The angrier Trump gets, the more likely he will run as Third Party.

Will Trump run as an Third Party Candidate?

  • Yes, the RNC has pushed him to it.

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • No, he will be loyal to the GOP.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, because he will win the GOP nomination.

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • I really don't care....

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
I think he is angry enough now to run.

He has a good chance of winning the GOP nomination. He is second in the polls even before the debates, which he is going to do really well in.

Besides dodging questions, Drumpf does four things well:

He self-aggrandizes,
He fires,
He sues,
He declares bankruptcy.

So far, no one has asked him for details of his platform and all he has said, so far, is that he's better than anyone else. What will he say when he's asked a direct question and he's not able to dodge with any of the above named actions?
I think he is angry enough now to run.

He has a good chance of winning the GOP nomination. He is second in the polls even before the debates, which he is going to do really well in.

Besides dodging questions, Drumpf does four things well:

He self-aggrandizes,
He fires,
He sues,
He declares bankruptcy.

So far, no one has asked him for details of his platform and all he has said, so far, is that he's better than anyone else. What will he say when he's asked a direct question and he's not able to dodge with any of the above named actions?

Wouldn't it be sweet if he and Christie get into a shoving match and end up rolling around on the floor, during the debate? WOW! Better than the WWE...or whatever that fake wrestling stuff is....
I think it's likely. It's too bad he can't win though. Hes the only candidate besides Rand Paul, worth supporting. The rest are just more of the same ole same ole.
I think he is angry enough now to run.
I like the idea of Donald Trump starting a third party. He should call it the American Party, a.k.a. the Know Nothings and whine about immigrants destroying the future of Merica. He could even re-use some of the original American Party's editorial cartoons. All he would have to do is cross out Irish, Italians, Germans, etc, and replace them with "Mexicans".

Here you go Trump! Some stuff you can recycle:

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.

Why would he run third party. He's about to lead all the other spineless jewels by double digits.

The GOP is faced with a huge dilemma. Give Trump the nomination and lose in the General or turn him away and he runs as third party......and lose in the General.

Choose One Please....:confused-84:...:happy-1:

Maybe the rest of the 16 republican dwarves should run as a third party. Dems have been telling the Rs to run the McCain's, Romney's, Doles......or else.......they're gonna lose. Well, the Rs get smacked every time for listening to the dems.
Why would he run third party. He's about to lead all the other spineless jewels by double digits.

The GOP is faced with a huge dilemma. Give Trump the nomination and lose in the General or turn him away and he runs as third party......and lose in the General.

Choose One Please....:confused-84:...:happy-1:

Maybe the rest of the 16 republican dwarves should run as a third party. Dems have been telling the Rs to run the McCain's, Romney's, Doles......or else.......they're gonna lose. Well, the Rs get smacked every time for listening to the dems.

You know, I have to disagree with you, and you know why? D's don't vote in R primaries. Rs do.
You don't like the results of the primaries that led you this or that candidate being your nominee? Well, fine. But blame the Rs who voted for him, cuz D's did'nt.
He has started lying about little things. He is slowly becoming like all the rest. Tea people will ignore the lies and pretend they are not important. Everyone else will take notice. The latest is he is demanding an apology from McCain be made to his 15,000 at a venue that could only hold about 5,000 people. Supporters and media were actually exactly counted by Fire Marshall's to have been 5,299 persons. Small lie, but one that seems easily provable to be in fact a lie and one he and his staff should be aware of.
You know, I have to disagree with you, and you know why? D's don't vote in R primaries. Rs do.
You don't like the results of the primaries that led you this or that candidate being your nominee? Well, fine. But blame the Rs who voted for him, cuz D's did'nt.

Incorrect ... There are 17 states that have open primaries where any party can vote for any candidate in the primary.
If a party member feels their own party's choice is secure they can vote for another party's candidate and attempts to skew the results.

John McCain did not win a single primary among Republican Voters until Super Tuesday during the his candidacy.

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Off topic but I liked the one with Renee Russo that was titled "ACTORS THAT HAVE AGED WELL" ... and she looks anything BUT well aged! (see below)

Maybe I'm mean, but.... don't think she looks that good personally....

It is hard to tell when he is walking around with his wife or his daughter. Anyone know which one is younger?
This is like the three bears. Trump's wife is too young. Walker's wife is too old.

Which candidate has a chronologically acceptable wife?
You know, I have to disagree with you, and you know why? D's don't vote in R primaries. Rs do.
You don't like the results of the primaries that led you this or that candidate being your nominee? Well, fine. But blame the Rs who voted for him, cuz D's did'nt.

Incorrect ... There are 17 states that have open primaries where any party can vote for any candidate in the primary.
If a party member feels their own party's choice is secure they can vote for another party's candidate and attempts to skew the results.

John McCain did not win a single primary among Republican Voters until Super Tuesday during the his candidacy.


And if you can prove to me that in those 17 states there was such a massive crossover of Ds that it actually flipped a GOP nomination, I will eat my hat.

Because I am very aware of those 17 states and there has not been one single case of an excruciatingly close GOP primary in one of those 17 where the DEM enrollment suddenly shrank and the GOP enrollment swelled beyond expectations and the contest was therefore decided.

Pennsylvania is one of the best examples of all, for the PA BOE not only posts weekly VR stats, it also posts all shifts in registration, i.e. D to R, R to D, D to I, R to I, I to D, etc...., all the way down to the precinct level.

And I watch those stats as well. This is why my name is what it is.

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