The Anunaki are going to destroy ISIS

What I can't fathom is why the Anunnaki would destroy a group that was created by their own emissaries here on Earth as a pretext to continue the never-ending wars by which the current 'one world government' (don't fool yourselves, it's been in place for many years now) has increased the strength of its stranglehold on the throat of humanity.

Man, this stuff makes for great science fiction, doesn't it. :thup:
What I can't fathom is why the Anunnaki would destroy a group that was created by their own emissaries here on Earth as a pretext to continue the never-ending wars by which the current 'one world government' (don't fool yourselves, it's been in place for many years now) has increased the strength of its stranglehold on the throat of humanity.

Man, this stuff makes for great science fiction, doesn't it. :thup:
The Anunaki were here long before Abraham.
The Anunaki were here long before Abraham.

Abraham wasn't Jewish; he was a Chaldean.
Do you sell tea from China?

I'm an American. Practically everything I buy and sell is from China. ;)
The Chinese thank you, Nixon thanks you, and U.S. corporations thank you.

Nixon's dead, and I doubt as many Chinese people are thrilled with the current situation as you might think.

The big multi-national corporations and the international bankers aren't really grateful to 'the little people' either. They simply impose their wills and products on the masses, without the slightest hint of human empathy in their processes. That's how we know the head honchoes are either totally psychopathic...or non-human (alien invaders), right?
If we're to believe Sitchin's take on the ancient Sumerian mythology, for better or worse, humanity would owe its existence to the Anunnaki. Plus, they didn't all come off as megamaniacal assholes in some of those tales.

I'll go out on a limb though, G_A, and assume that your "mad respect" is pretty much limited to those who did come off that way.
If we're to believe Sitchin's take on the ancient Sumerian mythology, for better or worse, humanity would owe its existence to the Anunnaki. Plus, they didn't all come off as megamaniacal assholes in some of those tales.

I'll go out on a limb though, G_A, and assume that your "mad respect" is pretty much limited to those who did come off that way.

Sitchen has nothing to do with it. I prefer actual scholarly translations of the Enûma Eliš and the other myths to his crazy ass interpretation. I do not believe that Tiamat was the Earth and Marduk was a planet that crashed into it, lol. Although I respect the creative interpretation and do support some ideas within the ancient astronaut theory.

No... I just enjoy the Sumero-Babylonian myths and their pantheon. Their mythology. Its so beautiful and familiar. I respect all their Gods... Annunaki or otherwise. Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Tiamat, Abzu, Enki, Anu, Enlil, Marduk, Nergal, Namtar, Ninghishzida... and others.

Especially Ishtar and Ereshkigal. And Tiamat.

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Don't go all scholarly on me about the Anunnaki (which has also been transcribed as: Anunaki, Ananaki, Anannaku, and Anunna. Haven't seen "Annunaki" before); I prefer the Semitic bias of good ol' Sitchin on the matter, especially for the purposes of the discussion in this thread. ;)
Freakin' typos lol.

My point is that I was captivated by the stories in Sumerian mythology before I ever heard of Zecharia Sitchin. I started reading Sumerian myths when I was a child. But the first time I ever heard of Sitchin was in college when I was talking to this hot blackmetal chick about religion, and she was tellin' me how she was inspired by Sitchin but had her own views and thought Satan was an alien called Enki from the planet Nibiru or something like that and that the apocalypse was gonna happen in 2012 when the Devil was gonna free mankind from the tyrant YHWH. I was like DAAAYUM hook me up with whatever your trippin on and WHO THE F is this mothafuckin Sitchin guy. I all thought he was gonna be some misanthropic sociopathic satanic mastermind or something. Turned out to be your average every day non-satanic dude just with some theories that were kind of out there but still interesting nonetheless.

I guess she'd merged Sumerian myth with Abrahamic myth, and combined it with her own Satanic pagan fantasies. Which is kind of like what I've done lol but with actual Sumerian myth and not Sitchin Sumerian myth and with a less Satanic approach lol

That chick was awesome though. I painted her a picture of the Garden of Eden destroyed by demons lol.
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