The America I once knew

The America I once knew is gone. Will I go anywhere? No. I can only stand by and watch she passes into history with great sorrow. The only service I have left to her is to be the bard who sings songs of her great legend.
Holy shit, will you sackless surrender monkey, lame-ass pussies shut the fuck up already? When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

I didn't say anything about not fighting.

I don't know what your version of toughness is, Unko, but it is flawed.

I will fight when I am called to, not before. When I do fight, it will be with every ounce of my being.

Sometimes fights need to be approached with discipline, not reckless abandon.

I'm not talking about some stupid, adolescent fantasy of you marching down Main Street with your musket, flanked by raggedy kids playing the fife and drum. I'm talking about not being a defeatist pussy all the damn time. I'm talking about getting up and going to work and living the principles that make this country great. Showing people by how you live rather than by clumsy, overwrought rhetoric how a real American lives his life and affects those around him. Rejecting divisive PC bullshit while taking every individual as they are face to face with respect and dignity. Working to promote candidates for local and state political offices from school board to alderman to city council to state legislature so as to affect the kind of change that lasts. Turning the tree from its roots so it faces the sun again. Be a real American instead of a whiny little pussy laying on your back with your feet in the air. The young will see this and learn what it means to be American. The time for bigger change will eventually come. It always does. Persistency and resilience will always win in the end if they are based on solid principles. American principles are the strongest this world has ever known.
Working to promote candidates only causes positive change in the absence of fraud. Elections have now become so heavily fraudulent that it might be better to study how to counter fraud with fraud and get better at it.
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Holy shit, will you sackless surrender monkey, lame-ass pussies shut the fuck up already? When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

I didn't say anything about not fighting.

I don't know what your version of toughness is, Unko, but it is flawed.

I will fight when I am called to, not before. When I do fight, it will be with every ounce of my being.

Sometimes fights need to be approached with discipline, not reckless abandon.

I'm not talking about some stupid, adolescent fantasy of you marching down Main Street with your musket, flanked by raggedy kids playing the fife and drum. I'm talking about not being a defeatist pussy all the damn time. I'm talking about getting up and going to work and living the principles that make this country great. Showing people by how you live rather than by clumsy, overwrought rhetoric how a real American lives his life and affects those around him. Rejecting divisive PC bullshit while taking every individual as they are face to face with respect and dignity. Working to promote candidates for local and state political offices from school board to alderman to city council to state legislature so as to affect the kind of change that lasts. Turning the tree from its roots so it faces the sun again. Be a real American instead of a whiny little pussy laying on your back with your feet in the air. The young will see this and learn what it means to be American. The time for bigger change will eventually come. It always does. Persistency and resilience will always win in the end if they are based on solid principles. American principles are the strongest this world has ever known.
Working to promote candidates only causes positive change in the absence of fraud. Elections have now become so heavily fraudulent that it might be better to study how to counter fraud with fraud and get better at it.

You need to move to some Central American country right away. We don't need your ilk in my great nation.
The America I once knew is gone. Will I go anywhere? No. I can only stand by and watch she passes into history with great sorrow. The only service I have left to her is to be the bard who sings songs of her great legend.

Any particular time you think it was at its best?
1957, on Monday night..when Leave it to Beaver came on--that was the magic moment--when everyone liked Ike..and Jim Crow ruled the South. Men could still rape with impunity and Child Pornography was legal. When women knew their place and the US bestrode the globe like a Colossus. Men were men and men smoked! Conformity was King!

Da good ole days eh?
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Holy shit, will you sackless surrender monkey, lame-ass pussies shut the fuck up already? When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Defeatist pussies whine and cry about civil war, dividing the republic, or some dramatic bad movie nonsense. These idiot leftists will overreach and the pendulum will eventually swing back as it always does. Real Americans will be there to take the wheel of the ship of state, and the spineless, dickless whiners who cried "game over!" too soon will stand there with their mouths hanging open, realizing how unworthy they are of the greatest nation the world has ever known.


Wow ... I was just going to tell him not to be so emo about everything.
Seriously glad you were able to get all that off your chest though ...

WTF happened to the 'Funny and Agree' button ... :dunno:

Wrong. This was already happening long before Trump was a gleam in the electorate's eye. You are foolish to blame him for something that was already happening.

I agree, the politics of personal destruction started under Bill Clinton... but Trump ratcheted it up to 11.

Besides, your wing of the political aisle launched a continuous assault on the presidential institution from the very moment he took the oath, so I would rather not hear people who sat by and watched this behavior lecturing me about the sanctity of our national institutions. With all respect, your party has very little regard for them.

I think you are confusing the office for the man in it. Trump never acted presidential, why should he be treated with that reverence.

No. We didn't tell the British during the revolution that we might change our minds. We shot them. We drove them off of our soil. We wanted to think freely and act freely. Because we didn't like other kingdoms and monarchies fashioning our ideals and culture for us. This is exactly the inference I am getting from the points you're making, that we should let the world lead us instead of us leading the world.

The thing is, what have we done to gain the world's respect? Recently? Most of the world had a good opinion of America after WWII and the cold war, but now... We've regressed while they've progressed.
We, as a country do not need sweeping change, we need "truth and reconciliation", stability, and we need to regain our place in the world.
I think you may do. Otherwise you will continue as you are.
The America I once knew is gone. Will I go anywhere? No. I can only stand by and watch she passes into history with great sorrow. The only service I have left to her is to be the bard who sings songs of her great legend.


Let's tell it as it is: America was never the wonderful country that people like to dream about.

Forget about the ethnic (racial) angle. Just among Caucasians, life has never been paradise here.

Just think about the bloody fight for labor unions. (Forget the fact that many unions deteriorated into corrupt organizations.)

Just think of the fight for the right of women to vote.

Everyone knew that suddenly voting by mail would cause confusion and madness. But the Dems insisted upon it, and -- quite frankly -- with COVID-19, it did make sense. But there was no way that a mail-in voting system could have been implemented in a few months without a lot of corruption creeping in.

Most Americans will go on with their lives, just as they have during the last four years.

This country is coming apart at its seams for certain reasons that are beyond repair.

I guess that everyone now acknowledges that America ain't exceptional!
America is a worthless hell hole thanks to the Pol Pot leftist

Maybe both Russia and China can evaporate us or a comet
The America I once knew is gone. Will I go anywhere? No. I can only stand by and watch she passes into history with great sorrow. The only service I have left to her is to be the bard who sings songs of her great legend.


Let's tell it as it is: America was never the wonderful country that people like to dream about.

Forget about the ethnic (racial) angle. Just among Caucasians, life has never been paradise here.

Just think about the bloody fight for labor unions. (Forget the fact that many unions deteriorated into corrupt organizations.)

Just think of the fight for the right of women to vote.

Everyone knew that suddenly voting by mail would cause confusion and madness. But the Dems insisted upon it, and -- quite frankly -- with COVID-19, it did make sense. But there was no way that a mail-in voting system could have been implemented in a few months without a lot of corruption creeping in.

Most Americans will go on with their lives, just as they have during the last four years.

This country is coming apart at its seams for certain reasons that are beyond repair.

I guess that everyone now acknowledges that America ain't exceptional!
America is a worthless hell hole thanks to the Pol Pot leftist

Maybe both Russia and China can evaporate us or a comet

Yes, the United States of America is becoming a dysfunctional nation because of certain reasons that are not politic to discuss.

Not to worry.

By the end of the century, our great-grandchildren's grandchildren will PEACEFULLY decide that it is time to end this nation's current configuration. The continent will be divided up among the various groups so that people can live, work, & play with people who share common interests and -- above all -- values.

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