The amazing Putin is winning on all fronts militarily, economically, and politically

Putin has proven to be a great military leader and outstanding statesman.

The Russian army is steadily advancing in the Donbas region and trapping the Ukrainian soldiers into an ever tightening circle. Where they will be relentlessly pounded by artillery into either surrender or death.
The port city of Mariupol is totally under Russian control, and the remaining 2,000+ Ukrainian insurgents that had vowed to fight to the death have surrendered.

Russia's currency the Ruble is at a record breaking high on the global financial markets, and the Russian domestic economy is stronger than its ever been.

The U.S. EU oil and gas sanctions against Russia have proven to be a total failure. Several of the European countries are ignoring the sanctions they agreed to and are continuing to buy Russian energy products.

NATO solidarity is starting to unravel as members are choosing to pursue their own country's interests over NATO's dictates. With some of the members scaling back the amount of military equipment they had pledged to send Ukraine.

Turkey's president Erdogan threw a wrench into NATO's plan of granting Sweden and Finland membership by saying he would veto it. As his country continues to buy Russian oil and gas.

China has increased its buying of Russian coal and petroleum by 50% and India is following China's lead with increased purchasing of Russian energy products.

Nevertheless western presstitute MS whores 24/7 brainwash peoples Putin has lost the war and is dying of cancer
Damn, but you’re retarded. I don’t care why a Rickards like you considers a compliment.

If Putzin dies I would anticipate a more rational person to end Putzin’s insanity. Is that too difficult for your one retarded brain cell to grasp?
1. I would also like to complement you on your petty insults.

2. Why would you anticipate a more rational person to end Putzin's insanity?

3. How many retarded brain cells are required to appreciate your posts?
Your crooked needle stuck in the lying groove.
No idiot. That would be yiu. Only a committed liar would any that Putzin has no legitimate basis to attack Ukraine. You’re dishonesty is complete and boundless. So, go fuck yourself.
It was just Putin's way of telling the NATO nitwits to back off and that Russia wasn't going to be intimidated by their threats.
sounds like an excuse can stand up to them without threatening to use nukes...a sane leader knows this....
sounds like an excuse can stand up to them without threatening to use nukes...a sane leader knows this....
Putin just said out loud what the nuclear NATO members UK, U.S, and France, all have secret nuclear war plans in place and I'm sure were also on high alert once Russia crossed the Ukrainian border.
Putin just said out loud what the nuclear NATO members UK, U.S, and France, all have secret nuclear war plans in place and I'm sure were also on high alert once Russia crossed the Ukrainian border.
but notice this "sane" guy is the only one threatening a nuclear response....
Putin has proven to be a great military leader and outstanding statesman.

The Russian army is steadily advancing in the Donbas region and trapping the Ukrainian soldiers into an ever tightening circle. Where they will be relentlessly pounded by artillery into either surrender or death.
The port city of Mariupol is totally under Russian control, and the remaining 2,000+ Ukrainian insurgents that had vowed to fight to the death have surrendered.

Russia's currency the Ruble is at a record breaking high on the global financial markets, and the Russian domestic economy is stronger than its ever been.

The U.S. EU oil and gas sanctions against Russia have proven to be a total failure. Several of the European countries are ignoring the sanctions they agreed to and are continuing to buy Russian energy products.

NATO solidarity is starting to unravel as members are choosing to pursue their own country's interests over NATO's dictates. With some of the members scaling back the amount of military equipment they had pledged to send Ukraine.

Turkey's president Erdogan threw a wrench into NATO's plan of granting Sweden and Finland membership by saying he would veto it. As his country continues to buy Russian oil and gas.

China has increased its buying of Russian coal and petroleum by 50% and India is following China's lead with increased purchasing of Russian energy products.


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