The American People Want Gun Control

The American people want sensible gun control
Run for the hills whenever the Democrats claim they want to be "sensible".
Yes sensible

Things like comprehensive background checks, banning large capacity magazines, keeping guns away from crazy people

Which an overwhelming majority of Americans support
I can't understand why any responsible gun owner would object to those things. I'm particularly hopeful about banning large capacity magazines. That could help a lot.
Probably because they understand that they don't have to justify exercising their rights.
Why do you assholes always pretend to speak for everyone else? I'm an American person you asshole so quit including me in your leftist retarded bullshit. I may even be more American than you because I have some skin in the game and my guess is you've never paid for a damned thing must less the free air you breathe.

Repeated polls of REAL Americans (not just gun nuts) show overwhelming support for more gun controls.

Fake polls. Not real ones.

Repeated polls, over and over

You are welcome to post a poll showing Americans want more open access to guns

Repeated propaganda you mean. They are crap polls, so it doesn't matter how many times they repeat them.
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control
Show Me, ANY Poll that is not asking leading questions and trying to direct public opinion.

YOU will not find in real America, any majority that wants gun control, sensible or otherwise. What YOU will find is that they point and laugh at people who think that sensible gun control can do anything to alleviate the fears of the left.
Why do you assholes always pretend to speak for everyone else? I'm an American person you asshole so quit including me in your leftist retarded bullshit. I may even be more American than you because I have some skin in the game and my guess is you've never paid for a damned thing must less the free air you breathe.

Repeated polls of REAL Americans (not just gun nuts) show overwhelming support for more gun controls.

Fake polls. Not real ones.

Repeated polls, over and over

You are welcome to post a poll showing Americans want more open access to guns

Repeated propaganda you mean. They are crap polls, so it doesn't matter how many times they repeat them.
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control

The only polls that matter, those that cost money. You trot out meaningless polls by nameless assholes, who IGNORE the real feelings of Americans which is universally FUCK OFF!

America's rifle: Why so many people love the AR-15
How the AR-15 became America's most popular rifle

Gun-purchase background checks on track for record high in 2019
National gun sales reach record while new laws slow gun purchases in Spokane
National gun sales reach record while new laws slow gun purchases in Spokane
NICS Background Checks Continue High in August & September of 2019
Repeated polls of REAL Americans (not just gun nuts) show overwhelming support for more gun controls.

Fake polls. Not real ones.

Repeated polls, over and over

You are welcome to post a poll showing Americans want more open access to guns

Repeated propaganda you mean. They are crap polls, so it doesn't matter how many times they repeat them.
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control

The only polls that matter, those that cost money. You trot out meaningless polls by nameless assholes, who IGNORE the real feelings of Americans which is universally FUCK OFF!

America's rifle: Why so many people love the AR-15
How the AR-15 became America's most popular rifle

Gun-purchase background checks on track for record high in 2019
National gun sales reach record while new laws slow gun purchases in Spokane
National gun sales reach record while new laws slow gun purchases in Spokane
NICS Background Checks Continue High in August & September of 2019
That’s it?
Gun nuts buying guns

The American public has had enough of gun crime, assassinations and massacres
Fake polls. Not real ones.

Repeated polls, over and over

You are welcome to post a poll showing Americans want more open access to guns

Repeated propaganda you mean. They are crap polls, so it doesn't matter how many times they repeat them.
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control

The only polls that matter, those that cost money. You trot out meaningless polls by nameless assholes, who IGNORE the real feelings of Americans which is universally FUCK OFF!

America's rifle: Why so many people love the AR-15
How the AR-15 became America's most popular rifle

Gun-purchase background checks on track for record high in 2019
National gun sales reach record while new laws slow gun purchases in Spokane
National gun sales reach record while new laws slow gun purchases in Spokane
NICS Background Checks Continue High in August & September of 2019
That’s it?
Gun nuts buying guns

The American public has had enough of gun crime, assassinations and massacres

LOTS of gun enthusiasts buying guns. What do you have? A bunch of paid poll takers employed by bloomberg to lie to the American public. In other words, you have a few thousand gun takers, vs MILLIONS of gun buyers.

Thinking people KNOW you are full of crap.
The American people want sensible gun control
'sensible gun control' is an oxymoron. There is no 'sense' to gun control......Unless it's teaching folks how to handle and fire them.

There is no such thing as sensible gun control, Leo. It is simply an oxymoron created by the anti-gun lobby set up in a way as to make it sound totally unreasonable to oppose. And since no "reasonable" person would oppose it, naturally they hope to get it passed to crack the door open. Once done, then they can pass more and more "sensible" gun control so that in a few years, they hope to have gotten passed a collection of new gun restrictions that collectively, they never could have gotten past the public's eye all at one time.

Before you know it, their "sensible" restrictions have totally choked off manufacturers, sellers and owners. It is that death by 1000 small cuts approach that they use to infiltrate and eventually take over every vital sector of society.

Give the gun grabbers NOTHING.
Fake polls. Not real ones.

Repeated polls, over and over

You are welcome to post a poll showing Americans want more open access to guns

Repeated propaganda you mean. They are crap polls, so it doesn't matter how many times they repeat them.
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control

The only polls that matter, those that cost money. You trot out meaningless polls by nameless assholes, who IGNORE the real feelings of Americans which is universally FUCK OFF!

America's rifle: Why so many people love the AR-15
How the AR-15 became America's most popular rifle

Gun-purchase background checks on track for record high in 2019
National gun sales reach record while new laws slow gun purchases in Spokane
National gun sales reach record while new laws slow gun purchases in Spokane
NICS Background Checks Continue High in August & September of 2019
That’s it?
Gun nuts buying guns

The American public has had enough of gun crime, assassinations and massacres

Of course we have, but nobody has any solution to the problem, and making it harder on law abiding citizens to obtain guns will not produce anything. Why do you think the assault weapons ban was not renewed? Because statistics showed it didn't do any good.

As you already know, if the Democrats could somehow get what they wanted with more gun obstruction laws, that would only be the first step. When another mass murder takes place, they would be calling for even more. The next mass shooting after that, even more, and more.

They're not going to stop until they make it virtually impossible for citizens to get guns. We all know where this is leading. The Democrats have a history of this. Just like Biden promising to allow lawsuits against gun manufacturers. He knows such a policy would close every gun manufacturer down.
That’s it?
Gun nuts buying guns

The American public has had enough of gun crime, assassinations and massacres

Law abiding citizens who buy guns are not 'gun nuts' and, guns don't 'assassinate' or 'massacre' You friggin' dufus.
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Repeated polls of REAL Americans (not just gun nuts) show overwhelming support for more gun controls.

Fake polls. Not real ones.

Repeated polls, over and over

You are welcome to post a poll showing Americans want more open access to guns

Repeated propaganda you mean. They are crap polls, so it doesn't matter how many times they repeat them.
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control
Show Me, ANY Poll that is not asking leading questions and trying to direct public opinion.

YOU will not find in real America, any majority that wants gun control, sensible or otherwise. What YOU will find is that they point and laugh at people who think that sensible gun control can do anything to alleviate the fears of the left.
What's truly funny is the left believe they can read minds of a criminal and anticipate the criminals intentions before they attack. That's the only gun law that will ever work.
Who's opposed to sensible gun control. I'm looking at you Dick Cheney! Control that damn thing!
Fake polls. Not real ones.

Repeated polls, over and over

You are welcome to post a poll showing Americans want more open access to guns

Repeated propaganda you mean. They are crap polls, so it doesn't matter how many times they repeat them.
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control
Show Me, ANY Poll that is not asking leading questions and trying to direct public opinion.

YOU will not find in real America, any majority that wants gun control, sensible or otherwise. What YOU will find is that they point and laugh at people who think that sensible gun control can do anything to alleviate the fears of the left.
What's truly funny is the left believe they can read minds of a criminal and anticipate the criminals intentions before they attack. That's the only gun law that will ever work.

The problem with their theories and suggestions of new laws is that they are used in liberal cities and states already, and we seem to have the most problems with gun violence in those places. They are convinced that what makes a bad person are the tools available instead of just coming to terms that bad people will be bad with or without guns.

About two years ago, London experienced more murders with knives than did NYC. Taking away their guns did not make the bad people good. They just found a different instrument to use in crime.

Have a law with magazine size limitations: Okay, so what would that solve? A mass murderer will simply bring more with him.

Universal background check: Most criminals get their guns from straw purchasers or off the street which are usually stolen guns. Universal background checks won't change anything. If somebody uses a legally purchased firearm, it means they passed the background check we already have, because the incident is the fist time they've ever been involved in a crime.

Stop mentally challenged people from purchasing guns: So who is in charge of making the determination if somebody is mentally capable of owning a gun? A Democrat politician? A lefty gun hating psychologist? How would one go about challenging their opinion, court? Lawsuit? What?

How about this: Anybody with a gun illegally gets a minimum of five years in prison just for the gun offense. Anybody using a gun in the commission of a crime, gets 15 years minimum just for using the gun, on top of the penalties for committing the associated crimes.
Repeated polls, over and over

You are welcome to post a poll showing Americans want more open access to guns

Repeated propaganda you mean. They are crap polls, so it doesn't matter how many times they repeat them.
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control
Show Me, ANY Poll that is not asking leading questions and trying to direct public opinion.

YOU will not find in real America, any majority that wants gun control, sensible or otherwise. What YOU will find is that they point and laugh at people who think that sensible gun control can do anything to alleviate the fears of the left.
What's truly funny is the left believe they can read minds of a criminal and anticipate the criminals intentions before they attack. That's the only gun law that will ever work.

The problem with their theories and suggestions of new laws is that they are used in liberal cities and states already, and we seem to have the most problems with gun violence in those places. They are convinced that what makes a bad person are the tools available instead of just coming to terms that bad people will be bad with or without guns.

About two years ago, London experienced more murders with knives than did NYC. Taking away their guns did not make the bad people good. They just found a different instrument to use in crime.

Have a law with magazine size limitations: Okay, so what would that solve? A mass murderer will simply bring more with him.

Universal background check: Most criminals get their guns from straw purchasers or off the street which are usually stolen guns. Universal background checks won't change anything. If somebody uses a legally purchased firearm, it means they passed the background check we already have, because the incident is the fist time they've ever been involved in a crime.

Stop mentally challenged people from purchasing guns: So who is in charge of making the determination if somebody is mentally capable of owning a gun? A Democrat politician? A lefty gun hating psychologist? How would one go about challenging their opinion, court? Lawsuit? What?

How about this: Anybody with a gun illegally gets a minimum of five years in prison just for the gun offense. Anybody using a gun in the commission of a crime, gets 15 years minimum just for using the gun, on top of the penalties for committing the associated crimes.
the left are also the ones who think criminals can be rehabilitated. I still laugh at that. yet pedophiles have to register and all of that. Why is that? aren't they rehabilitated? they are hypocrites in every thing they do and touch.
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Repeated propaganda you mean. They are crap polls, so it doesn't matter how many times they repeat them.
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control
Show Me, ANY Poll that is not asking leading questions and trying to direct public opinion.

YOU will not find in real America, any majority that wants gun control, sensible or otherwise. What YOU will find is that they point and laugh at people who think that sensible gun control can do anything to alleviate the fears of the left.
What's truly funny is the left believe they can read minds of a criminal and anticipate the criminals intentions before they attack. That's the only gun law that will ever work.

The problem with their theories and suggestions of new laws is that they are used in liberal cities and states already, and we seem to have the most problems with gun violence in those places. They are convinced that what makes a bad person are the tools available instead of just coming to terms that bad people will be bad with or without guns.

About two years ago, London experienced more murders with knives than did NYC. Taking away their guns did not make the bad people good. They just found a different instrument to use in crime.

Have a law with magazine size limitations: Okay, so what would that solve? A mass murderer will simply bring more with him.

Universal background check: Most criminals get their guns from straw purchasers or off the street which are usually stolen guns. Universal background checks won't change anything. If somebody uses a legally purchased firearm, it means they passed the background check we already have, because the incident is the fist time they've ever been involved in a crime.

Stop mentally challenged people from purchasing guns: So who is in charge of making the determination if somebody is mentally capable of owning a gun? A Democrat politician? A lefty gun hating psychologist? How would one go about challenging their opinion, court? Lawsuit? What?

How about this: Anybody with a gun illegally gets a minimum of five years in prison just for the gun offense. Anybody using a gun in the commission of a crime, gets 15 years minimum just for using the gun, on top of the penalties for committing the associated crimes.
the left are also the ones who think criminals can be rehabilitated. I still laugh at that. yet pedophiles have to register and all of that. Why is that? aren't they rehabilitated? they hypocrites in every thing they do and touch.

It reminds me of their theory of taking low income people, and placing them in upper-class areas will have a positive affect on HUD people. All they did was destroy once nice neighborhoods. The good can't change the bad. It defies the law of nature.
QUOTE="Ray From Cleveland, post: 24217989, member: 55493"]
Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control
Show Me, ANY Poll that is not asking leading questions and trying to direct public opinion.

YOU will not find in real America, any majority that wants gun control, sensible or otherwise. What YOU will find is that they point and laugh at people who think that sensible gun control can do anything to alleviate the fears of the left.
What's truly funny is the left believe they can read minds of a criminal and anticipate the criminals intentions before they attack. That's the only gun law that will ever work.

The problem with their theories and suggestions of new laws is that they are used in liberal cities and states already, and we seem to have the most problems with gun violence in those places. They are convinced that what makes a bad person are the tools available instead of just coming to terms that bad people will be bad with or without guns.

About two years ago, London experienced more murders with knives than did NYC. Taking away their guns did not make the bad people good. They just found a different instrument to use in crime.

Have a law with magazine size limitations: Okay, so what would that solve? A mass murderer will simply bring more with him.

Universal background check: Most criminals get their guns from straw purchasers or off the street which are usually stolen guns. Universal background checks won't change anything. If somebody uses a legally purchased firearm, it means they passed the background check we already have, because the incident is the fist time they've ever been involved in a crime.

Stop mentally challenged people from purchasing guns: So who is in charge of making the determination if somebody is mentally capable of owning a gun? A Democrat politician? A lefty gun hating psychologist? How would one go about challenging their opinion, court? Lawsuit? What?

How about this: Anybody with a gun illegally gets a minimum of five years in prison just for the gun offense. Anybody using a gun in the commission of a crime, gets 15 years minimum just for using the gun, on top of the penalties for committing the associated crimes.
the left are also the ones who think criminals can be rehabilitated. I still laugh at that. yet pedophiles have to register and all of that. Why is that? aren't they rehabilitated? they hypocrites in every thing they do and touch.

It reminds me of their theory of taking low income people, and placing them in upper-class areas will have a positive affect on HUD people. All they did was destroy once nice neighborhoods. The good can't change the bad. It defies the law of nature.[/QUOTE]

Show us

Show us ANY poll that shows Americans want less gun control
Show Me, ANY Poll that is not asking leading questions and trying to direct public opinion.

YOU will not find in real America, any majority that wants gun control, sensible or otherwise. What YOU will find is that they point and laugh at people who think that sensible gun control can do anything to alleviate the fears of the left.
What's truly funny is the left believe they can read minds of a criminal and anticipate the criminals intentions before they attack. That's the only gun law that will ever work.

The problem with their theories and suggestions of new laws is that they are used in liberal cities and states already, and we seem to have the most problems with gun violence in those places. They are convinced that what makes a bad person are the tools available instead of just coming to terms that bad people will be bad with or without guns.

About two years ago, London experienced more murders with knives than did NYC. Taking away their guns did not make the bad people good. They just found a different instrument to use in crime.

Have a law with magazine size limitations: Okay, so what would that solve? A mass murderer will simply bring more with him.

Universal background check: Most criminals get their guns from straw purchasers or off the street which are usually stolen guns. Universal background checks won't change anything. If somebody uses a legally purchased firearm, it means they passed the background check we already have, because the incident is the fist time they've ever been involved in a crime.

Stop mentally challenged people from purchasing guns: So who is in charge of making the determination if somebody is mentally capable of owning a gun? A Democrat politician? A lefty gun hating psychologist? How would one go about challenging their opinion, court? Lawsuit? What?

How about this: Anybody with a gun illegally gets a minimum of five years in prison just for the gun offense. Anybody using a gun in the commission of a crime, gets 15 years minimum just for using the gun, on top of the penalties for committing the associated crimes.
the left are also the ones who think criminals can be rehabilitated. I still laugh at that. yet pedophiles have to register and all of that. Why is that? aren't they rehabilitated? they hypocrites in every thing they do and touch.

It reminds me of their theory of taking low income people, and placing them in upper-class areas will have a positive affect on HUD people. All they did was destroy once nice neighborhoods. The good can't change the bad. It defies the law of nature.
Ray, what amazes me is the left blame the upper class folks for the lack of effort of life by the HUD's. They don't wish to assimilate, they instead chase away. Why? why isn't anyone of these fks ever asking why?
Who's opposed to sensible gun control
When someone demonstrates the restrictions they seek to lay on the right of the law abiding to keep and bear arms are both necessary and effective, let me know.

My advise to you is not to go hunting with Dick or people like Dick who do not have particularly good gun control.

Another sensible gun control measure I believe in is to not walk around with a loaded weapon unless you intend on using it.
Who's opposed to sensible gun control
When someone demonstrates the restrictions they seek to lay on the right of the law abiding to keep and bear arms are both necessary and effective, let me know.
My advise to you is not to go hunting with Dick or people like Dick who do not have particularly good gun control.
Another sensible gun control measure I believe in is to not walk around with a loaded weapon unless you intend on using it.
I see you won't be the first to offer said demonstration.

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