The American Dream...or the socialist progressive dream?

I'M dumb? At least I can read what Maggie wrote, shitforbrains.

" "...regardless of social class..." has zero to do with individual aspiration." Her fucking words, dimwit, not mine.

Yes, you're dumb. Even after it's been pointed out to you, you still don't understand that

"...regardless of social class..." has zero to do with individual aspiration

means ones' social class has nothing to do with ones' individual aspirations.

Nice attempt at hairsplitting, but though YOU don't remember the original quote after having it dragged this far out and cherrypicked, I do.

"In the American Dream, first expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth."

The word "regardless" in that quote MAKES it about individual aspirations. That quote isn't about Maggie's bullshit whining about "oh, the rich people don't care about us".

The problem here is one of perspective (aside from the fact that you twats can't read). I see in that quote everyONE (individuals) working and getting ahead on their own. You twats see "opportunity: Oh, gosh, that means the government needs to create an entitlement."

What you fail to grasp in James Truslow's quote is that although that's certainly a noble statement, IT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE, which was MY point that was so clear a child could understand what I said! Maybe an example is in order, as I would to a child:

Consider that every just born baby has no prejudices, opinions, direction, or preferences other knowing when he/she is hungry or hurting. We ALL become who we are because of our familial environments foremost, and our personal and academic education/capabilities thereafter. So how is a child born in an inner city poverty pocket to illiterate parent(s), an environment infested with drug dealers and filthy tenements, crumbling schools full of rowdy kids with no intention of ever learning anything, ever expected to rise above that without help to show him the alternatives? If not from overworked and overwhelmed community sponsored projects, then from government aid to at least keep the child fed? By the time many such children reach adolescence, all they have ever known is what is seen around them. Are they just supposed to automatically ASSUME that if they stepped over the boundary into a better environment, they would be welcomed with open arms? Ironically, many have also tried, and have failed at that very attempt.

Once more:
"In the American Dream, first expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth."

BUT...IT...ISN'T... What's not to comprehend?
Yes, you're dumb. Even after it's been pointed out to you, you still don't understand that

means ones' social class has nothing to do with ones' individual aspirations.

Nice attempt at hairsplitting, but though YOU don't remember the original quote after having it dragged this far out and cherrypicked, I do.

"In the American Dream, first expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth."

The word "regardless" in that quote MAKES it about individual aspirations. That quote isn't about Maggie's bullshit whining about "oh, the rich people don't care about us".

The problem here is one of perspective (aside from the fact that you twats can't read). I see in that quote everyONE (individuals) working and getting ahead on their own. You twats see "opportunity: Oh, gosh, that means the government needs to create an entitlement."

In wingnut world, understanding the clear meaning of words is "cherrypicking":cuckoo:

It means the same thing in the entire quote and I'm not surprised to see you making up "quotes" about how Maggie said something about creating an entitlement. After all

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

They have a fixed set of ideologies which they misinterpret as being actually the way things ARE. Philosophy and reality are the same to them. It must be a brain malfunction is the only reason I can give.
For one thing, I didn't cut anything out of the quotes. I posted everything that was automatically quoted when I hit the " button

For another, you said the exact opposite of the other poster. S/he said

You said

You say that those who follows the rules, goes to school etc...succeeds. Those who don't become dependent on govt

S/he said that those who follows the rules, goes to school, etc...doesn't do any better than the person who didn't do those thing. Those who don't do those things do just as well as those that do.

And the only person here who is complaining about anyone "climbing over" anyone's back is the wingnut who thinks others are getting ahead on his dime. You know, the wingnut you think you're agreeing with while saying the complete opposite

Yes I agreed with the one you quoted to respond. Whether it was your doing or a malfunction of the quote function though, I was not arguing with that person but to another member who didn't seem to agree with my opinion. If you go back and look at the discussion in context, you might see that.

You disagreed with both. The one you think you agree with thinks people who work hard, go to school and follow the rules get screwed. S/he's been posting the same self-pitying rant in multiple threads.

You think they succeed. S/he thinks they get screwed

I give up. You obviously aren't following the discussion well. But do have a nice day.
Yes I agreed with the one you quoted to respond. Whether it was your doing or a malfunction of the quote function though, I was not arguing with that person but to another member who didn't seem to agree with my opinion. If you go back and look at the discussion in context, you might see that.

You disagreed with both. The one you think you agree with thinks people who work hard, go to school and follow the rules get screwed. S/he's been posting the same self-pitying rant in multiple threads.

You think they succeed. S/he thinks they get screwed

I give up. You obviously aren't following the discussion well. But do have a nice day.

Do you ever use any excuses besides the "You just don't understand. Sigh!"???
I see you just discussing about the American Dream. Maybe you'd like to have a look on my blog entry and write there some opinions.
I need that for school. It would be really helpful for me.

greetings :)
One thing that has been lost over time is the American Dream is a dream by INDIVIDUALS to be able to accomplish whatever they want. Too often it's our government coming out with legislation to "help people fulfill the American Dream" when, by their actions, they are ensuring that can never happen. A push toward equality is the worst thing that could ever happen to the Dream. How many people do you know who dream of the day that they can finally be mediocre?

The welfare state and entitlement culture is changing it. Individual achievement is no longer celebrated as it once was. Why give the best player on the team a trophy when that might hurt feelings? Instead, give all players a trophy to celebrate mediocrity. Unfortunately, when you cherish mediocrity for too long you eventually become mediocre yourself.

We must turn our backs on that way of thinking. Celebrate diversity, not only in appearance, but in aptitude and ability. Celebrate accomplishments, not only when the least talented succeed, but also when the most talented do. And celebrate hard work, certainly when it pays off, but especially when it doesn't. Those three values have been taken from us and twisted by progressive socialists and the uneducated left. If we can restore them, we can help restore America.

Should we celebrate how well the Banksters manipulated the government to take over their toxic debts while keeping control of the assets they had that were proforming?

That a kind of diversity, too, isn't it?

That's a kind of American dream, too, isn't it?

You pay for their mistakes because they're too big to fail.

You must be all for that, too, right?

Now if one objects to socialism, one must object to the bankster's bailouts, right?

But sadly we discovered that both Bush II and Obama found themselves in a position where they either socialized the BANSTER's mistakes, of the world's economy melted down.

I'd love to see a real meritocracy and I'd love to see REAL capitalism happen.

But I do not see any political party willing to try that.
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Uh...thanks for bumping a thread I made last year...I guess?
One thing that has been lost over time is the American Dream is a dream by INDIVIDUALS to be able to accomplish whatever they want. Too often it's our government coming out with legislation to "help people fulfill the American Dream" when, by their actions, they are ensuring that can never happen. A push toward equality is the worst thing that could ever happen to the Dream. How many people do you know who dream of the day that they can finally be mediocre?

The welfare state and entitlement culture is changing it. Individual achievement is no longer celebrated as it once was. Why give the best player on the team a trophy when that might hurt feelings? Instead, give all players a trophy to celebrate mediocrity. Unfortunately, when you cherish mediocrity for too long you eventually become mediocre yourself.

We must turn our backs on that way of thinking. Celebrate diversity, not only in appearance, but in aptitude and ability. Celebrate accomplishments, not only when the least talented succeed, but also when the most talented do. And celebrate hard work, certainly when it pays off, but especially when it doesn't. Those three values have been taken from us and twisted by progressive socialists and the uneducated left. If we can restore them, we can help restore America.

Should we celebrate how well the Banksters manipulated the government to take over their toxic debts while keeping control of the assets they had that were proforming?

That a kind of diversity, too, isn't it?

That's a kind of American dream, too, isn't it?

You pay for their mistakes because they're too big to fail.

You must be all for that, too, right?

Now if one objects to socialism, one must object to the bankster's bailouts, right?

But sadly we discovered that both Bush II and Obama found themselves in a position where they either socialized the BANSTER's mistakes, of the world's economy melted down.

I'd love to see a real meritocracy and I'd love to see REAL capitalism happen.

But I do not see any political party willing to try that.

Would a meltdown and rebuilding have been worse than what they created with their bailout? The CBO now admits that the stimulus has doubled or tripled the deficit in direct spending and consequences of spending. Nobody is giving us real numbers for anything TARP accomplished but just vague 'conclusions' that it saved this or saved that and the administration now views it as a giant petty cash fund for the President to spend again and again. Not one penny of reclaimed cash has been used to reduce the deficit or the debt.

All socialism accomplishes is reducing the power and ability of the people to govern themselves effectively.
The American Dream:
[ame=]YouTube - ‪The American Dream By The Provocateur Network‬‏[/ame]
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."
— Sinclair Lewis

Guess some of you hadn't heard - being Red is Dead - and so is the Cold War. Do you know the difference between Communism and Socialism? If you did, you'd know by definition there are a variety of Socialist programs operational in this country and have been for a very long time. Many American cities own and operate hospitals, libraries and transportation system to name just a few such programs. If you need a policeman, stop before dialing 911 because you will be supporting Socialism.

If government or state ownership is not socialism, what is?
Are most American families moving toward the American dream or are they moving further away from it?
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."
— Sinclair Lewis

Guess some of you hadn't heard - being Red is Dead - and so is the Cold War. Do you know the difference between Communism and Socialism? If you did, you'd know by definition there are a variety of Socialist programs operational in this country and have been for a very long time. Many American cities own and operate hospitals, libraries and transportation system to name just a few such programs. If you need a policeman, stop before dialing 911 because you will be supporting Socialism.

If government or state ownership is not socialism, what is?

I know the difference between communism (that has NEVER been tried as a government system) and socialism that has. I also know the difference between socialism and social contract and can understand that government services do not constitute socialism, nor does the people contracting for services administered by the government so that each person does not have to invent and furnish their own wheel.

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