The American worker today is unrivaled

occupied you can still fk up with automation
Worker productivity is simply the ongoing measurement of product produced per employee work hour. Today a rise in productivity is usually because they have found a way to cut some humans out of production. Americans are already working as hard as they are willing to tolerate.
occupied they still have to check the product no matter what--and -AND--I've been in engineering and manufacturing for over 25 years--and the engineers are also fking shit, when it gets to the buyer--it's fkd up ....
occupied the place I'm at now, manufacturing has gone down big time...we buy mucho stuff from China, Vietnam, and, even though it's made in America, it's not
Alot of posters here are anti worker. They believe workers today are lazy and lack work ethic. They also strongly believe workers should be loyal to their employees which of course is wrong in every aspect.

Filed under shit you made up ...

Marxist dogma is so fun
occupied they still have to check the product no matter what--and -AND--I've been in engineering and manufacturing for over 25 years--and the engineers are also fking shit, when it gets to the buyer--it's fkd up ....
That may be true but it has nothing to do with what OP is cheering about. I'm not a big fan of automation used simply to reduce payroll. It's a direct theft from the working class economy.
That may be true but it has nothing to do with what OP is cheering about. I'm not a big fan of automation used simply to reduce payroll. It's a direct theft from the working class economy.

OMG that's stupid. It's "theft?" You're a whack job
OMG that's stupid. It's "theft?" You're a whack job
Raises in productivity translate directly into less money going into the economy at the bottom. The head office may be happier and the stock may rise but no employee is any better off because it rarely means more pay.
In their ability to produce so much compared to any other generation. The technological skills they have makes them incredible. Nowhere in the world can a workforce such as this be found as in America today
Uh... you are a little late for April fools day....
Many American employers do not like even their best employees. It's unfortunate
Unkotare Japanese and Germans are better, there are some American workers that are stupid and lazy, and they belong to a certain group

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