The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.

YOu have political power and you are using it to benefit yourself and your people at the expense of people who are different to you.

YOu are never going to admit that it is time to stop benefiting yourself and your people.

Whites have more political power and its why a factually invalid argument such as yours even gets heard.

That would be true. If Whites were a unified bloc.

As it is, they are vastly more evenly split politically than any other group in America.

And regardless, the consensus has been for generations, among whites to fight for equality and aid for blacks.

Even today that is still the Conventional Wisdom, though it is getting more and more strained, thanks in no small part to haters like you and Paul.

If I have not done so before, I want to thank you for your help in waking white people to stop that nonsense.

I CAN'T do it without your help.

Look correll you are talking to a black man who is very aware of history. You are not talking tp another one of your the victimization buddies. There has not been for generations any consensus among whites to fight for equality and aid for blacks.

The Dred Scott decision, Plessy v Ferguson and shitload of other supreme court decisions show us that you are lying.

Dred Scott was 1857!!

So? The constitution was written when?

You said the consensus had been for generations. So once again:

Teflon Theory of History

30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.
Apparently it's commonplace for Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college, enough so that a study confirmed it.
Name the colleges in the USA where "Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college"

The study is sufficient proof.
Getting really desperate, huh?
It's hard to believe that people so desperate, could amount to so little, on the whole.

What study was that?
Apparently it's commonplace for Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college, enough so that a study confirmed it.
Name the colleges in the USA where "Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college"

The study is sufficient proof.
Getting really desperate, huh?
It's hard to believe that people so desperate, could amount to so little, on the whole.

What study was that?

a National Study of College Experience led by Espenshade and Radford (2009) showed that a student who self-identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 SAT points higher than Hispanics, and 450 SAT points higher than African Americans.

Admission Considerations in Higher Education Among Asian Americans
Do SATs Or ACTs Predict Anything Colleges Need To Know?

How do we know? Because William C. “Bill” Hiss of Bates College has been studying the matter for decades. In 1984, Bates followed its neighbor Bowdoin College down the road toward making standardized tests optional for admission. Since then, Bill has kept an eye on the results; two years ago he and colleague Valerie Franks published a comprehensive study, "Defining Promise."

What did this study show?

  1. What have you learned in your study?
  2. The key finding was that in a full scholarly, peer-reviewed and published national study, with 123,000 students at 33 colleges and universities that have one form or another of optional testing, there are only trivial differences in both cumulative GPA's and graduation rates between submitters and non-submitters of testing. The differences were .05 in college Cumulative GPA (2.88 versus 2.83) and six-tenths of one percent (.6%) in graduation rates.

Do SATs Or ACTs Predict Anything Colleges Need To Know?

YES!! That's the spirit!!

Whites are the same as deadly poisonous snakes and you can't be bothered to judge individual whites by their thoughts or actions, just by their skin color!!!

I can just imagine the aging lefties reading this and trying to find a lie to tell themselves that their lives and all they believed in was not a lie.

I side eye the so-called good white people even more

I'm highly suspicious of Angelina Jolie


I'm highly suspicious of Sandra Bullock


I'm highly suspicious of Charlize Theron


I'm highly suspicious of Steven Spielberg


I'm highly suspicious of Madonna


I'm highly suspicious of Tom Cruise


What the fuk is this ?


I would not be surprised if the children are being groomed for sex slaves and I can't even imagine the type of things that get's said and done to them if they piss off one there white adopted parents.

And most of all I'm highly-highly suspicious of Bill Gates.


Even the so called "anti racist whites" who do the lecture tour the likes offTim Wise's and Jane Elliots. I don't trust them either

Why ?

Because white people never done a Rambo on Africa.

They came in with smiles and gifts (at first) they came as missionaries, preaching god, preaching unity, preaching peace. The made the African lower there guard and they paid the full penalty. They were decimated by the cowards that were claiming peace and friendship and then performed sneak attacks on the unsuspecting natives. All while the natives were dying off from their filthy diseases that they brought with them as well

Even the KKK started off as a joke. They started off with the idea "Yeah those blk peole are into god and stuff, let's get a few of us in white sheets and run around scaring them"

Look it up.

And then the Jokes got real

So don't ever talk to me about good white people.

The water is messed up....only 1% is drinkable on the entire earth....thanks to who ?
The air is messed up, thanks to who ?
The earth is messed up, thanks to who ?

Now they are raising hell about the dangers of all the space junk up there...thanks to what people ?

This is now critical because everybody needs air, water and land in order to survive and sadly it is white people that have done this.

Anything or anyone that is anti nature is anti life. When you examine white history of destruction on planet earth. It seems they are not even of this earth.

Any group of people that circumvents the globe and wreaks havoc and mayhem not only on the indigenous people they encounter but on the very land these people live off off is something else.

If I met the Taino people who gifted me with balls of string and feathers I would not rape them or enslave them and destroy their way of life or jump on their backs to get free rides or test the sharpness of my knife by slicing off hunks of their flesh or stick broken glass bottles up Kenyan woman's vagina
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Apparently it's commonplace for Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college, enough so that a study confirmed it.
Name the colleges in the USA where "Blacks with lower SAT scores to be accepted to college"

The study is sufficient proof.
Getting really desperate, huh?
It's hard to believe that people so desperate, could amount to so little, on the whole.

What study was that?

a National Study of College Experience led by Espenshade and Radford (2009) showed that a student who self-identifies as Asian will need 140 SAT points higher than whites, 320 SAT points higher than Hispanics, and 450 SAT points higher than African Americans.

Admission Considerations in Higher Education Among Asian Americans

Really? And so what does this prove?

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

The big question, however, is: How predictive of success in college are SAT scores? More precisely, what is the correlation between high school SAT scores and first-year college grade point average? (The appropriateness of GPA as a measure of success is also open to question. Grades, for example, often depend critically on the courses taken.)

Most studies find that the correlation between SAT scores and first-year college grades is not overwhelming, and that only 10 percent to 20 percent of the variation in first-year GPA is explained by SAT scores.

Do SAT Scores Really Predict Success?

More and more universities are making these tests optional. That's how much they indicate anything. So then your study is a load of crap.
Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?

IMO, they would have realized that their efforts were in vain. This situation of reverse discrimination and increasing strife is not what they were fighting for.
Exactly, but here we have so many useful idiots these days, and that is a shame. Why not see the racism for what it is, and depart from it instead of be used by it I wonder ? Liberalism is a mental condition that screams "HELP".

It is very sad. And dangerous for our nation. I don't know how or if it can be stopped.
There has been an agenda that has gone back now for years, and it was taken way to far... When it became guilty of the same things it had accused others of, then it became reverse discrimination. Sadly it has been protected by federal, and state to local judges (who had been appointed by specific people for specific agenda's and purposes). Now getting that straightened back out will be somewhat of a huge task.
The D Party loves keeping blacks down with their constant race baiting and pandering. This is even more despicable than IM2's racism.
I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.

YOu have political power and you are using it to benefit yourself and your people at the expense of people who are different to you.

YOu are never going to admit that it is time to stop benefiting yourself and your people.

Whites have more political power and its why a factually invalid argument such as yours even gets heard.

that is because whites are the majority and have a larger voting base, that's how a representative democracy works.

btw if you think that in a few years when/if whites are in the minority you blacks will just rise up and take over?

sorry, but you will have better luck with whitey cuz Asians and Indians will have less patience with your stupidity

YES!! That's the spirit!!

Whites are the same as deadly poisonous snakes and you can't be bothered to judge individual whites by their thoughts or actions, just by their skin color!!!

I can just imagine the aging lefties reading this and trying to find a lie to tell themselves that their lives and all they believed in was not a lie.

I side eye the so-called good white people even more

I'm highly suspicious of Angelina Jolie


I'm highly suspicious of Sandra Bullock


I'm highly suspicious of Charlize Theron


I'm highly suspicious of Steven Spielberg


I'm highly suspicious of Madonna


I'm highly suspicious of Tom Cruise


What the fuk is this ?


I would not be surprised if the children are being groomed for sex slaves and I can't even imagine the type of things that get's said and done to them if they piss off one there white adopted parents.

And most of all I'm highly-highly suspicious of Bill Gates.


Even the so called "anti racist whites" who do the lecture tour the likes offTim Wise's and Jane Elliots. I don't trust them either

Why ?

Because white people never done a Rambo on Africa.

They came in with smiles and gifts (at first) they came as missionaries, preaching god, preaching unity, preaching peace. The made the African lower there guard and they paid the full penalty. They were decimated by the cowards that were claiming peace and friendship and then performed sneak attacks on the unsuspecting natives. All while the natives were dying off from their filthy diseases that they brought with them as well

Even the KKK started off as a joke. They started off with the idea "Yeah those blk peole are into god and stuff, let's get a few of us in white sheets and run around scaring them"

Look it up.

And then the Jokes got real

So don't ever talk to me about good white people.

The water is messed up....only 1% is drinkable on the entire earth....thanks to who ?
The air is messed up, thanks to who ?
The earth is messed up, thanks to who ?

Now they are raising hell about the dangers of all the space junk up there...thanks to what people ?

This is now critical because everybody needs air, water and land in order to survive and sadly it is white people that have done this.

Anything or anyone that is anti nature is anti life. When you examine white history of destruction on planet earth. It seems they are not even of this earth.

Any group of people that circumvents the globe and wreaks havoc and mayhem not only on the indigenous people they encounter but on the very land these people live off off is something else.

If I met the Taino people who gifted me with balls of string and feathers I would not rape them or enslave them and destroy their way of life or jump on their backs to get free rides or test the sharpness of my knife by slicing off hunks of their flesh or stick broken glass bottles up Kenyan woman's vagina
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?

IMO, they would have realized that their efforts were in vain. This situation of reverse discrimination and increasing strife is not what they were fighting for.
Exactly, but here we have so many useful idiots these days, and that is a shame. Why not see the racism for what it is, and depart from it instead of be used by it I wonder ? Liberalism is a mental condition that screams "HELP".

It is very sad. And dangerous for our nation. I don't know how or if it can be stopped.
There has been an agenda that has gone back now for years, and it was taken way to far... When it became guilty of the same things it had accused others of, then it became reverse discrimination. Sadly it has been protected by federal, and state to local judges (who had been appointed by specific people for specific agenda's and purposes). Now getting that straightened back out will be somewhat of a huge task.
The D Party loves keeping blacks down with their constant race baiting and pandering. This is even more despicable than IM2's racism.

We are here in these forums, we see al; this republican racism and yet they think they can sell this lie.
Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.

YOu have political power and you are using it to benefit yourself and your people at the expense of people who are different to you.

YOu are never going to admit that it is time to stop benefiting yourself and your people.

Whites have more political power and its why a factually invalid argument such as yours even gets heard.

that is because whites are the majority and have a larger voting base, that's how a representative democracy works.

btw if you think that in a few years when/if whites are in the minority you blacks will just rise up and take over?

sorry, but you will have better luck with whitey cuz Asians and Indians will have less patience with your stupidity

Yeah sure.
Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.

YOu have political power and you are using it to benefit yourself and your people at the expense of people who are different to you.

YOu are never going to admit that it is time to stop benefiting yourself and your people.

Whites have more political power and its why a factually invalid argument such as yours even gets heard.

that is because whites are the majority and have a larger voting base, that's how a representative democracy works.

btw if you think that in a few years when/if whites are in the minority you blacks will just rise up and take over?

sorry, but you will have better luck with whitey cuz Asians and Indians will have less patience with your stupidity
It will probably be Hispanics that take over as the majority.
I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.
. The devil does good eh ?? Get back to me when you can prove that one. LOL.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.

YOu have political power and you are using it to benefit yourself and your people at the expense of people who are different to you.

YOu are never going to admit that it is time to stop benefiting yourself and your people.

Whites have more political power and its why a factually invalid argument such as yours even gets heard.

that is because whites are the majority and have a larger voting base, that's how a representative democracy works.

btw if you think that in a few years when/if whites are in the minority you blacks will just rise up and take over?

sorry, but you will have better luck with whitey cuz Asians and Indians will have less patience with your stupidity
It will probably be Hispanics that take over as the majority.

They will have the most people. That's why whites are crying about building walls and shit. And so whitest like you guys think that decades of shit like wetback boats and continuing white racism against them will make Mexicans side with whites against blacks and other non whites.

Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.
. The devil does good eh ?? Get back to me when you can prove that one. LOL.

When you can prove that it was a white priority to fight and die for our equal rights as blacks let me know.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?

I'm done trying to be nice.

What has whitey done for me you stupid bastard?

Whitey did not study for me when I got my bachelors and masters degree.. Whitey did not fight to free me. I saw blacks in my town standing up to whites in city council chambers and school board meetings. I don't have to be grateful to whites for a damn thing. No white boy volunteered to fight in any fucking war to free me. Not one white boy died for me. I don't owe whitey anything but to not whip his ass on impulse for thinking about what whites have done to us.

Whitey had better be grateful that none of us have decided to commit mass shootings pf whites, strap bombs on ourselves, fill SUV's full of explosives, or have groups who purchase dirty bombs to use tp destroy highly white populated areas for revenge.

That's how whites should feel. Be glad, very glad we are not like your white asses.

.MLK was not white. And whites did not help him. But whitey damn sure killed him.

That's right. Openly dismiss the hard work and sacrifices of generations of whites who fought for you.

Make them feel like the fools they were.
. In his eyes yes they were fools.
I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?

I'm done trying to be nice.

What has whitey done for me you stupid bastard?

Whitey did not study for me when I got my bachelors and masters degree.. Whitey did not fight to free me. I saw blacks in my town standing up to whites in city council chambers and school board meetings. I don't have to be grateful to whites for a damn thing. No white boy volunteered to fight in any fucking war to free me. Not one white boy died for me. I don't owe whitey anything but to not whip his ass on impulse for thinking about what whites have done to us.

Whitey had better be grateful that none of us have decided to commit mass shootings pf whites, strap bombs on ourselves, fill SUV's full of explosives, or have groups who purchase dirty bombs to use tp destroy highly white populated areas for revenge.

That's how whites should feel. Be glad, very glad we are not like your white asses.

.MLK was not white. And whites did not help him. But whitey damn sure killed him.

That's right. Openly dismiss the hard work and sacrifices of generations of whites who fought for you.

Make them feel like the fools they were.

Whites did not fight for me.
Nor did I own a slave.
I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.
. The devil does good eh ?? Get back to me when you can prove that one. LOL.

When you can prove that it was a white priority to fight and die for our equal rights as blacks let me know.
. Take your blinders and ear plugs out, and you might learn something in life.
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.

YOu have political power and you are using it to benefit yourself and your people at the expense of people who are different to you.

YOu are never going to admit that it is time to stop benefiting yourself and your people.

Whites have more political power and its why a factually invalid argument such as yours even gets heard.

that is because whites are the majority and have a larger voting base, that's how a representative democracy works.

btw if you think that in a few years when/if whites are in the minority you blacks will just rise up and take over?

sorry, but you will have better luck with whitey cuz Asians and Indians will have less patience with your stupidity
It will probably be Hispanics that take over as the majority.

They will have the most people. That's why whites are crying about building walls and shit. And so whitest like you guys think that decades of shit like wetback boats and continuing white racism against them will make Mexicans side with whites against blacks and other non whites.

. Moving the goal post ? Muddying the waters ?
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