Zone1 The Annunaki


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
I have been reading about them from the ancient Sumerian tablets, and find it fascinating.
I find it fascinating how they knew about DNA and gene splicing. How they based their calendars off of their planets rotation around the sun.
How the theory of evolution coincides with their story of our creation. As in, mixing their DNA with hominids... Also, they started humanity in Africa, which coincides with the out of africa theory.
How the first human was named adam and lived in Eden. He even wore leaves to cover himself! lol
His son Cain, kills abel.
When they originally came to Earth, the "team leader" declared the seventh day, be a day of rest.
After the big flood, (and yes, there was a big boat that landed on a mountain) they needed another spaceport because everything they built was destroyed now. They need two mountains, and couldnt find anything suitable, so they started building pyramids in egypt, to mimic mountains.
The tower of babel seems to be based off these tablets as well. The King splits up the Kingdom, and new languages are born etc.
They also speak of the "lifted eye that scans the land" Its all seeing.. It reminded me of the dollar bill. Was Horus an annunaki?

All very interesting. I suggest looking into it.
You will find similar types of stories in Mayan legends as well as Ancient Chinese mythology. They were fairly common in a lot of ancient peoples. They may seem similar but most are not the same and they all have regional origins, not really related to each other, despite what some read into them.

The 'out of Africa' theory loses credibility nearly every year these days as well. there have been black people living in England and GErmany for centuries. So far none have evolved into English and German tribes, except via intermarriage with whites. Same with Asians, mestizos, indians, etc. No Dutch and German settlers in Africa have evolved into negroes either.

Eskimoes who never saw an ape thought they were evolved from whales.
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If Marduk didn't get his belly rubbed, he would dig up the garden of his oppressors.

Or am I thinking of Marmaduke?
I have been reading about them from the ancient Sumerian tablets, and find it fascinating.

Were the Annunaki the same people who had knowledge of some star that wasn't seen or known about until about a hundred years ago using a telescope?
A pleasant reception so far , OP . Usually the Cognitively Rigid get most put out and even upset by these topics and make all sorts of funny noises and ask silly questions in faceitious ways. Sometimes they even question the sanity of such Critical Thinkers . What I have always wanted to know is ,what has happened to them since the Great Flood ? They appear to have been a race that is as selfish as we are as a species , and they did nothing for us unless it retrurned to them exponentially more than they gave to us . And that is just for starters . If there are any fans of the Enki and Enlil sagas, whether you believe , or , how much you believe is irrelevant , imho , as the yarns are just great and , as a bonus, we increasingly find more and more support for many parts of the legends . Sitchin created lots of problems despite opening up this field of research and giving us many brilliant initial finds and text translations .
You will find similar types of stories in Mayan legends as well as Ancient Chinese mythology. They were fairly common in a lot of ancient peoples. They may seem similar but most are not the same and they all have regional origins, not really related to each other, despite what some read into them.

The 'out of Africa' theory loses credibility nearly every year these days as well. there have been black people living in England and GErmany for centuries. So far none have evolved into English and German tribes, except via intermarriage with whites. Same with Asians, mestizos, indians, etc. No Dutch and German settlers in Africa have evolved into negroes either.

Eskimoes who never saw an ape thought they were evolved from whales.
I am horrified that I find a bit of Mr. DUD----to be credible. Similarities in "ORIGIN" stories
are TO BE EXPECTED-------and now for an even more horrible revelation----ALL HUMAN
BRAINS ARE ALIKE (ie very much alike)----even worse----the content of dreams includes
SYMBOLS that are common to all mankind------uhm---even Japanese women dream
of SNAKES -----when WASP ladies do so----it still has something to do with----that male
thingy ................... well----that's the way it is....................
One story of the Annunaki was one of Nibirus kings sons, bit the penis off his brother and swallowed it. His penis had so much semen it, the brother started swelling up :lol:

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