, is: How predictive of success in college are SAT scores? More precisely, what is the correlation between high school SAT scores and first-year college grade point average? (The appropriateness of GPA as a measure of success is also open to question. Grades, for example, often depend critically on the courses taken.)

Most studies find that the correlation between SAT scores and first-year college grades is not overwhelming, and that only 10 percent to 20 percent of the variation in first-year GPA is explained by SAT scores.

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

More and more universities are making these tests optional. That's how much they indicate anything. So then your study is a load of crap.

It proves that colleges are looking to try, and help equalize numbers based on race, and therefor are willing to take lower end Blacks, and Hispanics, over higher end Whites, and Asians.
Name me the colleges that allow black people in with lower SAT score.

You can't and you know why ?

Because real evidence of anti-white bias in the workplace or in education is extraordinarily rare.

The University of Michigan (See how it works I name names) gave out 16 points to kids from the lily-white Upper Peninsula and four points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni, and ten points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools and 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students) to you this is seen as perfectly fair, and not at all racially preferential.

What’s more, the whites who received all those bonus points will not be thought of by anyone as having received unearned advantages.

Even the famous Jennifer Gratz, who tried "well erm blks get in and they score lower" argument I have heard a million times, was proved wrong, and she thought nothing of the fact that more than 1400 other white students also were admitted ahead of her, despite having lower scores and grades. “Lesser qualified” whites are acceptable. Right ?

Study after study has found that blacks with equal qualifications to whites will still be less likely to find work, and even when they do, it will be at lower pay and less likely to be in managerial or high-profile positions.

White men who have a criminal record and to have served prison time are equally or slightly more likely to get a call-back for a job interview than black men who claim to have no criminal record, even when all other credentials are equal.

And of course, nearly nine in ten jobs are never advertised at all, thereby becoming open to a free and fair competition. Rather, they are filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages black people, irrespective of qualifications.

But getting back to the main. Name the colleges. I notice you don't ever try and take me because you know I'll commit intellectual murder on you. But then white supremacy has never been about the truth, it's just been about, if you say it enough times, people will believe it and of course the .....


way of debating
The study is sufficient proof.
Getting really desperate, huh?
It's hard to believe that people so desperate, could amount to so little, on the whole.

What study was that?

a National Study of College Experience led by Espenshade and Radford (2009) showed that a student who self-identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 SAT points higher than Hispanics, and 450 SAT points higher than African Americans.

Admission Considerations in Higher Education Among Asian Americans

Really? And so what does this prove?

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

The big question, however, is: How predictive of success in college are SAT scores? More precisely, what is the correlation between high school SAT scores and first-year college grade point average? (The appropriateness of GPA as a measure of success is also open to question. Grades, for example, often depend critically on the courses taken.)

Most studies find that the correlation between SAT scores and first-year college grades is not overwhelming, and that only 10 percent to 20 percent of the variation in first-year GPA is explained by SAT scores.

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

More and more universities are making these tests optional. That's how much they indicate anything. So then your study is a load of crap.

It proves that colleges are looking to try, and help equalize numbers based on race, and therefor are willing to take lower end Blacks, and Hispanics, over higher end Whites, and Asians.
Name me the colleges that allow black people in with lower SAT score.

You can't and you know why ?

Because real evidence of anti-white bias in the workplace or in education is extraordinarily rare.

The University of Michigan (See how it works I name names) gave out 16 points to kids from the lily-white Upper Peninsula and four points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni, and ten points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools and 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students) to you this is seen as perfectly fair, and not at all racially preferential.

What’s more, the whites who received all those bonus points will not be thought of by anyone as having received unearned advantages.

Even the famous Jennifer Gratz, who tried "well erm blks get in and they score lower" argument I have heard a million times, was proved wrong, and she thought nothing of the fact that more than 1400 other white students also were admitted ahead of her, despite having lower scores and grades. “Lesser qualified” whites are acceptable. Right ?

Study after study has found that blacks with equal qualifications to whites will still be less likely to find work, and even when they do, it will be at lower pay and less likely to be in managerial or high-profile positions.

White men who have a criminal record and to have served prison time are equally or slightly more likely to get a call-back for a job interview than black men who claim to have no criminal record, even when all other credentials are equal.

And of course, nearly nine in ten jobs are never advertised at all, thereby becoming open to a free and fair competition. Rather, they are filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages black people, irrespective of qualifications.

But getting back to the main. Name the colleges. I notice you don't ever try and take me because you know I'll commit intellectual murder on you. But then white supremacy has never been about the truth, it's just been about, if you say it enough times, people will believe it and of course the .....


way of debating
. Hmm, is it so much about the college's or is it more about the affirmative action program that holds the information you seek ?
Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.
. The devil does good eh ?? Get back to me when you can prove that one. LOL.

When you can prove that it was a white priority to fight and die for our equal rights as blacks let me know.
. Wasn't a priority, but more of a volunteer action even in the face of being outcasted by those who were in their own race, and all because of their humanatarion attributes in which they aspired too. The attempt to rewrite history or the want to is very telling today. Rewriting this nations history is impossible. Period.

No you can't re write history and that's why these lies you guys are pushing are pathetic. Not all that many whites fought for us and we do not owe whites anything for correcting a system they made that was wrong to start with. But this tall tale of how we owe whites when millions of black died fighting and suffering with overt racism of whites must be debunked at every chance
What study was that?

a National Study of College Experience led by Espenshade and Radford (2009) showed that a student who self-identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 SAT points higher than Hispanics, and 450 SAT points higher than African Americans.

Admission Considerations in Higher Education Among Asian Americans

Really? And so what does this prove?

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

The big question, however, is: How predictive of success in college are SAT scores? More precisely, what is the correlation between high school SAT scores and first-year college grade point average? (The appropriateness of GPA as a measure of success is also open to question. Grades, for example, often depend critically on the courses taken.)

Most studies find that the correlation between SAT scores and first-year college grades is not overwhelming, and that only 10 percent to 20 percent of the variation in first-year GPA is explained by SAT scores.

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

More and more universities are making these tests optional. That's how much they indicate anything. So then your study is a load of crap.

It proves colleges are looking to try, and help equalize numbers based on race, and therefor are willing to take lower end Blacks, and Hispanics, over higher end Whites, and Asians.
Name me the colleges that allow black people in with lower SAT score.

You can't and you know why ?

Because real evidence of anti-white bias in the workplace or in education is extraordinarily rare.

The University of Michigan (See how it works I name names) gave out 16 points to kids from the lily-white Upper Peninsula and four points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni, and ten points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools and 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students) to you this is seen as perfectly fair, and not at all racially preferential.

What’s more, the whites who received all those bonus points will not be thought of by anyone as having received unearned advantages.

Even the famous Jennifer Gratz, who tried "well erm blks get in and they score lower" argument I have heard a million times, was proved wrong, and she thought nothing of the fact that more than 1400 other white students also were admitted ahead of her, despite having lower scores and grades. “Lesser qualified” whites are acceptable. Right ?

Study after study has found that blacks with equal qualifications to whites will still be less likely to find work, and even when they do, it will be at lower pay and less likely to be in managerial or high-profile positions.

White men who have a criminal record and to have served prison time are equally or slightly more likely to get a call-back for a job interview than black men who claim to have no criminal record, even when all other credentials are equal.

And of course, nearly nine in ten jobs are never advertised at all, thereby becoming open to a free and fair competition. Rather, they are filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages black people, irrespective of qualifications.

But getting back to the main. Name the colleges. I notice you don't ever try and take me because you know I'll commit intellectual murder on you. But then white supremacy has never been about the truth, it's just been about, if you say it enough times, people will believe it and of course the .....


way of debating
. Hmm, is it so much about the college's or is it more about the affirmative action program that holds the information you seek ?

None of them. Because whites have no argument against Affirmative Action that is based on truth or reality.
This thread is %100 pure concentrated liberal bullshit.

First of all, quote one single post where anyone has said "
people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites".

You're just another leftist malcontent trying to incite racial conflict.

You should have been eaten by a rat in the dumpster behind Kermit Gosnell's abortion clinic.

Name the colleges in the USA where "Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college"

The study is sufficient proof.
Getting really desperate, huh?
It's hard to believe that people so desperate, could amount to so little, on the whole.

What study was that?

a National Study of College Experience led by Espenshade and Radford (2009) showed that a student who self-identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 SAT points higher than Hispanics, and 450 SAT points higher than African Americans.

Admission Considerations in Higher Education Among Asian Americans

Really? And so what does this prove?

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

The big question, however, is: How predictive of success in college are SAT scores? More precisely, what is the correlation between high school SAT scores and first-year college grade point average? (The appropriateness of GPA as a measure of success is also open to question. Grades, for example, often depend critically on the courses taken.)

Most studies find that the correlation between SAT scores and first-year college grades is not overwhelming, and that only 10 percent to 20 percent of the variation in first-year GPA is explained by SAT scores.

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

More and more universities are making these tests optional. That's how much they indicate anything. So then your study is a load of crap.

It proves that colleges are looking to try, and help equalize numbers based on race, and therefor are willing to take lower end Blacks, and Hispanics, over higher end Whites, and Asians.

What it proves is nothing, That's why more and more colleges are making them optional.
This thread is %100 pure concentrated liberal bullshit.

First of all, quote one single post where anyone has said "
people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites".

You're just another leftist malcontent trying to incite racial conflict.

You should have been eaten by a rat in the dumpster behind Kermit Gosnell's abortion clinic.

Well that is exactly what whites have been arguing in other threads.
IMO, they would have realized that their efforts were in vain. This situation of reverse discrimination and increasing strife is not what they were fighting for.
Exactly, but here we have so many useful idiots these days, and that is a shame. Why not see the racism for what it is, and depart from it instead of be used by it I wonder ? Liberalism is a mental condition that screams "HELP".

It is very sad. And dangerous for our nation. I don't know how or if it can be stopped.
There has been an agenda that has gone back now for years, and it was taken way to far... When it became guilty of the same things it had accused others of, then it became reverse discrimination. Sadly it has been protected by federal, and state to local judges (who had been appointed by specific people for specific agenda's and purposes). Now getting that straightened back out will be somewhat of a huge task.
The D Party loves keeping blacks down with their constant race baiting and pandering. This is even more despicable than IM2's racism.
. They love using the blacks, and you would think that the blacks would finally get tired of the bullcrap, even with Obama for using them also. Many have gotten tired of it, and they switched, but they aren't popular because they are seen by some as sell outs. Sell outs or liberated ?

There is no such thing as reverse discrimination. Republicans are the race baiters. Look at this place.​
YOu have political power and you are using it to benefit yourself and your people at the expense of people who are different to you.

YOu are never going to admit that it is time to stop benefiting yourself and your people.

Whites have more political power and its why a factually invalid argument such as yours even gets heard.

And so whitest like you guys think that decades of shit like wetback boats and continuing white racism against them will make Mexicans side with whites against blacks and other non whites.


Yeah, Blacks, and Mexicans sure hit it off well in Los Angeles.

That's why Hispanics averaged 70 percent voting for Obama in both elections.

Because they don't like blacks and will side with whites.
Whites have more political power and its why a factually invalid argument such as yours even gets heard.

And so whitest like you guys think that decades of shit like wetback boats and continuing white racism against them will make Mexicans side with whites against blacks and other non whites.


Yeah, Blacks, and Mexicans sure hit it off well in Los Angeles.

That's why Hispanics averaged 70 percent voting for Obama in both elections.

Because they don't like blacks and will side with whites.

Do you think they will not side with themselves if they become the majority? Or are they immune from being racist just like blacks?
That's right. Openly dismiss the hard work and sacrifices of generations of whites who fought for you.

Make them feel like the fools they were.
If you had a 100 snakes coming at you and you new 99 were deadly poisonous.

Would you stop n try and find the one good snake ? Or would you close the door on the lot of them ?
. Can you apply that logic in the opposite direction ? You gonna go there, and then if reversed start crying about stereotyping or the discriminating of an entire race because of the bad apples in the group or within a race ? Good grief.

But you see we are talking to you guys and all of you have exhibited severe racism all while claiming that you aren't racists.
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And so whitest like you guys think that decades of shit like wetback boats and continuing white racism against them will make Mexicans side with whites against blacks and other non whites.


Yeah, Blacks, and Mexicans sure hit it off well in Los Angeles.

That's why Hispanics averaged 70 percent voting for Obama in both elections.

Because they don't like blacks and will side with whites.

Do you think they will not side with themselves if they become the majority? Or are they immune from being racist just like blacks?

Not every body thinks the same way as white racist extremists.

The Mexicans will do what benefits them and hey will work with others. It's how they have always done things. Using gang fights as examples is very weak. Especially when you know how leaders in both communities have worked together.
That's right. Openly dismiss the hard work and sacrifices of generations of whites who fought for you.

Make them feel like the fools they were.
If you had a 100 snakes coming at you and you new 99 were deadly poisonous.

Would you stop n try and find the one good snake ? Or would you close the door on the lot of them ?
. Can you apply that logic in the opposite direction ? You gonna go there, and then if reversed start crying about stereotyping or the discriminating of an entire race because of the bad apples in the group or within a race ? Good grief.

But you see we are talking to you guys and all of you have exhibited sever racism all while claiming that you aren't racists.
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