The Ancient Greeks are gone, but the Jews are still here.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008


The Greeks worshiped the Beauty they saw.

The Jews saw the beauty of Worship.
The ancient greeks decendants are among us just like the decendants of Abraham are.
The ancient greeks decendants are among us just like the decendants of Abraham are.

And I wonder what happened to the "Ancient" Jews.

Did they somehow escape mortality?

I forget a couple I think.
did not one ride up to heaven in a firey chariot?
And seems like there was another? Moses?

Of course they did not father any more children, unless they behaved like the greek gods did ;)
Beauty of Worship? What is that? Is that like "groveling" to imaginary critters?
The reason the Jews are still here, and the Greeks aren't is because they've kept true to their original theology, as well as have preserved it INTACT for several thousand years.

Never mind the fact that they are God's Chosen People because of what their ancestor Abraham did.
Didn't a lot of Ancient Greek and Roman traditions get absorbed into early Christianity?
fgs= for god sakes.

I was going to comment hes just speaking whimsically/allegorically...its a throwaway tag-line...*shrugs*..
Didn't a lot of Ancient Greek and Roman traditions get absorbed into early Christianity?

Actually, the OT was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to Roman, and then to English.

Where did most of the pagan customs come from? Because when Rome sacked Jerusalem, they took their religion as well, and because Rome was mainly at the time a pagan empire, in order to sell Christianity to their people, they had to mix in quite a few pagan things.
Didn't a lot of Ancient Greek and Roman traditions get absorbed into early Christianity?

Actually, the OT was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to Roman, and then to English.

Where did most of the pagan customs come from? Because when Rome sacked Jerusalem, they took their religion as well, and because Rome was mainly at the time a pagan empire, in order to sell Christianity to their people, they had to mix in quite a few pagan things.

I think it's amazing (and kind of funny) how political Nicaea was. "Sell" is the perfect word.
I think it's kinda funny and sad as well. The council of Nicea not only threw out many books from the OT, but they heavily edited many other books that were included.

One of 'em is the Book of Daniel. The people really loved that book, but the council didn't want to include all of it, so they cut about half of the book out.

BTW..........part of the puzzle for figuring out the timeline for Armageddon is not only in Revelation, but Revelation makes many references to the Book of Daniel.

Might explain why Cotton Mather got his rapture timeline wrong, he was missing half of the information.


The Greeks worshiped the Beauty they saw.

The Jews saw the beauty of Worship.

That's a completely ridiculous argument.

The Ancient Greeks aren't around because like all Ancient people they died.

Instead, their decendents, like the decendents of Judah, walk the earth instead.
Didn't a lot of Ancient Greek and Roman traditions get absorbed into early Christianity?

Actually, the OT was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to Roman, and then to English.

Where did most of the pagan customs come from? Because when Rome sacked Jerusalem, they took their religion as well, and because Rome was mainly at the time a pagan empire, in order to sell Christianity to their people, they had to mix in quite a few pagan things.

I think it's amazing (and kind of funny) how political Nicaea was. "Sell" is the perfect word.

That's what you get with Apostasy.

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