The American People Want Gun Control

Ask any fetus whether the Democrats can be trusted after we can no longer defend ourselves from the government.

What do the fetuses say to you? And have you thought about your mental health?
People who hate freedom and America want gun control.

Socialists want gun control. If you are socialist and you love gun control/confiscation, raise your right hand....


I'm particularly hopeful about banning large capacity magazines. That could help a lot.
Well, can you understand how ANY gun control measures would help gun crime? I doubt it.
Gun control works.
I'm beginning to realize OL that you have serious clabber for brains. Like everything else, you know nothing about guns at all yet think you have all the solutions to them. You think banning hi-cap magazines will help despite the fact that assault rifles are used in but a tiny fraction of crimes, and there are so many millions of these magazines already out there in circulation that even a total ban on future sales would be meaningless. You apparently still fail to understand that we have thousands of gun laws on the books. They have no effect on criminals, and only harm law abiding people seeking to protect themselves. You fail to grasp that the places with the most gun laws and restrictions are also the places with the highest crime. You blind yourself to the fact that gun ownership prevents far more crime. And you fail to understand that "gon control" has never worked because the guns are not the problem, it only serves to shackle a population against self-defense which then lets crime run rampant unchecked leading eventually to tighter restrictions and eventual confiscation and loss of rights. You seem totally uncognizant of the fact that crime has gone way UP, not down with increased gun restrictions.

Your kind of reactionary, knee-jerk stupid only has a one-track mind to disarm the lawful citizen. And yes, then the criminals are still out there with their guns more free than ever to commit more crime.

You are creating the very problem you seek most to run from!
I personally think we should be allowed to have Cannons on our front porch filled with buckshot so we can ward off the Lefty Criminal Class.
I'm an American people and I don't want more gun control. In fact I think we have too much gun control right now.
I'm an American people and I don't want more gun control. In fact I think we have too much gun control right now.


It is a curious fact that no one wanting gun control actually owns gins! They have been so conditioned as to be too afraid to own one even to protect themselves! And so deem everyone else as equally incompetent as they are and want them to be just as fearful and defenseless as them.
The American people want sensible gun control
Run for the hills whenever the Democrats claim they want to be "sensible".
Yes sensible

Things like comprehensive background checks, banning large capacity magazines, keeping guns away from crazy people

Which an overwhelming majority of Americans support
I can't understand why any responsible gun owner would object to those things. I'm particularly hopeful about banning large capacity magazines. That could help a lot.

No it wouldn't. Machineguns are banned in France. Four scumbags used them to murder 130 people in Paris a few years back.

Gun and magazine bans only help bad guys murder more people.

Thinking people understand that simple fact.
Thinking people look at how many mass shootings France had prior to that episode by professional terrorists. Gun control works.

Yes, we have a violent third world underclass who brought their violent culture with them.

Our illegal alien population is higher than many countries in Europe.

Europe has been importing violent third worlders and lo and behold their gun crime rates are skyrocketing.

It ain't the's the violent people who use them.
[Gun control works.
It ain't the's the violent people who use them.

Oh, West. Please, not that same old tired rhetoric that guns don't kill, people do! Don't you know that violently angry people moved to commit murder only do so because of guns and magazines and bullets! If we had no guns, no magazines, no bullets,
  • No one would get angry
  • Everyone for forgive and forget.
  • No one would steal a gun or buy one in the black market.
  • And they certainly wouldn't resort to knives, bats, clubs, hatchets, daggers, spears, swords, fire axes, bows and arrows, automobiles, bombs, fires, explosives, acids, chemicals, strangulation, or suffocation.
The American people want sensible gun control
Run for the hills whenever the Democrats claim they want to be "sensible".
Yes sensible

Things like comprehensive background checks, banning large capacity magazines, keeping guns away from crazy people

Which an overwhelming majority of Americans support
I can't understand why any responsible gun owner would object to those things. I'm particularly hopeful about banning large capacity magazines. That could help a lot.
how? explain how that saves one life.
The American people want sensible gun control
Run for the hills whenever the Democrats claim they want to be "sensible".
Yes sensible

Things like comprehensive background checks, banning large capacity magazines, keeping guns away from crazy people

Which an overwhelming majority of Americans support
I can't understand why any responsible gun owner would object to those things. I'm particularly hopeful about banning large capacity magazines. That could help a lot.
how? explain how that saves one life.

OL doesn't understand that there are many products on the market and with a little practice, one may change mags in as little as a second with hardly any interruption at all, regardless of their size.

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