The AP obituary of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

The Associated Press published an obituary of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah that referred to him as a “pragmatist” and omitted Hezbollah’s role in murdering hundreds of Americans, among other terror victims.

The AP obituary declared: “Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah transformed the militant group into a potent regional force.”

Hassan Nasrallah was a genocidal maniac murderer.
Whose side is the AP one?
The AP is a just left-wing garbage.

The Associated Press published an obituary of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah that referred to him as a “pragmatist” and omitted Hezbollah’s role in murdering hundreds of Americans, among other terror victims.

The AP obituary declared: “Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah transformed the militant group into a potent regional force.”

Hassan Nasrallah was a genocidal maniac murderer.
Whose side is the AP one?
The AP is a just left-wing garbage.

The thing about Israel and more specific Judaism is that Israel isn't going to hunt you down in an act of war if you have issues with their policies, even if you say "I don't like Israel". Now, being antisemitic can be overcome with proper education, even in a real difficult place like Gaza, but one can't sit and allow their citizens to be murdered. Israeli society is far more argumentative and willing to engage in respectful even if passionate discourse on issues. It's the core of their religion.

Judaism also is far more willing to forgive mistakes than those who practice other faiths in their region of the world. So this guy was head for 32 years, probably for more complicated reason than the simple one I provided. Regardless, after Oct 7th, he failed to read the situation properly even after firing rockets for years with little pushback except in 2006 or so. Maybe 1982 if my memory of history is correct.

Hezbollah went from being a nuisance to basically declaring war at a time when Israel was already at war and had lost hundreds of soldiers fighting this war. While there are still over 100 hostages held. This is not a time to continue to fire rockets and threaten to repeat Oct 7th again. It was the time to stand down but they refused.

Iran has to be considering this overall scenario in their calculus, especially if Trump wins and they lose billions of dollars. They have to be careful for a number of reasons outside of the U.S election even as they are a relatively strong military (influence from axis nations etc).
Boo Hoo, HAMAS/Hezbollah leader go boom!

The technical term for that is SPLAT.
The nagging question is on why isn't Iran and all their proxies getting turnabout on the Zionist regime?

They're already unable?

They're too intimidated?

They're waiting for the right opportunity?

They already are?

Minimal damage being done to Lebanon isn't deserving of revenge on Tel Aviv yet?

Iran fears US involvement?

Neither Iran, Russia, China, and the US want escalation?

Iran trusts that the Jews will all go home if life is made more unlivable?

It's nagging because we at least know that Iran has unstoppable weapons for the purpose.

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