The America that we spy!


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
Sometimes the computer is extremely slow, then we realize that we are making as one of the usual update - routine data . Everything is normal ? Generally, yes . But not always, or at least not always for everyone. The NSA , the intelligence agency of the United States , large-scale use of malicious software , malware with which he carries out monitoring activities. The agency , whose surveillance activities are a regular source of revelation , has developed computer malware that are used on a large scale and that allow you to " hack " the data of millions of computers , as they say the latest documents of Edward Snowden . According to the new report presented by the former adviser to the National Security Agency and published Wednesday on the website of Intercept , former reporter for the online magazine "Guardian" Glenn Greenwald, the NSA has implanted in millions of computer malware that are used to steal data from the telephone networks and the Internet abroad. This software , originally intended to only a few hundred targets that could not be controlled with normal conventional means , has been extended to " industrial scale " , according to documents published by Greenwald . This system of automatic data collection - using a system called " Turbine" - allows the NSA a minimum use of human intelligence. The collected data are processed in the central offices of the NSA , Maryland ( eastern United States ), but also in the United Kingdom and Japan. The Agency of British control , the GCHQ , seems to have played a very important role in this operation. The candidate chosen by Barack Obama to head the NSA , Michael Rogers, said he would more "transparency" in the actions of the agency of the American information . Facebook is used as "bait" . In some cases , the NSA uses Facebook to lure infiltrate of viruses or cookies on the computers of the "targets " to steal the files . The software, which can be installed in just 8 seconds , it can also record conversations from the PC microphone or take picture with the webcam on the same computer . This software has existed since 2004 , but it seems that it is used on a large scale since 2010. Asked by a journalist from AFP , an official of the NSA said that these transactions were conducted " solely for the purpose of counter- espionage or espionage carried out abroad on national or departmental business , and nothing else . " This is the first paper published by Glenn Greenwald when working in the media group first Look Media, launched by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar .

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