The American Voter Is the Firewall to Democrats Disgracing the Senate Confirmation Process


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Can any one of you name a single US Senator you would want to be your friend, look after your children, or be your next door neighbor?

They make $170,000+ a year and are treated like royalty in spite of the fact that most of us would not hire them to clean our bathrooms.

This is America. We know what fair is and we know what right is. Most Americans are so busy getting on with their lives, they don’t give a flip about the inside Washington baseball which is all that is talked about in … Washington, New York and Los Angeles.

If Chuck Schumer and his pals think that somehow the Democratic Party has covered itself with glory in the past two weeks, just wait until November this year and in 2020.

And then, they’ll see that elections really do have consequences.

From The American Voter Is the Firewall to Democrats Disgracing the Senate Confirmation Process
What’s A disgrace is that the Republicans would push through a very flawed justice before we can even find out the truth about him.

Can any one of you name a single US Senator you would want to be your friend, look after your children, or be your next door neighbor?

They make $170,000+ a year and are treated like royalty in spite of the fact that most of us would not hire them to clean our bathrooms.

This is America. We know what fair is and we know what right is. Most Americans are so busy getting on with their lives, they don’t give a flip about the inside Washington baseball which is all that is talked about in … Washington, New York and Los Angeles.

If Chuck Schumer and his pals think that somehow the Democratic Party has covered itself with glory in the past two weeks, just wait until November this year and in 2020.

And then, they’ll see that elections really do have consequences.

From The American Voter Is the Firewall to Democrats Disgracing the Senate Confirmation Process
Rand Paul
The American Voter Is the Firewall to Democrats Disgracing the Senate Confirmation Process

Then we're fucked because "The American Voter" is typically a self-centered, vapid idiot....

Just look at all the unethical, incompetent morons that get keep getting re-elected every cycle.

… and to support that assertion; Your Honor I would like to present exhibit A

I rest my case.

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