The amazing Putin is winning on all fronts militarily, economically, and politically

Yup, it took Russia nearly 3 months to take one city, now begins the fun of trying to hold it against small and large drone attacks and further insurgencies. We know how this usually works out.
Believe me, I want the conflict to be over asap.
It is weakening the America's position as a global leader.
And destabilizing the world in ways we will have to live with for decades.
When Biden voter fraud group stole the election it weakened us....and every time Biden opens his mouth he weakens us further.

Ha Ha, I was going to say the same thing, and you ended the thread with the first reply!
Putin has proven to be a great military leader and outstanding statesman.

So, in other words, compared to the likes of Biden, Johnson, Merkel, Macron, Trudeau and the rest,
are you saying Putin could end up as the cosmological cornerstone of the known universe?!

See the source image

So far, I think most everything Biddum has tried has only helped Putin and backfired in Joe's face! :21:
Ukraine withdrew from the Agreement on perpetuating the memory of the courage and heroism of the people of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.
That is because Ukroreich is ruled by the ones who fought against them. DENAZIFICATION continues...
- We declare you a default
- Here is the money on loans, there are no problems with them even on the horizon
- And we will not let you pay, and we will declare a default!

The whole point of today's heavy nonsense with the external debt of the Russian Federation
Russia's currency the Ruble is at a record breaking high on the global financial markets, and the Russian domestic economy is stronger than its ever been.
AFAIK the only place to trade rubles is the Moscow Currency Exchange?
I have no idea if Putzin really has cancer. I can only hope. In the meanwhile, I also hope that a patriotic Russian general orchestrates a bullet in Putzin’s brain. It is devoutly to be wished.
So you base your opinions on hope? How very thoughtful (not).
Every week for the last three months the media has been saying Putin is dying of this or that disease.
The guy is a walking medical miracle to have survived this long. ... :laugh::laugh:
I don’t know how often it’s been reported. If he has cancer and has had it for a while, then the reporting is ok. And if he looks more puffy and less in control periodically, good and still accurate reporting. And if he is having side effects from cancer treatment like chemo, and the reports note that he’s now retching and looking progressively more swollen and that he’s having motor control problems, great. I hope he dies. Bottom line, the reports appear to have support. With any luck he has a very aggressive metastasizing cancer of the everything.
So you base your opinions on hope? How very thoughtful (not).
I didn’t base any opinion on hope, you retard.

I do hope he does have cancer. I do hope it’s fatal. I do hope his death comes swiftly.

Damn, but you’re an imbecile.
I didn’t base any opinion on hope, you retard.

I do hope he does have cancer. I do hope it’s fatal. I do hope his death comes swiftly.

Damn, but you’re an imbecile.
Coming from you, I consider that a complement. So what is your forecast if he dies? And what if he doesn't? Is that too hard for you to think about?
Coming from you, I consider that a complement. So what is your forecast if he dies? And what if he doesn't? Is that too hard for you to think about?
Damn, but you’re retarded. I don’t care why a Rickards like you considers a compliment.

If Putzin dies I would anticipate a more rational person to end Putzin’s insanity. Is that too difficult for your one retarded brain cell to grasp?
Putin is a very stable and rational leader.
He puts his country and people first.
Which is why the Russian people adore him.
Putzin is neither stable nor rational. He has injured his own country. He risks placing the world on the brink of possible nuclear war. He is attacking Ukraine and mass killing civilians for no legitimate reason, he needs to be dead. Anybody with an honest functioning brain would retreat from his actions and behaviors.

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